Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 I Group scores worse Wednesday, October 13, 1976 News Phone: 764-05521 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I Protest high tuition! TUITION, as everyone at this Uni- versity well knows, has been going up by leaps and bounds during recent years. Not only has inflation done its share to accent the problem, but numerous educational funding bills have been vetoed by President Ford while state funding has not increas- ed significantly. As incredible as it may seem, un- dergraduate tuition (regardless of class rank) for a Michigan resident during the 1968-69 class year was $480; non-resident tuition was $1,540. In seven short years, the cost of a college education here has more than doubled. This afternoon at 1 o'clock, stu, dents against higher tuition rates will assemble in front of the statet capitol building in Lansing as part of an informal state-wide boycott of college classes. If you can possibly make the trip, The Daily strongly urges your at- tendance at this organized protest to attempt to jolt our legislators into doing somehing more constructive about our spiraling tuition costs. State, funding of public two and four- year colleges has been considerably less than adequate and it's about time education got a higher priority in the legislature. Cars will be leaving for Lansing from People's Plaza (by the cube) to- day at 10:30 a.m. Michigan Student Assembly President Calvin Luker asks that protester's arrive by 10. Protesters from the University will be part of;a larger group from all state-funded colleges. The entire de- monstration is being conducted un- der the informal title of a "state- wide class boycott." But whatever you call it, the important things for its success - is in the number of con- cerned students it draws. Among the affirmative demands at today's demonstration, various stu- dent representatives will be meeting with key education legislators. We hope they drive our need home to these officials, because the time has come for giving education the addi- tional funding it needs and de- serves. We can no longer sit around and allow President Ford to veto our needed money. And our state legis- lature must get into action, too, be- cause they've been just as detrimen- tal to the cause as Ford. Something as important as edu- cation cannot be trifled with. record By MARK GREENWOOD Second of Two Parts THE LEAGUE of Conservation Voters has called Gerald Ford's overall record an environmental policy even worse than that of Richard Nixon. The budgets of agencies concerned with en- vironmental protection have suffered greatly during Ford's tenure. For ex- ample, the White House responded to EPA's ban of several hazardous pesti- cides by making deep cuts in the agen- cy's pesticide budget. Ford continues to characterize natur- al resource problems as a simple trade- off between the environment and jobs. He maintains this line, even though his own Council on Environmental Quality reported -in 1975 that environmental pro- tection laws are generating a growing pollution control industry. That study es- timates, for example, that $1 billion dol- lars in wastewater treatment grants gen- erate some 78,000 new jobs. In short, he has declined to consider the complexi- ties inherent in achieving a proper bal- ance between economic and environmen- tal welfare and has decided to make the environment the whipping boy for the industrial system and its discontents. CARTER'S RECORD, on the other hand, shows consistent support for en- vironmental protection. His reorganiza- tion of Georgia government resulted in greater budget allocations for social services and environmental needs. He appointed officials who were highly re- spected by environmentalists for their diligence and concern. Most important- ly, he has shown a willingness to take courageous stands on environmental is- sues in the face of strong pressure from state and Federal bureaucrats, as evi- denced by his resistance to the Corps of Engineers' Sprewell Bluff dam proj- ect. Water Resources Ford's record on water pollution parallels the pattern he established on other environmental issues - undermin- ing enforcement efforts generally and seeking repeal of legislative mandates where possible. In 1975, Ford supported amen'dments that would strip EPA of the power to withhold money from states with inadequate treatment pro- grams. In 1976, the Ford Administration sopght changes in Section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, which would have the effect of with- drawing Federal regulatory jurisdiction over large amounts of the nation's wet- lands, areas crucial to wildlife protec- tion. DURING CARTER'S TENURE, Geor- gia had one of the strongest state pro- grams on water pollution. His admini- strators were fiercely independent and as a result had several confrontations with Federal officials. Nonetheless, Georgia's water program, bolstered by its own underground water law, proved quite