B CUTZ* RACIAL SLUR See Editorial Page C I 4c 5k& Palip (..EN t[ALIo High-70 Low--48 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 5, 1976 Ten Cents Ten Pages IYCU SEE NWS RA" hCALXAJY Odds on Riegle For what it's worth, oddsmaker Jimmy "the Greek" Snyder says that Democrat Don Riegle is the betting choice to win Michigan's U.S. Sen- ate race for retiring Phil Hart's seat. Snyder, who made his prediction at Michigan State Uni- versity on Friday said it would take some ticket- splitting, because he thinks that President Ford will carry the state for the GOP. He predicted that Riegle would best Republican Congressman Marvin Esch by at least three percentage points in November. Snyder says his predictions are based on information compiled by his staff and from "reliable sources." e Happenings . . . ... offer a lot of places to eat lunch today, starting with the Returning Student Lounge, 320 Michigan Union. The potluck luncheon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. is the grand opening of the lounge, inci- dentally, which is for all students whose education has been interrupted ... a lunch discussion on "Genetic Engineering: Creation and Human Val- ues" is being held at noon in the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church. Lunch is 75 cents ... if genetic engineering turns your stomach, there is a brown bag lunch at the Center for the Continuing Education of Women, 328 Thompson, where Beverly Howze, a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology, speaks on "Black Suicide/White Suicide: A Comparison" ... Reed Whittemore reads his poetry in the Pendleton Room of the Union, at 4 p.m. ... The Go club meets at 7 p.m. in Rm. 2050 of the Frieze Bldg. ... LSA Student Govern- ment meets at 7 p.m. in Rm. 3909 of the Union. The meeting is open to all interested students ... The U bf M Rowing Club holds a general meet- ing, 7:30 p.m. in Lecture Rm. 2 of the MLB ... This evening is your last chance to join the Paul Goodman Study Group at Canterbury House, at Catherine and Division, 8 p.m. " Bolles probe Eighteen investigative reporters from 15 news organizations converged on Arizona yesterday to probe the alleged land fraud and corruption they believe led to the car-bomb murder of reporter Don Bolles. The journalists are silent about the scope of their activities, but Pulitzer Prize win- ner Bob Greene of Newsday said the task force "is not a posse" but "a cool, reasoned, profes- sional response to the assassination of a report- er." Bolles, 48, was lured to a north-central Phoe- nix hotel June 2 by a caller identifying himself as John Adamson and promising a tip on a crook- ed land deal involving prominent Arizonans. After waiting a few minutes in the hotel lobby, Bolles received a telephone call, returned to the park- ing lot, and began backing up. A home-made bomb exploded beneath the vehicle. Bolles died 11 days later, and police arrested Adamson, who is await- ing trial on a murder charge. " Backwoods balderdash Ever hear the one about the catfish that walked to school? It was just one of several hundred back porch yarns spun over the weekend at the National Storytelling Festival in Jonesboro, Tenn. The catfish tale belonged to Doc McConnell of Rogersville, Tenn., who told listeners that he caught it one summer as a boy. Taking it out of the water for progressively long periods of time, the fish finally became accustomed to liv- ing on land. Autumn came and McConnell had a companion for his walk to school. "He followed along like a dog, flopping and wiggling through the dust," he said. Everything was fine until Mc- Connell crossed an old bridge with a plank miss- ing. When he looked back, no more catfish. "He had fallen through that crack in the bridge and drowned." Fighting fire wtith fire In order to increase medical benefits for his seriously ill wife, the third-ranking officer in the New York City Fire Department has voluntarily taken a demotion. Until Saturday, Frank Cruthers was the department's chief of operations. The next day, he became deputy chief in command of the 14th Division, in Queens. Ironically, the contract covering his higher-ranking job entitled his wife to only 21 days of insured hospitalization. She now qualifies for 300 days under his new job as a regular fire fighter. And because of over- time, night differentials and other benefits, Cruth- ers takes only $5 per week cut in his former $41,000-a-year salary. Ott the inside . . ... The Editorial Page features a Pacific News Service story about the real Christopher Columbus ... Arts Page reviews Saturday Night's Benny Goodman and Steve Goodman (no relation)/Vas- sar Clements concerts ... Sports Page reveals Rick Butz Carter, Ford primed for debate President Ford and Jimmy Carter yesterday headed for California