Sundciy mogcine inside: page four-books looking back Number 3 Editor: Stephen Hersh Associate Editors: Ann Marie Lipinski, Elaine Fletcher September 26, 1976 Older students: Bridging the campus age ga 'p By ELAINE FLETCHER, JAY LEVIN and ANN MARIE LIPINSKI ROZ KRIFT, a University fresh- person, has a psychology quiz tomorrow, and she doesn't hesitate to admit that she has the first year jitters. "I want to be able to do well so badly that I may be my worst enemy," say Roz, relaxing in the Bursley lounge, her jean clad legs casually crossed. Roz has taken college quizzes be- fore - thirty years ago before she started her career as an Ohio farm wife and registered nurse. Now a grandmother of two and widowed, Roz is filling an empty gap in her life with a belated but conscienti- ous drive towards her degree. She's not alone. With a small but growing num- ber of older - some say, more mature--students pursuing under- graduate curriculums at the Uni- versity, and a larger band of "non- traditional" graduate students striving' towards their masters, the campus classroom scene is gradu- ally becoming an academic inter- action where generation divisions dissolve. Professors and graduate assistants occasionally find stu- dents old enough to be their par- ents scribbling notes, intently fix- ed on their lectures. The age dif- ference between the traditional and non-traditional students can reach upwards of thirty, even for- ty years. New programs and services with- in the University have gone a long way towards making campus life more amenable to these students -- most of whom are women con- tinuing, or even launching an edu- cation. The Center for the Continuing Education of Women (CEW), the largest such group on campus - which, despite its name, is open to both sexes offers counseling, refresher courses, scholarships and even social opportunities to the mature student. Program EONS, Educational Opportunities for Non- traditional Students, opens the door for those whose past academ- ic records have been tinged with failure, but nevertheless wish to re- enlist in academia. MEANWHILE, the students them- selves are finding school to be an attractive path out of a dead-end job - or no job at all. Still, these hardy women and men have encountered problems on a campus whose rah-rah spirit, tor- rid pace and heavy financial de- mands better fit the schedule and lifestyle of a twenty year old, than the adult who must juggle an es- tablished personal life and a com- muter style education. But for people like Roz, who is enjoying her first two weeks on campus, there will be plenty of time later in the semester to wor- ry more about the complications of an academic existence. Right now she is absorbed in the novel- ty of her new status. "My urban planning class is go- ing to be fantastic," says Roz, an attractive woman whose blond hair is cut stylishly short. "We just had our first speaker - he talked on the bottle bill." And if the enthusiasm she exudes for her two courses isn't enough, Roz bubbles over the pre- sence of a college identification card in her wallet. "I'm very proud of the ID card from the University of Michigan," she says, "and I'll be even proud- er when I get a new one that doesn't say 'non degree' "-a status which was assigned to her this se- mester due to a late application. Roz' youngest son graduated from the University last year, and after the coaxing of a family friend who later became her urban plan- ning instructor, she thought it wise to enter the University. "When my son graduated last spring, I felt it was my turn," Roz mused. Roz admits she'll have to make some adjustments in order to con- centrate on her classes, even though she now lives alone; her three children are grown with ca- reers and families of their own. But she has few fears that her late comer status might single her out in any negative way, in class. "I never think about age in peo- ple," she says. "I think about what they have to offer. You can learn from anyone." NOT ALL WOMEN however, can afford to be as ebullient over the prospect of school as Roz. Fam- ily responsibilities, coupled with the overwhelming financial burden of college, stand in the way of many a potential student. One woman who has found relief from that load is Jennifer Sarah - a recipient of a scholarship from CEW. "Education has always been very important to me. But since I mar- ried right out of high school I nev- er had the chance to pursue that Selma Weisman goal," explains Sarah, now a jun- ior in her mid-thirties. It wasn't until 1970, after she had been married eleven years, and had three children, that Jennifer finally had the opportunity to be- gin school. She enrolled at Eastern Michigan University as a part-time student, hoping eventually to earn her teaching certificate. "When I started bacl, I started thinking that I had to fit my ca- reer around my family," she re- calls. "But education is a liberating force. You don't settle for the in- tolerance of ideas forced upon you. I began to realize that I didn't want to choose my career in terms ,of my mother role." And so six years later, Jennifer is enrolled as a full time student here in journalism, and looking for- ward to a career related to that field. But if all goes well academi- cally this year, she'd like to try graduate school first. "It.