effective. One of Carter's most significant acts as governor was his veto of the Sprewell Bluff Dam, a Corps Engineers project which had been planned for almost 20 years. In the face of strong pressure, he rejected the project in order to pro- tect the Flint River, long noted for its scenery and rare ecological mix. Public Lands The Ford Administration has syste- matically ignored the National Park sys- tem. Since Ford has taken office, the budget of the National Park Service has remained static despite an addition of 20 new park areas and a 20 per cent increase in park visitation. Until very recently, the Administration has op- posed additions to the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which is used to pur- chase new parks and recreations areas. A sudden turnabout ,on this record oc- curred on August 29 when Ford, speak-, ing in front of Old Faithful, called for a $1.5 billion dollar Bicentennial Land Heritage Program to increase the na- tional park system. A closer look at the program underscores the opportunism which its timing suggests. The expendi- tures are to be spread over 10 years and the bulk of the ""ew" -s are located in Alaska on land that the Congress had already set aside for even- tual designation as parks. THE FORD ADMINISTRATION has also supported efforts for economic ex- ploitation of the public lands. It op- posed Senate efforts to impose a mora- torium on strip mining in the nation- al parks. It blocked regulations that would have 'prevented logging practices that are threatening the giant trees in Redwood National Park. Ford even went so far as to impound Federal funds designated for reforestation efforts. Carter's record in Georgia provides a complete contrast. He created a Geor- gia Heritage Trust Commission and fol- lowed their recommendations for the purchase of some. 19 scenic areas. He was a strong backer of national legis- lation to create the Cohutta Wilderness Area and the Cumberland Island Na- tional Seashort. \ He battled Georgia's powerful lumber interests who controlled his own Fores- try Commission over their timber man- agement practices. On the national front, Ford e4 than he supported Senator Church's effort to restrict clearcutting on steep slopes. He also persuaded the National Governor's Conference to criticize the Administra- tion's emphasis on timber yields at the expense of recreation and wildlife man- agement. Wildlife UPON TAKING OFFICE, the first thing that Gerald Ford did which rela- ted to wildlife was to give Leonid Brezh- nev a wolf skin coat as a goodwill pre- sent. In return he received some whale- bone carvings, which the U.S. Customs Department later confiscated because importing them to the U.S. was a vio- lation of the Endangered Species Act. This insensitivity to the problem of vanishing wildlife can also be found in the substantive policies pursued by the President. The Ford Administration sought to overturn current protection for threatened species by seeking changes in the Free Roaming Horses and Bur- ros Act, by lifting bans on the poison, sodium cyanide, which had killed a wide variety of species in the West and by seeking the removal of the Eastern tim- ber wolf of Minnesota from the list of endangered species. The systematic opposition to wildlife protection also involves lax enforcement of statutory mandates. In 1974, Ford de- clined to use his power under the Pelly Amendment to embargo Japanese fish products, even though Japan's wholesale killing of whales violated an interna- tional conservation agreement. The Ad- ministration also refused to enforce the provisions of the Marine Mammal Pro- tection Act designed to stop the annual slaughter of 150,000 porpoises by tuna fishermen. In 1973, the U.S. ratified a treaty restricting commercial trade in endangered species. It 'took the Ford Administration three years to issue regu- lations to implement that treaty. AS GOVERNOR, CARTER was not in a position to take action on many wildlife issues because of their national and international dimensions. His record does show budgetary support for the Fish and Game Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources as well as over a dozen programs to protect wildlife habitats. His stated positions include maintain- ing the bans of "1080" and other poisons used to kill predators. On the interna- tional front he would instruct the Whal- ing Commission to press for a mora- torium on killing of whales and would be willing to use the 200-mile fishing limit restriction as a bargaining tool in that effort. ceologyA ixon' s Air Pollution The Ford Administration has consist- ently fought to extend deadlines imposed on polluters by the Clean Air Act. The recent fight over auto emissions require- ments, in which the Administration push- ed for an extension of deadlines to 1982, is a classic example of this effort. IN ADDITION TO undermining en- forcement of current air quality re- quirements, Fordhas opposed the ex- tension of air pollution laws. The