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October 08, 1976 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-08

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Friday, October 8, 1976


Page Nine



Spartans sputterii
By KATHY HENNEGHAN iffense must improve in every from hero to goat - Notre
Michigan State could pull off phase. Dame sacked him four times
the upset of the year and make As everyone knows, Michi- for a minus 34 yards.
its entire season in Michigan gan State was placed on a "Our offense just did not
Stadium Saturday, but don't three-year probation by the play a good football game in
bet on it. The Spartans just NCAA for recruiting violations. any respect," said Rogers of
don't seem to have what it That, plus a few strategic in- the ,Notre Dame game. "Our
takes. juries, put Rogers in a bind. pass protection was bad, our

Sg, u set unlikel
while Jim Hinesly and Tony team," said defensive second- With the exception o
Bruggenthies are at tackle. ary coach Sherm Lewis. "He's Breslin, another East I
Bruggenthies was injured probably the greatest football native, all of the backu
against Notre Dame, and it is player I've ever had." That ers are as green as th
not yet known whether he'll be field includes former standouts Hans Nielsen, State's
available. Brad Van Pelt, now with the import, will handle fiel
Take a good look at the of- Giants, and Bill Simpson of the and point-after attempts.
fense while you can. Chances Rams. three field goals so far
are you'll be seeing a lot more Safeties Tom Hannon and 10 for 10 on extra point
of the defense, which is both Dave Duda are the only see- ior Tom Birney will


The Michigan - Michigan
State series has been close in f
recent years, although State's f
last win came in 1969. Theyd
say "anything can happen" in'
this game, but a lot would have f
to happen this time arond. q
The Spartans are 1-2-1 and e
have had various problems r
with their offense, and de-
fense, for starters. State lost
a grtdge game to Ohio State
in the season opeer, beat
Wyoming, tied North Caro-
lina State, and lost 24-6 to
Notre Dame last weekend.
MSTT will have to nlay above
and beyond the ability it has
shown so far to stay in the
picture. t'
"Our running attack has to do ,
something if we're going to t
win," said first-year coach Dar- n
ryl Rogers, indicating that the ib
head to
Irish in-ivite
The Michigan harriers leave
today to compete in the pres-
tigious Notre Dame Invitational
in South Bend, Indiana. Michi-
gan is shooting for its third
consecutive title.
The meet is the largest in the
Mid-West, attracting 250 run-
ners representing 36 schools.
Besides Michigan, the other
main contenders are Wiscon-
sin, Western Michigan, Eastern
Michigan, and Ball State.
THE INDIVIDUAL battle will
feature Michigan's 'Greg Meyer
against Mark Johnson of Wis'
consin. Others who could con-
ceivably find themselves in
front af the end of the race are
Tom Duitis of Western Michi-
gan, Joe Carupo of Eastern
Michigan, and Wolverine Bill
In the feature race coach
Ron Warhurst will be enter-
ing Jon Cross, Doug Sweazey,
Bruce McFee, Steve Elliott,
and Dan Heikkinen along with
Meyer and Donakowski. These
are presently Warhurst's top
seven runners, but the list var-
ies from week to week.
The remainder of the 17 bar-
riers making the trio will run
in the second race. They will be
paced by Jack Sinclair, Jay
Anstaett, Mark Foster, and Bob
THE COURSE at Notre Dame
covers five miles of flat ter-
rain. The Wolverines are more
accustomed to running on
slightly longer and hillier cour-
ses, but coach Warhrst doesn't
think that this will pose any
problems. "Most of our runners
run the middle-distances dur-
ing the track season. and don't;
have any trouble adinsting to
different tyne courses."
Warhurst feels that the team
is esveciallv keyed n for this
meet, and intat on heatin Big
Ten riral Wisconsin. "We're
verv team oriented, and even
though Mever would love to win
the race he'll be inst as hann
with a second or third nace fin-
ish inst so long as we win."
Wisconsin is ranked No. 5 in
the crnuvtrv. while Michigan i
rank-d 6th,

Five players were ruled out passing was off and our re-
or the season opener - de- I ceiving was poor."
ensive tackle Larry Bethea, And Rogers, who should
defensive halfback Ted Bell, know, added, "Our running
middle guard Melvin Land, de- game was nonexistent."
ensive end Jim Epolito and If State's passing game is er-
quarterback Ed Smith. Bell lat- ratic, rest assured that there
er quit football due to a recur- was never any doubt about the

Spartans have
than 300 yards

and , weak. The
given up more
per game on the

rip knee injury. running game - it is medio-
Tight end Mike Cobb, an cre from the word go. The
outstanding pr prospect; was Snartans are tenth in Big Ten
ruled out for the first five rushing. Since Michigan is first
games and should be back in rushing defense, it could be
next week. But by then it may a long afternoon for MSU.
be too little too late. Defen- Fullback Levi Jackson isj
sive back Joe Hunt is inelig- best remembered for his long
ible for the entire season. breakaway in the 16-13 upset
One bright spot in the Michi- of Ohio State two years ago.,
gan State attack, at least prior The trouble is, he has donej
o last weekend, is the passing. nothing memorable since.
With junior quarterback Smith, Jackson is currently averag-
he team is averaging 238.8 ing 42 yards a game.
passing yards a game, seventh At tailback is East Lansing
best in the country. native Rich Baes, the team's
Smith's favorite receiver is leading rusher with 4.6 yardss
ophomore Kirk Gibson, who per carry. A walk-on three years
ikes to go deep. Gibson is ev- ago, Baes is a workmanlike
eraging 30 yards a catch and runner and a good blocker.
has gone all the way with five In the line, center Al Pitts
of them. is an All-Big Ten candidate,
Smith had a superlative 18 something few and far between
for 29 performance at N.C. on this year's squad. Probable
State. However, in the course starters at guard are Mike
f one short week, he went Densmore and Tony Marek,

ground and almost 100 in the
air. State has the worst rush-
ing defense in the Big Ten and
Michigan, the most powerful of-
fensive team in the country,
has the running attack to take
advantage of it.
One defensive plus is 1974 All-
Big Ten end Otto Smith, re-
coverel from knee surgery. At
the other end is Craig Fedore
of East Lansing, a second year
starter at 6-1, 202. Bethea at
6-4, 236 is one of the better
tackles in the Big Ten while
Melvin Land is at the other
tackle spot. Sophomore Craig
Lonce starts at middle guard.
At the linebackers are return-
ees Paul Rudzinski and fresh-
man Dan Bass.
The defensive secondary is
probably the most unstable area
of the team. The problems
started when Tom Graves sus-
tained a knee injury and had
to undergo surgery.
"There's no way to estimate
what a healthy Tom Graves
would have meant to this

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