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October 06, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-06

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See Editorial Page


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI i, No. 24

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 6, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Yesterday's story under the headline "Women,
minority agencies to combine" said that the Com-
mission for Women and the Commission for Mi-
nority Affairs are to be integrated to form a sin-
gle affirmative action office. These two commis-
sions will however be integrated into the already
existing Affirmative Action Office. No plan has
been devised yet. The Daily regrets the error.
All the news that fits
At least four American newspapers and two Lon-
don dailies published former Agriculture Secretary
Earl Butz' racist comments about blacks, but most
papers either paraphrased the comments or did
not publish them at all. The American papers us-
ing the specific remarks were the Toledo (Ohio)
Blade; the Madison (Wis.) Capital Times, The
Daily Illini at the University of Illinois and The
Daily. Elliott Maraiss, executive editor of the Capi-
tal Times justified using the quote. "The first thing
the public wants to know is what he said so they
can judge if it is racist or obscene. Let the reader
make that judgement." The New York Times
stepped around the issue in its Saturday editions
saying Butz referred to blacks, "as 'coloreds' and
described as only wanting three things. The things
were listed in order, in obscene, derogatory and
scatological terms." The Washington Post and Los
Angeles Times used partial quotes. When coming
to the questionable language both papers said
"First, a tight -- woman's sexual organ; second,
loose shoes; and a warm place to -defecate."
Happenings .. .
are everywhere today, beginning at 4 p.m.
with American Culture Prof. Martin Felheim's
"Last Lecture" in Aud. A of Angell Hall . . . at
4:30 UM papers in Woman's Studies, a feminist
journal, affiliated with the Woman' Studies pro-
gram is holding a meeting for new members in
1058 LSA Bldg. . . . at 7 the LSA Student Govern-
ment will meet in 3909 of the Union . . . the Resi-
dential College lecture series, which was to be
held tonight at 7 will be rescheduled for a later
date . . . at 7:30 Friends of Hall and Tyner will
hold an organizational meeting in the Michigan
League Rm. 2 . . . also at 7:30 will be a meeting
of the undergrad Econ. Association in Rm. 102 of
the Econ. Bldg. . . . close out the day with the
Carl Jung discussion group at 8 at Canterbury
House, located at the corner of Catherine and Di-
vision. The topic will be "Adapting to the World
-Ego, Personna and Shadow."
Puff, puff, puff
If you're divorced and have a Ph.D., chances
are you smoke. The Center for Disease Control
said Monday education and marital status have
influence on cigarette smoking. The greater a per-
son's education the more he or she is likely to
smoke, and divorced or separated persons are far
more likely to smoke than those who are mar-
ried and living together. The survey also found
that smoking rates were lowest for people who
never attended high school.
Peacelo vers
Neutral Switzerland, which has not been in-
volved in a war for more than a century, moved
yesterday to end the practice of jailing conscien-
tious objectors. The National Council, or lower
house of parliament, voted 99-50 to approve an
amendment to the constitution that would permit
alternative civilian service for those whom "con-
science forbids any use of violence." The measure
still must be approved by the upper house and a
national referendum. Last year, more than 400
Swiss served several months in prison for refusing
army duty, including those objecting on religious
Up her alley

Julie McDowell, of Des Moines, Iowa, knew
there was trouble when she saw a bowling ball
bounding down a hill toward the glass door in
front of her office. "I saw the ball coming, roll-
ing under a truck," said McDowell, 19. "But I
had this man on the phone and he just kept
talking. l didn't know what to do." So, she did
the only thing she could have done. She watched
the ball crash through the glass door and thud
into her desk. Police said the ball rolled down
a hill between Van Ginkel Lanes and Des Moines
Technical High School and may have been doing
up to ten miles an hour when it crashed into
the Hawkeye Cablevision office Thursday. No one
knows if it was released intentionally.
Oan the inside..
the Editorial page offers Frank Viviano
writing on atrocities, politics and economics in
Latin Americ . on the Arts nnea Karen Paul

