94e rt Ott nu Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M1 48109 Jimmy and Jesus: Just good ol' boys Friday, October 1, 1976 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Ford can't justify veto PRESIDENT FORD'S veto Wednes- day of the $56 billion social aid and education bill certainly tough- ened his conservative image of fru- gality, but it also helped confirm the charge that a quarter-century of life in Washington has taken him too far out of touch with the common peo- ple. Election - year politics once again have taken precedence over the health and welfare of countless Americans whose only hope rested with .a congressional override. It was Ford's 59th veto since he assumed office 26 months ago. The President said he would not sign the bill because it was "infla- tionary". A curious statement, given the facts of this bill. Congress appropriated about $4 billion more than the President had requested for the bill earlier this year in his proposed budget outline. Many of the increases contained in the ver- sion Congress approved, however, rose because the law requires such Photography Staff Pauline Lubens ............Chief Photographer Scott Eccker ............... Staff Photographer Alan Bilinsky.............. Staff Photographer Editorial Staff Rob Meachum ..- - -. . . .-.n Bill Turque Co-Editors-in-Chief Jeff Ristine .................... Managing Editor Tim Schick ................. Executive Editor Stephen Hersh ............... Magazine E- r Rob Meachum........Editorial Dirt r Lois Josimovich .. Arts E wr STAFF WRITERS: Susan Ades, Susan Barry, Dana Baumann, Michael Beckman, Philip Bo- kovoy, Jodi Dimick, Chris Dyhdale, Elaine Fletcher, Larry Friske, Debra Gale, Tom Go- deli, Eric Gressmnan, Kurt Harju, Char Heeg, James Hynes, Michael Jones, Lani Jordan, Lois Josimovich, Joanne Kaufman, David Keeps, Steve Kursman, Jay Levin, Ann Marie Lipinski, George Lobsenz, Pauline Lubens, Stu OcConnell, Jennifer Miller, Michael Norton, Jon Pansius, Ken Parsigian, Karen Paul, Stephen Pickover, Christopher Potter, Don Rose, Lucy Saunders, Annemarie Schiavi, Kar- en Schulkins, Jeffrey Selbet, Jim Shahin, Rick Soble, Tom Stevens, Jim Stimson, David Strauss, Mike Taylor, Jim Tobin, Loran Walker, Laurie Young, Barbara Zahs. adjustments for inflation. And Ford can blame no one but himself for that inflation, which has been and con- tinues to be brought about by the worst economic policy decisions of any President since the Great De- pression. Far more important, however, are the contents of the measure. The bill appropriated needed billions for ele- mentary and secondary education, the National Institutes of Health, the Health Services Administration and manpower programs. In all likeli- hood, of course, the money would have had a greater impact on those in the poor, liberal sector of the elec- torate than the middle- to upper- class constituency Ford is wooing for the November election, but that's not enough to clear his conscience. The unconscionability of the veto was brought sharply to the fore when Ford-failing to secure the support of his own party - saw his veto overridden by both the House and Senate. Sports Staff Bill Stieg .........................Sports Editor Rich Lerner ... ........ Executive Sports Editor Andy Glazer............ Managing Sports Editor Rick Bonino...........Associate Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Tom Cameron, Enid Goldman, Kathy Henneghan, Scott Lewis, Rick Maddock, Bob Miller, John Niemeyer, Mark Whitney. STAFF WRITERS: Leslie Brown, Paul Campbell, Marybeth Dillon, Ernie Dunbar, Henry Engel- hardt, Jeff Frank, Cindy Gatziolis, Don Mac- Lachlan, Rich Ovshinsky, Jim Powers, Pat Rode, John Schwartz. Business Staff Beth Friedman ...............,Business Manager Deborah Dreyfuss...........Operations Manager Kathleen Mulhern ... Assistant Adv. Coordinator Don Simpson .................. Display Manager David Harlan................Finance Manager Dan Blugerman.Sales Manager Pete Peterson .......... Advertising Coordinator Cassie St. Clair.............Circulation Manager Beth Strattord ............. Circulation Director TODAY'S STAFF: News: Phil Bokovey, Jay Levin, George Lobsenz, Bill Turque, Eileen Daley, Liz Kaplan Editorial Page: Mike Beckman, Jon Pansius, Melinda Schultheis, Tom Stevens, Linda Zisuah Arts Page: Lois Josimovich Photo Technician: Alan Bilinsky By JON PANSIUS Being prone towards exces- sive hastiness in my various pursuits, I neglected to wait for the oven to cool down before trying to clean it. Not surpris- ingly, I got my just reward in the second degree. "Jesus H. Christ!" I scream- ed in horrific pain. Just then, an acrid cloud of sulphur smoke rose behind me with a "poof! ", revealing a crimson version of Mr. Spock dressed in a somewhat frayed white gown, with a fake beard and a flickering neon halo. Could such an innocent curse as I had just uttered have caused the ungodly apparition that now stood wickedly smiling before me? "Who the hell are you?," I asked, my voice shaking half from fear of this vision's strangeness and half from laughter at its ludicrous get- up. "Did I do something wrong?" "No, my son, you merely asked for the assistance of one Jesus Christ, though I'm not sure you got his middle initial right. The reason I came here was to offer you a better deal: the assistance of someone even more pure and powerful." This guy has got to be put- . ting me