- Page Two " THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Tuesday, Cctober 12, 1975 Page wo TE MICIGANDAIL -,-- I Tapes may reveal Ford lied-Conyers Fighting increases as, Rhndlannn ilb nonnr Palestinians storm NEW YORK (UPI) - Rep. probe because he felt it set a ' .Z %_st W s' q.A5' 'R7 " N / W W WA John Conyers (D-Mich.) yester- bad precedent for investigations day said unreleased White into presidential affairs, and SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) Robert Mugabe, said Monday House tapes from 'the Nixon not because Nixon told him to. - An upsurge in fighting even he was pessimistic about the Administration may show that: as blacks and whites prepare for chances of success for the Brit- Gerald Ford perjured himself CONYERS said he read pas- talks on Rhodesia's future has ish-sponsored Geneva confer- before two congressional com- sages in a soon - to - be - pub- killed 10 black guerrillas and ence, which is scheduled to be- mittees when he said Richard lished book written by Dean 10 civilians, the government re- gin Oct. 21 and is designed to Nixon did not order him to which described Nixon's orders ported yesterday. produce a biracial interim gov- block the Watergate investiga- to Haldeman to "head off" the: Government security chiefs ernment for Rhodesia. tion. Patman investigation. also said guerrillas had shot MUGABE, a' factional leader Conyers said he has asked Conyers said the book de- three black civilians whose bod- with close ties to black Rhodes- Special Watergate Prosecutor ! scribes how "in the Sept. 15, ies were found roped together. ian guerrillas operating from Charles Ruff to investigate 1972, tape, there were instruc- The initial report gave no furth- nearby Mozambique, said Rho- the possibility that Ford was tions that Nixon wanted it (the er detail and it was unclear im- desian Prime Minister Ian instructed by Nixon to block an Patman investigation) headed mediately whether the victims Smith's insistence on white con- early investigation by the House ! off, and he instructed John! were three black natiopalists trol of the army and police in Committee on Banking and Ehrlichman to tell Ford and missing since last week. an interim government means Currency into the source of Gerry Brown, a Michigan con- there is "obviously no starting money found on the Watergate gressman who served on the THOSE MEN WERE members point for talks." burglars when they were ar- House Banking Committee, to of a nationalist faction led by Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, rested inside Democratic Na- head it off." Bishop Abel Muzorewa and may another factional leader, have tional Headquarters in 1972. "If it turns out Congressman have fallen victim to an out- formed a united front and de- THAT COMMITTEE, headed Ford was acting on White break of violence between na- manded a delay in the Genleva by the late Rep. Wright Pat- House orders, it is quite! tionalist groups. conference and an immediate man, voted shortly after the possible that he may be sub- The government communique transfer to black rule, without break-in not to subpoena top ject to a charge of obstructing said guerrillas over the week- an interim regime. White House aides, including justice. He certainly, would end blew up part of a road There were reports in London John Dean and H. R. "Bob" have committed perjury before bridge straddling the Inyan- yesterday that Foreign Minister Haldeman, for questioning two congressional committees,"! gombe River in the Rhodes- Anthony Crosland was consider- about the burglars' money. Conyers said. Inyanga National Park, a popu- ing postponing the conference. "Many questions that later lar tourist resort about 2 miles SMITH'S WHITE minority came out in the House Judic- r IN A LETTER to Ruff dated. from the Mozambique border. government here has consistent- iary committee would have October 8, Conyers said, "I In Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, ly rejected the idea of an im- come out 7 or 8 days after the have reason to believe that the a key black nationalist leader, mediate transfer of power, and break-in" if the White House, tapes covering the period of. aides had been forced to testify Sept. 15, 1972, through May before Patman's committee, 1973, when the Senate Water- Conyers said. gate hearings commenced, con-uron sug ests During House and Senate Ju- tain the information that would diciary Committee investiga- clarify Mr. Ford's role in this tions on his nomination to be- matter," and asked that the ! come vice president, Ford said taped conversations between u n u su a aid s he tried to block the Patman Nixon and Ford be examined. The tapes are being held by VEGETARIANS the General Services Adminis- CHICAGO (jP) - For healthier go barefoot at least a few hours SOUTH HADLEY, Mass. UP) tration until the U. S. Supreme feet and a happier state of! each day. The vegetarian diet is "in" Court decides if they belong to mind, a Louisiana surgeon pre- at Mount Holyoke College. , Nixon or the American people. scribes going barefoot for at; MOST PROBLEMS seen in Some 300 students eat their Convers also said he would least part of each day. orthopedic foot clinics in the meals regularly at the newly ask Ren. Peter Rodino, (D-N. Along with this he recom- United States -- corns, bunions, opened vegetarian lunch center J.), chairman of the House Ju- mends sitting on the floor for deformed toes, flat feet, ath- at the college. diciarv Committee, to investi- a while to prevent arthritis in letes foot, ingrown toenail - Dishes ranging