WATERGATE CONVICTIONS See Editorial Page YI e 5k~ Dait6j L A)VRLY High-65 Low-40 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State (oL., LXXXVII, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 14, 1976 Ten Cents Eight Pages C IF)OUSEE NWS HAPE CNLLtY The big fifth The University of Michigan is the nation's fifth most successful school in graduating execu- tives-to-be, according to a survey of 74,000 execu- tives by Standard & Poor's Corp. Harvard leads the list, as it did in 1974, and is followed, in order, by New York University, Yale, and the University of Pennsylvania. Fifth-ranked Michi- gan, however,, turned out more executives than Columbia, Northwestern and Princeton. The place- ment officer at Harvard's undergraduate college, Frank Fisher, said his office routes most stu- dents into graduate school, but does not follow their postgraduate careers. "Gosh, it's kind of a different world out there," he said. That's what they teach you at Harvard, we guess. 'I am not a crook' If we didn't know otherwise, we'd suspect Don- ald Segretti was up to his old tricks again-this time in Warren, Mich. State Rep. Dennis Dutko has been pegged a criminal in campaign litera- ture published by his opponent, Warren O'Brien, in what the ncumbent says is "one of the dirtiest campaigns the city of Warren has ever seen." Dutko, who was defeated in the last election, is urging 25th District voters to "send a lawmaker to Lansing, not a lawbreaker." The literature is printed over reproductions of newspaper stories about traffic violations Dutko was charged with last summer - careless driving and reckless driv- ing. "He's slinging mud," says Dutko. "We ex- pected him to do a good deal of crying about this," counters O'Brien, "but I think it's unfair for him to endanger the lives of motorists with, his reckless driving." - Happenings . .. ... begin at noon today when Peter (Madcat) Ruth plays his harmonica at the Pendleton Cen- ter in the Union ... the State, of Michigan Wom- en's Commission holds hearings i physically abused women at Wayne State University's Mc- Gregor Center, 495 W. Ferry in Detroit. The hear- ings run from 2-5 and 7-9 ... You can take tea in the Hopwood Rm. at 3, that's 1006 Angell Hall ... Zolton Ferency, HRP candidate for the state Supreme Court, speaks- on the campaign is- sues and on his lawsuits against state prisons and "Red Squads," 3:30 in the Law Club Lounge ... Francis Osamwonyi Osagie speaks on "Cultural Changes in Africa," 2003 Angell at 4 ... There's an intramural cross-country meet at 4:30, start- ing at the 10th Fairway at the University Golf Course ... The Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee on Open Space holds a public hearing in the Kuen- zel Rm. of the Union at 6 ... The First Ward Democratic Students Organization holds a pre- cinct open house to meet Democratic candidates this evening, 7-11,at 921 Division No. 7. For more information call 668-6136 ... The Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship meets at the Michigan League, at 7:30 ... There's a film presentation on African Dances, MLB's Lecture Rm. 1 at 7... Students for Carter give a presentation and ques- tion and answer session at Martha Cook, that's at 8. " Not Hal Holbrook Former White House aide John Dean concluded while in prison that "Deep Throat" - Bob Wood- ward's mysterious underground parking garage source in countless Watergate stories-was Nixon speechwriter David Gergen. According to The New York Post, Dean arrived at his conclusion after talking with former White House friends and long personaf deliberation. The newspaper said Dean declined to name Dean in his new book, "Blind Ambition," because he was not absolutely sure. Gergen issued a typically Water- gatist non-denial denial: "There is not a scintilla of evidence that I had, or was /in a position to have" the material D.T. fed to the Washington Post. " The mawn who wasn't there Wavy Gravy and the rest of the crowd from the Nobody for President campaign kicked off a national tour under a warm October sun in San Francisco's Civic Plaza Tuesday and, sure enough, Nobody showed up. The third-party can- didate's motorcade, a battered sportscar, drove across the sidewalk with a bunting-festooned wooden chair mounted on the trunk. Nobody was sitting in it. Campaign Manager Gravy told the crowd of 200 supporters that Nobody would ad- dress them - and a pair of plastic wind-up teeth chattered into the microphone in response to ques- tions. And the bizarre candidate may very well give Jimmy and Jerry a run for their money, as recent surveys indicate that a majority of eligible voters this year plan to vote for - you guessed it-nobody. On the inside .. . The Editorial Page