PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES See Editorial Page Y i~au :43 tii LONDONISH1 High - 580 Low - 330 See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 23, 1976 Ten Cents Eight Pages .. ... ...a,.... . Ethics Committee rYOUSEE NEWSHAPPENCALL-r Y Georgia on her mind A new tune has emerged on the political scene, and this little dandy comes to us from Ms. L.M. Nelson, a Jimmy Carter supporter from Belleville, Mich., who thought her witty ditty worthy enough for submission to the local Carter headquarters. Sung to the tune of "Barney Google," Nelson's song is entitled "Jimmie (sic) Carter-Our Man," and goes like this: He was just a southern governor, whom this country hardly knew Now Jimmie Carter is the guy that we have reference to No he's not a Mr. Rocky, and he's not like Mr. Ford But we think he's got just what it takes for him to get on board. So we're for Jimmie and his great big winning smile We're for Jimmie and his real old down home style He likes the straight and narrow walk He hates political double talk So come on Jimmie with your great big winning smile Now he's not some politician off some great big city street Instead, he's walked in peanut fields with dirt upon his feet You might call him down to earthy A true man of the sod Which may account for the reason, that he still believes in God So we're for Jimmie and his great big winning smile ... Well, you get the idea. 0 Clarification In our story yesterday regarding Michigan Stu- dent Assembly (MSA) support for the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO), we referred to the Oct. 5 deadline, less than two -eks away, as a "strike deadline." Rather, 0 t 5 is the date at which GEO plans to cut off its negotia- tions with the University if the two parties fail to agree on a settlement by then. r Happenings... ... start rather late today, so finish up your chores early. From 3-5 the first Hopwood Tea of the year will be held in Rm. 1006 Angell Hall ... at 4, the Department of Geology and Mineralogy is sponsoring a lecture entitled "Fossil Fluids and Their Geological Applications in Rm. 4001 of the C. C. Little Bldg. If you get there at 3:30, there'll be "coffee ... at 7, the YMCA is giving a class entitled "Horticulture Workshop on Brome- laides," at the 'Y,' 350 S. Fifth St. It's a three- hour course and, in case you're wondering, brome- laides are houseplants in the pineapple family if pineapples aren't your bag, you can leap right into a parachute jump course, sponsored by the University Sky Divers. This free classroom in- struction will begin at 7, Rm. 1042 East Engi- neering ... the Revolutionary Student Brigade's "Orientation Program" begins at 7:30 in the In- ternational Center. There'll be songs, speakers and discussion ... and finally, at 8, the Ann Arbor Tenants Union is holding its mass meeting in the Kdenzel Room of the Union ... Have a nice day. Dreadful dye Remember those black jelly beans and licorice whips you used to eat as a kid? How about the maraschino cherries you now find swimming in your cocktails? Well, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the food dye which lends eye appeal to those treats doesn't exactly do much for our bodies. After conducting labora- tory tests on dogs, the FDA yesterday banned Red dye No. 4 - a close cousin of the sinister Red dye No. 2 - because of its possible link with urinary bladder polyps and atrophy of the adrenal glands. The FDA did not rule out can- cer causing byproducts in the coloring. It's enough to make you choke on your cherries. Bad manners Ann Landers, whose advice column appears in 900 newspapers around the globe, finally ' has a gripe of her very own. Speaking before a gath- ering of the American Embassy Association in London yesterday, the queen of advice expressed her dismay over the private enterprise system, and mentioned her London shoe-shopping spree as an example. "I went into a shoe store and was told I couldn't be served because they were closing in two minutes," Landers lamented. "I had to beg them to wait on me and take my money - and this was for $65 shoes. They just couldn't wait to get me the hell out of there." Although she termed Britain a marvelous coun- try, Landers slapped its private enterprise sys- tem on the wrist, calling it "soft" and "indif- ferent." Oh well, chip chip cheerio, Old Girl, and better luck next time. drops charges Daily Photo by PAULINE LUBENS A GENEROUS PASSERBY plunks a few cents into Mike Kelly's water buffalo collection pail. Kelly hopes U of M students will contribute enough change to buy a buffalo for a Burmese farmer. A nickel for a buffalo head By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - The House Ethics Commit- tee yesterday abandoned attempts to punish televi- sion reporter Daniel Schorr for refusing to hand over his copy of a secret intelli- gence report or to say where he got the report. Rep. Thomas