Motor Co. and the United
Auto Workers (UAW) union
announced late yesterday
in the 21st day of a strike
that agreement had been
reached on a new contract
that will give the nation's
auto workers their first big
step towards the four-day
work week.
The announcement at 10:40
p.m. EDT capped the opening
round of auto industry contract
bargaining that began in mid-
July. Before the strike began
at midnight, Sept. 14, Ford had
estimated its proposal to the
union was worth better than $1

billion over its three-year life.
covering 170,000 workers were
withheld pending ratification
and the UAW now must decide
between Chrysler and General
Motors as the next company to
come to terms.
Sources said Ford workers
will receive in their new three-
year contract 13 more paid
days off a year, improvements
in the layoff fund that gives
idled workers up to 95 per cent
of their regular take-home pay
and continued cost-of-living
benefits that give them better
protection against inflation than
most industrial workers.
Their wage package will in-
clude a 3 per cent annual wage
increase plus an additional

amount in the first year of th
contract that comes to 16 cen
an hour for an assembler, th
most common job in auto plant
THE NO. 2 auto firm's 38,0
retirees reportedly will receiv
a single lump sum paymentc
$600 during the life of th
agreement to help cushion th
effect of inflation on the
pensions which were frozeni
an agreement that runs un
"The agreement with th
UAW establishes Ford Mot
Co. workers among the be
paid and best protected indu
trial employes in the country
Ford Labor Vice Preside
Sidney McKenna said at a bri
news conference following a
nouncement of the agreemen

he First word of the new pact, Ford, w'
ts which was close to final in the da
he agreement Monday morning car sale
s. before a "snag" developed over one-half
non-economic items, leaked a year
00 from the second floor negotiat- 15,000 cal
ve ing suite at Ford world strike.
of headquarters in suburban Dear- Details
he born in the early evening, were b
he UAW uni
ir UAW PRESIDENT Leonard 26-memb
in Woodcock emerged first with ecutive 1
til UAW Vice President Ken and to ti
Bannon to read a brief two- Ford Coy
he paragraph statementbbut re- then mus
or fused any comments on the ne- ly by th
st gotiations, the strike or the set- personsz
s- tlement. tion wor
," Even with the three - year
nt agreement, Ford probably will IT WA
ef not begin rolling cars off its that the
n- assembly lines for another breakthr
t. week to 10 days. Analysts said goal in

which reported earlier tional 40-hour work week
ay that September new standard since the Grea
s were off less than pression. Its "toe-in-the-
of one per cent from is a plan to give workers
ago, has already lost paid days off in additi
ar sales because of the the 3212 days workers nc
ceive each year in holiday
of the agreenient vacations.
eing withheld by the The UAW said any settl
til it is presented to the in the United States would
er International Ex- to apply in Canada, alt
Board Wednesday night separate negotiations are
he 175-member National there for Ford and GM
)uncil on Thursday. It ers.
st be ratified separate- The Ford settlement
e 25,000 skilled trades- serve as a spur to settl
and the 145,000 produc- strike the UAW called
kers. week against John Deere

- the
t De-
on to
ow re-
ys and
e held
e the
e and

AS learned, however,
union scored a major
ough in its ultimate
shortening the tradi-

Company, the farm implement
firm headquartered in Moline,
Illinois. It has 27,000 workers
in six states.
See UAW, Page 3

C ontract

AP Photo
The last cutting
These rolls of hay on John Fyffe's farm outside Albany, N.Y. signal the last cutting of
hay before the Indian Summer days ore over and winter casts its frosty hand over the land.

In a meeting which drew
some 400 members, the
Graduate Employe Organi-
zation (GEO) last night
voted overwhelmingly to
extend the expired contract
negotiation deadline two
weeks in order to "go back
to the (bargaining) table
while mobilizing for the
strike to come."
And in the final mom-
ents of the three-hour ses-
sion, the crowd, which had
dwindled to a mere 122
participants, decided to of-
fer entry into binding arbi-
tration with the Univer-
sity. Should the adminis-
tration accept the terms,
an arbitrator will be hired
to review both sides and
hand down an irreversible
"I THINK the University
would refuse (binding arbitra-
tion)," said Chief University
bargainer John Forsyth after
GEO's gathering. "They re-
quested that last year and we
refused - I think it would be a
grave mistake . . . to bring in
a third party."
Also last night, the union's
proposals were oncetagain indi-
vidually subjected to member-
ship debate and many of the
most crucial positions - eco-

nomics, affirmative action,
non-discrimination and class
size - were left unchanged.
University officials, however,
were not encouraged by the
prospect of more talks even on
GEO's modified terms.
William Lemmer and Chief Uni-
versity bargainer John Forsyth
insist more "dramatic changes"

