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October 13, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-13

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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 30

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 13, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

March on Lansing
A caravan of students will'be delivering tuition
cost protests right to state officials' doorsteps in
Lansing today. And because caravans can never
be too long, you and your car are invited to
join the rest of the concerned gang at People's
Plaza near the Administration Bldg. by 10 a.m.
for a united departure. The rally in Lansing is
scheduled for 1 and representatives from all state
supported institutions will be on hand.
Shots in the dark
Gene Barr, a truck driver for Stroh's Brew-
ery in Detroitwas given not one, but two leases
on life when a gunman pulled the trigger on a
revolver pointed at him during a holdup attempt
Monday only to have the gun misfire ... twice.
The ale hauler told police he had parked his
truck on the city's west side when a man ap-
proacbed, stuck a gun through the open passen-
ger side window and said, "Open the door or
I'll kill you." Instead, Barr slipped out his dri-
ver's side door and hit the pavement just as
the gun emitted its first feeble "click." Approach-
ing Barr a second time with the gun poised in
both hands, the robber said, "This time I'm go-
ing to kill you." But his gun, again mutinied.
The flustered desperado. fled the scene and a
grateful Barr now looks forward to living his
next seven lives in peace.3
Happenings ...
... take off at high noon today in high places
as the Commission for Women meet in the Presi-
dent's Conference Room of the Administration
Bldg. ... then take advantage of a long after-
noon siesta because events don't pick up again
'till 4 when Political Science Prof. Alfred Meyer
speaks in the Last Lecture Series in Auditorium
A of Angell Hall ... also at 4 graduate students
can attend a coffee hour at the Wesley Lounge
at 602 E Huron. There'll be free coffee and tea
served .. a feminist journal affil d with the
Women's Studies Dept. is looking for male mem-
bers. Interested? Be at 1058 LSA Bldg. at 5 ...
members of the Phi Lambda Theta, Xi chapter
invites all its members to a business meeting at
6 in the Michigan League conference room ... at
6:30, the Gay Academic Union wil -convene for
its first meeting of the fall- at the Gay Commu-
nity Center at 612 S. Forest, Suite B ... and in
Wednesday night tradition, the LSA Student Gov-
ernment will meet at 7 in 3909 Michigan Union
... in East Quad, Room 126 at 7:30, the Ann Arbor
Commission for Human Rights in Latin America
will assemble . and' if it's possible to attend
two East Quad events at once, go to the Green
Lounge at 7:30 where Prof. James Horton of the
History and:Afro-American Studies depts. will
speak on "Adaptive Mechanisms of Black Mi-
grants in Anti-Bellum Massachusetts" ... back at
the Union at 7:30 there will be a meeting of
those supporting the People's Party/Human Rights
Party presidential candidate Margaret Wright ...
at 8 the Ermine Cowles Case Memorial Lecture
presents University Vice President for Academic
Affairs and Prof. of Geology and Minerology, Dr.
Frank Rhodes who will speak on "The Evolution
of Evolution" at the Rackham Amphitheater ..
also at 8, the African Student's Association will
be sponsoring a lecture entitled "Recent Deol-
opments in Southern Africa" given by Prof. Joel
Samoff in 2003 Angell Hall. Does that give you
enough to do?
On the inside .. .
Editorial Page brings you last of a two-part
series on Ford's and Carter's stands on environ-
mental issues ... Arts Page treats you to Tom
Goodell's critical appraisal of last week'stToledo
Symphony Concert ... and Sports Page's Henry
Englehardt covers Women's Tennis at Central
Michigan University.
On the outside . . .

Mother Nature forgot about Ann Arbor today
so you'll have to put up with yesterday's weath-
er again. Stay tuned for another pleasant, partly
sunny day sprinkled with light breezes with temp-
eratures reaching the upper 60's. There's little
chance rain will cloud your day, so smile.
MSA to support
GEO student rally
The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) voted, last
night to support the Graduate Employe's Organiza-
tion (GEO) in its contract demands by urging stu-
dent participation in the Oct. 18 Diag rally.
Members vetoed an earlier motion to organize a
tuition boycott in support of GEO. Assembly mem-
ber Jasper DiGiuseppe, sponsor of the motion, said,
"It would be nice to put the screws on the U' for

