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September 22, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-22

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Wednesday, September 22, 1976


Page Seven

Wednesday, September 22, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAJLY

Former Chilean ambassador,
friend, killed in bomb blast



turns over

MSA defeats move
for CSJ filing fee

WASHINGTON (4)- A for-'
mer Chilean ambassador to the
United States and a woman col-
league were killed yesterday
when a bomb ripped through
their car as they drove past the
embassy he once occupied.
Killed by the blast were Or-
lando Letelier, 44, ambassador
from Chile during the regime
of the late Marxist President
Salvador Allende, and Ronnie
Karpen Moffitt, 25, who worked
with Letelier at a research in-
stitute. Moffitt's husband, Mi-
chael, was discharged from'
George Washington University
Hospital after treatment.
RON HELLER, a supervisor
at the FBI's Washington field
office, said agents were check-
ing unsubstantiated reports that
sues coP
(Continued from Page 1)
Milstein said students on cam-,
pus have been responding well
to the "Mini Lessons," and sev-
eral have enrolled for the class-
es, offered at almost half the
cost of Evelyn Wood.
"Their enrollments have been
good, their advertising is really
good," admitted Sussman. "But
if you saw something implied
as Evelyn Wood for half the
price, you'd buy it." '

T.etelier had received death former ambassador's car as theIf
threats in recent days. late model auto passed through ile s to g ra n
hle said laboratory specialists * Sheridan Circle on Washington's
were "analyzing each piece" of Embassy Row. Both the roof
the wrecked car, a process that and hood of the car were buck- DETROIT (UPI) - Police that he is still in his job. h
will take several days. led by the force of the explo- Chief Philip Tannian has turned a
"At this time we can defi- sion and the outside paneling on over seven departmental files AMONG the records subpena- P
nitely say it was a high explo- the driver's door was blown off to a federal grand jury prob-? ed by the grand jury were files
sive and definitely put under its frame. Parts were scatter- ing reports of drug trafficking from the Police Department's
his Letelier's car on the driver's ed as far as So feet. among high level Detroit po- internal affairs section, includ-
side," Heller said of the bomb. licemen, including Deputy Chief ing a dossier on Blount, a po-
DISTRICT of Columbia Police THE EXPLOSION occurred Frank Blount. liceman on Mayor Young's -
and the Treasury Department's less than a block from the Chi- The grand jury also heard staff and Inspector John Henry,'
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and lean embassy that Letelier testimony yesterday from two acting commander of the 11th o
Firearms also were investigat-' commanded for two years. witnesses being held in protec- precinct.
___ L_ __ _ ;tiv u~tstodv Two other uniden- _t

ome reportedly served as an
after-work gathering spot for
Blount and other top-level po-
ice officers.
TWO OTHER witnesses also
appeared before the grand jury.
Tuesday. A juror identified one ,
of them only as "Mr. Smith,"
while U. S. Attorney Philip Van
Dam said the fourth witness
vas a federal law-enforcement
Van Darn and Geoffrey An-
erson, acting chief of the U. S.
Organized Crime Strike Force
n Detroit, also spent several
ninutes in the grand jury room.
In June, 1940, Presidentj
Roosevelt transferred 50 World
Var I destroyers to Britain in
exchange for leases on air and
naval bases.

(Continued From Page I
and Welfare prohibiting sex
discrimination in any aspect
of higher education.
Although recent MSA policy has
been to appoint one woman and
one man to the two student
seats on the board, past posi-
tions have often been filled by
two men. One of the student
seats is currently held by a
FOLLOWING debate on the
issue MSA members concluded
that student posts on the board
would be more influential if
held by one man and one wo-
man. Names of the two stu-
dents under consideration for
the post will now be submitted
to President Fleming for ap-

"lumental then submitted a
detailed outline of the structure
atd function of all MSA com-
mittees and called for the re-
cruiting of students to serve as
members. Positions are open on
all committees as are four seats
in the Central Student Judic-
iary (CSJ) which functions as
a student court to try infrac-
tions of student government
rules and to settle lawsuits.
A motion calling for a one
dollar fee with all student suits
filed with the CSJ failed follow-
ing a discussion on its legality.
The proposed fee would have
covered some of the administra-
tive costs of dealing with law-


ing the explosion. Both President Ford and his lV v1 Two of the witnesses who
tified witnesses also testified
Letehier had been a frequent Democratic rival Jimmy Carter t testified yesterday were William
critic of the military group issued statements deploring the TANNIAN, who did not ap- Leon Underwood, a D e t r o i t
that now rules Chile, and oppo- killings. before the rand r es- service station operator, and
nents of that government imme- Chilean Ambassador Manuel terday, turned the filesover to i Marie Landers. They were
diately claimed the killing was Trucco said, "My government the U.S. Drug Enforcement Ad-' arrested by DEA agents last
political terrorism, repudiates this outrageous act ministration (DEA). The sub- Saturday and placed in protec-
The blast ripped through the of terrorism . . I urgently re- penaed records indicate that. tive custody.
quest that a complete and seri- federal agents are investigating; The Detroit Free Press said
ous inquiry be undertaken." reports of police-drug involve- it learned from sources that
co n 1 al B ment going back several years. federal agents placed a listening
BUT CHILEAN dissidents in The most startling develop- device in a motor home that
New York and Washington con- ment in the case occured Mon- was parked at the service sta-
tended that Chilean secret po- day when drug agents, assisted tion Underwood formerly oper-
p e tj mlice were implicated in the by Tannian and other Detroit der etoit.re otr
(p e ti o bombing. police officers, raided Blount's ae nDtot h oo
The New York group, Chile home in search of evidence.
SHE EXPLAINED the higher Democratico, said Letelier had Blount, a 26-year veteran and Paid Politicalt
price on the fact that Evelyn been stripped of his citizenship the highest-ranking black on
Wood "is a 20-year-old corn- 10 days earlier after being ac- the police force, met with
pany, who have spent 17 years cused of having "attempted Mayor Coleman Young Tues-3
learning the technique." i from abroad to act against the day, but refused to comment
.In essential interests of the state." after the meeting except to say
Milstein cited dissatisfaction;
among employes, investigationsEC
of Evelyn Wood by the Attor-
ney General, and lawsuits filed Football Saturdays
against the company as reasons ?MEET THE C
why employes left Evelyn Wood. CH ILDCARE Perry
21/2-10 year olds Fred Postill
a planned program of fun activities include: Hillary George
r , 223 E. Ann
1289 JEWETT 800PM :OAM.
CAR IN THE (close to Michigan Stadium) 487-2900M
FIEDS 769-4511 ANYTIME Paid For by the Democratic At



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