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September 28, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-28

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI1, No, 17

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 28, 1976

Ten Cents

Eight Pages plus Supplements

I -I

_. r r .

If you have ever wanted to see your name
in a banner headline or if you just want to cast
aspersions on a friend you'll have your chance
Thursday. From 2 p.m. until 10 p.m. The Daily
will for a small charge let you make your own
headline at the Activities Fair in the Union Ball-
room. There will be other groups represented as
well. If you want to be a marshall at the fair
or if you want your group to be included con-
tact the general manager's office in the Union
by 5 p.m. today.
... commence at a civilized hour today, noon,
at the Ecumenical Campus Center, 921 Church.
Journalist Roy Whang speaks on Korea: Caught
in the Struggle." If you would like a reserva-
tion for lunch, call 662-5529 ... Prof. Charles Tilly
speaks on "Social Tensions in 17th Century
France," 3 p.m. in Rm. 2012 of the MLB ... New
members are encouraged to attend a meeting
of the University of Michigan Papers in Womens
Studies, 4:30 in Rm. 1050 of the LSA Building .
the Women's Crisis Center holds a mass meet-
ing to coordinate their anti-rape effort, 7:30 at
the Corntree Co-op, 1910 Hill; men, as well as
women, are welcome ... A group planning to study
the ideal of Paul Goodman holds an organiza-
tional meeting at the Canterbury House, 8 p.m.
on the corner of Catherine and Division.
The exorcist
Shortly after midnight Saturday, James Mat-
kowski walked up the stairs of his Philadelphia
home, entered his three-year-oPd 's second
floor bedroom, and calmly plung i knife into
his son's left side. Police reported that Matkow-
ski, 27, said he felt he had to kill his son be-
cause he thouhgt the child had been possessed
by the Devil. The father is now free on $25,000
bond and is undergoing psychiatric treatment
while the boy, who underwent surgery for a col-
lapsed lung, is reported in satisfactory condi-
tion. Police said Matkowski was apparently in-
fluenced by the spate of recent movies (The Omen,
The Exorcist) depicting children possessed by
Stop, thief!
The Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Orleans is
probably used to having its expensive, gold-col-
ored towels stolen by the transients who spend
the night then move on to points unknown. Still,
reporters with President Ford's weekend motor-
cade in the Gulf Coast were a little surprised
when they peeked into the White House limou-
sine and saw two of the towels laying on the
rear seat. Both Ford and the travelling press
corps had spent Saturday night in the hostelry,
and with the almost unbearably hot weather in
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama - most men
were shirtless that day - it's a safe bet Ford
made good use of the towels. Has anyone checked
the White House bathrooms for little bars of Ivory
About those rings ...
You're just worried sick about the truth be-
hind Saturn's rings, right? You stay awake nights
wondering how they got there and what they're
made of? Worry no more. Soviet astronomers
have concluded that the huge planet's beautiful
rings are actually rainbows, according to a Tass
news agency report yesterday. Tass said astrono-
mers at Kharkov University in the Ukraine ex-
amined the rings with a 27-inch telescope and
found that the ring phenomena is an optical ef-
forts. Scientists have long known that the rings
consist of particles in orbit around Saturn but,
Tass said, the Soviet scientists concluded the par-
ticles are transparent and reflect light. Take that,
Carl Sagan.
Family poverty
The number of American families officially liv-

ing in poverty increased by a whopping 2.5 mil-
lion last year - the biggest jump since the Census
Bureau began keeping track of such statistics.
High inflation, recession, and widespread exhaus-
tion of unemployment benefits combined forces to
place a total of 25.9 million families below the
government - defined poverty level of $5,500 an-
nual income for a nonfarm family of four. The
new figures were somewhat less than good news
for President Ford, as Jimmy Carter has made
the incumbent's handling of the economy a key
issue in the presidential election contest. Nearly
four million families have slid into poverty since
Ford took office.
Ot the inside *
Susan Hildebrandt leads off the Editorial Page
with part two of a report on juvenile code re-

Michigamua, a secret, all
male organization on campus,
has been charged with violation
of Title IX, a law which pro-
hibits sex discrimination in fed-
erally funded institutions.
The complaint was filed with
the Department of Health, Edu-
cation and Welfare (HEW) Re-
gion V Office in Chicago last
Friday by Vice President of
Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) Amy Blumenthal and
Anita Tanay, a former MSA
member. Through the MSA Stu-
dent Legal Advocate Program
(SLAP), it alleges that Michi-
gamua members get preferen-

tial treatment concerning Uni-
versity facilities, without being
a properly recognized student
AN EARLIER complaint had
been filed in May by Blumen-
thal while a campus wide self-
evaluation was occurring.
Michigamua members, whose
alumni include President Ger-
ald Ford, refused comment last
"The complaint is under in-
vestigation," says Affirmative
Action Officer Gwendolyn Bak-
er, "and our offices are work-
ing with Vice President of Stu-
dent Services Henry Johnson."