on. "Who's that?", I asked, puzzled to the utmost. He looked at me like I was a small child. "Jimmy Carter, of course. I am his representa- tive, one of his closest confi- dants and advisors." I acted amazed, "Really!" "Yes indeed," he gloated, strutting proudly about. "And now that He is running for President, and it is certain that He will triumph over evil and these blasphemous Republican idiots, the salvation of the coun- try, indeed, of the world, is at hand." "Come on, now; do you ex- pect me to believe all that?" "But He is pure as a driven oil slick-er, pile of--oh, you know what I mean! Besides, Hle promised never to lie to you." "That reminds me of Emer- son's saying," I recollected, "that when guests speak of their honor, we must count our spoons." "What did Emerson know? He was just a hare-brained in- tellectual. Besides, I'm talking about politicians and votes, not guests and spoons. No, Jimmy Carter is not a crook." "But he's still a politician just like the rest of them. What makes him so different?" "I'm glad you asked that," '"Besides, He promised never to lie to you." "That reminds me of Emerson's saying," I recollected, "that when guests speak of their honor, we must count our spoons." "What did Emerson know? He was just a hare-brained intellectual. Besides, I'm talking about politicians and votes, not guests and spoons. No, Jimmy Carter is not a crook."' my guest g aisly noted. "Other politicians have suc- cumbed to the temptations of the Special Interests, those greedy businessmen and fat cat stockholders who get special tax breaks and protection. Good, pure Jimmy, however, owes nothing to the Special In- "But they are not Special In- terests! They support Carter, not that other boob! Further- more, He is going to simplify the bureaucracy by cutting out all those worthless agencies." "Now you're talking! So Car- ter is going to cut the size of of the government?" all the Republicans, there will be thousands and thousands of jobs open to worthy individ- uals. This will solve their un- employment. After reflecting upon my present lack of finances, I ask- ed. "Would I be eligible for such a job?" "Only if you join the band- wagon and support the One." "Wait a minute; isn't that pa- tronage?" "Maybe yes, maybe no. The point is whether or not you want a nice, cushy government job: and I can hear your stom- ach rumbling." "You're right! Even us Daily staffers have to eat. How do T join up?" "Just sign here with this spe- cial red ink," my patron said, handing me a single-spaced fine print bound volume contract with a bloody quill pen just ex- tracted from my right arm. "Hold it," I hesitated. "Are you sure this will get me a job?" He flashed a wide Pepsodent- commercial grin and said, "Would I ever lie to you?" The hasty Ion Pansius is an Editorial Staff writer for the Daily. terests, at least not at this point in time." "That's odd," I thought out loud. "Labor unions, welfare rights groups, "public interest" groups, ideological think tanks, "consumer groups, advocates of pet public works projects, different factions of the Demo- crat party, and others form various interest groups, and Carter seems to owe everything to them." "Not really. He will consoli- date all the small agencies into a few, which will make them even bigger and better, there- by improving the quality of government red tape. Actually, cutting the size of the govern- ment would endanger His pro- gram for Jobs." "How's that?" I asked dumb- ly. "Simple: after getting rid of Letters to The Daily Ford agree To The Daily: Many Americans will Contact your reps Sen. Phillip Hart (Dem.), 253 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Rep. Marvin Esch (Rep.), 2353 Rayburn Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515. Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933 Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933. i {}7.i!y T"{f"".%'%:: :iF :"{{ "%:v{ } ¢;"''r.""} "°J" .. :.5t' SR ' m 'ti"''. r with me that your fellow stu- dents were badly in need of a more lofty drummer last week - one that would lead them to a loftier beat through your university's Michigan Daily! In- stead, your editorial was a vir- tual boomerang, zooming out to arouse them to disorderly con- duct for President Ford's visit to your campus. It returned to its starting point, zapping those of you who represent the Uni- versity of Michigan. It is your "parent" school, is it not? Ever hear of: "What you do re- flects back on your parents?" Same difference here! In this instance, your leadership and the actions that ensued as a result of both, reflect right straight back on you and your university. Here we are nearing the end of our Bicentennial year and we could not be free of campus cacophony and protests for our president's campaign kick - off at his own Alma Mater, even on our 200th birthday! As our tele- vision cop, Baretta, says - "That's the name of the tune." The "tune" remains the same, much to our disgust, just as the wisdom of the old adage quoted above does not change. But why, at a time in history, when a respectable man, who set an excellent record as a student there, as an athlete, and who went on to achieve great ac-- complishments,hcould not his visit in good faith be honored by common courtesv? With no auestion, he has been a shining example for the state of Michi- gan and that state's university. So, regardless of whether he has your support, your anorov- al or your vote, why?! We, the Tnublic, feel we have every ric ht to criticize your behavior; the hisses and boos were unwel- come invaders in our homes, considering what we exnect from a college of your caliber and what we know to be the caliber of your visitor. The fire- cracker was too much. It shock- ed the watching audience at home, as well, and was a sick- ening intruder. But, you object, "He pardoned Richard Nixon!" I ask, would you have preferred draining our country of its stability and more funds for something incompar- able to some events in govern- ment down through the years? Remember Pearl Harbor, one of our saddest happenings that need not have taken place? Take note of the enclosed article; that is but a mere drop in "the cld bucket." I am not saying that what our former president did was right, nor did President Ford say that when he made the infamous pardon mandatory. I will add that I think Richard Nixon was an unfortunate vic- tim of circumstances out of his control and there was little he was able to do that would meet with approval. The well-known die had long before been cast. The terrible hypocrisy that ex- isted at the time, still prevails among some. Can anyone so in- clined, with good conscience, tell why one man, one admini- stration and one party his to be the scapegoat for all time, for all the nation's sins and im- moralities? There is meaning in a recent cartoon; Charlie Brown remarks to Snoopy, "I hear you're writing a book on theolo- gy, I hope you have a good title: Has it Ever Occurred to You that You Might be Wrong?" Think about it. You know it does, indeed, go either way! You will no doubt recognize, "Without the possibility of choice and the exercise of choice a man is not a man, but a mem- ber, an instrument, a thing." At a crucial time in history, under difficult circumstances and terrific pressures, Gerald Ford made his choice - a Christian choice. With far less significance, you made a choice last week; it was your right and you were free to choose your particular kind of leader- ship - one of firebrands and fanatics. A lot of students fol- lowed like sheep, your beat - vourdbleat. Can you answerawho is right and who is wrong? The Michigan Travel Bureau puts out an interesting booklet. It contains marvelous photos, all appealing. It has clever cap- tions, its writing reads in a most beckoning way. It points out that the forty-fifth parallel crosses Michigan almost at mid- position, which puts the state in perfect climatic balancesbe- tween the equator and the North Pole. "Hmmm," I think. It claims that Michigan is a fresh- water spring and invites us to - "Come, be yourself, by your- self!" We react emotionally, "We will, we will!" This seems to be a regular Canaan, a step- ping-stone to all sorts of discov- eries! It continues, "Come up to the water, come up with the sun, come up for air." The last page ends with these words: "The air is a clear breath of courage." Would that all this could be manifested by good and proper thoughts and actions in daily life! If only we could create a more perfect balance, a better climate for decency! If we could all be our own true persons! If we could all drink at the spring - The Well - and be renewed in mind, body and spirit! If we could all en- joy a clean, clear breath of air for a long-awaited change! Virginia Cheapshot To The Daily: REGARDING THE recent story of Ms. Melinda Schultheis in the Friday, September 24 issue, I would like to comment strongly in the form of one phrase: Momma's girl. Yes, it is different coming to a new place and facing situations nev- er encountered before but they don't remedy themselves. There are many ways offered to handle these "problems". First, it seems there is a coun- selor for any problem that could possibly arise. Also, one hun- dred per cent of the student body are not freshpeople, in fact the majority are not. I'm sure that if Ms. Schultheis was really trying to adapt to her new situation she would seek these people for advice on how to cope with college life. After all, they've made it so far. It's a fact of life that sooneror lat- er all children must leave the protection of the womb and in the case of Ms. Schultheis it seems it has taken longer than the rest of us. NOW WE COME to the sub- ject of food. Agreed that it's not much except a bunch of trash thrown together andtnam- ed various things like turkey sandwiches, casseroles, etc, but come now, what do you expect? There is no way that a kitchen cooking for over a thousand people can make food just like dear old Mom. Once again a problem that has been faced by thousands before Ms. Schul- theis has been adapted to. What it all boils down to is that Ms. Schultheis will either conquer her problems and get her B.A., or B.S., or never grow up andsettle for a Mrs. If the latter is the case, then twenty years from now the Daily will more than likely receive a let- ter from Ms. Schultheis' daugh- ter saying she can't cope with college life. Unsigned Letters should be typed and limited to 400 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit letters for length and grammar. Perspective by W. L. SCHELLER ,ON OCTOBER 1, 1949, Mao Tse-Tung stood in Tien an Men square and announced to the people' of China, "Our nation will never again be an insulted nation. We have stood up." So began the People's Republic of China. At 12:10 a.m,, September 9, 1976, the Chairman, the Patriarch of modern China, died. As a youth Mao fought often with his father and eventually ran away from home to get an education. On the way he became a revolutionary. With the aid of Stalin, Mao defeated Chiang Kai- Shek, who fled to Taiwan, and established Nationalist China in 1949. THE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN China and Russia didn't last long however. As early as the 1930s Mao was having second thoughts about the Soviets, though at the time he still needed them for his revolution. The rift between the two communist powers opened in 1958 when Mao warned against "blind obedience" to the Russians. In 1960 the Chinese press began openly criticizing the USSR for its bureaucracy and emerging "elite" class. Since then Sino-Soviet relations have steadily grown worse. In 1969 war nearly broke out along the Ussouri river on China's northern border with the USSR. In 1976 Peking rejected Moscow's "deepest condolences" on the death of Mao. The United States has only recently become aware of the importance of relations with China. In 1949 our government recognized the Nationalist government-in-exile on Taiwan as the legitimate government of China. A "bamboo curtain" fell over the mainland. In the e'arly 1970's, as the threat of Russia was increasing, Mao and Chou En-Lai started approaching Washington in an effort to "normalize relations." This led to the "'ping pong" diplomacy and the first visit to China by an American president. UNFORTUNATELY, America's China policy now lies in neglect. Although we have a consular office in Peking, no new initiatives have been taken to exchange Ambassadors. Now we have reached the crucial point. World security may now depend on our diplomatic initiatives with the People's Republic. The Chinese have openly shown their concern over U.S.-Soviet relations. They have continually been telling us how the Russians are taking extreme advantage of trade agreements and arms limitation, while still showing real growth in their military. The situation is now ripe for America. Tensions are great between the two communist powers, making it necessary for them to improve relations with the United States. China rules a quarter of the world's population and now provides a political pivot. As long as China and Russia are at odds and must commit troops along their mutual borders, we can ease tensions throughout Eastern and Western Europe and Asia, while achieving political, scientific and cultural exchanges between ourselves and them, because neither will feel as threatened by us as each other. THE TIME FOR stagnation in our China policy is at an end. Now that Mao is gone the U.S. must recognize the People's Republic. The greatest threat to western democracy would come if Peking and Moscow were to reconcile their differences. Then neither would need to court Washington to counter balance the other. Russia could again exert a heavy hand in Europe and China could hold her influence over Asia. Politically, militarily and culturally, America's international interests depend on our policy of improved relations with Moscow and Peking. Now we must prove we have not forgotten the People's Republic of China. LI 41TS! ACT ION! - CAMU qA! -~ ', 1 'I Future GEO phase-out good possibility By STEPHEN KURSMAN FOUR WEEKS HAVE PASSED since the GEO con- tract expired. The GEO and the University are still far apart despite the efforts of state mediation and it is time for both sides to consider an agree- ment for binding arbitration. When labor and man- agement remain far apart on contract proposals, as is the case now, then a strike becomes a serious possibility. But if there is a strike there will be no winners and many losers. The University is concerned with its reputation for higher education. President Fleming stated on Mon- day evening that there aren't enough professors teach- ing at the undergraduate level. He urged the state play an increasingly large role in undergraduate edu- cation, then graduate assistants will play an increas- ingly small role and the influence of the GEO will diminish. THE UNIVERSITY WILL be most reluctant to grant anything more than it feels essential to keep gradu- ate assistants teaching here for this year and for the few years following. An inflexible university posi- tion such as they may well force the GEO into strik- ing against its will. But a long and bitter strike will only hasten the University's plans to hire more pro- fessors. The GEO will weaken its overall position rather than ,improve it. The Union will not consoli- date the long run power that all unions need to survive. sors will never materialize and the sought-after rise in educational reputation will not occur. BUT THOSE WITH the most to lose are the fresh- persons and sophomores in LS&A. A long interrup- tion in introductory material can really hurt. It is hard to major in a field when the introductory course is interrupted for a period of weeks. Those that can easily learn outside the classroom get by. But many students need the educational stimulation of a teach- er in order to really learn. These students will lose out. More of them are freshpersons and sophomores than are juniors and seniors. Yet a strike will be felt the most by fresh- persons and sophomores. In circumstances such as these the only practical rinF af oation is for the 'T' and the GEO to agree .. -- I h "V II