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September 24, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-24

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 14

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 24, 1976

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

. .








~a m
Senatorial courtesy
The Senate yesterday passed a bill to designate
the park facility at Sleeping Bear Dunes National
Lakeshore as The Philip A. Hart Visitors' Center,
honoring Michigan's senior Democratic senator
who is retiring this year. The bill, introduced by
Hart's Republican colleague from Michigan, Sen.
Robert Griffin, is expected to be approved in the
House also. "All of us know of the lasting mark
Phil Hart has left on this body and on this na-
tion; and as an indication of our affection and
respect for him, we have already voted to name
in his honor the new Senate office building now
under construction," Griffin said. "It is nice, of
course, that a building in Washington will bear
the name of Phil Hart. But I think it would be
even more appropriate if a building in Michigan
were named for him." Hart, now stricken with
cancer, has been a senator for 18 years.
H appenings .
... are sparse today. At noon, Tom Blessing
of the Ecology Center talks on the Michigan
bottle ban proposition. That's at 'Guild House, 802
Monroe ... an informational meeting on the rules
of football, designed particularly for foreign stu-
dents, is at 2:30 p.m. in the International Center
... Cosmic Transmitter Tyagi Ji has a gig at 7
p.m. in the Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill
..Communist Party presidential candidate Gus
Hall speaks at 7:30 p.m. in Hill Aud. ... at 8
p.m. Elizabeth Lipski leads a discussion on "Heal-
ing with Michigan Plants" at Canterbury House,
Catherine and Division ... and a 4-hour gay dance
begins at 9 p.m. at First Unitarian Church, 1917
Washtenaw. You can spend the re of the day
worrying about Patty Hearst's fate.
Capistrano, Illinois
It happens every year, on the first day of fall.
Crowds gather at dawn along bluffs above the
Mississippi River, near Alton, Illinois, as the Piasa
bird-a scaly, claw-footed creature with a dragon-
like head-fails to emerge from the river and pick
a cave for the winter. And Wednesday, just like
clockwork, the bird once again did not show up
-for the 303rd year in a row-despite Illini Na-
tive American legend which has it that the mys-
terious Piasa can be glimpsed on the first day
of fall. Explorers Louis Joliet and Jacques Mar-
quette described seeing a massive painting (since
destroyed) of the bird on the bluffs in 1673-but
the winged wonder itself has not been spotted
since then. A high school class Wednesday similar-
ly came up empty-eyed. But they're considering
a return trip to Alton on the first day of spring
when, if the weird pattern holds, the Piasa will
once again not leave its cave to fly back into
the Western sky.
On the inside .. .
The Editorial Page probes the relationship be-
tween the CIA and the University in an article
by James Hipps ... The Arts section offers Cinema
Weekend ... and Sports takes a look at the wom-
en's tennis team in a story by Enid Goldman.
On the outside .. .
Get out those jackets - the lows tonight will
plummet to the uncomfortable upper 20s, The high
temperatures will hover around the lower to mid-
60s under increasingly cloudy skies, with winds
southeasterly from '10-15 m.p.h. And we'll give
you an advance on Saturday's scene: it ain't gon-
na be football weather. Highs will be in the mid
50s to upper 40s.

Mr. Ford takes the
same attitude that the
Republicans always
take-in the last three
months of an election.
They always fight for
programs they're
against the other
3 12 years."
-Jimmy Carter

I think the real
issue in this campaign
and that which you
must decide on Nov. 2
is whether you should
rote for his promises
or my performance
in the White House.
Gerald Ford

ailsfor 27
By AP and Reuter
- Presidential candidates
Gerald Ford and Jimmy
Carter laid their claim to
the White House last night
in a nationally televised
debate interrupted by a
technical snag for 27 min-
utes just before the end.
Spokespersons for both
men immediately claimed
after the broadcast-beam-
ed to an estimated 100 mil-
lion Americans - that
their candidate won the
meeting in which each at-
tacked the other in an in-
creasingly h e a t e d ex-
BUT IN the first independent
viewer poll - taken imme-
diately after the broadcast end-
ed - Ford was believed to
have held a lead on his oppo-
See FORD, Page 6

THE LONG-AWAITED confrontation between P resident Ford and Jimmy Carter came to a
grinding halt last night as audio problems for ced a 27-minute delay. Here the two candidates
wait for the problem, which is as yet unexplain ed, to be rectified.