versity cannot provide signifi-
cant assistance to student
groups who discriminate on the
basis of sex. Social organiza-
tions, such as fraternities or
sororities, are not covered un-
der Title IX. Honoraries, organ-
izations whose functions 'are not
social but are to bestow distinc-
tion upon its deserving mem-
bers, fall into the category of
student groups.
"Michigamua does not vio-
late Title IX because Title IX
has no application to Michi-
gamua - Michigamua receives
no federal funds," said John
Feldkamp, director of housing,

and unofficial adviser to Michi-
However, Baker believes that
Michigamua may be using Uni-
versity funds. "As far as I have
been advised, according to leg-
islation, it (Michigamua) is
covered by Title IX, because it
uses University facilities,"
Baker said.
"IF Michigamua is not an
honorary, then it is exempt
from Title IX only to the ex-
tent of membership practices,"
SLAP lawyer Diane Fowler ex-
"However, as an all male or-
ganization it is then faced with

the other allegation. Why do
they receive significant assist-
ance from the University that
the University does not provide
to other social groups? This in
itself is a violation of Title IX."
Blumenthal alleges t h a t
Michigamua members get pre-
ferential treatment concerning
football tickets and job infor-
ALSO, Michigamua uses Ra-
drick Farms, a University
owned golf course, for their an-
nual pow-wow where food "was
brought out to the Farms in
University trucks, using Uni-
versity gas, and was cooked by

University cooks," Blumenthal
"Michigamua uses Radrick
Farms but other groups on
campus cannot," Fowler said.
"And Michigamua uses it free.
I called Radrick Farms once
to see and was told that it was
only for golf-related activities."
Michigamua members meet
every Monday night on the sixth
floor of the Union in a room,
which according to Fowler, has
never been paid for nor reg-
istered with the University. It
is believed that they' have a
lease dating back to 1932, which
was donated to them by Field-

African leaders seek black rule

University President Robben
Fleming last night termed the
status of undergraduate educa-
tion on campus "our most seri-
ous problem at this moment",
and urged an optimization of
teaching talent by pumping
more professorial types into
undergraduate classrooms.
Fleming, speaking before a
predominantly faculty gathering
at his annual State of the Uni-
versity address, made a refer-
ence to the College of Litera-
ture, Science and Arts (LSA)
as a focus of undergraduate
"IT IS reasonably apparent
that a great many students do
not really want a liberal edu-
cation," Fleming told the Rack-
ham crowd. "The question now
may be whether we have really
thought out what we think an
undergraduate education ought
to be."
As examples, the University
President questioned such inno-
vations as mini courses and
pass-fail elections.
"We have been told that pass-
fail grading would encourage
students to take courses in
which they feared, bait woilld
broaden their education," he
said. "yet the evidence seems
to be what really haunens is
that thev simnly take more of
the kind of courses which they
would have taken in the first
AS A result, Fletning urged
increased innovation in under-
graduate programs.
"I.do not believe we can sit
and maintnin the status quo in
ed'ration," he warned.
Fleming also elicited a desire
See FLEMING, Page 8

Rhodesian guerrillas
want military power
By The Associated Press and Reuter News Service
SALISBURY, Rhodesia - The leader of Rhodesian black
guerrillas based in Mozambique said yesterday his forces should
be given military control of Rhodesia under the proposed transi-
tional government leading to black majority rule.
Robert Mugabe, who claims to command some 10,000 guer-
rillas of the Zimbabwe People's Army (ZIPA), said in an inter-
view in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia:
"THERE MUST BE a disintegration of Prime Minister Ian
Smith's military power. Our forces must move in to replace the
settler forces in Zimbabwe, or else the proposals would be a
sham and hollow."
Smith heads the white minority government of Rhodesia, a

UNIVERSITY President Robben Fleming (left) hands distinguished service awards for Instruc-
tors and Assistant Professors to James Jackson (center) as Milton Heumann, also an award
recipient, looks on.
Hall removed from band skit

In a last twist to the Gus
Hall-Michigan Band controversy,
Band Director George Cavender
removed the Communist Party
presidential candidate from last
Saturday's half-time "applause
meter" skit to avoid influencing
in any way a pending lawsuit
filed by a campus Communist
group against the University.