Foley (D- Wash.) said the committee action effectively ends its attempt to discover who gave the report to Schorr or to take legal action against Schorr for refusing to cooperate in the panel's investigation. THE FIVE-MONTH investiga- tion, costing $150,000, involves a report of the Select House Intelligence Committee on U.S. intelligence activities. Schorr, a correspondent for CBS, has acknowledged making the congressional report on in- telligence abuses available to a New York newspaper, the Village Voice, after the House voted last January not to pub- lish it. But in sworn testimony to the Ethics Committee last week he refused to divulge his source or to hand over his copy of the report. chorr IN A series of decisions, the committee today: * Voted 6-5 against bringing criminal charges against Schorr for refusal to hand over his copy of the leaked report; * Voted 7-4 against recom- mending he be stripped of his congressional press creden- tials; Voted 9-1 to release him from the committee subpoena but specifically noted that it made no finding on his claim to protection under the first amendment to the U. S. Congti- tution: * Tied 5-5, and thus defeat- ed, a move to put the commit- tee on record against recom- case . mending that Schorr be cited for contempt of Congress. THE committee plans to meet today to consider a draft of its final report on the Schorr case -its last action in the investi- gation. After the panel's action, Schorr said, "The most signifi- cant. thiug is that the committee has decided not to press for a contempt citation against a re- porter who has exercised his First Amendment privilege and honored his professional obliga- tion to protect his confidential source." "In this sense," Schorr said See ETHICS, Page 3 By MIKE NORTON The crowd divides neatly to pass around him, and nobody misses a step. Once in a while some- one looks at the sign he's wearing and laughs. "Water buffaloes? Hey man, I ain't that stupid!" RARELY, SOMEONE tosses a coin or two into the green plastic bucket in his hand. But Mike Kelly, of 505 Benjamin, doesn't scowl at any- body; he's just trying to get $50 together to buy a water buffalo. "I've got proof it's on the level," he says. Out of his pocket he pulls a letter from the head of the Catholic Church's Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions which says, yes, he is indeed raising money to buy a water buffalo for some poor farmer in Burma. Kelly explains that he ran across an ad in a religious magazine some time ago: "THERE WAS this priest in Burma who had found this really good deal on buffaloes - $50 apiece - and he wants to buy them to give to destitute farmers. I'm a Catholic, see, and these farmers are my brothers and sisters. So I thought this would be a good way to get the money." See TAIL, Page 3 Black leaders wary of Africa peace plan HIGH RISK FOR CANDIDATES: ord, The two men who put their images and ideas on the line today in the first presidential debate of 1976 spent the final hours studying their thick brief- ing books. Behind Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter are weeks of preparation. The stakes are high. The setting is a Philadelphia theater nearing the end of its second century; the television audience is a nation of voters mindful that a similar first en-- counter in 1960 was credited with helping elect John Ken- nedy. THERE WAS a coin flip yes- terday to determine who re- ceives the first question. As the quarter rolled to a halt, Barry Jagoda, Carter's TV aide, correctly called out "heads," giving the first ques- tion to Carter and the closing statement to Ford. While the President met in Washington with evangelist Billy Graham, Carter made public an apology to Lady Bird Johnson for citing her husband, the late President Lyndon B. Johnson, as an example of an American president who has lied. CARTER TOLD Playboy mag- azine: "I don't think I would ever take on the same frame of mind that former Presidents Nixon or Johnson did - lying, cheating and distorting the truth.'' A Carter press aide said the Democratic candidate tele- phoned Ms. Johnson in Texas on Tuesday night and "expres- sed regrets that the quote im- plied that Nixon and Johnson should be treated in the same category." In recent speeches, Carter has included Johnson in a litany of Democratic presidents worthy of approval. Carter duel tonight By AP and Reuter Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith's cabinet was reported yesterday in favor of accept- ing proposals for eventual black maiority rule in Rhodesia, but a black nationalist leader said there were "very serious flaws" in the peace package presented by Secretary of State Henry Kis- singer. "I hope Dr. Kissinger will be pleased with what we have de- cided," Smith told reporters after a Cabinet meeting at which government sources said ministers agreed to go along with the Anglo-American plan for Rhodesia. IN