Special To The Daily
In a whirlwind, five hour
sprint through a mid-section of j
Michigan, Democratic vice
presidential nominee Walter
Mondale yesterday met with
voters ranging from relatives
to retirees, gleaning support for
the ticket he shares with front-
runner Jimmy Carter.
Kicking off his brief but hec-
tic campaign romp at the Capi-
tal City Airport in Lansing yes-
terday morning, Mondale took j
his plea for support to the stu-
dents of Michigan State Univer-
sity, the blue collar families of
rural Durand, and then on to
"AW members in Flint, spear-
ing President Ford for policies
he claims have "taken a ter-
rible toll right here in his home
morning of rebutting state-
ments made by Ford last week
in his Ann Arbor address, Mon-
dale systematically pulled the
See MONDALE, Page 12


reveal black rule decision

By AP and Reuter
SALISBURY, Rhodesia -- Prime Minister Ian Smith
will tell his nation today whether his white minority gov-
ernment will yield to international pressure and hand
over power to Rhodesia's black majority under a plan
pushed by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Smith said his ruling all-white Rhodesian Front par-
ty decided at a meeting yesterday whether it will accept
the proposals for transition to majority rule made by
Kissinger in meetings with Smith last week. But he said
the decision will not be revealed until his radio and tele-
vision address tonight.

"IT WILL be a clear and
positive and unequivocal state-
ment. There will be no doubt
in anybody's minds," Smith
said after meeting for five
hours with the 50 Rhodesian
Front members of parliament.
A crowd of about 350 people,
most of them blacks, had gath-
ered outside the parliament
building to await the end of the
caucus meeting, possibly the
most momentous debate since
Smith's white minority govern-
ment broke away from Britain.
There were cheers as Smith,
looking tired but quite happy,
climbed into his car.
GO VER NM E NT sourc-
es said earlier that it was
South African Prime Minister
John Vorster who effectively
compelled Smith to accept the
Kissinger package, which is al-
so reported to include guaran-
tees for the rights of the 270,000
whites and compensation for
those who choose to leave the
See SMITH, Page 2

Daly Photo by SCOTT ECCKER
Democratic vice-presidential hopeful Walter Mondale slices a peanut-shaped cake yesterday
with the help of a young relative in Flint.

Hall airs
views in
While President Gerald Ford
and Democratic presidential
nominee Jimmy Carter pre-
pared to battle it out on na-
tional television last night, Com-
munist presidential candidate
Gus Hall told a small group
of students in the Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly (MSA) offices,
that "We provide a means of
protest. We are the angry vote,
the disgusted vote."
"Ford and Carter have many
advantages over me, Hall said.
"Technical things, like they're
on the ballot and I'm not. No
concrete solutions will come out
of the debates tonight."
had equal press coverage, ex-
cept for a 30-minute spot on
public television coming up next
month. Hall said "The presi-
dential election is a fixed horse
race and the candidates come
from the same stable, the sta-
ble of big business."
As an alternative to big busi-
ness Hall proposes that no one
who makes less than $25,000
per year should pay taxes.
"FOR ONE, this program will
put an end to run-away shops
where factories close up for ex-
tortion purposes. No company
will think that they can get
aroi'd the tax."
"We use the figure $25,000 be-
cauuse this seems to be the
amount at which people can
make ends meet. Four years
ago it was $15,000."
Nalnln hl eve ta at

Local Native
Americans rap
Michigan's one
- 4- rn

Governor Milliken's proclamation that today is Michigan
Indian Day has drawn anger, resentment, and charges of
tokenism from local Native Americans, who are embittered
by the state's treatment of their people.
The statement, unaccompanied by any scheduled activi-
ties, is intended to draw attention to how the Native Ameri-
can's existence has "influenced the white man." There are
roughly 400 Native Americans in Washtenaw County, and over
3,000 in the entire state.
NATIVE AMERICANS here and at the Saginaw Chippewa
Reservation (southern Michigan's only one) were mailed notifi-
cation of the proclamation just last week, and all said no
plans for observance have been made.
Margaret Sowmick of the reservation, said skeptically,
"What people are wondering here is 'What is he (Milliken)
doing, getting recognition for himself or making it a legal
Locally, Native American community leaders were unen-
"BIG DEAL," uttered Victoria Barner, head of Women
of the American Native Tribes, Inc.

Graduate Employe Organiz-
ation (GEO) and University
bargainers concluded their third
fruitless mediation session yes-
terday with the two sides agree-
ing only to resume talks again
Tuesday when the union will
present a drastically revised
proposal package featuring
"some major cuts on some big
In addition to the Tuesday
session, the mediator, Tom Ba-
doud, from the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commis-
sion, will meet with each side
again next Thursday when "he
felt his work would be finished,"
according to ChiefrUniversity
Bargainer John Forsyth.

productive then Thursday won't
be either and if neither of them
are productive we'll be very
far apart - we'll be at an im-
passe," he said.
IN THE GEO camp, union
bargainer Barbara Weinstein
had a more pointed view of the
situation. "If they consent to

bargain at all (on Tuesday)
we're not going to be close to-
gether (by Thursday), I would-
n't characterize it as close."
If, by Thursday, talks have
grinded to a disappointing halt,
Forsyth said, "I don't think
we'll make any progress until
some more major changes

GEO to stage retreat

Janitor dies in leap
from Couzens roof
A 34-year-old maintenance man plunged six stories to his death
yesterday morning from the roof of Couzens Hall.
A-- A-1.... ..- eAnnt . ,,.ac. 'rnrnnunr'~A

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