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September 30, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-30

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See Editorial Page

11tf ia


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVIH, No. 19

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 30, 1976

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

h 'U

The scarlet letters
Watch where you drop that candy bar wrapper.
State Rep. Dominic Jacobetti (D-Negaunee) has
borrowed an idea from that Nathaniel Hawthorne
novel we all read in high school and proposed a
bill yesterday that would require convicted litter-
bugs to gather trash while wearing "a reflective
uniform with the word 'Litterbug' on the uniform
in letters at least four inches high." "If it was en-
forced and we made an example of some of these
litterbugs, it would resolve the problem," said the
legislator. The bill, however, faces at least one po-
tential stumbling block: many state lawyers con-
sider it unconstitutional because the penalty is
tantamount to public humiliation, which the courts
consider to be "cruel and unusual punishment."
We were about to suggest that Jacobetti be forced
to wear a suit with the word "Representative"
prominently displayed, but these days we're afraid
that might border on public humiliation too.
Nuclear politics
State Rep. H. Lynn Jondahl (D-East Lansing)
yesterday introduced a bill requiring state review
and approval for proposed nuclear waste dumping
sites-a measure he hopes will completely bar
such sites from Michigan. The dump issue has be-
come increasingly emotional since the federal En-
ergy Research and Development Administration
(ERDA) announced the area near Alpena was
under consideration as a possible dump spot for
radioactive nuclear wastes. Although ERDA has
promised Gov. William Milliken veto power over
the final site decision, Jondahl maintains the
agreement has "no basis in law". The bill would
require approval of state public health officials
and two-thirds of the state legislature before any
nuclear wastes could be deposited in Michigan.
Happenings ...
. ..kick off at 9:30 a.m. with a five-hour horti-
cultural workshop in cacti and 'suc--' nts at the
YMCA, Fifth and William . .. The A '-ities Fair,
a carnival of campus organizations, runs from 2
p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Among the
highlights (we think): a make-your-own-headline
edition of The Daily, with April Fool-type stories
filling the white space . . . Richard Conlin of PIR-
GIM speaks on nuclear power and energy at 3
p.m., Aud. B Angell Hall . .. Students for Educa-
tional Innovation,gthe ed. schoolstudent govern-
ment, meets at 6 p.m. in Rm. 1230, Ed School
Bldg. . . . Meet artists Ellen Wilt and Norma
Penchansky at a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. in
the Union Gallery . . . A small group series on
black male/female relationships is at 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 3204 of the Union . . .
Instant education
Edgar Moore, of Canton Ohio, received his im-
pressive diploma from Boston Collegq Law School
in the mail last Friday. One small problem, how-
ever, is the fact that Moore has spent the last
four years at the University of Akron and hasn't
set foot in a single Boston classroom. "It's pret-
ty amazing," says the student, who plans to keep
the diploma as a souvenir. Law School Dean Rich-
ard Huber theorizes that a college computer slip-
up (sound familiar?) plucked Moore's name from
the 1973 registration list, although he withdrew
before classes, then confused him with another
Moore. "It makes me a little nervous to realize
that computers may not be the ideal little devices
we think they are," Huber adds. Five minutes
with CRISP probably would have taught him that
a long time ago.
Live from Mars
"It's fantastic," says 59-year-old Bob Walton,
a Des Moines ham radio operator. "The most strik-
ing photos I have are of volcanoes sticking up
through ice clouds and of the Martian moon." For
a measly $700, Walton has thrown together a tape
recorder some cassettes, a converter, a ham band
receiver and an old television set, and has built
himself a system that cost NASA $1 billion-a di-
rect line to Mars. Walton found a way to patch

into the signals that the Viking landers are beam-
ing across 230 mrillion miles of space which off-
duty NASA technicians are relaying through an
amateur radio band.
Off the track
George and Ann Marie Montana, a middle-aged
coiple in Plandome, N.Y., are blaming the Long
Island Railroad for their inadequate sex life. The
vib.-ations and noise caused by the "roaring
speeds" of the trains near their home, they say,
have caused them physical and mental prob-
lems, and their sleeping habits have been disrupt-
ed for the last three years. Worst of all, however,
Montana claims he has lost the "services and con-
sortium" of his wife because of "her nervous and
physical disability". The couple, determined to
solve the problem, filed suit against the railroad
Tuesday for $2.7 million in State Sunreme Court.
Enough to buy a home in peaceful, quiet midtown


vetoes ed. and

social aid bill; Calls

m-e asur
- President Ford vetoed a
$52.6 billion social aid and
education bill yesterday
and weighed a decision to
whether to veto public-
works job legislation that
has the backing of Demo-
crats including presidential
nominee Jimmy Carter.
Congress, scheduled to
adjourn tomorrow, awaited
w or d from the White
House on the jobs bill with
the intention of attempt-