Ad- ministration sought repeal of the "no significant deterioration" provisions of the Clean Air Act which would set sepa- rate standards of air quality for those areas, primarily in the national parks of the West, where the air remains un- touched by industrial pollution. Carter supports vigorous enforcement of such nondegredation standards. He also favors maintaining the statutory standards on auto emissions Despite problems with Georgia's plan for im- plementation of the Clean Air Act, Car- ter was able to get the pfogram on track and achieved a 20 per cent re- duction in air pollution levels during his tenure. The values of these two men are critical to the future of the Nation's energy, air, water, land and wildlife. Gerald Ford represents an exploitive and expensive energy policy which gives no credence to concerns over environ- mental quality. Jimmy Carter offers an innovative and balanced energy policy which remains sensitive to the American people's desire to feel secure about the safety and proud of the beauty of their natural environment. THE VALUES OF THESE two men are critical to the future of the Nation's air, water, land and wildlife. Gerald Ford has shown a consistent insensitivi- ty to concerns over environmental quali- ty. Jimmy Carter offers an innova- tive and balanced environmental policy which, like his energy positions, remains sensitive to the American people's de- sire to feel secure about the safetyand proud of the beauty of their natural environment. For those who care, again the choice seems clear. Mark Greenwood is a graduate in thr combined Law and Public Policy pro- grams at the University. Last summer he served as an intern at the Council on Environmental Quality in Washington, D.C Disarm: Stop Missile X IT IS A RATHER unpleasant pro- position to consider that the Penta- gon is developing a new ICBM called Missile X, to replace our cpirrent Min- utemen by the end of the next dec- ade. Missile X's development is ex- pected to cost around $30 billion not a lot by military standards. Missile X is being designed to keep up with the Soviets. It is a more accurate, therefore more deadly, and there- fore in turn a "better" missile. When will this lunacy end? There exists on earth no argument strong enough to pursuade us that our arms insanity is In the least justified. The situation has long been absurd. Mis- sile X takes us into a new dimension of derangement. We are aware that the Pentagon is more of a corporation than a de- fense agency. Nuclear arms are pop- ular, profitable and seemingly as es- sential to the world's nations as socks and junk food. And where would we be without nuclear tension? The threat of global holocaust has probably produced many creative Business Staff Bet4 Friedman........ . Business Manager Deborah Dreyfuss.........Operations Manager Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator Don Simpson................Display Manager David Harlan ...... .......... Finance Manager Dan Blugerman ... .Sales Manager Pete Peterson..........Advertising Coordinator Casie, St.Clair...........Circulation manager Beth Stratford.......Circulation Director neuroses, fueled the talents of movie directors and certainly provided many jobs. But in spite of all the good things nuclear missiles con- tribute by their very presence, we are inclined to wonder whether we shouldn't put our foot down on the things. They're something like lice though: once you've got them, they're hard to get rid of. DISARMAMENT is possi- ble. We have the technology. Instead of acting like spoiled children-irra- tional egocentric brats -- our Penta- gon generals and defense. ministers should come down off their pluto- nium highs for once -In their lives and attempt something not only am- bitious, but essential and not im- possible: disarmament within ten years. If we still at least use mite bombs have to throw wars, let's normally hideous dyna- instead of these nuclear abberations. As Albert Einstein remarked long ago, "I don't know that World War III will be fought with, but World War IV will be fought with rocks." Let's act now, before Dr. Strange- love becomes a reality. TODAY'S STAFF: News: Sue Ades, Bill Turque, Rob Meachum, Ann Marie Lipinski, Barb ahs, Debbie Locusta, Eileen Daley Editorial Page: Rob Meachum, Tom Stevens, H.S. Thompson Arts Page: Lois Josimovich, Photo Technician: TM To The Daily: A LETTER LAST week mild- ly critiqued the Transcendental Meditation technique, based on a report of periods of EEG sleep patterns in S subjects. We wish to respond to specified points of confusion and then propose a new scientific study with 5000 subjects to eliminate the basis of both that confusion and every other problem in Ann Arbor. 1. The TM technique is a practice to develop enlighten- ment, the full and harmonious functioning of mind and body. This is systematically achieved as, the meditator experiences twice daily a profound state of rest and relaxation, resulting in the resolution of accumulated stress and tension. 