Friday, September 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Friday, September 24, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three U.S. CITED AS CULPRIT: Report hits fuel waste DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I P PARIS (AP) - The Interna- dustrial firms have been asked cess hea tional Energy Agency accused to set voluntary energy conser- areas s Americans yesterday of wasting vation targets, but the program fully." valuable energy resources be- "includes no incentive for stimu- The cause of cheap fuel prices. It lating investment in energy-ef- overall i said prices must rise soon if ficient industrial equipment. Ivell be conservation is to be taken seri- "This is an important gap in Canada' ously. the program, given the artifici- substant The 19-nation organization, es- ally low energy prices and theI . tablished on American initiative energy-inefficient industrial pro- age, its after the 1973 Arab oil embargo duction prevalent in the United' Hollan and composed of major non- States," the report declared. establish Communist industrialized coun- { IAfor ener t ies alosnled ou eea "IN ADDITION, little consid- tries, also singld out severa eration has been given to the ploying+ other members, notably Switz potential for district heating and the govt erland and Canada, for criti- the combined production of pro- them in cism in its first report on their -___m__ ne_ pr__u___ n__fpr___themin energy conservation policies. The Swiss were faulted for 0e 11 lack of a government conserva- W re co t tion program, even though their fuel prices are among the high- est in the West. N NEN at and electricity. These [ould be studied care- report said America's fuel savingresults were low the IEA average. s fuel saving was also ially below the aver- said. d was also criticized for hing general principles gy conservation but em- only "1 persons" at vernment level to put to practice. r cons eco. The Daily Official Bulletin is an p official publication of the Univer-I sity of Michigan. Notices should be I sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of1 the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. Items appear once only.1 Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. For more information, phone 764-9270. Friday, September 24, 1976 DAY CALENDAR ISMRRD: Workship, Goldie A Nie-. laau' "The Early Identification of! Development Delay in Infants," 130 S. First, 8 a.m, WUOM: "Till Death Do Us Part,", produced by Rosetta S i Iv a g i (WUOM); 10 a.m. Theoretical Physics Seminar: M. Einhorn "Lectures on Quantum Chromodynamics in Two Dimen- sions." 2038 Randall Lab, noon. ObGyn/BioEng Seminars: Spencer Bement "Modelling by Fitting Equa- tions to Data," L2204 Women's Hosp. noon. Guild House: Tom Blessing (Ecol- ogy Ctr) "The Bottle Bill Proposi- tion" luncheon; 802 Monroe, noon. Int'l Ctr': "Rules of Football': Ori- entation for Foreign Students. "Int'l Ctr Lounge, 2:30 p.m. Paul M. Fitts Memorial Lectures: Read and Use Daily Classifieds Michael I. Posner (Chronometric Explorations of Mind Series) Rack- ham Amph. 4:15 p.m. PTP: Sondheim's "A Little Night Music," Power. 8 p.m. Canterbury House/Friends of the Ark: U Utah Phillips, 1421 Hill, 8:30 p.m1.r CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT CP&P will offer a Career Planning Seminar in Oct. Participants learn & practice basic skills of career planning: self - exploration, career- exploration & decision-making. The Seminar consists of 8 sessions. 2 hrs. duration, held weekly during Oct. & Nov. Seminar is offered on jMon., 2-4 p.m. & Tues., 1-3 p.m. CP&P will also offer the follow- ing workshops: Job-Finding, Re-' sume-Writing & Interviewing. Stop by CP&P (3200 SAB) to register for Seminar & for details. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVII, No. 14 Friday, September 24, 1976 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage1 paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Published d a ii y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Sept. thru April (2 semes- ters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Arbor. I I ATTENTION LS&A STUDENTS! TIRED OF BORING CLASSES? WANT TO MAKE A CHANGE IN YOUR EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT? WANT TO FIND OUT HOW THE BUREAUCRACY MAKES DECISIONS? The LSA STUDENT GOVERNMENT can help The Government is currently making appointments to the following College Committees: LSA-SG Executive Council LSA Administrative Board Academic Judiciary LSA-SG Elections Director (1) Admissions Committee Student-Faculty Policy Board League Board of Governors If you're interested in having some say in what happens- SIGN UP NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW AT ROOM 4001-MICHIGAN UNION (763-4799) DEADLINE for applications is Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 at 5:00 p.m. THE REPORT paid tribute to, various efforts by the U.S. fed- eral authorities to conserve en- bilk plon I ' , ergy, particularly "one of the NEW YORK (AP) - A rip- most comprehensive education out is the only way to stop the efforts in the IEA." But it add- rip-off at the super-fancy fed- who issued a temporary re- straining order Wednesday blocking removal of the phones.a So far, no mutually ac- ed: "The program is severely hampered by oil and gas prices controlled below market prices and by very low taxes on all fuels. "Because of the extensive use of these fuels, it is clear that prices and taxes must rise