ing an
er Thom
session b
event F
jobs bill
fusing to
made be
day, For
ing $50,0

Voter registr

immediate vote to licemen who are killed in the
ea veto should it line of duty.
For that signing, Ford staged
a high-visibility ceremony in
the White House Rose Garden,
DEMOCRATIC Lead- but it was his only such ap-
as O'Neill said that pearance of a busy day of deal-
would stay in token ing with legislation received
eyond tomorrow in the from Capitol Hill as Congress
ord chose to kill the neared its scheduled adjourn-
by pocket veto - re- ment.
act either way.
g a political promise CARTER HAS criticized Ford
fore a police officers' for using such events to cam-
n in Miami last Mon- paign from the White House
d signed a bill provid- rather than traveling around
00 in federal death the country.
to state and local po- Ford said he vetoed the bill
providing money for the depart-
ments of Labor and Health, Ed-
ucation and Welfare because it
c tlo n was $4 billion above what he
had requested. Ford said he
considered that an unwarranted
spending increase.
The measure included a limi-
tation on the use of federal
Medicaid funds for abortions,
as the Fishbowl and specifying that the money could
n. Richard Barr, a co- be spent only in emergencies
of Students for (Dem- where a doctor held that abor-
Senate candidate Don) tion as necessary to save the
escribed the purpose of mother's life.
P's dormitory registra-
es: FORD SAID he agreed with
student vote is tradi- that aspect of the legislation
democratic. Every per- and his only objection to the
register is a potential bill "is based purely and sim-
r. rply onthe issue of fiscal in-
R I E G L E groups Ford is not against the use
hieved overwhelming of federal funds to pay for
in their program, reg- abortions, a growing issue in
over 200 personsin one the presidential campaign, but
efirst week. According has ordered a study to deter-
the campus-wide regis- mine the extent to which it can
figure is "well over be used under guidelines estab-
lished by the U. S. Sunreme
ublic Interest Research Court. Carter says he onposes
n Michigan (PIRGIM) the use of federal money to pay
ee to pass Proposal A for abortions.
away bottle ban) is The President's veto mes-
ng literature along sage said: "The partisan po-
;istering voters at its litical purpose ofsthis bill is
locations. patently clear. It is to present
eVOTER, Page 10 See ED, Page 10

American Party presidential candidate Thomas Anderson emphasizes a point while preaching to '
a small group of 200 supporters at Faithway Baptist High School in Ypsilanti.

Counting down the remaining
daysdfor voter registration -
Monday is the last day - rov-
ing registrars are accosting
students with an eleventh-hour
burst of energy.
Door-to-door registration, co-
ordinated by the city clerk's of-
fice, allows for practically any-
one to become a deputy regis-
trar. And many politically-mo-
tivated groups, although they
cannot campaign for their char-
ges, have taken advantage of
the new law.
THE PROGRAM, which start-
ed in September 1975, has been
"tremendously successful," ac-
cording to Deputy City Clerk
Winifred Wheelock: Although
exact figures were unavailable,
she estimated that registration
had increased 100 per cent over
the last year.
Several political groups have
set up tables in such strategic

the Unioi
ocratic E
Riegle, d
his groul
tion table
son wej
has ac
dorm the
to Barr,
The P(
Group it
(throw -
with reg

YPSILANTI - No marching
bands nor swelling receptions
at a Big Ten basketball arena
greeted Thomas Anderson when
he arrived here yesterday to
stake his claim for the Presi-
dency of the United States -
just a kind gathering of 200 or
so in the gymnasium of Faith-
way Baptist High School.
It's hard to attract more sup-
porters than that in these parts
when you're running on the
American Party platform.
"WHAT'S THE difference
between the American Party

hopeful speaks


Most judicial campaigns offer voters
little more than a choice among relative-
ly interchangeable candidates.
But the non-partisan race for the 22nd
Circuit's newly-created fifth court features
a pair of local attorneys - Henry Con-
lin and Shirley Burgoyne - who sharply
disagree over the very purpose the new
court is supposed to serve.
BURGOYNE FAVORS use of the fifth
court as a special family division to han-
dle domestic cases (divorces, child cus-
tody proceedings, etc.). "If I am elected,"
she says, "I would like my fair share of
all the criminal cases - 20 per cent -
and assignment of nearly all the domes-
tic relations cases."
The other four Washtenaw Circuit judg-
es, she adds, have agreed to turn their