offers Paul Hambur- ger's observations on crime in Detroit ... On Arts Page Jeff Selbst and Mike Jones review the film "A Matter of Time" An i Rick Bonino. Arb victim By JAY LEVIN Authorities confirmed yesterday they are investi- gating reports that the'17-year-old University fresh- woman found shot to death in the Arb two weeks ago might have bought a contract on her life. Sources have speculated to officials that Jeannine Boukai hired Ricky Wayne Wilson, her suspected as- sailant, to kill her. It has already been confirmed that the woman took out a life insurance policy and withdrew money from a local bank shortly before ' her death. "WE'VE HEARD THOSE RUMORS," said Washte- naw County Sheriff Frederick Postill. "Sure, we've got this stuff under investigation, but the first thing is to apprehend him (Wilson) on a flight warrant and bring him back to trial." More d( may have Postill indicated the impossibility for authorities to substantiate whether contract murder was the case, but said such motives would be scrutinized at a trial. Sheriff's Detective Harold Kerr, who is investigat- ing the murder, called the theories "far-fetched." "I DON'T PUT MUCH STOCK in it myself," he said. Kerr, noting that Boukai's handbag and wallet have not yet have recovered, believes robbery is a likely motive. The victim's father, Carey Boukai, called the con- tract murder speculation "preposterous," and added that a telephone conversation with his daughter the week she died uncovered nothing unusual. And a resident of Stevens Co-operative, where Boukai lived since the beginning of the term called the rumors "speculation." planned her BOUKAI WAS FOUND by a passing jogger the morning of Oct. 1 in a remote section of the Arbore- tum, just yards outside the Ann Arbor city limits. Wilson, who police described as a "frequenter" of Ann Arbor, was named as a suspect the next day. Authorities believe Wilson was an. acquaintance of Bouk i's, although residents at Stevens Co-op and the victip's parents said they had never heard of him. According to an FBI agent connected with the case, Wilson is still believed to be in possession of IBoukai's Yamaha motorcycle. "The only thing we're going on now is that he fled the state to go south," said the agent, Greg Stejskal. He added that Wilson's whereabouts re- See ARB, Page 2 se fluci I death Postill paths CIO 1I1iCS Ford ex tends revenue sharing By The Associated Press President Ford had the cam- paign stump all to himself yes- terday as he signed the renewal of federal revenue sharing and attacked Democratic contender Jimmy Carter's economic poli- cies. Carrying familiar themes to new platforms in half a dozen New York and New Jersey cities, Ford treated his audi- ences to a catalogue of what he called Carter's contradiction on tax and economic issues. HE PICKED a financially dis- tressed city with a Republican mayor - Yonkers, N.Y. - in which to sign the 45-month re 7- enue sharing extension that will provide states and cities with $25.5 billion. In Plains, Ga., Carter was keeping a promise to devote two days to his family rather than to his campaign. He plans a trio to New York state today which would give him extensive exposuzre in some of the same media markets that Ford' hit yesterday and today. In another development, fi- nanceareports filed with the Federal Election Commission showed Ford had twice as much campaign money left to spend in the last five weeks before the election as Carter. THROUGH Sept. 30, Ford had spent only $3.5 million of the $21.8 million allotted to each candidate under federal law. Carter had spent $12.5 million. The difference may have re- sulted from Carter's almost con- stant travel during September, which Ford spent mostly at the White House. But k.e reports do not show whether Carter may have already spentmoney for advertisements which haveyet to appear or whether Ford may See FORD, Page 8 Daily Photo by CHRISTINA SCHNEIDER Stiit1g SOy- Guitarist George Benson smiles as he plays funky renditions of jazz tunes at Hill Auditori- um last night. Benson, a favorite of many jazz fanatics, entertained a sear capacity crowd at the UAC Major Events concert BR1NKERHOFF GETS PST: Officials uncertai ofIinkage, to vaccine By AP and UPI More swine flu clinics were shut down temporarily yesterday after new reports of deaths among elderly peo- ple who were vaccinated. But, spokespersons for the Cen- ter for Disease Control in Atlanta repeated that "there is no evidence that the program should be curtailed in any way" and some officials reopened closed inoculation centers, Health officials stressed there was no known con- nection between the $135 million vaccination program and 12 deaths reported in seven states. A THIRD