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September 29, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-29

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Arts & Entertainm ent Wednesday, September 29, 1976 Page

e Five




rTHE CBS EYE must be wink-1
ing slyly at the other net-
works this year, as this past
week's season debuts have
Don't be misled: the best and
worst of the new shows seem,
at this point, to be spread even-
ly among the three networks.
But CBS seems to have invent-
ed the least, and stands to gain
the most.
To begin with, they've dra-
matically altered the plots of
many of their most popular
shows in an effort to keep the
viewers interested. Doc, Phyl-
lis, and Rhoda have all had
facelifts, and there are unan-
nounced surprises in store on
Mary Tyler Moore and Good
And then there are the new
shows, of which CBS has the
fewest number of entries. They
have added nothing to their
Saturday night staple, keeping
the emphasis on comedy.
CtN SUNDAY they have added

Of the three networks CBS
seems the most solid. Among
these six shows, three at least!
will be solid hits. They have
stiffened the competition with
ABC comedy by throwing new
curves in their most popular
comedies, and pitting action
shows against ABC's most pop-
ular. They have hedged their
bets carefully, maintaining su-
periority in situation comedy,
and adding a few good offer-
ings. Where ABC has looked to
variety shows, and NBC to dra-
ma and specialevents, CBS
has managed very wvell, withl
at least half of its new shows
predictable hits.
What's more, CBS shows have
the greatest longevity. Carol
Burnett has had a berth since
1966 and can you believe Ha-
waii Five-O is still rolling along?
But everything is so subject to
change, especially in television.
By February, I may be eating
my words, but I guarantee at
least three new shows for CBS.'
At any rate, there are a few
good things to watch till then,
and then we start all over again.
-David Keeps


Trials: More

two-year absence. Unfortunate- humorous and moved quickly,,
ly, it looks like a brief return while the musical numbers were
for the actor. made interesting by Daryl Dra-
The first show started out gon's stylized keyboard work.
promisingly enough with a mime The show did have its bad
sketch in which an inflatable points-Jackie Gleason's sketch'
doll burst when Van Dyke at- TN THE LIGHT of last year's was actually an imitation of
tempted to make love to it. Next Nielsen scare, ABC (like the Carson's "Art Fern" and the
came a hilarious "Fonzie Look- other networks) is taking no show's ending was similar to
-.. .. ,_" _ . -I _.n _. _t ._...-.s~a ... 27...,....,« b,..,'

on Scott and Brad Savage, are terms. The comedy closely re-,
nebulous, and even Tony him- sembles that of Get Smart,'
self is subdued. and it's either you love it or
This show, despite its bland- you hate it. The show is con-
ness, has an excellent chance trived and juvenile, but it's also
for success because of its time fast - paced, slick and profes-

clout to push the offbeat Doc
and the tired Emergency off the
-Dobilas Matulionis
New shoes which premiered
after last Saturday are not re-
v'eued on this page.



slot,V and it offers Ma respite from
the hectic and offbeat Barney

sional. The debut had quite a
few funny lines, a sight gag or
two, and less slapstick than one
miL ht expect. Shl and Schuck