soon to reflect, at the very least, the real value of the energy - as they have in other countries - if long-term conservation is to be taken seriously by industry and consumers." COMPLEX LAWS governing American oil production set price ceilings on some kinds of oil under a two-tiered system that keeps U.S. domestic prices below the world level. The U.S. nation-wide average gasoline price of 60.3 cents per gallon in August compares with $1.82 in Italy, $1.50 in Japan, $1.49 in Britain, $1.40 in Switzer- land and $1.33 in West Germany. The U.S. average heating oil price of 42 cents per gallon is closer to that of other countries and compares with 40 cents in Britain, 45 cents in Italy, 51 cents in West Germany and 59 cents in Switzerland. AMERICAN road transport of all kinds, the report said, still has one of the world's highest ratios of fuel consumption per passenger-mile. "In industry, U.S. fuel efficien- cy ranges from very low in crude steel production to above average in aluminum," the re- port continued. The largest in- eral prison here, the phone com- pany says. ceptable scheme Inmates at the Metropolitan ed out, thosei Correctional Center made $131,- case said. But 000 in fradulent credit card and pected to issue third-party calls from the air- day. conditioned, wall-to-wall carpet- The inmates ar ed prison during the past year, victed or awaiti New York Telephone Co. offi- eral charges wh cials said. considered "whi That's nearly a quarter of all the fraudulent calls made in the es. New York metropolitan area, THIS IS THE which has 4 million telephones, a month the tele said phone company officials. has been ripped They want to tear out the lines palaverers. inmates now use. City Comptrol Goldin disclosed BUT THE INMATES went in- soners at thei to federal court and won a court House of Deten order preventing the phone com- $47,000 worth of pany from tearing out the lines, such places as at least for the time being. San Juan, Puerl The telephone company said Moreover, he it wants to restrict inmates to fixed jailhouse p 10-cent local calls. The prison- the five-minute ers claim that requiring them and were makin to place long-distance calls to such places through a central switchboard Betting parlors, would violate their constitution- betting centers. al rights. Michael Young, a Legal Aid THERE WAS; Society lawyer, said it was up closure of how to prison authorities to find the calls were made: guilty parties and not punish all phones in the those in the 13-story prison. But one source said inmates COMPANY OFFICIALS, who emenity - a hig reportedly think the Correction- dio - to monit al Cent : full of crooks who calls where cred don't ,' 9 dime, have been quently used. meetin" with Young, govern- Hearing the ca ment lawyers and U.S. Dist. source said, inm Court Judge Marvin Frankel, them to make I has been work- I involved in the Frankel is ex- a ruling Mon- re all either con- ng trial on fed- hich are usually te collar" crim- second time in ephone company d off by prison ler Harrison J. Aug. 4 that pri- Queens County rtion had made unpaid calls to Las Vegas and to Rico. said, they had hones to remove free-time limit ng lengthy calls as Off-Track the city's legal NO official dis- the fraudulent from the 23 pay federal prison. at the center used another gh-frequency ra- or ship-to-shore it cards are fre- rd numbers, the hates would use their own calls. A "MUST "FORALI LAWSCNOOL ' LAND sPREPARE FOR THE LSAT Ex s for many years in developing test preparation books, we deliver the com- plete material you need for success on the LSAT. LSAT Exomination Dates: j October 9 and-December 12, 1976 1 Feb. 5, Apr. 16, and July 23, 1977 Barron's How to Prepare for the Law School Admission Test, Screated by specialists in the fields of law and testing, provides * review and practice in all areas of the LSAT examinatlon. r it includes complete study in reading comprehension, data interpretation, logic, principles and cases, grammatical es- U sentials, and principles of effective writing. This solid founda- tion prepares you for any question-type appearing on I the actual exam. Three mod- el examinations comiparable rund to the LSAT help you ascer- rAWusr - tain your strengths and astm . remedy your weaknesses. S AT ADDED FATURE: - A Guide to Law Schools- 47 pages of concise descriptions on over . 140 approved. American :lawcp.s. B arron's Now to Prepare . for the Law.School ! Admisalon. Test provides you with a firm =p base for confidence when taking the LSAT. 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Jose Cuervo White. 3ecause Jose Cuervo is the premium white tequila. it has been since the first day it was made in 1795. Then the rest is simple. Just get plugged into the uices. Take orange juice, for example. Or grape- or pineapple. Or whatever. Weekly Laudromat 'pending: $5.00 ............. $4.00 .......... $3.00 .......... Equals Price of Hoover in: In 36 Months You Save: 46 Weeks ........... $550.00 57 Weeks . . . ........... $399.00 76 Weeks ......... $238.00 I ::; ":" af+xs ..._. .... ... ' COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY ANY TWIN-TUB PORTABLE . You Owe It To Yourself To See YE3-;0 (It's bigger than either of us!) .;sAL4111 O Portable Spin- Drying Washer O Compact! 29" x 16" x 31" , Roll to sink and start washing Portable Electric Clothes Dryer " Compact 24" x 16" x 31" " Plug into standard outlet ( 15 amp minimum) r '1 0 .. -1 Cl..... r _ ..... _ _ 2019 W. STADIUM I I I I