from eggplant gate the charges. the hip joint. result. from wearing shoes, he parmesan and corn custard to In Washington, a White House reported. Caribbean bean casserole are spokesman who was asked to THESE prescriptions were In shoes, Brand said, the foot prepared from recipes submit- comment on Conyers' remarks given by Dr. Paul Brand of the loses sensitivity and mobility ted by students, or obtained 1 said only, "That is a matter U. S. Public Health Service, and intrinsic muscle strength. from books and restaurants. for the courts to decide." -!Carville, La., at the clinical "The barefoot walker," he not- ___c ofr ostheAmerican Col- red, "receivesa continuous __________ __ - Ilege of Surgeons. I stream of information about the Tuesday Luncheon Discussion Brand, a native of Great ground and about his own rela- 12 noon-October 12th Britain who spent much of his tionship to it, while the shod TOPIC: life working andteaching in In- foot sleeps inside an unchang- V . I Ir T dia and Africa, told a news con- ing environment." IE TN A AFTER'Aference yesterday that he takes "There is a sense of alive- SPEAKER: off his shoes every day ;when ness and joy which I experi- SBA RBA RA F lU '.E R he gets home and gets "tre- ence walking barefoot that I Bendous mental refreshment" never get in shoes," he added. Director of Interface Council for Peace and form walking around barefoot. Sensitive feet protect the an- rr"The average person who kle and other parts of the body Ecumenical Campus Center walks barefoot has healthier as well, Brand said, because 921 CHURCH ST. feet than the average person they warn barefoot persons of 75c RESERVATIONS REQUESTED 662-5529 who wears shoes," Brand said what is underfoot so they do not R5in suggesting that Americans trip or fall. F 4V t RIL/ ,WE Syrian embassies a government spokesman reit- erated that stand yesterday, saying, "There is no suggestion that any constitutional matters will be discussed." The security chiefs said a white construction worker, Rob- ert Bruce Scott, 29, was among the 10 civilian victims of the latest wave of violence. They said Scott was shot as he pick- ed up a work gang from a black hotel in an area where guerrillas are active. They said a black bystander was also killed. FIVE OTHER civilians were' killed by security forces-four black women accompanying a band of guerrillas and a black civilian who died of wounds after being shot in a curfew area. The government officials did not list any casualties among security forces. Scott was the 47th white civ-, jian to lose his life in the guer- rilla war, according to govern- ment accounts. More than 550 black civilians have been re- ported killed. Skilled, - r workers balk on contract- (Continued from Page 1) up from $8.15 to $9.34. HOWEVER, many tradesmen have complained their wage increase is not sufficient. They also have griped about not getting adequate representa- tion within the union, and bar- gainers' failure to protect them! from losing their jobs to outside: contractors. UAW President Leonard Woodcock has said the strike will continue if the national pact, put together late last Tuesday, is rejected by the tradesmen. However, he has ex- pressed confidence the accord will be ratified. In the last round of talks in 1973, Ford tradesmen rejected the settlement and forced bar- gainers to renegotiate provi- sions concerning a newly ac- quired right to refuse overtime work. The union then declared the pact ratified without sub- mitting it to a second vote. That provoked threats from tradesmen who said they would bolt from the UAW and set up their own union. The leadership placated them by promising them a clear veto in the next contract. By The Associated Press Palestinian gunmen raided Sy- rian embassies in Italy and Pakistan yesterday, apparently hoping to avenge Syria's inter vention against the Palestinian guerrillas in Lebanon and to seize hostages and force con- cessions from Syria. In Rome, three men with sub- machine guns and grenades strode into the embassy in the fashionable Parioli district, shot and seriously wounded a diplo- mat and held five hostages for two hours before surrendering to police. IN ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, three Palestinians attacked the Syrian .embassy and ambassa-1 dor's residence but were inter- cepted by police, informed sources said. Italian police sources said the] attackers in Rome had hoped to take the Syrian ambassador' hostage and then present de- mands such as the withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon or their surrender to Palestin- ians and the release of 100 Pal- estinians jailed in Syria. The ambassador was not present. The Palestinians captured in Rome had in their possession a list of the 100 to be freed and handed over to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLD) as well -as writings about over- throwing the Syrian government, the Italian sources said. IN BEIRUT, a PLO spokes- the Palestinians into a small area of western Lebanon. The Palestinians, the stronger ele- ment in the Lebanese leftist- Palestinian alliance fighting right-wing Lebanese Christians, contend that Damascus is trying to take control of their move- man said the guerrilla organiza- ment. tion had no connection with In Rome, the leader of the either the attack in Rome or the attackers, identified as Nabil one in Pakistan. lasInenr25, of Lebanon, said At Islamabad, unconfirmed then were members of the reports said one *of the raiders "BlackJune" movetent, named was killed and the other two for the month when