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October 14, 1976 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-10-14

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Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
420Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Thursday, October 14, 1976

News Phone: 764-0552

Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

THE WATERGATE convictions of
John Mitchell, John Ehrlichman and 4
H. R. (Bob) Haldeman have been up-
held in the U.S. Court of Appeals.<
A 300-page court opinion said so,
and that's great. If we were these
three,-we'd try to save ourselves too,
but what these conspirators have
done certainly deserves the punish-
ment, as meager as it may be. The
real crook is still on the loose, but
Ford's pardon sunk that case six feet t.
After many long months of legal'
wrangling in several courts, it seems
certain that Messrs. Mitchell, Ehr-
lichman, and Haldeman . will finally
be punished for their high. crimes.
In desperation, they will probably
appeal to the Supreme Court, but ov-
erturning their convictions is very
unlikely. Thus, another chapter in
this sad episode in our nation's his- >
tory will close.
While it may seem that the .whole f
Watergate affair is over and can be
forgiven, we must remember that
such acts of belligerance and betray- .
ing the public's trust can recur, time
and time again. Public vigilance is
the best guard against this; the out-
cry and revulsion of the majority
of the nation's citizens in reaction
to the almost treasonable shenani-
gans of these three hopefully wiser
brought the whole despotic charade
down in a pile of Tinker-Toy sticks
and joints, and brought most of those
responsible to justice. n u
This vigilance must continue! A
look through the pages of history
shows us that leaders in high places
are continually tempted by corrup-
tion and have succumbed to it. This t
conviction should remind us that$
things have not changed. A look at
some of our candidates this Vaari
should make uis wary about the fu-
ture as well.
Our Constitution provides safe-
guards against criminal activities in <
our government, but it requires ac-
tion by other branches of the govern-
inent and by the people; it is not
automatic. Furthermore, without
public support, those in government
fighting corruption cannot succeed.
It is clear, then, that we must be
continually conscious of the dangers
of corruption in our leaders, for this
struggle is not, and indeed,is never

get justice

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"Q;O WHAT IS the answer to'Detroit's
war on crime?" The eanswer to
that question is one that has puzzled
politicians and sociologists all over De-
troit. This complicated problem, thei
figured, must have such a complicated
solution, that it would take days, may-I
be even weeks, to formulate. This, how-
ever, is not the viewpoint of Mr. Keith 1
Richburg, who seems to think that, he
knows the solution to the problem of
Detroit's gangs. Before evaluating his
conclusion, though, it is necessary to
examine the nature of the article it-+
self. For, as every writer knows, the
nature, or tone, of a proposition has a
great bearing on the degree to which
the conclusion will be acceptable.
Mr. Richburg's article is sprinkled
with statements which tend to lower
the intellectual level of his proposition.
The first such statement implied, pos-
sibly in a half-joking manner, that
Mayor Coleman Young was/ "enraged"
due to the shortening of his vacation,
and not due to the crime problem tak-
ing effect in Detroit. Perhaps Mayor
Young was not enjoying his vacation.
Then he would have been happy to
have returned, and enraged to find the
gang problem in Detroit.
But does it really matter? Probably
not. Therefore, such a statement does
not really belong in such an article.
The second irrelevant sentence implied,
again with tongue in cheek, that crooks
could be locked up in the attics of
wealthy businessmen. Not only is that
a cheap shot at businessmen, but it
leaves Mr. Richburg open to such com-
ments as, "Since Keith is now at U. of
Paul Hamburger-an LSA freshman
who plans to major in history - lives
in Oak Park, a suburb of Detroit.

s ue
M., why not lock up crooks in his va-
cant bedroom on Grand River and
McGraw?" Nevertheless, the point re-
mains that comments such as the
Mayor Young comment and the busi-
nessmen comment do not reinforce any
positions, they merely reduce an artic-
le to the level of name calling.
A third ludicrous statement referred
to the lack of country clubs accessible
to inner-city youths. It would, indeed,
be a shame to have to denounce the
myths of certain people; however,
there are several sub-urban youths who
do not have access to country clubs.
Despite that terrible void in their lives,
they have not resorted to gang type
violence. Also, where would one place
a golf course (a major facility in al-
most every country club) in the inner-
city? As a result of another poor choice
of words, then, Mr. Richburg failed to
make this argument credible in his
article, and in effect left the credibility
of other arguments in doubt.
ANOTHER POINT IN the article dis-
plays Mr. Richburg's naivete in regard
to what is, and what is not newsworthy.
He points out that newspapers are
willing to put a concert, on the front
page if there is robbery and mplest-
ing connected with it. Whereas, accord-
ing to Mr. Richburg, "When 24,000
young people enjoy two concerts by
YES . . . without a hint of violence,
that doesn't rate a back page!" Those
concerts probably did not make the
back page of any major newspaper;
however, they probably did rate a re-
view in some entertainment sections,
where they belong. To put it simply, a
normal YES concert enjoyed by 24,000
people it not front page news. It is en-
tertainment page news. On the other
hand, an Average White Band concert