2. Because the TM technique Letters is natural and effortless, sleep or drowsiness naturally occurs if deep fatigue is being resolv- ed during the meditation period. This subjective experience con- trasts with the more usual state of restful alertness during TM, but its effect -- a more fatigue- free system - is appreciated by' the meditator for the rest of the day. 3. The mark of the success of the TM program is that me- diators enjoy the increased en- ergy, clarity of mind and im- proved relationships they ex- perience during their daily ac- tivity. This is our emphasis: the enhancement of every as- pect' of work, play or study. (The brief meditation period is, however, generally reported to be a restful and charming ex- perience.) 4. Literally hundreds of phys- iological, psychological a n d to socialogical studies confirm the holistic growth of individuals practicing TM. Coupled with the subjective reports of over I million regular practitioners of Transcendental Meditation, this body of objective research dis- claims any assertion that the TM technique is merely sleep. We have all been sleeping 6-10 hours daily throughout life; a few more minutes napping would not produce enlightened, fully developed citizens. We always appreciate skep- ticism, as it encourages fur- ther research. Our proposal is to test the theory that 5 per cent of a city's population prac- ticing the TM teclnique will generate sufficient intensity of orderliness and harmony to create an ideal, problem-free society for all. This theory, pro- pounded by highly competent scientists based on models from nature, is being verified around the world. In those ci-, ties where only 1 per cent of the people have begun the TM program, the quality of life begins to improve (as indicated by statistically significant de- creases in crime, sickness, and accidents). In Ann Arbor, where fully 2 per cent of the population has already begun the practice, we need 3000 citizens willing to take profound natural rest a few minutes twice daily. If the theory is correct, "3000 for Ann Arbor" will bring the full bloom of the Age of Enlightenment here. If the theory is not cor- rect, 3000 more people will be quickly growing to full poten- tial of mind and body and gen- thc ~Dai* erating that influence f families and society. Students' Intern Meditation Soci Michigan Union 4111 To The Daily: THOUSANDS+ versity of Michigans use Ann Arbor city par Parks can serve peo ter whenpriorities an of their users are knc, most nothing is know city park priorities and standards. The Mayor's Ad Hoc( tee on Parks and Ope (composed of Ann Ar zens) is trying to writ park plan which will t account the wishes, p and opinions of all kl people who use city pa need to know what stu in parks, which parks use, what changes or i ments students would lik in the park system. Ple us by coming to one public hearings. Thursday October 14 a we will be in the Michi ion, Kuenzel room. Stop by and give us help. Thousands of stud benefit if you do. Leslie Morris Mayor's Commit on Parks and O Space yeso To The Editor: THE B E V E R container industry has its campaign of distort J for their deception in their attempt to defeat proposal A. Their claim ational that bottle laws have ibeen inef- ety fective elsewhere is not sup- , Room ported by the facts. In Oregon where the legislation has been in effct th longst, th bottl bill parks is a "riproaring sucdss" accord- ing to formr Governor Tom Mc- ,f .U Call. Litter surveys conducted studeni over a 2 year period by the of- ks. dt fice of Governor McCall show pse b-a 79 per cent decrease in litter pie bet- after the bill went into effect. d nee s Vermont's bottle bill has slash- n about ed roadside beverage litter 76 U of M per cent by volume. SConsumers will save money Commit-with .returnables. Equivalent Commit- amounts of beverage cost two bar citi- to four cents more, on the av- erage, in a throwaway can or e a new bottle than in returnables. The :ake into reasont is simpl ythat the °'cost priorities of returnables is spread over inds of many uses; the cost of the non- rks. We returnable package is absorbed dents do in one use. students Employment in Michigan will mprove- increase as a result of the bottle ke to see referendum. The official study ase help done by the Public Service of our Commission conservatively es- timates an increase of over at 8 p.m. 4,000 jobs in Michigan. The new gan Un- jobs would occur in trucking, warehousing, and retailing sec- a little tors of the economy. ents will Presently, supermarkers of- ten don't even sell returnables. If you are against forced throw- ttee awavs. support proposal A this pen November. Don't be deceived by the slick media campaign against proposal A. Look at the D12 results in Oregon and Vermant. Vote "Yes" on A for a cleaner A G E Michigan. begun Tom Moran ion and 917 S. Forest St. i iU .R tUp o sa CM~0 rC WV1! .r. ,IP Contact your reps Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515.