Syria first were wounded in a gun battle intervened in force. y with police. Sources there said the Palestinians also lobbed a "WE DID NOT want to harm grenade into the Syrian am- anyone," he told a radio inter- bassador's house but no one viewer. He said they wanted to was injured when it went off. |call attention "to the betrayal The incident further compli-|of the Syrian government and cated continuing peace talks I the plot of Arab states against among Lebanese, Palestinian the Palestinian people." and Syrian representatives in Lebanon. Hunen Hatem, 45, first secre- TIE SYRIANS have thrown an estimated 21,000 troops into the civil war-torn nation since June in an attempt to impose a political settlement in the 18- month-old conflict. The Syrian troops have hushed tary in the Romehembassy, was shot in the leg when one of the gunmen sprayed an embassy office with machine gun fire. Hatem had stopped by to say farewell before leaving Monday for a new assignment in West Germany. GOP. chides Carter (Continued from Page 1! lutely deny that they had any- thing to do with the story, nor, would they. If anyone around! here were found doing such aI thing, he would be fired on the, spot," Greener said. GREENER SAID orders hadr been given by James Baker III, chairman of the committee, to get rid of the volunteer in Geor- gia who sent the memo, but he: wasn't certain the actual dis- missal had taken place yet. Each candidate used a special, Columbus Day event to attempt] to gain favor among predomi-! nantly Catholic ethnic blocs of voters, viewed by some observ-; ers as a key to winning some populous industrial states from the Northwest to the Midwest. At a wreath-laying ceremony at a statue of Christopher Co- lumbus outside Washington's Visitors' Center, Fprd declared that "the people of the Old{ World still look to the New' World gas the champion of hu- man rights. America has beena their hope and their help and. we will never let them down.". HE MADE NO mention in his brief speech of the Eastern Eu- ropean nations which have occu- pied a central place in recent campaign oratory, following Ford's remark in the debate with Carter last week that they were not dominated by the So- viet Union.; . Carter went' to a Columbus Day Mass in Chicago with May- or Richard Daley and various+ Italian-American political lead-i ers, and was a feature attrac-1 tion of the city's Columbus Day parade. Daley gave Carter another ringing endorsement, praising him as a president who would+ eliminate "leadership without direction" and heard Carter de- clare that a. joint commitment by himself and Democratic lead-! ers could "restore our people's ' confidence in their own govern' ment."+ FORD'S ATTACK on. Carter appeared in the San Francisco, Examiner, whose editor, RegI Murphy, interviewed the Presi- dent in Texas over the week- end( Ford accused the Demo- cratic nominee of inpugning his, integrity by raising questions about his past campaign financ- es and relationship with lobby- ists. Carter has demanded that Ford hold a formal news con- ference to answer questions, about a 1973 audit by the In-7 ternal Revenue Service which said that in 1972, Ford used money from a home town bank account in Michigan which con- tained some political contribu- tions to pay for some clothing and a family ski vacation. The audit report said Ford agreed to count the clothing ex- penditures as personal income' and pay tax on the amount. The audit indicated Ford reim- bursed the account for the va- cation. He"also said Ford should ex- plain the IRS finding that he got along on $5 or less per week in pocket money during 1972. The IRS accepted Ford's explanation, which many expenses were by others. was that picked up C4RTER, WHILE not accus- ing Ford of any wrongdoing, has criticized long-term, federal officials .who develop close friendships with lobbyists, as Ford acknowledges having done. "I personally resent this at- tack on my integrity," Ford was quoted as saying in the interview. "He knows the charges are not true. They are pure demagoguery.?" In a statement issued yester- day, Carter also assailed Ford for trying to take credit dur- ing the foreign policy debate for signing a bill that imposed tax penalties on U.S. firms that cooperate with an Arab trade boycott against Israel. "He fought tooth and nail against such a bill," said the Carter statement, which includ- ed a copy of a letter from Treasury Secretary William"Si- mon to Sen. Abraham Ribicoff, D-Conn., a member of the Sen- ate Finance Committee, criticiz- ing such legislation. "It is time that Mr. Ford told the American people the truth --that he has done noth- ing meaningful to break the back of the boycott - that he has opposed every effort to de- clare the boycott illegal. . Carter said. Have a flair for artistic writinq? If you are interest- ed in reviewhiig poetry. ,and music or writing feature stories about the drama, dance, film arts Contact Arts Editoyr, c/oThe Michigan Daily.. MATHEMATICS AND LANGUAGE MAJORS .. Thinabout your future. THE PQT COULD BE THE KEY TO YOUR FUTURE. I STEVE'S LUNCH- 1313 SO. UNIVERSITY HOME COOKING IS OUR SPECIALTY If you are receiving a degree in Mathematics or Language before September 1977, the National-Security Agency's Professional Qualification Test (PQT) can be the key to a rewarding career. You must register by November 6 in order to take the PQT on campus-it will not be given again during the school year. By scoring well on. this test, you will qualify for an employment interview. 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