According to Cavender, Hall
was withdrawn from the skit on
the advice of University at-
torney Roderick Daane.
"DAANE advised me," said
Cavender, "that because of the
sensitivity of the 'courts towards
pretrial publicity, Hall should
be removed from the show."
C a v e n d e r emphasized that
Daane's suggestion was "not an
Cavender also said that the
decision to remove Hall from
the skit came before the Michi-
gan Court of Appeals' dismissal
of the lawsuit last Friday. Filed
by the Young Workers Libera-
tion League (YWLL), in reaction
to the Band's appearance at
President Ford's speech at Cris-
ler Arena, the suit sought to
compel the Band to play for
Hall at a Sept. 24 speech in Hill
Despite the suit, Cavender last
week announced the applause
meter skit, in which band mem-

hers would form an applause
meter that would rate crowd
support for presidential candi-
dates Ford, Carter and Hall.
However, Saturday's halftime
show featured the applause
meter with Hall conspicuously
DAANE CALLED Hall's inclu-
sion in the skit "inappropriate"
in light of the fact that the
court had not yet handed down
its verdict.
"I thought it was inappropri-
ate for the band to have fun
with the matter before the court
had d e c i d e d," maintained
Daane, "it might have appeared
as if the band was making fun
of a piece of pending litigation."
In Daane's view, if Hall had
been kept in the skit, "I thought
it might have appeared to a
critically-inclined observer as an
attempt to influence the court's
decision." Daane said he thought
it was entirely possible that
See LAWSUIT, Page 8

breakaway British colony call-
ed Zimbabwe by black nation-
Both Smith and the presidents
of five nearby black nations
have said they accept the idea,
pushed by Britain and the Unit-
ed States, of setting up an in-
terim government to prepare
Rhodesia for majority rule.
BUT THEY HAVE disagreed
on whether the interim admin-
istration should be shared equal-
1v by Rhodesia's 278,000 whites
and 6.4 million blacks, as Smith
nroposed, or whether it should
be under a black majority.
At a summit meeting Sunday,
the leaders of Tanzania, Zam-
bia, Mozambique, Angola and
Botswana-regarded asbthe
"front line" states in the battle
for hla'~k majority rule in Rho-
des~a - also objected to letting
Smith set un the interim gov-
ernment, and said they want
Britain to convene a conference
o'tside Rhodesia for the pur-
pose. The British immediately
announced preparations for such
a mePting.
See AFRICAN, Page 8
deputy mayor of Detroit says
Mayor Coleman Young will fire
Police Chief Philip Tannian
Deputy Mayor William Beck-
ham said yestrday that Tan-
nian no longer has the option
to "gracefully" resign from
his post.
In a meeting Saturday,
Young reportedly asked Tanni-
an to resign quietly. However,
Tannian told friends that he
would refuse to step down and
would force Young to fire him.

day care
After a week - long delay,
Mayor Albert Wheeler yester-
day vetoed a controversial city
ordinance which would have
placed child day care centers
under the thumb of the Zoning
Board of Appeals (ZBA).
The ordinance, which was
passed last Monday by City
Council's six-member Republi-
can majority, would have al-
lowed residents of single-family
neighborhoods to have a large
say in determining whether or
not new day care centers could
be started in their areas.
IN HIS veto message to the
Council, Wheeler listed the rea-
sons behind his decision:
First, the mayor charged, the
sponsors of the ordinance had
"presented no substantive rea-
sons to demonstrate that the
new procedures would be re-
quired to improve the health,
safety, and welfare of either
the children enrolled in such
centers or the neighborhoods in
which the centers would be lo-
Second, Wheeler said, while
many nersons had called him,
and other Council members to
protest the measure, he had
heard few citizens praise it or
See DAYCARE, Page 7

Proposal A spa rks con troversy

Michigan voters will be faced
with four ballot proposals on
November 2 but most of the
controversy so far has center-
ed around one - Proposal A,
the so-called "bottle bill".
Proposal A would prohibit the
use of non-returnable bottles
and cans for beer and soft
drinks, set up requirements

state House and Senate candi-
dates from 21 to 18.
" Proposal C, which would
impose a tax and spending limit
of 8.3 per cent of the combined
personal income of Michigan on
the state.
* Proposal D, which would
establish a two-step graduated
income tax: a maximum rate
of 3.9 per cent on every dollar

"Proposal A is supported by
farm groups, environmental
groups, state agencies and oth-
ers, but we don't have much
monetary support," said Tom
Washington of the Michigan
United Conservation Clubs,
which initiated the bottle bill
petition drive. "It's a step in
the right direction to change a
wasteful society to a society
xxrh nncorxaC, itc finite np

nozzi emphasized that "those
are low-paying jobs, jobs be-
low the poverty level. Most of
the lost jobs are in the $200 to
$300 per week category."
ed that he and other bottle bill
advocates are "sensitive to the
job issue, the retooling which
has to be done in certain indus-


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