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during which people are robbed and
molested, is front page news. This is
not to imply that only social evils are
front page news. Any major scientific
breakthrough, or any other non-violent
activity, with great social impact will
also make the front page (Martin Lu-
ther King, Jr. is a case in point.).
Adding up the statements heretofore
discussed, as well as a few not dis-
cussed, plus the lack of organization
in the article, plus several instances in
the article which display a lack of
logic, the tone of the article is found.
Unfortunately, it is found to be a tone
which leads the reader to a path of
ridicule. Therefore, the conclusion, no
matter how valid is likely to be viewed
ture, or tone of the article, it is now
possible to evaluate the conclusion. On
paper, the solution offered for the gang
problem looks great. "Jobs and re-
creational facilities are the answer,
from the Federal levels and Federal-
ly funded." Upon superficial examina-
tion one is inclined to marvel at the
simplicity of such a solution, and won-
der at the failure of politicians and
sociologists to discover such a solu-
tion. However, upon more thorough
examination, one discovers that the
solution is too simple. According to Ar-
gumentation and Advocacy, "The
clearest mark of a biased (or unreli-
able) witness is his tendency to over-
simplify - to look for one casual fac-
tor which explains all."
Unfortunately, this is the case with
Mr. Richburg. He has oversimplified
the problem, and as a result, has over-
simplified the solution. The net result
is a solution which will not work, by
itself. First of all, it would be extreme-

ly difficult to encourage anyone, espe-
cially the government, to hire a former
gang member, let alone a former gang
member who cannot spell (Mr. Rich-
burg implied this in revealing the
gang's misspelling of Erroll Flynn.)
Secondly, there are already some re-
creational facilities available in De-
troit, Palmer Park and Belle Isle are
two such examples. These facilities are
being frequented by gang members,
which is precisely the cause of their
ANOTHER POINT TO be evaluated
is the qualifications of the person who
nroposes the solution. In other words,-
if a solution to the problem of detente
is offered by a High School history stu-
dent, it will be viewed in a different
light than another solution offered by
a chief foreign/ policy advisor. There-
fore, one must examine the qualifica-
tions of Mr. Richburg. He is an LSA
freshman, Daily editorial cartoonist,
and lives (during the school "off-sea-
son") "in the heart of Detroit's much-
publicized East Side." These qualifi-
cations indicate that Mr. Richburg is
not really such an expert on the sub-
iect, and, by the way, does not claim to
be. However, if he did exhibit more ex-
pertise in that area, his conclusion, al-
ready lacking some credibility, might
have been viewed as a good possibility.
However, since he is not really quali-
fied to answer the problem, there is
another point of doubt raised for the
In conclusion, it should be added that
Mr. Richburg does deserve minimal
praise for valiantly attempting to pro-
pose a viable solution to the problem
in Detroit. After all, according to the
old adage: "Better to have tried and
lost, than never to have tried at all."

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Health Servce Handbook



QUESTION: Is there any
harm in taking a couple of peni-
cillin or tetracyline tablets be-
fore or after sex to prevent
one from getting V.D.?
ANSWER: There certainly is!
We get many inquiries about
this practice and it can be very
harmful, both to yourself and
to others. In fact, many people
feel that the development of
penicillin - resistant gonorrhea
can be directly traced to the
indiscriminate use of inadequate
doses of antibiotics. If inade-
quate doses of antibiotics are
taken (with the hope of either
preventing infection or curing
an established infection), anti-
biotic resistant strains of bac-
teria are selectively allowed to
grow. This is because the least
resistant strains are more read-
ily killed off leaving the heart-
ier ones to flourish and repro-
duce (an application of the prin-
ciple of "survival of the fit-
test"). So if you self-medicate
yourself for gonorrhea and use

