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September 25, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-25

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 15

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1976

Ten Cents

Firht Pnnc*c

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Vets wanted
The Veteran's Administration is currently looking
for people to. fill part-time clerical and technical
jobs at the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor as part of a
work-study program. To qualify, you must be a
veteran receiving full-time VA educational bene-
fits. If you're interested, contact John Eichenseher,
Rm. 1519 LSA Building, 994-9227.
Happenings .. .
..nothing is happening today. Go to the foot-
ball game and get drunk. Kickoff time is 1:30.
Sounds of silence
President Ford had the plug pulled on him again
yesterday, just a day after audio failure brought his
debate with Jimmy Carter to a nearly 30-minute
halt. Ford walked through a South Philadelphia
market yesterday morning and spoke to a crowd
that could barely hear him because a portable pub-
lic address system failed to work. It spraing to life
just in time to hear the President say: "Thank you
very much." They probably caught the best part of
the address.
..and you're not
If you're looking forward to tonight's edition of
NBC's "Saturday Night" program, be prepared to
watch it without Weekend Update's intrepid anchor-
man, Chevy Chase. He will miss tonight's show
after being injured in one of his famous prat-
falls during last week's send-up of the Ford-Carter
debates. In the skit, he was doing his imitation of
President Ford while leaning heavily against the
podiu'm. The entire unit fell to the floor, and Chase
suffered undisclosed injuries. He'll be back next
week, and Franco, no doubt, will still be dead.
Tell it to the judge
H. Rap Brown won a new trial in New Orleans
yesterday, after his lawyer charged that a judge
had racially slurred the black militant. Brown's at-
torney, William Kunstler, had asked the U. S. Court
of Appeals in New Orleans for a reversal of charges
and a new trial after District Judge Lansing Mit-
chell reportedly said, "I'm going to get that nig-
ger." Mitchell Was accused of making the state-
ment to the meeting of the Louisiana Bar Associa-
tion, which was, for some unknown reason, meeting
in Biloxi, Miss., just before Brown's trial. Brown
had been convicted of transporting a gun from
Louisiana to New York while under indictment for
arson and incitement to riot. He is currently serv-
ing a five to fifteen-year sentence in New York on
robbery and assault charges.
'Bluff City'
A Mississippi River sternwheel riverboat de-
stroyed by an explosion and fire in 1900 is now free
of its watery grave. But the boat didn't come uip
-the river went down. About 40 feet of heavy
wooden planking is all that remains of "The Bluff
City," which emerged this week as the quarter-
mile-wide river shrank to half its size because of
water shortages upstream. There were apparently
no crew members killed in the "Bluff City" acci-
dent, but people examining the wreckage spoke
Thursday of bones that may have been part of a
horse's skeleton.
Man's (new) best friend
The latest thing in pets is no longer rocks
but tarantulas and scorpions, according to Insect
Dealer Tom Krause. "Very few people walk into
the shop to buy tarantulas," says the co-owner
of Noah's Ark, an Illinois pet outlet, "but when
they see them they are intrigued. It's impulse
buying. They think they are getting something
the Joneses don't have." Krause says he has sold
over 800 tarantulas this year, and that requests

for scorpions have recently begun to pick up. The
live cricket business is also doing very well (for
obvious reasons). About 90 per cent of tarantula
species are harmless, says Krause, who retails
them for $10 to $40 depending on size.
Look Out for the bull
The scene was a pub, the Punch Bowl Inn,
in jolly old Reeth, England. The patrons were
enjoying their drinks Monday night when sudden-
ly a bull came crashing through the ceiling. But
it was no beer commercial. "We heard him on
the roof and went out to have a look," explained
a barmaid. "There was this terrific crash as the
bull fell through into one of the kitchens." The
Inn, it turns out, backs on to a hillside and the
creasure got onto the roof while nibbling a tree.
On one, including the bull, was seriously hurt.
On the isid e . .
The Editorial Page today features Susan Hilde-
brandt's profile of a House bill designed to offer
alternative plans for juvenile delinquent treat-
ment ... The Arts Page brings you the week's
anneninas one again . nd Snorts examines





album costs

Remember the era of the 12-cent gas wars, before gaso-
line began to compete with uranium as a high-priced fuel?
Well, history repeated itself this week with the outbreak of
another price war over a somewhat more melodic petrochemical
Schoolkids Records on Liberty Street opened the bidding
early this summer by moving into the album market with an
across-the-board discount price of $3.99. Aura Sounde and Dis-
count Records, both less than a block away, finally struck back
last Wednesday by lowering their prices on rock, folk, blues
and jazz albums to $3.77, advertising that they "would not be
IT TOOK SCHOOLKIDS less than a day to chop their prices
to $3.76 and all three stores, as well as the independent Bonzo
Dog Records on S. University, joined in for the siege.
"We did not call it a price war," said Jim Haldeman of

J.L. Marsh, the record distributing company which controls both
Discount and Aura. "We're just trying to be competitive in the
"We don't want to drive anybody out of business," said Aura's
Manager Cappy Shaw. "We just want to get him (Schoolkids)
to raise his price a little.
NEITHER HALDEMAN, SHAW or Discount's Manager Kevin
Sheets would say how long the price war could continue at cur-
rent prices, but Sheets claims his store was not losing money
at $3.77 per album.
"There isn't a limit," he said. "We could stay like this
for twenty years."
Stephen Bergman of Schoolkids, a chain of 22 independantly
owned stores, also vowed to hand tough. "It's hard for us to
compete against the big companies," he said, "but we'll fight
'em. It's a question of who has enough money to sustain a loss.

We don't have much money

because we put it all into our

"IF I COULD BUY RECORDS as cheap as him," said Bon-
zo's manager Jim Gannes in response "I'd fight 'em too." He
holds that Schoolkids and Aura/Discount are both nefarious big
businesses "trying to run the independent out of town." Bonzo's,
he said, will stay at a price of $3.99.
Meanwhile, Distributor Haldeman, retorted, "It's their (School-
kids') mistake for moving in and trying to undercut us. They
know who we are - what do they expect us to do, give up our
business in the town?"
"I take it they wanted the challenge," Aura's Shaw con-
curred succinctly.
HALDEMAN AND SHAW both expressed discontent with
Schoolkids' claim that it represents "small business." "School-
See RECORD, Page 8

Rhodesia accepts maorit rule

gets 7
By AP and UPI
ing a plea that Patricia Hearst
has suffered enough, a federal
judge yesterday sentenced the
newspaper heiress to seven
years in prison - a term re-
duced from the earlier maxi-
mum sentence of 35 years -
for a 1974 San Francisco bank
The 371 days Hearst has serv-
ed since her arrest counts
against her sentence. She will be
eligible for parole in 16 months.
HEARST'S attorney, F. Lee
Bailey, said the sentence was
harsher than the defense team
had expected.
"I assume she was stunned,"
he said. "But she expected the
In addition to the seven-year
sentence for armed bank rob-
bery, the judge decreed an ad-
ditional two-year term - to run
concurrently with te seven -
for Hearst's use of a firearm in
the Anril 15, 1974, robbery of the
Hiberna Bank.
LAST APRIL, Hearst tenta-
tively was given the maximum
sentence required to qualify for
a lengthy psychiatric exam in
orison. However, the trial jurist,
the late U. S. Dist. Judge Oliver
Carter, said he would substan-
tiglly red'ice the penalty.
The seven-year final sentence
was imposed by U. S. Dist.
Judge William Orrick Jr. who
entered the case after Carter
died of a heart attack.
Orrick told Hearst he had "the
d'enest comnassion" for her but
that "violence is unacceptable
in our so-iety and will not be
said, were "unique and biz-
See 7, Page 8

Smith regime hopes
to avoid race war
By The Assoc ated Press and United Press International
SALISBURY, Rhodesia - After 11 years of defi-
ance, Prime Minister Ian Smith's white government
yesterday bowed to international pressure and agreed
to surrender power to the country's black majority
within two years.
Smith told Rhodesians -- faced with escalating
guerrilla warfare that some black nationalists said would
become a bloodbath - that no more "help or support
of any kind" was available for the old regime. He said
an interim government representing both blacks and
whites would be set up to draft a constitution provid-

AP Photo
Sweeter than peariuts ?
PRESIDENT GERALD FORD, touring a Philadelphia neighborhood following his debate with
Jimmy Carter, pauses with a bunch of grapes at Philadelphia's Italian Market yesterday.
Pi'erlce, Purfse II meet

There were no network tele-
vision cameras or political pun-
dits on the sidelines to decide
"who won", but to congressional
hopefuls Carl Pursell and Dr.
Ed Pierce, their joint appear-
ance yesterday before a Univer-
sity political science class was
every bit as important as the
Carter-Ford debate a few nights
Speaking at Hutchins Hall in
their first appearance together,
Republican Pursell and Demo-
crat Pierce set the themes their
campaigns will likely follow in

the weeks before the Nov. 2
PIERCE, saying he was dis-
tressed by voter distrust and
apathy toward politics, blasted
the Republican party for a lack
of leadership and insensitivity to
the problems of the needy. Pur-
sell, meanwhile, attacked Wash-
ington and Big Government
while emphasizing his record as
state senator from Livonia,
An audience of some 200
sleepy students turned out for
the 10 a.m. event to hear brief
opening speeches before getting
Gus Hall
hears a
Communist Party presidential
candidate Gus Hall last night
rallied to the music of a local
jazz band - only hours after the
Michigan Courts of Appeals dis-
missed a suit which would have
forced the Michigan Band to
play instead.
"It is not a life or death issue
if the band plays or not," said
Tun1 to n Pillnwiit ,-' m _rmu

a chance to question the two
contenders for the Second Con-
gressional District seat.
Sporting a striped maize and
blue tie, Pursell led off casual-
ly with a short personal anec-
dote, but wasted little time get-
ting to the meatier portion of
his remarks.
grams are not the final answer
for me," said Pursell, explaining
his preference for a more indi-
vidually - oriented, "one-to-one"
approach to problem-solving.
Pursell pointed to his records
as evidence of his concern for
education and other areas affect-
ing youth, and his effectiveness
in dealing with them. And in an
oblique criticism of his oppon-
ent, Pursell declared, "An indi-
vidual running for Congress
should have a record - not just
promises." Pierce's sole term of
See PIERCE, Page 2

ing for majority rule.
THE PRIME minister insist-
ed that economic sanctions be
lifted and guerrilla activity
stopped as conditions for the
Smith's announcement came
shortly after Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger ended an in-
tensive ten-day diplomatic cam-
paign in Africa to win Rho-
desia's agreement to black ma-
jority rule.
The British government said
Smith's acceptance of the plan
was "a victory for realism and
common sense" that "offers a
real hope ofdbringing peacetto
Rhodesia and of averting the
threat of intensifying warfare
and bloodshed."
on whichahe agreed with Kis-
singer, and said an interim
black - white government will
be established prior to a cease-
fire in the guerrilla border war.
Smith also said the agreement
provided for a trust fund to be
set up outside of Rhodesia to fi-
nance expansion in industry and
agriculture and which published
reports have said may , total
more than $1 billion.
Rhodesian political leaders
generally welcomed the an-
nouncement, although accept-
ance by black movements was
qualified and the right-wing
white Rhodesia National party
called it "treachery."
President Ford said in Wash-
ington "a threat to world peace
has been eased" and "the road
is now open for an African solu-
tion to an African problem -
In a nationwide television and
radio broadcast, Smith firmly
tied the change to black rule to
"categorical assurances" from
Kissinger that the escalating
war by black nationalists will
end and that United Nations eco-
nomic sanctions against Rho-
See POWER, Page 8

Tax blfl
A provision of the recent Con-
gressional tax reform bill re-
stricting deductions for home
office space will rob Univer-
sity professors of an "accus-
tomed" taxswrite-off if execu-
tive approval of the bill comes
through as expected.
However, the clause apparent-
ly aroused few passions in fac-
ulty ranks yesterday with mild
disappointment the only dis-
cernible reaction.
I THINK PEOPLE are disap-
pointed," said English professor
Earl Schulze, president of the
local chapter of the American
Association of University Pro-
fessors (AAUP).
"It is very regular to do re-
search at home," he said. "You
have your books there and at
times you need the quiet the
home has to offer.

"Practically everybodyl
is accustomed to taking
deduction," he added.


CONSIDERING the bill's eco-
nomic impact, Schulze specula-
ted, "if we computed our rais-
See PROFS, Page 8

Debate bo
Despite predictions that Thursday night's
much-publicized "Great Debate" between
President Ford and Jimmy Carter would sway
undecided voters, the event seems to have
failed to do so. In Ann Arbor, many viewers
called the first of the three televised meetings
"boring" and "unimpressive.
"The whole thing was unexciting, uninspiring
and uninformative," said Edie Goldenberg, as-

ares locals
and sai4 that while Carter seemed more ner-
vous, both were bland.
"I think a lot of people were looking at the
debates to help them make up their minds,"
she said. "But it was heavy on numbers and
just plain confusing."
also said he thought there was no winner.
Fleming noted the debates had been well-or-
oi-7'DA -A athe cnnidante s emed nrenared.


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