UAW na
DETROIT (UPI) - The United Auto Workers
(UAW) announced late yesterday that '170,000
Ford Motor Co. workers who have been on
strike for 28 days have narrowly approved a
new $1 billion plus contract and will begin
returning to their jobs today.
Ford Labor Vice President Sidney McKenna
said four of 19 assembly plants would begin
operations today and tomorrow for the first
time since the strike began at midnight, Sept.
14. He said the start-up at all 102 Ford facili-
ties in 22 states would depend on, local con-
tract negotiations where only 70 of 99 agree-
ments have been completed.
workers up to 13 more paid days off in the




third year of the contract plus substantial wage
increases almost was defeated by skilled trades-
persons. McKenna said it would be worth bet-
ter -xhan $1 billion to Ford workers over its
three-year life.
The 25,000 skilled workers held a veto pow-
er despite their small numbers and approved
the pact.by a slim 489-vote margin out of 17,425
votes cast. Production workers passed the con-
tract by a 3-to-2 margin.
Just 44 per cent of the striking workers took
part in the four-day ratification vote.
DETAILS OF THE FINAL ratification came
at 9:40 p.m. last night in a five-paragraph
statement handed out by UAW public relations

In it, UAW President Leonard Woodcock and
Vice President Ken Bannon said production work-
ers voted 35,192 in favor and 22,026 opposed.
Skilled tradespersons voted 8,957 in favor and
8,468 opposed.
A majority of each group had to ratify the
agreement to gain final approval to end the
dispute that goes in the books as a 28-day
WOODCOCK AND BANNON said. that work-
ers at bargaining units "that have reached agree-
ment with Ford on. local bargaining issues will
be returning to work as soon as they are called
back to work by the company."
McKenna said the Wixom, Mich., plant that
builds Lincoln Continentals and Continental Mark
IVs will reopen on the afternoon shift today. The

Los Angeles, Chicago and Norfolk, Va., assembly
plants will resume operations tomorrow morn-
"We are hopeful that negotiations on 4ocal is-
sues at the few locations which still haven't re-
solved them can be concluded soon so that the
strike can be terminated completely at all com-
pany locations and all of our employes can re-
turn to work," McKenna said.
NEITHER Woodcock nor Bannon appeared to
talk to reporters about the closeness of the vote
to ratify the contract.
The now-ratified Ford contract becomes the
basic industry agreement that will have to be
matched by General Motors, Chrysler and Amer-
ican Motors for the 530,000 workers they employ.





swine flu
pro gram
From Wire and Staff Reports
Less than two weeks after it
began, the nationwide swine flu
vaccination program was sus-
pended in six states yesterday-
including Michigan-after three
elderly persons died within
hours of taking flu shots in
A spokesperson for the state
Department of Public Health
yesterday estimated that the
number of Michigan residents
involved was "something less
than 5,000" but local officials
said they had no firm count.
THE VACCINE scare began
when three elderly persons died
in Pittsburgh Mondaysafterdre-
ceiving swine flu shots."Officials
in Pennsylvania said the three
died of heart attacks.
State officials said after talks
with spokespersons at the Center
for Disease Control in Atlanta,
Ga. that they believe persons
in Ingham and St. Clair counties
received innoculations from the
same batch as was given to the
Pittsburgh trio."
Although stressing that they
have no reason to believe at
this point there js anything
wrong with the vaccine the
state has advised the two local
health departments to cease
dispensing it until they get an
official "all clear" from the
federal government.
See SWINE, Page 8

By AP and Reuter
The U. S. Court of Appeals
yesterday upheld the Wat-
ergate cover-up convictions
of three of former Presi-
dent Nixon's top aides -
John Mitchell, John Ehr-
lichman and H. R. (Bob)
But the court ordered a
new trial for former As-
sistant Attorney General
Robert Mardian, the fourth
person convicted in the
three - month trial which
ended on January 1, 1975.
IN A 300-PAGE opinion, the
six judges said the defendants
had been properly tried and
found guilty of "wide-ranging
conspiracy" at the highest lev-
els of government.
A separate opinion said Mar-
dian, should have been tried
separately from his co-defen-
They are considered certain
to appeal yesterday's ruling to
the SupremeaCourt, but observ-
ers said that the decision is
highly unlikely to, be overturn-
ed. All have remained free
pending their appeals. In most
cases, losing- in the appeals
court would mean going to jail
even if the Court is asked to
take the case.
A FIFTH defendant, lawyer
Kenneth Parkinson, was ac-
quitted when the jury return-
ed its verdict on New Year's
Day, 1975.
Mitchell, a former attorney
general; Haldeman, the former
White House chief of staff;
Ehrlichman, Nixon's principal
domestic affairs adviser, and
Mardian were all found guilty


Two patrons of the Panhellenic Plant Sale leaf through a couple of the green goodies of-
fered yesterday in the Union Ballroom. Proceeds from the sale, which runs through Thurs-
day, will go to Mott Children's Hospital.
Plant paradise proliferates