LUSAKA, Zambia, Rho- desian nationalist leader Joshua Nkomo declined to specify the flaws he saw in the proposals bit said he would have to dis- c'iss them with other black Af- rican leaders. "What is done next will hinge on what is done about the flaws," he told Reu- ter. Nkomo, leader of the internal faction of the African National Council in Rhodesia, is the only Rhodesian nationalist to have met Kissinger during the Sec- retary of State's African peace mission. He was commenting on a statement by U.S. officials in the Kissinger party that he had no major objections to the set- tlement plan. "It depends what you call ma- jor," Nkomo said. "His (Kissin-, ger's) proposals have very seri- o is flaws ... these flaws could bring out a lot of problems." U.S. OFFICIALS on board Kissinger's nlane, which arrived in Nairobi last night from Kin- shasa, Zaire, said it was possi- ble that Smith might give a "yes' but . .." response to the :ackage in a speech scheduled for tomorrow. Kissinger has also had reports iHdicating the Soviet Union is persisting in its tactics to un- dermine his Africa mission, jouirnalists aboard his plane were told. He reportedly thinks Moscow may seek to induce some African governments, or black liberation movements, to raise its price for a settlement in Namibia, as well as Rhode- sia. Kissinger went to Nairobi to set in motion a plan to rally See BLACK, Page 2 C A R T E R' S aides also proclaimed, on debate eve, that Carter's own poll shows him leading Ford in states with 440 electoral votes, 170 more than needed for election. Ford's people, too, read good news in the pre-debate samp- ling although it was made by Patrick Caddell, Carter's pub- lic opinion analyst. "It would appear that Mr. Caddell's poll verifies that we're closing the gap over the nation, but the only poll that is going to count is the one that will be taken in Novem- ber," said Ford campaign spokesman William Greener. Greener referred to Gallup and Harris polls in August showing Ford trailing Carter by 23 and 29 percentage points respectively and noted that the Caddell poll showed Ford trail- ing by less than five points in states with about 120 elector- al votes, five to 10 points in states with 160 electoral votes and by more than 10 points in states with more than 160 elec- toral votes. A WHITE House visitor, John Connally, also saw improve- ment in the President's chances and said "how people perceive these two candidates and which they can best entrust with the duties" of president will decide the election. That public perception will be sharpened by the debate. Such was the importance of See CANDIDATES, Page 2 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ypipicketers: # a chillyatit By ANNMARIE SCHIAVI F. rDropping temperatures and thinning wallets will plague ;,...<....:{ 2. Ford Motor Company employes at the Ypsilanti plant un- less the United Auto Workers (UAW) reaches accord with ti J\ r the company. 'V ,'N -~3 - But so far, no sign of agreement is in sight for the yS 30 picketers, among 170,000 strikers across the nation. YESTERDAY MARKED the beginning of the secofd week of striking for the Union members. The Ypsi picketers said negotiations and more bene- : .-: >' ? fits are necessary, but they showed very little - if any enthusiasm for the strike. Ed Leonard, picketing Ford employe, said vehemently: ., "THIS IS ALL A BIG GAME. The Union asks a lot, the company offers you little it's just a game. They should go along some other way to settle it." The banning of scheduled overtime appears to be the key issue among the Ypsilanti workers. Echoed by fellow strikers, Leonard said, "We just want to work 40 hoursD PA E with voluntary overtime, that's what we want. Daily Photo by PAULINE L UBENS FORD MOTOR strikers (from left to right) Willie Lewis, Keith Lewis, and Ed Leonard, See YPSI, Page 3 waited out another cold, windy day yesterday outside the Ypsi plant. Ex-HRP members find home with Dems i _- 't.- Ot the iniside... Editorial Page offers an article By MIKE NORTON Nearly six years ago, a group of liberals and radicals who felt there was no place for them in the orthodox Democratic Party joined here to form the local branch of the Human n-,. irnRj An-d f or time -it looked ple who gradually drifted away from the party found their way back to the Democratic ranks to change things from the inside. Bob Alexander left the Democrats in 1971 to join the fledgling HRP, but after the 1975 city elections - when the party began its nosedive Congressional campaign. "I came back because the working" people, women, and other groups who are struggling against repressionestill tend to look to the Demo- cratic Party to help them," he says. Bess Manchester, who was involved in the HRP's Dollars for Day Care ballot campaign in the 1975 election, has also gore over to the Democrats. She and her husband Stevetboth work with the Pierce campaign. on tax re-