Alike Contest
contestants bore no resemblance shows. All of them are generally flaws were mostly covered by Mr. T and Tina, starring Pat enough ridiculousnes to make Because of today's special
at all to the ABC star. Andy safe and unoffending, so don't good camera work, excellent Morita, Susan Blanchard and it work. Even the sentimental television page, Ken Parsigian's
Kauffman, a regular on the expect another All in the Family writing and Toni Tennille's Ted Lange, bears a resemblanceiscenesarehumorous brelgeisoupageK dnot appear.
show, did a great Fonzie urn-i this year. The new shows are; charm. to a lot of shows. Airing on see r uoos rdeclm ol o per
tation withaa little mouse-like strictly for the addicts. WEDNESDAY Saturdays at 8:30, it is some- Holmes and Yoyo is definite- However, it will return to the
voice. SUNDAY T LAST, a show which is of thing like the old series The ly worth one or two viewings, Arts Page next Wednesday as
The rest of the show, however, CN SUNDAY nights at 7, there fensive to BOTH sexes. I'm Farmer's Daughter, with Blan- and it might even have enough usual.
had little to recommend itself. is Cos, starring-you guess- talking about Charlie's Angels, chard playing for Inger Stevens ___________
Guest stars Chevy Chase and ed it-Bill Cosby, the Cos Co- Wednesdays at 10 p.m. and and Morita as a frantic version
Guest stars Chevy Chase and (ed it Bill osbythe C s Com I,,of W illiam W indom . Lange ( R NHlF(aWl o er l o t t ta -Ip n nd v r e u st . B lAtrin ~ K tTaks n a l n bl c e h n c) a t i e a H HAE
IFlip Wilson were almost total- pany and varied guests. Bill s trring"rKate Facson Jacjy blak mechanic) acts like a T CH T H ATE
ly wasted, the latter in an em- Cosby is a pleasant, good- mith, Farrah Fawcett Majors character from Good Times, and
barassing parody of the film natured comedian with a rare, and David Doyle. M T's dat IN BOSTON
Dog Day Afternoon. Even big- ineffable talent for making{ The world of Charlie's Angels r. Ts aghters gesticulateINBSO
Dog Da Afer oo . E en big i efabl tlen f r aki g igh gl s carbo rd wildly like the girls on One Day PRESENTS TW O PLAYS IN FRENCH
name guest stars cannot make people laugh. He also has a is one of high gloss cardboard 'at ie.egr e ayPRESEATT O PAYMENENH
up for comedy that lacks any talent for getting shows can- characters who strut around and i er alt AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN
sense of maturity or purpose, celled and, unfortunately, this pretend this is quality entertain- The debut show consisted FRDAY OCTOBER 8, 1976:
t and it's about time the tele- show will probably be no excep- ment. In the program, women mainly of characters running in
vision bigwigs realized it, be- tion. are portrayed coquettish flirts and out, repeated jokes (ex: E CHAISES
1fore the variety show becomes Cos, nicely situated in family who are helpless without their "Windy City") and highstrungAR
extinct. viewing time, is (are you readylooks, and men (even us males arguments, all of which can be "TRAGIC FARCE BY
for this?) an adult child variety me the audience) as lecherous very disconcerting to a viewer. Followed by a Panel Discussion
FRIDAY show. Needless to say, only fools who always fall for a prettv Also, the plot was very hack- C9
, ac.Imenwh esewol n ev posveyhak S TURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1976:
ON FRIDAYS at 10 p.m., on brilliant writing and casting face.I mean, why else woldneyed, with Tina acting scatter-
comes the third go-around could save a show with such a anyone want to watch this show? brained and getting fired, Mr. T
for the character Frank Serpico, premise. Cos has neither. The The pilot plot ranged from in being hounded by his childrenSC
the bearded New York cop who debut had its good spots, such comprehensible to ridiculous, for doing it, then getting a guil A Montage of Scenes from EightE
blew the whistle on corruption as Bill's two brilliant stand-7no and the acting was strictly stoic, ty conscience and wanting to Plays by Moliere
within the police department. routines and his "impromntu" with Jaclyn Smith's worn and hire Tina back but too proud to
The story is getting a little chat wit hthe kids (a direct tired "seductive" smile causing do it . . . are you still awake? BOTH PERFORMANCES 8 P.M.
tired. cony of Art Linkletter's House narticular irritation. Let's hope the mid-season re- TICKETS ON SALE AT MICH. UNION BOX OFFICE
Party), but it was mostly slip- This show, of course, will def- placement for this show is bet- 12-5 till Oct. 7, Michigan League Oct. 8 & 9
Das Serpico y andte roleodob shod writing cheap laughs (not initely succeed, because it is ter. TICKET PRICE FOR EACH PLAY (All Seats Reserved)
rereent a m ho roemet even many of those) and cute produced, shot and cast like a 1"RECEDING the show at 8 REG. $4.00 STUDENT $2.50
represent a major improvem nte Irons, like a tennis shoe car biohnowered Hollywood ad. Un- p.m. is Holmes and Yoyo, SPONSORED BY:
from his previous sreteLAlac rnos 'n ro
ludicrous Briget Loves Bernie. and a giant TV screen. Holly- fortunately, it is also written with Richard Shull, John L'Aliance Froncaise D'Ann Arbor
Serpico's story, however,rhas wood has got to realize that and acted like a Holl"wood ad. Schuck and Bruce Kirby. UDrskand
old book children's shows, like adult ones, TUlRSDAY mes and Yoyo is a risky
alredy eentol toa bok HURDAYshow, seaking in Hollywood
by Peter Maas and a film star- Imust be of good qnality. The Tony Randall Show, which . .-speakg .n...H__yw-d
ring Al Pacino, and it's doubt. MONDAY runs on Thursdays at 9 p.m.,
ful whether people will display ON MONDAY at 8 p.m., The has everything going for it. Tony
s much interest in the new offer- Captain and Tennile appears. is a fine comic actor, the sitna-
Sing. Starring Daryl Dragon, Toni tion is loose enogh to give him , _ _T r i