The Union Ballroom was transformed into
a plant paradise yesterday, allowing students
to pluck peperomia instead of the usual poli
sci texts from the shelves and tables lining
the temporary second floor greenhouse.
The third annual Panhellenic Plant sale
for charity drew a steady stream of people
ranging from serious plant buyers to students
"just trying to kill an hour."
leafing through a table of potted greenery,
commented, "I'm into plants. My father's an
amateur botanist so I get it from him."
But when asked if he inherited his father's

green thumb he answered with a resounding,
"No! I definitely did not. I'm famous for
killing plants."
Proceeds from the three-day sale will go
toward purchasing a new -cardiac monitor
for the cardiac unit in Mott Children's hos-
pital. Carol Flynn, secretary of the Panhell-
enic Society said, "Our goal is set for $1,200
and we're very hopeful of making it."
Low prices seemed to be the sales' big-
gest drawing card. "There are a lot of good
bargains here," observed freshman Carl Pa-
risi. "But," he added, "I think most of the
plants look sick."
A BIG HEART, not bargains, however, is
- See PLANT, Page 2



Democratic U. S. Senate can-
didate Donald Riegle said yes-
terday that he advocates 'free
tuition in the first two yearsrof
college for all students, to be
paid for by the federal govern-
In a late-morning press con-
ference at his Fourth Ave. city
headquarters, the Flint Con-
gressman said, "The first two
years of post-high school work
should be tuitiontfree. I think
it would be a terrific invest-
ment for the country to make.
We can pay for it if we plan
right. I realize its an idealistic
goal, but it's the kind of ideal-
istic goal we ought to try to
Riegle could not specify how
such a plan world be financed,
and said' he had an "open
mind" to alternatives.
Last night, in a debate with
Riegle at the Northfield Hilton
in Troy, Republican opponent

He added that he would sup-
port a gradual "transitional
program" at the federal level
leading to a system of non-re-
Riegle also reaffirmed his
support for Title IX, the federal
law prohibiting sex discrimina-
tion at federally funded institu-
From his headquarters Riegle
hustled over to the Diag for
an informal rally that attracted
several hundred faculty and stu-
dent listeners. Speaking on the
steps of therGraduate Library,
Riegle offered some lukewarm



support for Jimmy Carter and
asked for help in his campaign.
"I support Jimmy Carter," he
said. "That doesn't mean I'm
supporting him because he's
perfect. I had breakfast with
Jerry Ford every Wednesday
morning for six years. That's
a lot of bacon and eggs with
Jerry Ford, and I really know
him. And I don't want him to
be President for four more
"Walter Mondale is a special
individual," Riegle continued.
"I like the process that Carter
went through to choose his run-

ning mate, and the fact that
he was able to pick Mondale
says something about him. I
want to help Carter when he's
right and I' want to help change
his mind when he isn't right."
The evening debate was en-
livened when the sponsoring
group, the Young Presidents
Club - a group of corporation
presidents under 50 years of
age - decided to ban the press
from the event. After both Rie-
gle and Esch threatened to can-
cel out, the media's access,-was
See RIEGLE, -Page 2

China conftirmns Hua'
as Party ehairman
PEKING (Reuter) - Premier Hua Kuo-feng was confirmed
last night as the new chairman of the Chinese Communist Party,
amid reports that four leading politburo members had been
arrested and accused of plotting a coup.
After four days of mystery, an official spokesman finally told
reporters that Hua was now party chairman. He said the delay
in the announcement was because news had to be relayed
throughout the country.
THE SPOKESMAN, speaking at a banquet for the Prime
Minister of Papua-New Guinea, reiterrated there was "no com-
ment" on reports that Mao Tse-tung's wife, Chiang Ching, and
four other politburo members were under house arrest.
Meanwhile Chinese leaders were understood to be meeting in
the wake of what appeared to be the biggest political upheaval
in China for years.
Informed Western sources said a large-scale meeting appeared
to be in progress, probably to ratify the dramatic changes ofthe
past weeks.
RELIABLE SOURCES told reporters that Madame Mao and
three other members of the so-called "Shanghai set," Wang Hung-

Ford admits to error in debate

wen, Chang Chun-chiao and 'Yao
Wen-yuan, were under -house
'arrest, accused of hatching a
Several foreign embassies
here said they were convinced
of the report's truth and that
Chinese officials were being pri-
vately briefed on the arrests.
Despite the political, tension,
the sunlit streets of the capital
appeared relaxed and travellers
from the provinces said there

By The Associated Press
President Ford told a group of American ethnic
leaders yesterday he made a mistake in his state-
ments about Eastern Europe during his debate

DURING THE debate last week, the President
said "there is no Soviet domination of Eastern
Europe." Yesterday he told the ethnic leaders
that East European nations "are, of course, dom-
inated by the Soviet Union."

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