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October 02, 1976 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 21

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 2, 1976

Ten Cents Eight Pages

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Fletcher reinstated
Madeline Fletcher, the black policewoman who
stood trial for shooting her white male partner, is
being reinstated by the Flint Police Department
and will receive $7,000 in back pay. Fletcher ad-
mitted shooting Patrolman Walt Kalberer last Dec.
27 during an argument over who was going to
drive their patrol car. A Genesee County Circuit
Court Jury found her innocent of assault charges.
She said she shot Kalberer out of fear for her
life, wounding him in the left thigh. Fletcher
was shot in the abdomen. Flint Police Chief Max
Durbin said yesterday that Fletcher is being fined
60 days as a disciplinary measure for the shoot-
ing. Kalberer drew a five-day suspension.
... are topped,. of course, by this afternoon's
slaughter of Wake Forest. Kickoff time at Michi-
gan Stadium is 1:30 ... The Go Club meets this
afternoon at 2:00 in Rm. 2050 of the Frieze Build-
ing ... Alumni and members of the University's
Inter-Cooperative Council honor Luther Buchele,
their executive secretary for the past 25 years,
with a picnic supper at Island Park from 4 to 8
p.m. For further information, call Nancy Petter-
son, at 662-4414.
No ifs, ands, or Butz
Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz got a heavy
tongue-lashing yesterday from President Ford for
using abusive and derogatory language about
blacks. The reprimand was triggered by an ac-
count in Rolling Stone magazine by John Dean (of
Watergate fame) which quoted an unnamed Cabi-
net member as using incredible language when
asked why blacks did not vote for Republicans.
Butz said: "I'll tell you why you. can't attract
coloreds. Because coloreds only want three things.
You know what they want? I'll tell .,., what col-
oreds want, it's three things: first, a tight pussy;
second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to
shit. That's all." Butz issued an apology for "the
unfortunate choice of language."
Screw, bang, cherry
The American Heritage Dictionary of the Eng-
lish Language has been removed from Hanover
Central High School in Cedar Lake, Id. because
the school board said it contains four-letter vul-
garisms and slang definitions for such words as
"screw" "bang," "cherry," and "tail" "I don't
believe in censorship, I'm not a Victorian, a Puri-
tan or what have you," said Hanover Community
School Board member Carolyn Kenning. "I don't
believe in censoring things that are vital to an
education, but I don't see where these words are
vital to an education. A 93-signature petition ask-
ing the Board to rescind the order was presented
this week, but school superintendent Larry Crabb
said he'll abide by the decision unless a three-
member policy committee he serves on comes up
with a different recommendation. Cedar Lake resi-
dent Barbara Sack thinks the whole business is
a sham. "I don't know what kind of a person
looks in ' ,e dictionary to find dirty words," said
Sack. "B, re it was just a dictionary, but now
someone's rL de it into a dirty book.
An Arizona State University Professor of colonial
history says that the swashbuckling pirates of the
eighteenth century, remembered for terrorizing the
Caribbean islands, were virtually all gay. Profes-
sor B.R. Burg asserts that the popular image of
buccaneers as boisterous ruffians carrying off
struggling women from plundered ships is far
from accurate. Burg says his research indicates
that the pirates were far more likely to seize
and carry off young boys. Burg explains that be-
cause there were very few women in the West
Indies, and because pirates were often at sea,
they developed a self-contained homosexual com-

munity. He concedes however, that his thesis is
based on a "situational analysis."
Vox Corpora
State Attorney General Frank Kelley said yes-
terday the Michigan law prohibiting corporate con-
tributions to ballot proposal campaigns is unen-
forceable. What effect this opinion will have on
the upcoming election is, however, unclear. House
Republican Leader Dennis Cawthorne (R-Manis-
tee), who requested the opinion, said it will "give
the green light" to corporations which might have
been hesitant to spend money on ballot campaigns.
Some state business firms have already gone ahead
and contributed to a committee opposing the pro-
posal to ban throwaway bottles.
On the insidel..
On the Editorial Page Pacific News Ser-