inadequate or inappropriate an-
tibiotics, you may partially erad-
icate the infection only to de-
velop (and risk transmitting)
a chronic infection of gonorrhea
which is resistant to the usual
dosage of the appropriate anti-
biotics. Another hazard in self-
medication when symptoms are
present is that the symptoms
may disappear temporarily. This
makes accurate diagnosis diffi-
cult for the physician and may
also make your laboratory test
results invalid.
By the way, Health Service
now has a V.D. clinic where
all persons residing in Washte-
naw County, regardless of
whether they are students or
not, can come for the diagnosis
and treatment of gonorrhea or
syhilis, free of charge. So
there is now no reason for you
to even be considering treat-
ing yourself or "borrowing"
medication from friends.
QUESTION: Is there any re-
lationship between breast size
and sexual responsiveness?
ANSWER: Only in the respon-
siveness of those males who get

turned on by women with large
breasts! Seriously, though, al-
though many women are con-
cerned that their breasts are
either too large or too small,
there does not appear to be any
inherent relationship between
breast size and one's own sex-
ual responsiveness. Some per-
sons have tried to argue that
since breast size is to some de-
gree dependent upon estrogen
secretion in women, low levels
of estrogen might lead to both
small breasts and low libido.
However, this does not appear
to be the case.
If any relationship does exist,
it is probably indirect, due more
to the effect that breast size
might have on a woman's self.
image and her own (and also
her partner's) perception of her
sexual attractiveness. It has
been said before but merits re-
peating, that the most erogene-
ous zone is located between the
QUESTION: Explain floating
ribs and is there any pain?
What causes them to float?
Could it affect my health in

any manner? (I was born with
floating' ribs.)
ANSWER: We consulted our
expert in ribs and other internal
organs, Dr. Nancy Newlin,
Health Service Radiologist. She
explains that the term "float-
ing ribs" is a misnomer. All
ribs are firmly attached to the
spinal column down our backs.
In front, however, the ribs be-
come cartilaginous before at-
taching to the breast bone in
our chests. When X-rays are
taken, the cartilage portion does-
n't show up and so it appears
as if the ribs in front are float-
ing. This is apparently where
the term "floating ribs" orig-
What you are asking about
may be cervical ribs. Occasion-
ally, in devolopment of the fe-
tus, a congenital anomaly,.;(a
mistake in development) occurs
and extra ribs attach to the
lowermost vertebrae of the
neck. These are known as cervi-
cal ribs but may have no effect
whatever on the person's well
being. Sometimes, however,
they may cause compression of

nearby nerves and blood ves-
sels and lead to numbness, ting-
ling and weakness of the hands
and upper extremities. If you
have such symptoms, you should
see a doctor.
While we're on the fascinating
subject of ribs, Dr. Newlin
would like to correct a .com-
mon misconception, that be-
cause God took one of Adam's
ribs to create Eve, men now
have one less rib than women.
Not true! Cutting out a por-
tion of the body does not mean
that your offspring will be born
with that part missing. If one
cuts off the 'tails of rats and
breeds them generation after
generation, always cutting off
the tails before breeding, all the
offspring will be born with tails.
This is simple Mendelian genet-
'ics. Since Adam was born with
12 ribs, all of his offspring
would have 12 as well, no mat-
ter that one was removed. This
includes you.
Send any questions on health-
related concerns to:
Health Educators
U-M Health Service
Ann Arbor, MI 48109


Letters to the Daily

To The Daily:
car in Ann Arbor, especially in a location
where one could be within a reasonable
distance to University business, is always
frustrating, often impossible and usually
costly. Regulation of this parking, I can
imagine, is a horrible headache.
Students, the people without whom, more
than any other group, there would be no
University, are given less than token con-
sideration in the matter of parking.
Anyone familiar with Ann Arbor is
aware of the acute housing shortage with
regard to students. Accompanying this
shortage is a high-rent/low-service phenom-
enon. Therefore, either because there is
not suitable space available, or because
of the low value which is an inexorable
part of the Ann Arbor rental scene, many
students are forced, or choose, to live out-
sie of walking distance of the University.
They must drive to the University and
must park their cars while conducting
University business.
THERE ARE MANY metered lots on
University property in which students would
be eligible to park. That is, if they could
afford several hundred dollars a year sim-
ply to feed the meters. Believe it or not,
there are many students here who are not
simply enjoying Daddy's fat bank account.
With the rise in tuition, book prices, food
prices, etc. several hundred dollars for