and tomorrow's de- bate on foreign policy. But before his departure yes- terday, Ford accepted Earl Butz' resignation amidst a con- troversy in which, Carter said, the President showed a lack of leadership and a willingness to exercise political expediency. WHITE HOUSE aides were hoping that the affair had not inflicted serious damage on the President's campaign, and that Ford could put it behind him as he turned full attention to tomorrow night's second tele- vised face-to-face confrontation with his Democratic rival. Carter, at a campaign stop- over in Denver en route to the West Coast, said "the way this whole embarrassinghand dis- gusting episode was handled by President Ford shows a con- tinuation of lack of leadership." He went on: "Instead of mak- ing his decision based on what was right and best for the coun- try, he very carefully waited until he assessed public opinion polls to see what was right po- litically, and when the political pressure got so great on him from his own people, then he finally accepted Earl Butz' res- ignation." IN SAN FRANCISCO, Ford planned a few public appear- ances but for the most part was to seclude himself with a few aides in a private residence to prepare for his second nation- ally broadcast encounter with Carter. The President met Sunday with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to discuss such sub- jects as detente with the So- viet Union, the Mideast, and Kissinger's peace mission in southern Africa. Carter, meanwhile, huddled for four hours Sunday with for- mer Defense Secretary James Schlesinger, who was fired by Ford last year after he criti- cized aspects of U.S. policy on detente with the Soviet Union and military spending. THE 90-MINUTE debate be- tween Ford and Carter may serve to illustrate whether fore- ign and defense policy differen- ces between the two are really See 2nd, Page 10 submits his resignation Secretary hopes to k illampaign issue WASHINGTON P) - President Ford accepted the resignation of his secretary of agriculture yesterday and said parting with Earl Butz was "one of the saddest de- cisions of my presidency." The resignation followed a weekend of rapidly esca- lating controversy over an obscene racial slur uttered last August following the Republican National Convention and traced to Butz last week. THE EPISODE had become an issue in Ford's elec- tion campaign and brought numerous demands from poli- ticians in both parties that Butz be fired. The lingering question was whether Ford had waited too long. Democratic presidential nominee Jimmy Carter, campaigning in Denver, said Butz should have been fired immediately and that Ford's handling of the situation showed a lack of leadership. Both Butz and the President said the resignation was occasioned solely by the off-color story about blacks and did not mean any change of farm policy on the part of the Ford administration. "THIS IS the price I pay for a gross indiscretion in The great pumpkin MARK KECK of Williamsport, Pa., proudly displays the gigantic pumpkin he gr backyard. "I brought a seed home from school and just stuck it in the ground,"t shrugged. The seed grew into a 40-foot vine and a pumpkin 80 inches around. MEETING TONIGHT: Gr sk a private conversation," Butz House press room following a Ford had called Butz to the White House last Friday and reprimanded him "very severe- lv" for the racial slur, made aboard an airliner when Butz was explaining, in his opinion, z' : why blacks were not attracted to the Renublican party. "I'll tell you why you can't attract coloreds," Butz said. "Because coloreds only want three things: You know what they want? I'll tell you what they want. It's three things: A first, a tight pussy: second, loose shoes: and third, a warm place to shit. That's all." ew in his the youth WHEN BUTZ had left the White House, Ford said Butz had been "wise enough and courageous enough to recognize that no single individual, no matter ,how distinguished his east public service, should cast a shadow over the integrity and good will of American govern- ment by his comments." "For that reason," Ford said, "I have accepted the resigna- members tion of this decent and good man." The resignation was effective sretty good immediately. Undersecretary of stein yester- Agriculture John Knebel be- ein my de- conps acting secretary. e quite UP RUTZ, HIS EYES glistening has offered with tears, said of Ford. "I ct, one that shall continme to work tireless- last year- lv for his election." e going to In his brief letter of resigna- favor Wein- tion, Butz told Ford, "I sincere- eetings be- lv apologize for any offense ike in Feb- that may have been caused by ofken poFrb- the unfortunate choice of lan- iften poorly guage used in a recent conver- ame appar- sation and reported publicly." s