A MAYAGUEZ See Editorial Page Li 4it ig au aitli LA(:KLL STER Hiigh--53 Low-40 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 25 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 7, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages IYuSEE NE\SHAPPNCALL-DN tY Run for Cover State officials said yesterday that the light radio- active fallout sprinkling parts of the eastern U.S. has also been detected in small amounts in Michi- gan. Department of Public Health Radiologist Don- ald Van Farowe said the slight increase in radio- activity is presumably the result of the Sept. 26 nuclear explosion in western China-a blast which scattered light fallout over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, South Carolina and other eastern states. But he added that scientists won't be sure of the cause of the phenomenonsuntil the end of theweek, when the results of tests are complete. Van Fa- rowe says the public has nothing to fear from the radiation increase, as "it is well within the safe range."~ Happenings .. . ..get off to a start at noon with an "Othello Preview" in the Union's Pendleton Rm . . The Hopwood Tea runs from 3 to 5 p.m. at 1006 Angell Hall, offering tea, coffee, and cookies . . . the Undergraduate Political Science Association meets at 7 p.m. in Conference Rm. 1 of the League .. . The Undergrad English Association holds a meet- ing for English concentrators at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham's W. Conference Rm. . . . The Food Ac- tion Coalition holds a mass meeting at 7:30 in Rm. 1040 of the Natural Resources Bldg. . . . Ethel Jackson from the Microbiology Dept. speaks on recombinant DNA research at 8 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. C . . . and there'll be a weight training clinic from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in the N. Cam- pus Recreation Building exercise room (bring a student ID or user pass). " Schorr enoulnh The House Committee released i final report on Daniel Schorr's leak of the intelligence panel report yesterday, denouncing the reporter's actions as "reprehensible." The report said "someone on or very close" to the staff of the Select House Intelligence Committee must have leaked the re- port to the former CBS correspondent, who in turn arranged for its publication in the Village Voice. Despite several weeks of hearings, a $200,000 bud- get, and a threat to cite Schorr for contempt of Congress, the panel never found out precisely who was responsible for the leak. "The news media frequently do not possess sufficient information on which to make a prudent decision on whether the revelation will help or harm," the report said in lambasting Schorr. "We suggest caution and dis- cretion should be the watchwords." J ustlice delayed Leroy Pess, who has spent the last 18 years in a Miami prison for robbery, has finally convinced officials that his alibi was true: he was robbing a store 300 miles away at the time. A circuit judge heard arguments on the case yesterday, but re- served judgment. State Atty. Richard Gerstein, however, says he's "personally convinced that it was a case of mistaken identification and the con- viction must be set aside." Although witnesses placed him in the Miami drug store during the robbery, Pess says he was breaking into a Day- tona Beach supermarket at the moment. A lie de- tector test seems to have confirmed his version of the story. If freed, he'll be off the hook for the Daytona caper - the statute of limitations has expired. Dope note Bob Randall's marijuana plant was once seized by police, but he now has a legitimate suply with complete federal approval. He's using it as part of a study of the use of pot in treating glaucoma, a progressive eye disease that has destroyed al- most all his vision.Only marijuana hemns relieve his pain. After the cops found one of his illegal plants in Washington Inst summer, he sought cooneration from the Food and Drug Administration, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the National In- stitute on Drug Abuse to get a new and legal sup- ply. Now Randall will be one of 50 test subjects at the Howard University Medical School in the ex- periment to treat glaucoma. Other FDA-approved studies are testing the possible value of dope in treating asthma, the nausea and vomiting suffer- ed by cancer patients undergoing chemical ther- apy, and insomnia. On the in ide . . . . . MSA President Calvin Luker writes about a class boycott to protest high tuition for the Edi- torial Page; Michael Broidy reviews "Leadbelly" for the Arts Page . . . and Geoff Larcom puts Carter scores in second debate Kissinger s foreign policy slammed By The Associated Press and Reuter SAN FRANCISCO - An aggres- sive Jimmy Carter sharply attacked President Ford's foreign policies last night in a nationally-televised debate that will have a major