(my ambition) is something that just keeps growing. I'd hate to stop at the undergraduate level See OLDER, Page 5 Roz Krift. Stalking... er, avoiding.., the grizzly in the PROVINCIAL By SUSAN ADES ASK A CITY KID with Central Park dirt on his knees what a bear is and he'll tell you it's some six-and-a-half foot, helmet-clad linebacker from Chi- cago. Ask anyone hemmed in by tall glass and steel, and they'll say a bear is a lumbering, bigger than life teddy at -the Bronx Zoo. Well, this city kid learned, pretty fast, what a real bear is, but it took a visit to the Canadian Rockies with the grizzly and his friends to do it. With four days of Vancouver bustle on our nerves and only a few weeks left to find and conquer the wild, Joan - my sister and perennial traveling com- panion - mounted the Trans-Cana- dian Highway with me, bound for Jas- per and the Great Rocky Mountains. Moving at a comfortable 80 through winding mountain passes and rich val- ley greenery, we skidded to a halt some- where between Harrison Hot Springs and Kamloops to pick up a lone hitch- hiker who ended up going the 200 miles with us to our destination. It was her home town. We siphoned off all of her knowledge of the territory because we planned on spending a few days by a lake there. Amidst all the vegetation between Vancouver and Jas- per was a stretch of desert. That's where we had chosen to sink our stakes? Yes, Kamloops, our proposed home for 48 hours, was the polar opposite of an oasis. "I guess you don't see many bears around that area," I said confidently. "Well,I've never seen a grizzly myself but black bears you'll find - especially around the camp grounds," our rider said. She went on to say what we'd hear at every outpost along the journey: The most dangerous bear is the domesticated, garbage-can scav- enger because it has lost its fear of man, and shed its inhibitions, HE was at the end of road studded with gr calves. Whisps of tho rolled across our path been no towering mou backdrop I might hav stumbled upon a piece The sign at the ca "DANGER: You are a country," was all the w+ ed. I proposed we slee the pretense that it wa down to 40 degrees t however, flaunting an lessness, put her foot d do that tonight," she; we'll be sleeping in the two weeks." I yielded. Ordinarily there isn secluded enough for J to almost any length near-castles on wheels ers" or "trailers" or " That night though, th of-the-week night, in without pit toilets, mu water, we could havel the lot. Joan insisted or by four Winnebagos. In the morning, aft icicles from my body the clammy interior of abode to find that thet proof" garbage can ha with. Visions of a near ed a rapid ripping up were on the road to Ja Roc kywilds CAMPGROUND such treats as newt eggs and beaver a 10-mile back tails. By night there were outdoor lee- azing cows and tures and slide presentations on wild- rny tumbleweed life in the region. and had there "Well good evening friends, good to [ntain ranges in see so many of you here this pleasant ve believed we'd evening," piped the park naturalist, a of Texas prairie. ranger-type right out of the Lassie ampsite reading, series. visitor in Bear "Say," he began, launching into the 'elcome we need- standard opening question. "How many p in the car on of you have seen a bear in this camp- s supposed to go ground?" hat night. Joan "I don't want to know," I muttered, new air of fear- trying to ignore the multitude of up- lown. "Sue, if we raised hands. said, "you know Where did you see them?" the host car for the next buzzed through the mike. "Oh, come on," Joan moaned. "Circle 34!, Circle 36!, Circle 34!, Cir- cle 35!" 't a tenting site "What are we in?" I asked my sister an and she'd go in desperation. to avoid those "Six I think," Joanie whispered. "It's they call "camp- on the other side of the campground. camper-trailers." Meanwhile, the naturalist was intro- a camping area ducing his topic for the evening - not ucampsring re a lecture on mamallian adaptation or hadless running on glacial formations like ones we'd at- had any spot on tended before, but a talk entitled n a spot bordered "Bears, Bears and More Bears." The campers settled down to learn the pro- er removing the per etiquette when entertaining a griz- I emerged from zlv in your own home or tent. But Joan 'our. green nylon and I had already memorized our com- top to our "bear- plimentary copies of "You are in Bear d been tampered Country!" by grizzly inspir- We learned not to bathe or wash our of stakes and we hair with scented soaps, so Joan's bot- asner in no time. 1lnof n -f ital ar cwll