imminent. oared to 600 In thetpreparedrstatement neetings im- read in the press room, Butz the strike. again apologized for his "in- Union'thad discretion" and said he was n and mobi- resigning to save Ford further some think harm. ge 10 See SECRETARY, Page 10 told reporters in the White private meeting with Ford. Arb killer hunted outsi e of state By JENNIFER MILLER Authorities yesterday continu- ed to search for last week's alleged Arb murderer, now be- lieved to have fled Michigan. The Washtenaw County Sher- iff's Department has issued a first degree murder warrant for Ricky Wayne Wilson, the 19- year-old transient suspected in the murder of University fresh- woman Jeannine Boukai, who was found shot to death last Friday in the Arb. ACCORDING to Sheriff Fred- erick Postill, the National Crime Information Center is on the alert for Wilson, who was seen with Boukai's yellow and black Yamaha motorcycle the day she was killed. "We have some testimony that substantiates that he was leaving the state," said Postill. He said Wilson had shipped some personal belongings out of the state on Friday. Wilson, with no known per- manent address, was known to have stayed in an apartment in the Packard and State area. He was seen leaving there on Bou- kai's cycle Friday, along with See ARB, Page 10 By KEN PARSIGIAN Members of the Graduate Employes' Organization (GEO) will gather in the Union Ball- room tonight in what should be their most important meeting of the past eighteen months: to decide whether to take a strike vote later this month. Since negotiations with the University broke down last Thursday, union leaders have been busy educating the rank and file on the issues in an ef- fort to stimulate interest and participation in tonight's meet- ing. "NUMBERS ARE going to be important in this meeting-very important," said Oliver Car- sten, a history teaching assist- and (TA) and GEO activist. "Everyone is going to be count- ing numbers. You're going to be counting numbers, the Uni- versity is going to be counting numbers, and we're going to be counting too." But numbers have been a trouble spot at the last two membership meetings, which were attended by only 100 to 150 of the University's nearly 2,000 graduate student assist- ants (GSA's). And the Union will need a much bigger turnout tonight if it is to show the Uni- versity that it means business. GEO treasurer Barbara Wein- stein believes the will come in force. "I EXPECT a p turnout," said Weins day. "I know peopl partment (math) ar set. The University a ridiculous contrac is backwards from a lot of people ar show up." History seems to stein's prediction. M fore GEO's last str ruary 1975 were o attended until it bee ent that a strike wa Then, attendance so each for the two m mediately preceding But in 1975 the more time to inform lize members, and See GEO, Pag UAW, Ford talks teeter settlement on brin] DETROIT (UPI) - Bargain-1 ers for the Ford Motor Co. and the United Auto Workers met for 15 hours yesterday trying: to resolve a non-economic is- sue that "snagged" an apparent contract agreement that would! end the three-week-old strike by1 170,000 workers.1 At one point during the day yesterday, bargainers thought they had finally wrapped up the agreement and began notifying local union leaders around the country that the strike was near its end. THE UNION even began the first steps of its ratification process, calling its Internation- al Executive Board and Nation- al Ford Council to Detroit to look over a tentative agree- ment. The major concession in the new agreement reportedly is establishment of a principle that could ultimately lead to a four-day work week in the industry, a prime goal of organized labor for decades. Workers are expected to get up of but it slipped away," a high union source last night as the session that began at 9 a.m. EDT stretched to midnight. A UAW spokesperson said the discussions would resume at 9 a.m. today at Ford world headquarters in suburban Dear- born. "There are still some things to negotiate," the union spokes- person said, "and we're work- ing on them." Included in the non-economic area are sub-contracting, plant shutdowns and the transfer of work, health and safety mat- ters, working conditions, pro- duction standards, overtime work during layoff periods and discipline. It was believed the "snag" developed in one of the sub- sections of the non-economic package. Women, minority agencies to combine By LAURIE YOUNG The University begins work this week on a plan to integrate the Commission for Women and the Commission for Minority Af- fairs into a single affirmative action office. A three-person committee, appointed by President Robben Fleming, hopes to have a workable plan by spring. "THE REORGANIZATION is a way to make the affirmative L - : ... :. .: