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October 01, 1976 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1976-10-01

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Page Two


Friday, October ],'1976

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 1, 1976





tries for center

'NBC taps Chicago
woman for 'Today'

of noltical spetrum



(Continued from Page 1)
a floor leader for a single piece
of legislation, whether it won or
lost," Esch said last week.
"He's never even had an amend-
ment adopted by the House of
HE CONSTANTLY calls upon
Riegle to justifly his votes
against defense spending, for
busing, and for quick prison
parole. Forcing Riegle to de-
bate the issues on Republican
territory, Esch is drawing the
boundaries and setting the focus
of the campaign.
Not that he has the Democrat
bound and gagged; when Riegle
told a debate audience last week
that the Republican talks more
about Riegle than Riegle does
himself, therewas scattered
applause. If he continues to con-
centrate so heavily on Riegle's
record rather than his own,
Esch may confuse the voters
as to what sort of senator he
himself proposes to be.
The son of a Pennsylvania
coal miner, Esch, 49, graduated
from the university with a po-
litical science degree, then re-
ceived an M.A. and a Ph.D.
here in speech and education. He
taught speech at Wayne State
University in Detroit for sev-
eral years, then served two
years in the Michigan House of
Representatives. He defeated in-
cumbent Democrat Weston Viv-
ian by a handful of votes in
1956 for the U.S. House seat.
in the House has provoked both
skepticism and praise. His near-
So per cent ratings from both
the liberal Americans for Dem-
ocratic Action and the conser-
vative Americans for Constitu-
tional Action prompted Ralph
Nader to call him "quite liter-
ally, his own man." Political
opponents have called him "wis-
hy-washy" and "spineless."

NEW YORK (/P) - NBC, seeking a permanent woman co-host
to replace Barbara Walters on its "Today Show," apparently has
Indeed, Esch's stands on cer- early lead with a low-key cam-I chosen Jane Pauley, a Chicago newscaster whose career began
tain issues have contrasted over paign, then won on August 3 on Jhre yeasa, it Ca leanedsyesterday.
the years. In 1974, for instance, by 17 percentage points over only three years ago, it was learned yesterday.
he called defense cuts one of runner-up Brennan. But network sources said Pauley, 25, who co-anchors a news
the major issues of his cam- SINCE THE START of the show at NBC-owned WMAQ-TV in Chicago, and her agent are
paign. This year, he has cited Senate campaign last year, the still negotiating her "Today" contract and no agreement has
"wolves in the world who would Esch camp has had the sub- been signed.
seek to devour us," and has
blasted Riegle for his votes stanial supr Mic NBC, while saying Miss Pauley, is a leading contender for
against defense spending. He publican regulars. While he NBwhlhayneis aueisaladn cnede o
says his campaign "has no ties "Today" job, declined to say if it definitely had chosen her
has also maintained support for y is b ig" s no tisfor the job
the B-i bomber program. to big business," it is clear thatfoth job.
t most of his money comes in It said an announcement on who will be the regular female
Also in 1974, Esch called for contributions from well-to-do coanchor may be made today or early next week.
a government-funded health in- businessmen, idustrialists, bank- Pauley, contacted in Chicago, declined comment.
surance program. During this ers, and professionals, as well In apparently choosing Pauley, NBC will be ending an on-air
year s summer primary race, as a handful of business and talent search that began early last June, when Barbara Walters
pesaiould "healthobinsuranc dustrial lobbies, left "TODAY" to coanchor ABC's evening news with Harry Rea-
pln woul rhvets be bu it He has received substantial soner. Walters goes on the air at ABC Monday.
vate insurance companies and donations from several Dow While Tom Brokaw, 36, NBC's former White House corres-
private doctors, from Upjohn Corp. executives; pondent, took over as host of "Today" last month, the slot for
ON ABORTION, Esch has been a $1,000 contribution from a a woman cohost has been filled only on a temporary basis so far.
cautious. He does not support vice-president of the Chrysler Among those filling in have been Betty Furness, consumer
a constitutional amendment pro- Corp; $1,000 from the S.S. Kres- affairs reporter at NBC-owned WNBC here, and Catherine
hibiting abortion, but neither ge Company; $500 contributions Mackin and Linda Ellerbee, NBC news correspondents based in
does he advocate that it be from the chairman of the De- Washington.
federally funded as part of any troit Bank and Trust, from the
health program. chairman of the American Mo-
His strongest and most wide- tors Corporation, and $150 from " "
ly publicized stand is on bus- Republic Steel.
ing. He widely touts his author- The following political lobbies
ship of the so-called "Esch have donated $100 to $1,000 to"
Amendment," part of a bill the Esch campaign: the Cattle-
which would prohibit cross-dis- men's Action Legislation Fund, to
trict busing of schoolchildren. the Agriculture and Dairy Edu-
The bill has not yet become law. cational Political Trust, the
The summer primary race Lockheed Good Government Pro- (Continued from Page 1) ident Richard Nixon's handling
was one of Esch's easiest. He gram, the U.S. Steel Employes' HE contends that the eco- of the Viet Nam war forced
faced former Michigan state Su- Good Government Fund, the nomic relationship between the him to bolt from the party.
preme Court Chief Justice Midwest Area Political Action federal government and the He cites the continued sup-
Thomas Brennan, former Troy Committee, the Republican Ed- state of Michigan is in need of port he has had both as a Re-
Congressman Robert Huber, and ucators Caucus, and from Gen- reform. Michigan sends out $6 publican and a Democrat from
University Regent Deane Bak- eral Motors' vice-president for billion more in taxes than it the very liberal Flint branch
er. Esch pampered a wide and Industry-Government Relations. of the United Auto Workers as

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gLe claKimstis tis the ri-evidence that his basic political
Riegle claims this is the pri-pho
mary reason for the states philosophy hasn't changed.
chronically high unemployment Another issue has surfaced in
this fall's campaign. His op-
re .i . ponent Rep. Marvin Esch (D-
Hecattributes this inequity to Ann Arbor) has hchallen ed
the conscious efforts of power-! Riegle's claim that-'he has be
ful southern committee chair an effective legislator. Esch
men to divert federal spending has claimed that Riegle has
to their section of the country. never had a bill signed into law.
He pointed out that Mississippi W E D N E S D A Y night
has the two oldest and most:3 in Livonia Riegle refuted that
powerful members of thedSenate claim. "The community school
(John Stennis and James East- bill was mine I wrote it," he
land) and as a result the state said. He also pointed out that
gets $2.5 billion more than it he was the soonsor of the War
pays in taxes. p tPowers Act in the House and
The problem prompted him that it was passed. The War
to become one of the prime Powers Act prohibits the Presi-
forces in the National Commit- dent from carrying on an un-
tee to Elect an Effective Con- declared war for more than six-
gress (NCEEC). The group; ty days without the approval of
picks races across the country the Congress.
where it believes an entrench- He also claimed that Esch
ed Democrat or a conservative was making the charges to ob-
Republican has a chance to be scure the real campaign issues
defeated by a new progressive -the economic problems of
face. Michigan. "He (Esch) needs to
THE NCEEC has had a re- somehow get the focus off the
markable rate of success and real issues," he said.
Riegle says he can be more ef- So Riegle continues to cam-
fective in promoting this type paign on the issues and he
of political transformation if says that the most pressing one
he could be a member of the facing the world today is the
Senate. Since there are only blildini of nuclear weapons. "I
100 people in the Senate he con- think the arms race . . . is
tends the American electorate mavbe the most serious prob-
is more likely to take notice of lem facing the world and one of
a Senator than they would of the least well understood, ter-
a Representative. ribly undervalued yet there is
Furthermore, since the Sena- no more imnortant issue."
tor from Michigan is so influ- - D E T E N T E. "I think
ential because of the state's it's better to talk than fight. I
size, he says more people think T would rather have
would be willing to hear what peaceful relationshins than don-
he has to say about making stant conflict with either of
the Congress more responsive these two countries (U.S.S.R.
t e'and China). But I think that


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Oct* 1-15






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1 o ne Peupic . -
One of the major issues of means it has to be consistent
this summer's primary contest with our own strategic interests
was Riegle's switch from the ad has to be consistent with
Republican to the Democratic o^r own moral interests. We
party, three-and-a-half years shr'tld take a much tougher
ago. One of his opponents, Rep. line toward hifmnn values and
James O'Hara (D-Utica), call- nre"""vtioi, of h'u-nan values
ed him "a political transves- than we've bppn willing."
tite." -THE ECONOMY.
"T don't think it's (the Hum-
THE CHARGE did not ruffle nhrev Hawkins Bill) adequate.
mhe said, because hehas It ao"-"ht to target lower than
always been a liberal. He said Ith'at (3 ner cent adult unemn-
his family had always been Re- nlovrment). There have to be
publican so when he first ran enmeh john to un around. We
for Congress it seemed natural ha e to nkt i+ clearo.. that
to run as one. But growing dis- eIvervbodv ought to be making
illusionment with former Pres- Gnm contrihbition."
_A TTV) Tr.TTFS. "Thvre's

I All Applications Taken from Oct. 1 through Oct. 15, 1976 Will Receive Equal Considera.
tion for Winter Book Rush. A Lottery System will be used for these applications to deter-
mine hiring order.
II. The Cellar Will take applications at later times than indicated in (1) ; however subsequent
applications will be placed in hiring order by Date of Application and they will receive
priority after those taken in ( 1) .
111. Former Rush Employees in good standing Need Not Reapply for Winter Rush, and will re-
ceive top priority over all other applicants.
IV. All applicants hired for Winter Rush will be notified by phone or mail during November
or December. Rush employees hired to work in December should expect to work through
and beyond semester break. However, aJ I rush jobs are, unfortunately, only temporary.
Starting pay is $2.60/hr.




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V. Permanent positions which may open up
Winter Rush. Post-Rush hiring is done
Rush performance and their availability

a fter Rush will be filled by errployees who worked
departmentally, on the basis of the employee's
for the unified hours.

vroii to be a maor commit-
nt to stabilivino and turning
arrn i"r ,irhnn centers."
AAVFNTT*f TT. "T consider
t mvrf to he a stron simnorter
of the fpminiet mnvement."
-ABORT ION. "I don't
Sfeelthis isae . . . oueht to be
Shnnrl-d in the legislative are-
na. Tt's rather nresumnious for
me~n,who can't have abortions,
{rith .e't force nroiect their
onn views, pro or con, on an
l ithnt so profoundly affects
RTHOD E S IA. "We're
trvinq to bmy ourselves out of
n nrnhl "u we turned our backs
n- Tt' of an eleuenth-hoar
e We sort of snuander-
tho ontins we had"

IV. All applicants hired for Winter Rush will be notified by phone or mail during November
must re-apply for each future rush that they wish to work. ABSOLUTELY NO UNUSED


.1 3 a' ..-I U _ - A L - -L.- U~ *-- - J .U.1 r - r -0 -




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