parking meters simply does not find a
place in many students' closely balanced
budgets: Despite, this, meter rates con-
tinue to skyrocket.
Employes of the University have to shell
out an outrageous $50 of their salary sim-
ply to have a hunting license on staff paid
parking lots. This is up 100% over last
year. Outrageous? Yes! Why should an
employe, regardless of salary grade, have
to take a $50 per year pay cut simply
to come to work? No alternatives exist for
the bulk of University employes.
Students, who don't have income from
full-time jobs, are denied the opportunity
to park for the same price as people who
are employed full time. They must come
up with a couple hundred dollars to park.
THE EMPLOYES' situation is outrage-
ous, but the students' situation is down-
right oppressive.
The very few lots that do exist for free
parking for students are parked up before
8 a.m. and yet the metered lots are less
than half full, on the average, all day long..
Students cannot afford two dollars a day
to park.
The solution is $to take down the damn
meters. Open up those rip-off lots to the
people who paid for them many times over
with meter money.
How to make up the money? Make Rob-
ben Fleming buy his own care and live in
his own house.
Patrick M. Steusloff
October 7

The Daily published a letter Tuesday,
morning concerning the death of John
Oliver, a South Quad resident. As it ap-
peared in the issue, Holly Chambers was
the sole author of the letter. In actuality,
it was co-signed by Diana Slaughter. The
Daily Editorial Staff sincerely regrets the



Oswald look-alike

Contact your reps
Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep.), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515.
Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State CapitolI
Lansing, MI 48933
Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives,
Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933.
.. .v "rg; rpsfu y + ...a. :

Pacific News Service
of an "identical twin" for
Lee Harvey Oswald - living
here and arrested and released
on a federal gun charge short-
ly before the assassination of
John F. Kennedy - has been
confirmed by a former agent
Hill, for the Treasury Department's
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Hill, With a congressional probe
of the JFK assassination in the
offing, Frank Ellsworth, now a
Regional Public Affairs officer
Hill, in that agency's Dallas bureau,
broke a 12-year afficial silence
to describe "an absolute dead-
Bldg., ringer for Oswald" active at
that time with the rightwing
Minuteman organization.
State "I have a vague recollection
that this man was questioned
about the assassination, but not
by me," Ellsworth told PNS.
"Possibly nobody paid much at-
tention because Oswald was in
custody. We weren't looking for
a fugitive."
.4; r to divulge the individual's
name and passing off the inci-
dent as probably "sheer coinci-
dence," Ellsworth admitted that
s1 the look-alike still resides in
He also said that a number of
state, federal and local offic-
ials had been aware of the
man's existence after the as-
Gassintinn Vt nn mention of

cashing a check in a grocery
But while the person they saw
gave his name as "Oswald" and
apparently matched the de-
scription perfectly, the Warren
Commission concluded there
was overwhelming evidence
that the real Oswald was else-
where at those times. The wit-
nesses were discounted as "con-
fused" or "mistaken."
For years, the commission's
critics have speculated that an.
Oswald look-alike may have
been used by conspirators to
impersonate and possibly help
frame Oswald - blazing a trail
of misleading evidence to im-
placte him as a lone assassin.
A Dallas deputy sheriff, for
example, gave chase to a man
who ran from the Texas School
Book Depository and climbed
into a Rambler station wagon
a few minutes after the assas-
sination, later positively iden-
tifying him as Oswald. But ac-
cording to police sources cited
in the Warren Report, Oswald
was already far away, riding
a bus toward his home.
that witnesses who believed
they saw Oswald target - prac-
ticing at a Dallas rifle range-.
some of the more incriminat-
ing sightings - were actually
seeing his "twin."
"I do remember two in-
stances where Oswald was sup-
posed to have been at some-
one's house in North Dallas,
and I wasbe. to ascertinn

at the time that he was 'out
shooting with them."
The Oswald look-alike first
came to Ellsworth's attention
'sometime in the summer of
1963," when the agent began
tracking him to try . to deter-
mine his connection with local
arms smugglers. That fall,
Ellsworth arrested him on "one
of the gun violations," then re-
leased him on bond a short
time before the fateful Ken-
nedy trip to Dallas.
Immediately after the as-
sassination, when Ellsworth
was called to a police interro-
gation room to question Oswald
about the rifle found in his sup-
posed assassin's nest, the agent
first believed that it was the
same man.
"OSWALD WAS sitting in a
chair about 1,0 feet from the
doorway when I entered," Ells-
worth remembered. "All I
could see was headlines that I'd
just turned loose the man who
killed the President.
"When Oswald spoke, I rea-
lized they were two different
people. But they had identical
build, weight, coloring, facial
features and hair. They could
have passed for each other."
Ellsworth refused to specu-
late on whether the man he'd
arrested might have known or
known of Oswald. He did say
the fellow "claimed to have
dane some arms smuggling in
and out of Mexico," where Os-
wald reportedly traveled in





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