MICHIGAN death, possibly related to the swine flu vaccine, was made public yesterday several hours after the State Health Department halted swine flu innoculations in Michigan. Two other deaths, now believed unrelated, were report- ed previously. The decision to shut down the immunization clinics was an- nounced at a press conference yesterday morning, following an hour-long meeting involving high-level health experts and discover representatives of Gov. William Milliken. " State Health Director Mau- rice Reizen said that, while Li 91 there was no iformation link- te wethedeaths with tnftot ns he decided he A could "not just be cavalier about it and ignore M um m y the fact that we've had some deaths." By LINDA WILLCOX REIZEN SAID he believed Calling it "the greatest find the stress of receiving the since the discovery of the tomb shots may have triggered the of King: Tut-Ankh-Amon," Uni- fatal heart attacks. He said versity Professor James Harris when flu clinics are reopened, yesterday disclosed the discov- there may be- new precautions ery of the mummy of Queen to reduce stress on the elderly. Tiy. Queen Tiy was a major Reizen said it is possible the figure in the ancient 18th Egyp- shots will not be offered to tian dynasty. older persons, but said he Harris led the University sci- would be reluctant to take that entific team that found and step because they are consid- identified the mummy. ered in the "high risk" group for swine flu. QUEEN TIY was the favorite He conceded that the tempo- wife of Amenhotep III, and rary closing down of immuniza- mother of the heretic king, tion clinics could make it diffi- Akenaten. Akenaten ,'was the cult to 'sell' the program to first pharoah to adopt mono- people when they are reopened. theism. A lock of the queen's hair, OFFICIALS of eight other one of the major clues leading states have suspended the free, to finalidentification of the public vaccination programs. mummy, was foundin Tut-Ankh- One of the states - Louisiana- Amen's tomb. Her exact rela- announced that the clinics tion to King Tut is not positive- would reopen today. There were ly known. Some authorities be- See SWINE, Page 2 See 'U', Page Student, reps protest, rising tuition costs U, names finance VP By MIKE NORTON James Brinkerhoff of the University of Min- nesota has been named to succeed retiring Uni- versity Vice President and Chief Financial Of- ficer Wilbur Pierpont, University President Rob- ben Fleming announced yesterday. Brinkerhoff, who spent nine years as a Uni- versity official here before leaving in 1971 for Minneapolis, was selected by the .University Board of Regents from a slate of four names submitted by a special search committee formed in March. "I THINK WE had some extremely fine peo- ple right up to the last minute," said Regent Da- vid Laro (R-Flint). "But most of us just felt more comfortable with Brinkeroff. He's worked here before, and there were a great many peo- ple who came forward with fine things to say about him." The 53-year-old Brinkerhoff began has career here in 1962 as director of plant extension. During the next nine years he rose to director of busi- ness operations, and was named associate vice president in 1970. At Minnesota he has acted as vice president for finance, planning and operations and-since 1975-as vice president for finance and develop- ment. "JIM WENT to the University of Minnesota five years ago with our recommendation," said Fleming in a statement released yesterday. "He has served Minnesota extraordinarily well . ." Brinkerhoff's appointment still awaits confir- See BRINKERHOFF, Page 2 By ANN MARIE LIPINSKI Special to The Daily LANSING - Nearly 600 state college and university students - only a handful of whom were from the University - rallied on the steps of the State Capital yesterday in protest of increas- ed tuition costs and what they termed the declining quality of higher education. The rally, which was coordin- ated by the Michigan Students Associated for Lower Tuition- (SALT) and the Michigan High- er Education Student Associa- tion (MHESA), coincided with yesterday's state-wide class boy- cott in protest of spiraling tuit- ion rates. know that we want to go to school." "More students are gradua- ting from high school but less are going to college," Christian- sen told the spirited crowd. "Why? Because of higher tuit- ion. They're being priced right out of an education. They're being priced right out of a basic right." CHRISTIANSEN reminded the students that, inflation aside, state funding of higher educa- tion is $44 less than it was 10 years ago. He also repeated the much publicized fact that Michi- - gan has fallen from a seventh to a 34th place ranking in high- _.: _ ___ _ .. ;: