Page Two
Sunday, September 26, 19 l!
Page Two [HE MI(LHIGAN DAILY sunday, September 2~, 191
Stadium food prices soar
U.S., South African pressure
(Continued from Page 1) 1 the Coke, for instance, reveals Bay City, called the stands "one r
consumer would pay for the en- an equal measure of ice and big ripoff" yesterday after pay- b ro u g h t R h od esia F
tire package at the supermarket. cola. The popcorn boxes are ing $1.25 for a Michigan banner
And there is a second catch similarly sparse in content and and $5 for a seat cushitn (a
awaiting the unwary muncher- the concession stands quickly must for Michigan's h a r d By AP and Reuter forces closing in on his land-
not only is the food overpriced, run out of their scant supplies of bleachers). Beyer also com- A closely coordinated squeeze locked country. This assess-
it is also parceled out in bite- franks and coffee. plained that the people at the play by Secretary of State Hen- fmrent was passed on to him by
sized portions. An inspection of DEBBIE BEYER, a fan from booths were "nasty and abusive" ry Gissinger and South Africa's Vorster in the weeks and
when she didn't have the exact John Vorster has emerged months preceding Kissinger's
change. among the chief factors that shuttle.
OURuefoot-forced Rhodesia's white leaders -The promise of a big inter-
JOIN. OUR baleny sudents haveother up to yield power to the black ma- national trust fund, of up to $2
blnwith ideas on how to bring down jority. billion to reconcile black am-
H A PPYthe high cost of football food The secretary of state and bitions with white fears for the
H AgUtesihost ofd ftal fbd the South African prime minis- future of Rhodesia. Essentially
* } Suggestions include having a bid ter also made deliberate use of it aims to avert a white exodus.
£d on the contract for food con- several facts of life in a skillful
cessions; use of local food manu- exercise to bring about the sur- THE U. S., Britain and South
facturers could help halt the render of the independence Pre- Africa will begin a series of
Thursday IN N rocketing prices; or, some add, mier Ian Smith's regime defi- high-level meetings in Washing-
the University could put some of antly claimed 11 years ago. ton this week to hammer out a
6633379 its football profits into subsi- Rhodesian economic aid plan,
10Up.m. to 1a.m. 512 EAST WILLIAMS dizing the stands, or even let a THESE conditions, according including preparation for the
student co-op get the rights. to U. S. officials who traveled trust fund, designed to help the
I The installation of vending with Kissinger on his 12-day Rhodesian economy through the
machines in every other section peace safari through sub-Sahar- proposed two - year transition
of the stadium has also been an Africa, included:t -period.
brought up as an alternative for -The ever - escalating guer- Officials gave no monetary
the long waits on concession rilla campaign mounted by figure for the fund, but unoffic-
1black Rhodesian nationalists ial estimates have placed the
who have been armed by the amount at about two billion,
UNIVERSITYRegent Deane Russians and are being trained with most of the money coming
Deane Baker even sounded off by Cuban instructors in neigh- from the U. S., Britain and
on the high price of football boring Mozambique. South Africa.
munchies during last week's -The ever - present likeli- According to the U. S. offic-
Board meeting, urging the Uni- hood that 10,000 Cuban fight- is, the fund will be used to
4 versity to explore the possibili- ing troops still in Angola could' train blacks for the civil serv-
ties of installing water fountains intervene if any white Rhode- ice and for other leading ad-
in the stadium for those who sian counter - offensive made ministrative posts.
"feel disinclined to pay a dollar things too hot for the Zimbabwe
for a Coca Cola"-even if they Rhodesian People's Army, IT WOULD also provide de-
get to keep the glass. known as ZIPA. velopment and investment aid
The suggestions are diverse, -The unanimous intelligence and underwrite pension rights
but the central idea is the same assessment by American, Bri- and the purchase of farms.
among most, football fans; we tish, South African, French,
have a number one team, and and moderate black African au- A STATE Department offic-
stens should be taken to bring thorities that Smith, without ial stressed yesterday that in
age Rthe food concessions to the same outside help, could not break setting out to work with Vorster
level. through the tightening ring of for a Rhodesian settlement
by Kurt Yonnegut
o terms
From Wire Service Reports
More tax cuts?
The congressional Joint Economic Committee says anothe
tax cut may be in order next year to pump up the economy.
While Republicans and Democrats on the panel agreed, in
midyear economic report issued yesterday, that further ta
reduction may be needed, they disagreed sharply on the rol
Kissinger made it amply clear
this in no way would prejudice
the American right to disavow
and assail South Africa's racial
policies. Kissinger has said
publicly several times these;
policies are unjust and unfair
and should be changed.
Nevertheless he has, for the that federal spending should play in economic recovery.
time being, set aside any ser-
ious attempt to press Vorster THE DEMOCRATS, headed by Sen. Hubert Humphrey, chai
to make major changes. One man of the committee, sai dthat holding spending at curren
possible explanation is that levels would restrict economic growth.
Vorster may be planning this But the Republicans, echoing President Ford, said spending
anysusig the timehe above current levels "would be destructive of the private sec
ing to stabilize the Rhodesian tor's ability to continue creating new jobs at the high rate ex
situation. perienced in the past year."
The Democratic proposals on taxes were not specific, an
M E A N W H I L E, veteran mentioned a further tax cut only as one possible course of action
nationalist leader Joshua Nko- next year.
mo appears to be emerging as On the other hand, the Republicans, in a summary prepare
the strongest of the political by Rep. Clarence Brow of Ohio, urged enactment of Ford'
figures vying for position in proposed increase in personal exemptions, from the present $7
Rhodesia's proposed new gov- properson $1,000 per person.
Part of the plan for the new
regime involves the establish-
Ford kickbacks alleged
Uor(acouni l ofsatewith! The Watergate special prosecutor's office is probing whethe
equal black and white repre- funds from two maritime unions were covertly paid to Presiden
sent under a k intr Ford between 1964 and 1974, the New York Times said in Sun
minister, day's editions.
theThe Times said the investigation by Special Prosecuto:
kOve he bpast few weeks, Charles Ruff centered on whether funds from the unions wer
Nkomo has been amassing po "laundered" through local Republican organizations in Ford'
litical points in his favor. He
was the only nationalist leader home county in Michigan.
to be consulted by Kissinger
during his latest southern Afri- AT LEAST one of the unions and GOP officials in Kent Coun
can shuttle, and appears to ty, Mich., which comprises the bulk of Ford's former congres
have the support not only of sional district, confirmed last week that their financial record.
Britain and the U. S., but also have been subpoenaed.
of Zambia. Ruff has consistently refused to discuss his investigation
of Zaina._____The Times said FBI agents have interviewed local Repub
lican leaders about donations from the maritime organizations
The newspaper said the agents asked those interviewed if an
of the funds were relayed to Ford, and it quoted one official a:
saying he recalled none of the funds being given to Ford.
The author of seven other novels
including Slaughterhouse F i v e and
Breakfast of Champions has done it
Delacorte Press $7.95
Volume LXXXVII. No. 16
Sunday, September 26, 1976
is edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan. News
phone 764-0562. Second class postage:
{paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.1
Published d a iil y Tuesday throughj
Sunday morning during the Univer-
sty year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann
Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription;{
rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes-
ters $13 by mail outside Ann.
Summer session published Tues-
day through Saturday morning.
Suhscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann
lise lIocuses - Is a
Riegle' Slegislativec
TUESDAYS from 8 to 10 p.m.
"Our abundant society is at present simply deficient in many of the most elemen-
tary objective opportunities and worthwhile goals thatcould make growing up
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Paul Goodman, who died in 1972, wrote over twenty full length works and
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TUESDAY, SEPT. 28th at 8 P.M.
corner of Catherine and Division
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(Continued from Page 1) wage-earners of the country." "I'm all for protecting againsti top
to know why Mr. R i e g 1 e -Busing. "The people of Mich- any outside threat," he said. against
voted a g a i n s t the final igan would like to know why Mr. "But I'll tell you this-people Att
passage of the appropriations Riegle voted the probusing posi- aren't safe in this city (Detroit) a priva
bill for the Department of De- tion no less than 18 times in and I want to put some defense" stalledt
and didn't even bother to vote Congress, including a probusing spending back in the neighbor- garded
fense for fiscal 1974 and .1975, vote on the Esch antibusing hood. Sure I voted against some j Monday
(on the matter) in the previous amendment." of those bills, and I'd do it
four years." again, because there was Viet- THI
-Taxes. "The people would TO THE crime charge, Riegle nam money in those bills." Woodco'
like to know if Mr. Riegle sup- made no direct response; to the This kind of response seems their toy
ports Jimmy Carter's statement tax demand, he said he would to work for Riegle -- turning: Sour
of February 23rd, that he'd like let Carter defend his own posi-; Esch's charges into a resound- new con
to wipe out mortgage interest tion. He did not mention busing, ing plug for himself. But Mon- because
come tax deductions, and wheth- did he fire up the well-known da night,hsetsemed reluctant One uni
er Mr. Riegle supports Mr. Car- Riegle ire and defend his stands. he does so is the Esch offense"like b
ter's plan to raise taxes on the It received his best response of he s ih ne
V talks continue
United Auto Workers union confirmed yesterday tha
officers have given up their salaries until the strikt
the Ford Motor Co. is settled.
he same time, top negotiators on both sides were holding
te meeting to find a way around the impasse that ha
the talks effecting 170,000 workers. The meeting was re
as the most encouraging since formal bargaining resumec
E PARTICIPANTS included UAW President Leonarc
ck and Ford Labor Vice President Sidney McKenna an
p aides.
rces indicated the auto firm already has prepared d
ntract proposal but has not laid it on the bargaining tablg
of the UAW's reluctance to allow it to be made public
ion source said that making the offer public would bd
argaining in a fish bowl."
incomes of more than half the the night.
Esch is pounding the "record, Beirut talks cancelled
not rhetoric" line for all it is Christian shelling forced cancellation yesterday of peac
worth. He has made it the meat talks between new Lebanese President Elias Sarkis and Pales
Sand potatoes of his campaign, tinian leader Yasir Arafat and fighting continued in the 17
to the point where he delivered month-old civil war.
virtually the same speech to mnhodcvlwr
virtual the sme Cspbech to Christian forces charged that Lebanese leftists and thei
both the Economic Club and the
Michigan State Employes As- Palestinian allies opened a new front about 10 miles southeast o
sociation-groups which sit far Beirut, attacking the Christian villages of Houmal and Bdedoun.
'apart on the economic spectrum.
The approach may wear thin,for! HOSPITAL officials estimated 85 persons were killed and 15
Esch seems to talk more about wounded in 24 hours.
Riegle than himself - when ---- -- ------Palestinian sources said th
Riegle said as much to the Union Gen. Don Carlos Buell shelling in Beirut came shortl3
Economic Club, there was scat- led a relief column to Grant's before the two leaders were t(
tered applause. army at the Battle of Shiloh. meet under heavy security a1
Later, his failure to beat Con- a seaside hotel in Moslem
Whil Esh btter Rigle th Latr, is ailue t bet Icontrolled West Beirut. Severa
voters may very well grow con- federate Gen. Bragg at Per- shell ed it anotherh
fused over what sort of Senator ryville, Ky., in Oct. 1852 led to tel a short distance away anc
Esch himself proposes to be. his replacement. the talks were called off
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The sources said the meetini
was crmcial to the "peace of
fensive" lalnched by Sarkis t
end the fighting when he tool
office three days ago. ThE
!m-eetine has been reschedulec
for Sundav. when Sarkis anc
Arafat will seek practica
stens to extend the Uinilatera
Scase-fire Arafat ordered hi
forces to observe.
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Thai Prime Minister Sen
Pramni. who resigned two day
ago over criticism of his hand
in of the rftlirn from exile o
former military strongma
Thanon Kittikachogn, was reap
nointed vesterdav by Kin
Bhnmibol Hdlyades.
Opposition to Field Marsha
Thnnonm who has become
ThRddhist mock since his return
last weekend from Singanore
continued as Seni conferret
with the King.
SEVERAL thousanc
demonstrators massed at Bang-
kok's Chilalongkorn University
to demand his exmulsion or trial
for he death of 72 people in vio-
lence surrounding his ouster
three years ago.
Seni resigned Thursday after
members of his own Democra-
tic Party attacked the govern-
ment's decision to allow Field
Marshal Thanom to stay i
t t
Seniors and Grad Students graduating this December, April ornext
December MUST MAKE appointments now to have yearbook gradua-