Delvecchio; an Italian, New
York cop (ethnicity is in) who TUESDAY
follows Kojak in more than just
a time slot. He is played by Baa Baa Black Sheep, Tues-
Judd Hirsch, who will probably day's at 8 p.m., is loosely based
make this show a hit. on the exploits of Gregory "Pap-
py" Boyington, a World War II
MONDAY flying ace who almost single-
handedly changed the face of

newest Norman Lear come-
dy, All's Fair, which stars Rich-
ard Crenna (Luke on The Real
McCoy's) and Bernadette Pet-
ers. He is a conservative col-
umnist, she a liberal photog-
rapher. In the first episode they
fall in love in his Washington,
D.C. apartment, which looks in-*
credibly like a furniture show-
room. This show is 'destined to
become a hit, but not deserved-
ly, based on the first episode,
which was insipid at best. But
the writing will undoubtedly im-
prove and begin to match the
bubbliness of Peters' and Cren-
na's charm.
All's Fair is followed by CBS'
entry In the high-level, continu-
ing drama sweepstakes, called
Executive Suite, which will prob-
able prove to be a great suc-
cess too. Sure, it's cliche to
the point of insanity, but it's
also glossy and sleazy enough
to keep 'em coming back for
more. Staffed by an "'all-star-no-
star" cast, Executive Suite pur-
ports to give the behind-the-
scenes-and-bedroom-doors look
at big business, and in the first
episode, it provided enough
characters and potential heart-'
aches to last a long, long time.
rTUESDAYS stay essentially
the same, with the addition
of George Carlin to the new
Tony Orlando and Dawn Rain-
bow Hour. Carlin was so awful,'
he even made Tony seem fun-
ny, which is some feat; and
even though Alice Cooper sang
a few songs, I don't think
there's any point in trifling with
this new, improved version of
a sorely stale product.
"IN WEDNESDAY, two new
and inane comedies ap-
peared. These shows, Alice,
based on the film Alice Doesn't
Live Here Anymore and Ball
Four, based on Jim Bouton's
book of the same name, makes
Feasting in Fernwood look like
the Academy Awards. The stars
of both these shows are so hope-
less, it defies imagination. Jim
Bouton plays himself in Ball
Four, a comedy that is so low-
budgeted that the only set is
the team's locker room - a
show so cheap that they use
voice-overs and a piece of film
of a jet to indicate air travel.
Too bad they couldn't have
used some of the money they
saved on scripts, actors, etc.
As for Alice, the less said the
better; but for those of you
with morbid curiosity I will say
two things for it: it is crummy
with a capital "C" and it will
probaby be a hit. Alice is play-
ed by a transplanted New York
Jew, she is a waitress in a diner
full of overblown, over-gross
caricatures, and refugees from
the original movie, who have
presumably fallen on hard
times. The only comedy in this
show is Linda Lavin's pathetic
attempts at playing a gentile
southwestern widow.
PHURSDAY'S only new entry

the Marine Corps. Robert Con-
rad portrays Boyington.
Black Sheep displays mnuch of
the same flavor of Conrad's
earlier hit series, The Wild Wild

West, a world where disputes.
were often settled with fists. In:
fact, there are so many bloody
fist fights in this series (which
has incredibly been placed in
the family hour) that I lost
count after about six such
Ne -less, the show has
much t1 recommend it. It is a
welcome alternative to those of
us who could not care less about
"The Fonz's" love life. Boying-
ton is a unique character for
television - an honest-to-good-
ness rebel who answers to no-
one and yet manages to bring
together a group of misfits and
frmn ri ndron with one of