F reshwoman, 17,
murdered ini Arb;
Police seek clues

A 17-year-old University
freshwoman was found
shot to death in the Ar-
boretum yesterday morn-
ing. Local law enforcement
officials last night were
probing the murder, but
had arrested no suspects
nor discovered any motive
for the slaying.
The body of Jeanine
Boukai was discovered
shortly after 8 a m. yester-
day by a passing jogger,
just yards outside the Ann
Arbor city limits.
BOUKAI, AN Ann Arbor
resident who lived in Stevens
Co - operative, was just three

weeks shy of her 18th birthday.
Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Detective Michael Walters con-
firmed yesterday that the wo-
man, who was found clothed,
had been shot four times.
"We're right in the middle
of fact-finding," said Walters,
adding that the detectives as-
signed to the case are sorting
out "bits and pieces" of infor-
A SHERIFF'S department
spokesperson said that from
Boukai's appearance, there was
no indication to believe she
was sexually assaulted.
According to Walters, the
sheriff's denartment is being
assisted in its investigation by
three officers from the Ann Ar-
bor Police Dept.
A complete autopsy was per-
formed yesterday, but the re-

stilts will not be released until
this morning, according to Dr.
Robert Hendrix.
BOUKAI WAS described by
acquaintances at Stevens Co-op
as a pleasant, safety - conscious
woman who was not known to
have frequented the Arboretum,
the grassy expanse of parkland
abutting campus where as-
saults are not uncommon.
"She was very safety-minded.
She was normally home and
asleep by ten," said one Stev-
ens resident who wished to re-
main anonymous.
Another Stevens resident,
Ann Rebentish, who lived in
the same house at Boukai last
s u m m e r, s a i d dinner-
time Thursday was the last
time Boukai was seen.
THE MURDER has left a pall
over the blue-frame dwelling,
where residents are at a loss
to explai, why Boikai had gone
to the Arb. "Some speculated
that she would not have gone
there alone.
"Nobody knows anything,"
said one resident. "Everv-
bodv's surnrised to say the
least. It's glum."
Earlier this week, Boukai re-
portedly filed an application
See POLICE, Page 2

Ford- Carter
gap narrows
WASHINGTON (AP)-Watergate Special Prosecutor Ch
Ruff will publicly clear President Ford early next week
close his investigation of alleged campaign finance impro
ties without any prosecutions, sources familiar with the p
said late last night. A source said Ruff found no basis
criminal charges against Ford or anyone else.
By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service
WASHINGTON - President Ford's election drive was g
a boost yesterday with a new poll showing he has closed fi
er on rival Jimmy Carter, but politically lethal questions
his congressional campaign funds refused to disappear.
Deputy Attorney General Harold Tyler disclosed he tou
off an investigation by the Watergate Special Prosecutor
alleged campaign fund irregularities in Ford's Michigan
gressional district during the 1972 presidential campaign
BUT TYLER TOLD REUTERS Ford's name did not fi
either in the allegations, made to the Federal Bureau of
vestigation by an informant, or in a request to the W
gate Prosecutor last July 12 to conduct an investigation.
Earlier yesterday, the Washington Post reported that
torney General Edward Levi and other top Justice De
ment officials initiated the campaign finances probe.
THE NEW DEVELOPMENTS in what has become a c
paign issue emerged a few hours after Ford had declared
personal integrity in handling congressional campaign funds
in accepting golf trips with big business lobbyists years ag
A Gallup poll published yesterday showed the President
closed the gap to eight percentage points on his Democi
rival for the November 2 election.
The poll, taken after last week's first television debate
tween Ford and Carter, said Ford was now trailing by 50
cent to 42, compared to a 54 to 36 per cent disadvantag
month ago. The remainder were undecided.
Carter celebrated his 52nd birthday in Maine, Connect:
Tennessee and Pennsylvania, worrying about political ap
among blue-collar workers and predicting he'll be elected of
whelmingly despite "fumbles and mistakes and honest erro
Carter pledged that as president he would veto a Se
bill (S-1) revamping the nation's criminal code if it is
to the White House with provisions intruding on personal
vacy while protecting unwarranted government secrecy.
THE BILL BOGGED DOWN in the Judiciary Committeec
ing this session of Congress after civil libertarians critic
See POLL, Page 8
Liza kills
500 in
MEXICALI, Mexico (Reuter)
-The death toll lost night near-
ed 500 in the Northwest Mexi
can City of La Paz, partially
destroyed by Hurricane Liza's
120-mile-per-hour winds and
massive flooding.
Red Cross officials contacted
by telephone said rescue work-
ers had now recovered nearly
500 bodies in the city, where
about one-third of the buildings
were flattened.