bearing on their battle for the Presidency. A telephone survey conducted for the Public Broadcasting System by pollster Burns Roper gave the edge to Democrat Carter. Roper said 40 per cent of those surveyed thought the Democratic nominee had won the debate, 30 per cent gave it to Ford, and 30 per cent considered it a draw. His sample of 300 viewers leaves a margin for error of about six per cent. WHEN THE SECOND installment of their nationally televised Great Debate series was over, both White House rivals said they were satis- fied. Ford said, "I think we did all right." And Carter declared, "I felt good about the debate." In an hour-and-a-half debate mark- ed by a succession of sharp exchang- es, Carter accused Ford of abdicating foreign policy control to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. He also said Ford has "always shown a weakness in yielding to pressure" from foreign powers. Ford countered that he has nego- tiated foreign policy successfully and from a position of strength that would be undercut by defense spending re- ductions Carter has advocated. ON TWO POINTS, Ford showed the political power that lies with the incumbent: he disclosed that the So- viet Union has signaled readiness to narrow differences and shape "a real- istic and sound compromise" for a new agreement to limit strategic nu- clear weapons, and he said that on Thursday the administration will an- nounce the names of companies that have participated in the Arab boy- cott against Israel. Again and again, Carter said Ford has failed to provide leadership; Ford See DEBATE, Page 10 Ford Yli Military takes over in Pierce, Pursell race boils By GEORGE LOBSENZ With less than four weeks be- fore the November 2 election, the race for the 2nd Congres- sional District seat between Re- publican Carl Pursell and Demo- crat Ed Pierce has reached full boil. But neither candidate has been able to forge an appreci- able lead in the contest which pits Pierce's 60's style liberal- ism against Pursell's fiscal con- servatism. The biggest obstacle confront- ing the two contenders in their quest for the seat being aban- doned by Republican Senate candidate Marvin Esch's is the demographics of the incredibly diverse 2nd District. THE DISTRICT includes al- most all of Monroe and Washte- naw Counties and a corner of Wayne county which contains Northville, Plymouth and Li- vonia. The electorate of this area includes both rural and urban, blue and white collar, and high and low income vot- ers. Thrown on top of this is the highest density of students in anyof the 435 congressional districts. Despite this broad variety of interests, patterns of support have emerged in recent weeks as the candidates have made the rounds of the district. Pursell, a two-year state sen- ator from Livonia, has been running hard on his record compiled over the last six years while making jabs at Pierce's relative lack of po- litical experience. Pursell has also attempted to brand Pierce as a spendthrift, as well as ac- cusing the Democrat of making promises for the sake of po- litical, expediency. AS PURSELL sees it, the two have "a difference in approach- es. My opponent promising ev- erything to everybody - and my record of competence, in- tegrity and credibility." See 2ND, Page 7 Thailand 22 reported dead in anti-communRist coupy By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service BANGKOK, Thailand - A military man known for his tough stance against communism seized power in Thailand yesterday after savage battles between left- ist and rightist students that left at least 22 persons dead and about 180 wounded, by police count. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll at 35 or more. THE ANNOUNCEMENT of the lightning coup that ended three years of democracy said a group calling itself the Ad- ministration Reform Committee (ARC) had assumed power to prevent the country being taken over by Communists. The military strongman, Defense Minister Sangad Chalawyu, said on Radio Thailand: "One thing which I must stress to you is that the ARC will strictly uphold the principles of democracy." Martial law was imposed, all political meetings were banned AP Photo A BLEEDING LEFTIST student is helped to an ambulance by a trooper and a girl following his arrest. Authorities assaulted the campus of Thammasat University in Bangkok yesterday to suppress a letfist student demonstration against the return of Thailand's former military dicta- tor. Before it was over the military had overthrown the country's three-year-old democracy. CO UNTY POLICE, DRUGS KEY ISSUES: Sheriff hopefuls bicker and Bangkok, whose nightspots are a magnet for thousands of tourists, was placed under cur- few from midnight to 5 a.m. Press censorship was imposed. THE 60-YEAR-OLD admiral, who had served for only one day as defense minister in the fledgling civilian