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October 07, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-07

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Thursday, October 7, 1976


Page Seven

Thursday, October 7, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven

UAW considers
tentative agreement,

2nd District race


Thailand hit by coup

(Continued from Page 1)
and an end = to a nationwide
strike now in its 23rd day.
Sources said a key element
in the pact is a provision for"
13 more paid days off spread
over the three years Ford

eral wage increases averaging
about 3 per cent a year, an
additional first-year increase of
about 20 cents an hour, con-
tinuation of a cost-of-living pro-
tection formula, special cash
sunnplements for retirees and

(Continued from Page 11
Pierce, meanwhile, has coun-
tered Pursell's emphasis on leg-
islative experience by pointingt
out his non-politician status -
a virtue in this post-Watergate
election year.
"I do not have a long leg-
islative record," says the 46-

workers now have 33 holiday improvements in fringe bene- year-old doctor in response to
and vacation days each year. fits. Pursell," I am a family physic-
The sources said the additional Auto workers now make about ian." Commenting on the pub-
time-off provisions are tied to $7 an hour plus about $4 an lis lack of trust inpoliticians
attendance requirements - a hori=rn eeis and "democratic institutions,"
worker must be on the job th re Pierce said in a recent cam-
day before and after a sched-; FORD'S TOP BARGAINER, pus appearance that, "in my
uled extra day off to get paid Vice President Sidney McKen- own daily life, it's been very
for it. na, said after the union an- unusual for a patient to look'
THE UNION had demanded nounced the settlement that he ' at me and say he doesn't trust
more paid days off as a first was "hopeful we will be back me."
step in its long-range goal to at work at most plants by the In turn, Pierce has attacked
shorten the work week to pre- I early part of next week, but at Pursell as being a "sloganeer-
serve current jobs and create this point it is only a hope." , type" politician that will not1
new ones. The idea is to force Union officials have said the provide leadership. On a broad-
the industry to hire more work- general ratification could take er level, he has attempted to
ers to replace those taking time at least a week. But contract characterise the Republican par- a
off. snags at the local level could ty as "insensitive" to the needs
The sources said the tentative block renewed production at the of the average citizen, saying, 1
agreement also includes gen- 102 Ford facilities in 22 states. "the only reason the recession
hasn't gotten deeper is because
Democrats have passed stimu-]
Sh rtn egilio."ca d at R es bAshfor campaign strategy,',
;bothcandilates seem to have
can id a es inlegistion." se t iragy,
k* bastions of support which they
0 wyill try to protect while raid-
10 el O~ e ' 1S 11ePig the other's territory. Pierce
has been concentrating his
door-to-door efforts in populous
(Continued from Page 1I small local departments would Livonia in an attempt to erode
JACKSON, an Eastern Michi- add to the problem of increas- I support Pursell has built up
gan University student and a ing crime since they can not! there overthe last six years.
member of the Ypsilanti city be as effective. He has also conducted an in-I
council, was convicted of tense voter registration drive, 1
malicious destruction (a misde- Both Postill and Minick a , especially aimed at notoriously l
meanor) for his role in destroy- ente r y ren adh1 apathetic students, a natural,
ing a Marine recruiters uni- entering, and larceny as the constituency for the liberal
form. major problems facing the coun- ;pierce.
Meanwhile Libertarian Party ty, but Mnick sees local drug Pursell, meanwhile, has con-
candidate, Craig Smith, stated traffic as the driving force be- dcted forays into Washtenaw
"I am running for sheriff to hind increasing crime. He ad- Cointy, particularly the Ann
get our party on the ballot." vocates rejoining the controver- Arbor-Ypsilanti area, home of'j
Smith, a University graduate sial Washtenaw Area Narcotics most of Pierce's major cam-3
student, is not running an ac- Team (WANT), a cooperative naign contributors. In addition,
tive campaign. of many local police forces in- buoved by the state AFL-CIO's
Postill has based much of his cluding the State Police and the decision to remain neutral in
re-election drive on his past Ann Arbor Police Departments. the Second District race, (in
record. He views the sheriff's POSTILL WITHDREW from the other 18 Michigan districts,
job as one which incompasses WANT when he took office the union endorsed Democrats),{
many areas, particularly "ef- claiming that it "made many Pursell has made a spirited bid
fective management" of the de- useless raids and accomplished to gain labor support.
partment. Minick has accused nothing."
Postill of taking "an attituden'I On the issues, considerable
of total control" in his job. Postill supports the legaliza- disagreement in several areas'
i'. lnn 1.1 LildfIJ Udli<fI.dy1Ir _.U

seen cases where seriously ill
lower-income people had waited'
until the last possible moment
to enter hospitals because of
the great costs involved. After,
several additional examples,
Pierce declared, "I don't think
anybody should go broke in ourl
society because they get sick."#
Later, Pierce added, "if a good
health insurance plan comes
out of my term in' Congress, I'll
consider my career a success."
Meanwhile, Pursell has paint-:
ed a national health insurance;
plan as only another way to en-
large government bureaucracy!
and create a heavier tax load.'
"When it's governmentally
controlled," maintains Pursell,"
that means more bureaucracyj
and that means more taxes. I'd
like to see some good alterna-
tives." To date, Pursell has not
specified what alternative pro-
unchP wld n cp