and the others?" Anderson ask-
ed the Bible - clutching audi-
ence. "We've decided - those
of us who have worked in the
Democratic Party or the Re-
publican Party. - that they're
beyond saving."
"Amen!" his supporters
Although Anderson's political
stands seem to be closely tied
to those of the American Inde-
pendent Party - the party
which George Wallace won 10
million presidential votes for
in 1968 -- he claims no affilia-
tion with the AIP ticket.
FOR THE most part," claim-
ed Anderson, "they (the AIP)
are defectors from the Ameri-
can Party. It's too bad that so-
called conservatives seem to
spend more time fighting each
other than the opposition, (but)
we just couldn't go along with
"We have, really, the only so-
called conservative party that
is a viable force in this coun-
try today."
Nevertheless, Anderson's po-
litical rhetoric smacks of the
same self - admitted conserva-
tism which has been the trade-
mark of the AIP.
C A L L I N G Communism
"the worst enemy Christ has
ever had," Anderson suggested
"it should be illegal to be a
"Such people as Joan Baez
and Jane Fonda," he quickly
rdded. "make Benedict Arnold
look like a natriot."
While Anderson addressed
many of the same issues which
have dominated the campaigns
of the major party presidential
candidates, he painted a de-
cidedly different picture of
them in comparison to either
Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter.

ASKED TO comment on the
racial situation in Rhodesia,
Anderson said that Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger's nego-
tiations there, which resulted in
establishing black rule of Rho-
desia, were "criminal."
"A large number of those
blacks are straight out of the
trees," insisted Anderson.
See FEW, Page 2
Male elub
Investigation of the all-male
senior society, Michigamua, by
the Affirmative Action office
got underway yesterday with
a tour of the mysterious, rent-
free Michigamua meeting room
in the Michigan Union tower.
The probe is in response to a
Title IX complaint filed by two
students with the University in
May and a similar grievance
lodged with the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare
(HEW) last week.
cago, who yesterday had not yet
received the complaint, stated
that upon its arrival, it would
be added to a list of others. "It
may take a matter of weeks -
or years. We have some com-
plaints that are two years old,"
he said.
The complainants charged
that the organization's mem-
bers get preferential treatment

domestic cases over to her if she wins
the election.
"My opponent is a civil lawyer," says
Burgoyne. "And if he's elected, there'll
just be another judge on the court-which
is all right. But if I'm elected, there will
be this special family division."
CONLIN, HOWEVER, doubts the value
of such an arrangement:
"The big delay isn't in domestic cases.
The real problem is that domestic, civil,

help pick up the slack in trying criminal
cases so it would be possible for all the
judges to get to the civil and domestic
cases sooner."
Besides, Conlin claims, the whole scheme
may well be impossible to put into effect.
It may take an amendment of the court
rules by the State Supreme Court to per-
mit such a "family division" plan.
"IT'S BEEN PROPOSED in the past,
of course," Conlin says. "But it'll take
more than one judge in Ann Arbor to turn
things around."
Conlin, who emerged from the August
state primary as the front-runner, has had
widespread backing among community
leaders and claims to have handled "prob-
ably more defenses than any other attorney
See ROLE, Page 2

campaign P76

and contract proceedings all have to wait
for the criminal cases to be tried. That's
the law. The new court was created to


Sororities shed old
image,interest soars
With sororities slowly shaking off their once-snobbish and
high-brow image, more University women have been following
the traditional fall rush procedures than in previous years.
Already, 575 women have registered for the rush process, far
more than the 360 last year.
SORORITIES have changed. They're not the stereotypes that
people have. Rules have changed," nothed Cathy Gulliikson, Pan-
hellenic advisor.
Many traditional sorority rules have now either been aban-
doned or loosened, such as the once-stringent male visitation poli-
cies. Some sororities, including Kappa Alpha Theta, have replac-
ed their "house mothers" with "house couples", who are usually
married graduate students. Such changes underscore the con-
temporary readjustment of policy.
But not everyone readily agrees that sororities have com-
pletelv changed their image.
"A LOT OF people have stereotyped the Greek system," said
one freshwoman going through Rush, "and a lot of it is true. To
me it is racially segregated, and I'd think you'd get a lot of

Fleming tea time:
A touch of class
The residents of 815 South University threw a party
yesterday and, as usual, they did in style.
With an attractive assortment of cookies and rolled
pirouettes strewn amidst punchbowls and silver urns, the
hosts for the afternoon opened their doors so the weary, the
curious and the hungry could explore the house most folks
only scrutinize from a carrel atop the Graduate Library.
"WELL, YOU KNOW how often we give these functions
depends on student interest," said Robben Fleming, who
presides over the University when not tossing teas.
Fleming and wife, Sally, spent two hours chatting ami-
ably with many of the 500 students who found the prospect
of free refreshments at the annual presidential tea tempt-
ing enough to skip recitation for.
Nevertheless, quite a few guests left their hot, spicy
cider to cool while meandering through the cozy, aqua-car-
peted mansion where University presidents have resided for
136 years.
"ACTUALLY. THIS is my first reception. I just wanted

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