This version offers none of Tennille and guests, it is cur- some room, and the show is
the gritty realism of the book rently the best variety show on well-prodoced. Somehow, how-
and the film. In fact, it has television, but nowadays that ever, it jest doesn't work.
more in common with Baretta isn't saying very much. It's not The problem is that the show
than with the other renderings as good as the old Sonny and is too "safe." It makes no mis-
of Serpico's story. The writers Cher Show (which it copies) but takes, but it doesn't stick its
have only touched upon the it substitutes refreshing charis- neck out far enough to be good.
corruption aspect of the story ma for the cool sophistication The show is abo'it as interesting,
and seem more concerned with of the Bono team. -or as offensive, fer that mat-
presenting us with violence and The comedy sketches on the j ter-as a blank white wall. The
gore, which one can find on any debut show were pleasantly major characters, including Dev-
other cop show. Whether things
will improve remains to be
seen, but right now, I'll stick ! JOINIOUR
with the movies the other two'I

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networks are offering.


rorm a squauu watvc ;G ccttisne
the best records in Marine TBC IS HOPING that its new
Corps history weekly seriestof'blockbust-
Unfortunately, NBC has dump- er" specials, entitled the Big
UdBaaBay Blc Sep dina Event (Sundays at 9:30 p.m.)
dotBaa Ba ek ShDays nawill breathe some new life into
slotoppoite appyDaysand its lackluster ratings.
Laverne and Shirley. Shooting1
down these two ratings heavy- In its first Big Event presen-
weights may prove to be Pap- tation, NBC gave us the televis-
nv's toughest assignment yet. ion premiere of Earthquake, the
first film to utilize Sensurround,
WEDNESDAY Universal's answer to the cheap
The Quest, which runs Wed- gimmicks used by the produc-
nesdavs at 10 p.m., is the first ers of what came to be known
western t apr o.n.., istheiiti as "schlock" films of the 1950's.

Sunday thru
10 P.M. to 1 a.m.


..- .....*" . .

I '

h - - ___________________________.,
B- - a _

western to appear on television
since Gunsmoke bit the dust a
few years ago. Kurt Russell,
who has finally outgrown theI
Disney studios, portrays Mor-
gan Beaudine, a white man who
was abducted and raised by In-
dians. Tom Mathesson co-stars
as brother Quentin, a medical
student. Morgan and Quentin
are re-united after eight years,
but their little sister is left
behind with the Cheyenne, and
the two brothers set out to find
NBC has promised us an
'adult' western and has not, as
yet, gone back on its word. In
the premiere episode, the audi-
ence was treated to several gun-
fights, a rape, a few scalpings

Following the movie special.
NBC treated us to a live par- I
tv held atop the Gulf and West-
ern Building in New York, with
Dick Cavett, Lauren Bacall and
Hal Linden serving as hosts.
This Big Event was nothing I
more than a commercial for
Paramount Studios (a subsidi-
ary of Gulf and Western) and
its new film releases, the new
Broadway season, and the up-
coming Muhammed Ali-Ken Nor-
ton fight. One could only feel
pity for the usually unflappable
Cavett who seemed absolutely
embarrassed by the proceed-

, "'

and some scenes in a frontier In the weeks ahead, NBC has
brothel. We've come a long way promised us Gone with the
since the days of Matt Dillon, Wind, the special Life Goes to
but after watching this show, ; the Movies, a re-make of Peter
I wonder if its been worth the Pan starring Mia Farrow, and
trouble. The Search for the Loch Ness
THURSDAY Monster. Even these "blockbust-
THE SERIES, Van Dyke and ers" might fail to wipe out the
Co., which runs at 10 p.m. memory of the insipid opening
Thursdays, marks Dick Van show.
Dyke's return to TV after a -Michael Broidy

and his Sextet




in HILL AUD., Sat., Oct. 2, at 8:30


Known as The King of Swing since his first success at the Palomar
Ballroom in Los Angeles back in the 30's, this fabulous and indefatigable
clarinetist still makes over 100 appearances a year to standing-room-only
audiences. Jazz buffs from 8 to 80 will gather in Hill Auditorium Satur-
day night for his first Ann Arbor jazz session under University Musical
Society auspices.
Continue the fun at the "Afterglow" following the concert-food,
wine, and dancing in the Michigan League "Stardust" Ballroom.

Available at:

.# - -- - U

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