(Continued from Page 11
More than 1,300 students were
FIGHTING first erupted ons
the Thammasat campus be-r
tween right-wing and left-wing



said: "The government cannot
govern the country properly
and in order not to let Thailand
become a prey to Communists
and to uphold the monarchy
and royal family this council
has seized power."


grams ne wu pursue
e. ties so that "every actively
On economic issues, Pursell participating American has good '
has followed the traditional Re- food, good housing, decent med-1
publican line. Saying he wants ical care and a good job." t
to "live within the budget,"
Pursell says he would exercise Included in Pierce's re-ar-
fiscal restraint though added, rangement of national priorities
"I will vote to override a Re- is a strong stand in favor of
publican or Democratic presi- substantially cutting the defense!
dent if I think legislation is re- ! budget. Calling the U.S. theI
sponsible." As for unemploy-' "major arms supplier in thei
ment, Pursell looks for jobs in 1 world," Pierce has been em-%
the private sector because pub- phatic in his promises to cut-
lic employment bills such as the "senseless spending" on "exotic
Humphrey-Hawkins bill are "too weaponry."
inflation. eDefense has also been a ma-
Pierce, meanwhile, has an- jor issue in Pursell's view ast
swered economic questions by !well. Although he is in favor!
referring to his goal of "eco-' of Act
nomic justice." Maintaining that I of "cutting the fat" off the de-
big corporations and the rich fense budget, Pursell has been
have escaped shouldering their at pains to emphasize the dif-j
fair share of the tax burden ference between Pierce and
through the policies of Republi- ference betwee ie.
can presidents Ford and Nixon,
Pierce says he wants a re-
structuring of national priori-aI

"I am for a strong national
defense," says Pursell" my op-
ponent, however, wants to cut
the defense budget in half - at
least he did in 1974 - he's re-
vised that now."
By way of analogy, Pursell
explains, "you might want to
walk out of your door and leave
it unlocked and trust everybody.
But that's not the way life is
- you protect your home."
Pierce, however, has remain-
ed on the offensive in regard
to the defense budget question.
Citing Pursell's statement that
educational funding was the Re-
publican's primary concern,'
Pierce asks, "If he's going to
spend millions on defense,
where's he going to get money
for education?"

students, then waves of police Sangad, in his own broadcast,
firing machine guns stormed said the government would be
the leftists. Right-wing groups handed back to civilians "as
moved in again behind the po- soon as the country is ready."
lice. Sangad, tall and chubby, is
Then a right-wing of about a former naval officer respect-
10,000 broke through the gates ed by his men as one of the
of Thailand's government house country's few sea-going admir-
but did not enter the building als. He is said to dislike po-
itself, which was surrounded by ilitical entanglements but he
1,500 police, enjoyed close relationships with
Rightists hanged two leftists some Thai military strong men
and set upon their bodies with of the past, including Marshal
sticks, gouged out the eyes and Sarit Thanarat, who held pow-
cut the throats. The body of er from 1957 to 1963.
another victim lay headless on Thailand, a constitutional mon-
the college grounds. archy, has rotated in recent
years between rule by military
A RADIO announcement, re- strong men and weak civilian
portedly signed by Sangad, governments.
* 50 0-- ~ ~ -~
-+TJS WEEK-0CT. 8,94
he Ston~e Shoppe

u._.__. .,k ". ..,......, r, ..


MINICK'S plan for the sher-
iff's department is to "get back
to the basics." He stated at a,
"Meet the Candidates" night in
Chelsea that he wants to limitI
the authority of the sheriff'st
department and concentrae on,
local law enforcement.
Although Minick has accusedc
Postill of "acting like a po-
litician and statesman rather<
than a police officer," Postill<
claims that these tactics have
brought more federal grants in-
to the county.
"With this money," he said,
"I have been able to expand
the sheriff's department to bet-
ter serve the needs of the coun-
money to increase the number
of deputies from 33 in 1972 to
nearly 100. With the added per-
sonnel the sheriff's department
has expanded road patrol in
rural areas of the county.
Under the present system
township and villages may con-
tract sheriff's deputies rather
than starting their own policej
departments. Minick has said
that "Postill forced some vil-
lages to sign contracts." Postill
admitted he has "aggressively
pursued contracts" because
small police departments would
not receive the federal fund-
ing the larger sheriff's depart-
ment does. According to Postill,
Men and Women

Lion of marijuana saying "it!1
is now an accepted drug andI
should be regulated and taxed
like alcohol."
Although Postill has called his
recent felonious assault charge1
a pol fal ploy to discredit him,
Minick )as not emphasized the
incident. Postill awaits trial on
charges of attempting to choke
a deputy with a pair of hand-
cuffs at a Chelsea wedding re-
ception in July.

has provided some lively ex-
changes. Sparks have flown in
discussing such questions as
the need for a national health
insurance plan, the defense
budget, and unemployment and
the economy.
As a doctor, Pierce has made
an issue of national health care
by coming out strongly in favor.
During a recent debate with
Pursell at the Ann Arbor Pub-
lic Library, Pierce said he'd,


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