City planners listened sadly
at City Hall last night as com-
munity residents blasted the
newly - proposed traffic circula-
tion plan.
The plan, which would re-
vamp the city's traffic patterns
by 1990, calls primarily for
widening and expansion of cer-

will have to emerge from union
ranks before settlement predic-
tions can even be chanced.
"I think there's no question
we're not going to have a con-
tract," Forsyth said.
"I'm disappointed if in fact
they are just biding their time
to mobilize for a strike," he
See GEO, Page 3

plan blasted

Fallout from China
blast reaches U.S.
WASHINGTON (U)-Light radiation from a Chinese atomic test
is sprinkling parts of the eastern United States, prompting health
officials in one state to warn residents to wash garden vegetables
carefully before eating them.
Pennsylvania officials were the first to report detection of the
fallout from a blast at Lop Nor in western China on Sept. 26.
Other areas reporting some radiation include New Jersey, southern
Connecticut, Long Island, Delaware and South Carolina.
THE ENERGY Research and Development Administration
(ERDA) in Washington said that "the fallout is of low level and
presents no cause of concern." However, a spokesperson added
that specific data on radiation levels is still being collected.
Nuclear fallout consists of vapor and dust from an atomic
blast, including a variety of radioactive materials. These are sent
high into the atmosphere in the familiar mushroom cloud seen
after such an explosion.
Winds can carry this cloud over long distances, literally around
the world. And when these radioactive elements finally fall to
earth they can enter water supplies or cling to vegetables or the
grass eaten by cows, and turn up in cows' milk.
See NUCLEAR, Page 8

tain important streets. While it
advocates adoption of the al-
ready proposed bus expansion
plan, it makes no other provi-
sions for mass transit.
IT ALSO calls for five new
parking structures downtown
and expansion of the city's bi-
cycle paths to a ninety-mile sys-

Marine force plagued
by faulty information
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - Faulty intelligence led to the deaths of 41
Marines when they attacked an island off Cambodia to rescue the
container ship Mayaguez, according to a Congressional report
released yesterday.
U.S. pilots had already reported back to Washington that 30 to
40 white men, apparently the vessel's crew members, were
aboard a fishing boat and not on the island of Koh Tang, the
General Accounting Office (GAO), an investigating arm of Con-
gress, said in the report.
PRESIDENT FORD gave the order for the Marines to take
the island and rescue crew members thought to be held hostage
there by the Cambodians.
See REPORT, Page 8

Among the plan's prime pr
-Rebuild and widen the Ful
er St. bridge.
-Widen Depot Fullert
four lanes from Main St. t
U. S. 23.
-Widen Glen Ave. to fou.
lanes between Huron St. an
the Fuller bridge.
-Widen State St. between th
Eisenhower Parkway and Pac
ard to four and five lanes.
-Provide better links to ou
lying areas by extending var
ous "penetration" roads.
-Convertto one-way all thre
legs of the State, Hill, an
Packard triangle.
-Extend Fifth Ave. frog
Hill St. to Hoover St., pr(
sumably through part of th
University's Wines Field an
across the railroad.
-Make Liberty St. and Wi
liam St. one way in opposite d
rections between First Ave. an
State St.
ALSO suggested, though wi
a lower priority, is a widenin
of Hill St. to four lanes b
See TRAFFIC, Page 3


.. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
2floats over
e- Presidential candidate Roger
MacBride yesterday brought to
town the standard of the Liber-
tarian Party, billing himself as
an alternative to Gerald Ford
and Jimmy Carter who stands
not exactly to the right or left,
but hovers somewhere above
the centersring of mainstream
MacBride, 46, spoke briefly 7
to a press gathering at the
Campus Inn yesterday after-
noon. A lawyer and television
producer, he has campaigned
{ throughout the country since
last year and now has his name
on the ballot in thirty states
and the District of Columbia -
more than any other minor
party candidate. G
MacBride, "We must rise_.,

Hunt for Arb suspect turns
South; FBI may enter case

Authorities yesterday turned
toward Florida and Georgia in
their search for the 19-year-old
transient suspected in last
week's murder of University
freshwoman Jeannine Boukai,
who was found shot to death
Friday in the Arb.
A .- --- - 1 - . - - - - - - --

tion between the policy and
Boukai's death.
Meanwhile, Kerr requested
yesterday that a fugitive war-
rant be issued charging inter-
state flight against Wilson, who
is believed to be in possession
of Bonkai's Yamaha motorcycle
and in the company of another
- - - T xurIC 4 - --b


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