r6 Thursday, Septerriber 9, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, September 9, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Ghosts of a By JIM TOBIN HAD NEVE M Y FAMILY USED to come to Michigan football first place games about once a year. My parents, both body had eith alumni, were neither voracious nor indifferent fans, ed to me. Too so that usually averaged out to one game per fall. Williams oute I was more a baseball fan back then, so the hour But after t drive to Ann Arbor and another hour back home tions made it seldom seemed worth the trouble for a mere foot- ball game. But on those weekends I got my first ing to go aloni tastes of the city.wadufoa Trundling in to town on North Main off U. S. 23, couln't ida we would pass the faltering frame houses of that the place besi quarter of town - paint peeling around the eaves, screenless screen doors, driveways chewed up. And I was tough up on the roof would sit a gallery of rowdies who had convinced hooted at every car that went by, and I, a junior-, mount the ch high-schooler, thought to myself that I didn't want tifyingly alone to spend four years of college like that. That was in front of Ali my first impression of Ann Arbor. It lasted a long crib, a little k time. bug bonnd fnr freshn R WANTED to go to Michigan in the My parents had gone there; every- er gone there or was about to, it seem- big, too. I wanted to go to Brown or east. he admissions offices of those institu- painfully clear that they weren't will- ng, I faced up to the fact that my ass long stretch in Ann Arbor. And after in't seem so bad, for what reason I e; I had few other impressions of des those jerks up 'on the roof. h, though. Three years of high school d me that I was cool enough to sur- allenge of college. But, oh, how mor- e I felt when my parents dropped me ice Lloyd Hall, a waif tossed from the kid with a runny nose thrust on to the r his first summer camp. I played my role for all it was worth for my par- e, of course - I staunchly gripped my l, waved a hearty farewell, and strode ian year toward Lloyd's entrance without looking back. My parents pulled off into the sunset, their bumper, vanishing around the corner of Couzens Hall, the last lifeboat in the storm. My orientation leader was a saint. Gary, his name was; he was a pre-med student. Did I have my res- ervation and check? he wanted to know. Shaking, I showed him that I did. "Terrific," he said. "You're gonna do just fine at the University." Such was my state that I really believed he could tell such a thing from such a trivial question and response. God, do you really think so? I wanted to ask him, do you really think I'm going to do okay? If I had asked, I have no doubt he would have said, "Oh yeah, no question about it, you got no problems at all, I can tell." At any rate, I was off to a more comfortable start than I had expected. May Gary, wherever he is, be on his way to being a rich doc- tor. All those meetings and conferences and rap ses- sions they put you through during orientation run SEE RECALLING, Page 10 Jim jutiorl. Tobin, a Daily nig ht editor, is a University independence ental audience bag, stood tal Daily Photo by STEVE KAGAN This Is The Stereo System That Got Jim Crawford Through Four Years Of College Of Course, Along the Way There Have Been a Few Changes, Like the Ad- dition of a Tape Deck and a Pair of Headphones, But Basically Jim Found Everything He Needed at .. . . .. .. . . I t cF " " ', .e ' . 1 . s ° . . ' w t : t i ' 1;' t i " C t '- ii ,.r i II .. "Y ]r OUR $64900 SYSTEM I? U T d L-"'*l ADVET KENWOOD Where We Don't Mind Saying We Have Made College a Lot More Enjoy- able for Lots of Folks. Jim Found, as Many Others Have, That the Sales Staff at Hi-Fi Buys Took the Time to Answer All of His Questions and Recommend Just the Right Components for His Personal Needs and Budget. Jim Also Knew That at Hi-Fi Buys the Relation- ship Does Not End with the Sale. Besides Having the Peace of Mind Because of Hi-Fi Buys Own Five Year Protection Plan, Jim Knew He Had the Complete Backing of Mid- Michigan's Foremost Service Department. Many Major Lines to Choose From KENWOOD McINTOSH B & O NAKAMICHI GARRARD WE ALSO FEATURE MANY PRE- MATCHED SYSTEMS W H I C H OFFER THE F I N E S T IN PER- FORMANCE AND BEST OF ALL, GREAT SAVINGS FOR YOU. HI FI BUYS :Ctridge and Stylus Prot ection Contract F_ . -' ' . , 1 N 1( flh ' (.j \ II fF IF { HI-Fl BUYS 1Si l Y[I ItlRi'IIOIECCCtIOP1 ,,N SCOTT DUAL ADVENT J. B.L. GENESIS TECHNICS HI-FI BUYS THIS ONEYEER ;FREE SPEAKER EXCHANGE . 171 SANYO And More,. . Plus a Complete Line of LP's At GREAT PRICES * I FINANCING ALWAYS I I I U BANKAMERICARDO II III ! I FI ww~wwwwwr aUwwwwwsw wwwwnwwws WATCH FOR OUR NUMEROUS FREE AUDIO CLINICS THROUGH THE YEAR So Stop, Buy ake nd Let HI-Fl BUYS Your Stay I College A ore Sound Experience 71 - 1 7I --T 1 ;TL' I m ® m 1 - - I AIR CfnIUTU AAIJ 0