government of Prime Minister Seni Pramoj, said the ARC was made up en- tirely of senior armed forces officers. Two of the victims were hang- ed and their bodies mutilated, and others were set afire in the fighting at Thammasat Univer- sity. The violence grew out of leftist protests against the re- turn home last month of for- mer dictator Thanom Kittika- chorn, who was ousted by stu- dent protests three years ago. It was not known whether there was any connection be- tween Thanom and the coup. Leftist student opposition also led to the withdrawal last spring of all remaining American ser- vicemen in Thailand, a close ally of the United States during the Vietnam war. BY NIGHT, the city was calm with no overt opposition to the takeover. "You can sleep well tonight. You don't have to live in fear anymore," Sangad told the na- tion in an evening television broadcast. Police said most of the con- firmed dead were students. See THAILAND, Page 7 UAW considers contract Sy AP and UPI DETROIT - Top executives of the United Auto Workers (UAW) were being asked yes- terday to accept a tentative three-year agreement between the union and Ford Motor Co. The UAW's International Ex- ecutive Board, made up of 26 officers and regional directors, and the union's National Ford Council must .approve the of- fer before it goes to the 99 Ford bergaining units around the country for a ratification vote. The executive board was to meet last night. A union spokesman refused to disclose whether the board approved the pact, saying the outcome of the meeting would be released today. DETAILS OF THE accord will not be made public until the board and the council approve it. Meanwhile, some of the 170,- -000 rank-and-file UAW Ford workers, who also must approve the agreement reached late Tuesday, predicted easy passage See UAW, Page 7 By LANI JORDAN As the November election approaches, pro- tection for outlying areas of Washtenaw County and control of drug traffic have emerged as key issues in the sheriff's race. Although all four of the candidates agree on the needs in these areas, each has offered different solutions to local problems. The campaign has also been marked by an abundance of statistic juggling and name-calling between the two major party candidates. Demo- cratic incumbent Fred Postill and Republican challenger Tom Minick have traded a series of accusations utilizing statistics to prove their op- ponents inability to perform the sheriff's job. MINICK HAS SAID "Postill is incapable of relating to people," while Postill has called his opponent "uneducated." State statute defines the steriff's job as that of chief law enforcement officer of a county. The sheriff has control over any civil or crim- inal infraction of the law in the county, and un- like most other police officers who are tested to insure their qualifications for the job, is elected. Two of Postill's opponents also claim experi- ence in police matters.. Minick has served 16 years on the Ann Arbor force, 11 of those years in a command position. Eric Jackson of the Human Rights Party contends that he too is knowledgeable in law enforcement affairs, hav- ing spent 30 days in the Washtenaw County Jail in 1971. See SHERIFF, Page 7 Swine flu vaccine available at "U' starting November 15 By ENID GOLDMAN As part of the nationwide im- munization program to blunt the impact of a possible influenza epilemic, swine flu vaccine will tentatively become available to the University community No- vember 15-17. Free public clinics at four campus locations will be run by the Washtenaw County Health Department to administer the vaccine in accordance with the federal government's decision to offer immunization against A New Jersey/i76 (swine flu) to all persons in the United States are the least protected of any- one because they haven't had exposure to anything that re- sembles swine influenza virus. Most persons over 50 year old have had some contact with the 1918-19 pandemic that killed over 500,000 Americans and 20 million people world-wide. But Monto explains that those over 25 years of age are slightly less susceptible than college-age per- sons. "VIRUS UP to 1957 had a slight resemblance to swine (flu) and therefore people over the cI0 o _ a iiattst a influenze is around, necessarily forced the government to make some decisions for the commun- itv," Monto said. "IF WE CONSIDER basically four possibilities: 1. Catastrophic outbreak (responsible for 500,000 American deaths in 1918-19); 2. Enidemic outbreak like 1957 or 1968 (responsible for 70,000 and 33,000 American deaths, re- soectively); 3. It might not hap- nen this year but in three years; 4. It goes away and never comes back. We see that there are three situations where it would h o a ;nniA na to rGt nannlP ......._.......: ...... fig' ...' : .... ::Y_ is.::..... ... .....?, .. ........ Y.: G".y;F;{ "?:y 5L4x