Steve Goodmna n and friend
Singer/composer Ste %e Goodman strums and warbles for the crowd at Power Center. Good-
man and fiddler Vassar Clements performed for a capacity crowd last night - and John
Prine stopped by for some good times, too.


GEO's contract issues

As the doors slammed on
mediation last Thursday neither
Graduate Employe Organization
(GEO) nor University bargain-
ers could predict the future with
any certainty. But there was
nothing vague about where the
two sides stood - they were
miles apart.
Between now and the Oct. 5th
contract deadline the negoti-
ating teams will not be meet-
ing. Yet surface calm masks a
growing tension in both camps
as the possibility of a strike
UNION LEADERS are scram-
bling to gather support from
their scattered forces and gear
them up for Tuesday night's
critical membership meeting,
when a definite course of ac-
tion will be decided.
Meanwhile, the University is
polishing its contingency plans
should the membership decide,
at that meeting, to walk out.
The table at the right shows
where GEO and the University
stood on several key issues at
the end of mediation. And this
is where the two sides will have
to start from - if and when the
bargaining resumes.

SALARY-Seeks a 6.5 per cent salary in-
crease for the 1976-77 school year and an
additional 6.5 per cent for the 1977-78 school
year. With the added stipulation that should
the rate of inflation for the year preceding
Sept. 1977 exceed 6.5 per cent, the percentage
increase in salary would match that rate.
TUITION-Seeks a 50 per cent cut in tuition
for all GSA's working quarter time or more,
for the 1976-77 school year, and for tuition to
be waived for all GSA's working quarter time
or more for the 1977-78 school year.
FRACTION-Wants all fractional employment
estimates to be based on a full time equivalent
of 40 hours per week for 15 weeks.
CLASS SIZE-Demands that for winter term
1977, the ratio of full time (GSA) salary
alloted to the number of enrolled undergradu-
ate students be no less than 3.148 per cent.
If undergraduate enrollment increases X per
cent there will be an increase of at least
one half X per cent in full time GSA salary
Regarding lab, recitation and discussion sec-
tion enrollment limits, a high warning figure
and an absolute maximum figure will be set.
Labs--high warning-20, absolute maximum-24;
See GEO, Page 2

SALARY-Offers a 5 per cent increase for
the 1976-77 school year. Is not willing to dis-
cuss increases beyond the first year.
Maintains that GSA's, as enrolled students,
should pay full tuition. However, the Univer-
sity is willing to freeze tuition - which was
raised 9.7 per cent this year - at last year's
level while increasing GSA salary only 3.2
per cent.
FRACTION-Wants to calculate fractional
employment estimates based on an average
GSA workload of 22 to 25 hours per week
which could set full time employment as
high at 55 hours per week.
CLASS SIZE-Contends this is an educa-
tional issue and therefore does not belong in
a labor contract.
RECRUITMENT--Does not believe hiring
guidelines belong in a labor contract. The
University refuses to discuss the issue.
discriminate against GSA's as outlined by
GEO. Because the University is opposed to
including hiring practices in a labor contract,
it refuses to be bound to these non-discrimi-
nation rules when reviewing GSA applicants.
opposed to the concept but is unwilling to
fund it.
See 'U', Page 2

- I

State House race:
multitude of issues
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) faces three visible
challengers (and one phantom) in his fall battle to keep his
53rd District seat in the state House. And perhaps the only ex-
citement in the entire race is provided by the bewildering num-
ber of issues involved.
Bullard, Republican John Dietrich, Libertarian Gerald Wolke,
and American Independent Ronald Graham have argued such
problems as environmental and consumer protection, crime, taxes,
unemployment, gambling, prostitution, marijuana, and sex.
(HUMAN RIGHTS PARTY candidate Carol Burke-Fonte has
apparently left for California without informing the County Clerk
she is no longer running.)
With the possible exception of Dietrich, the young and popu-
lar Bullard appears to face no serious competition for the No-
vember contest. As the only candidate with political experience,
Rtllnird has ecellnt vting rrcord assessments from the Na-.

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