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September 21, 1976 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-21

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Tuesday, September 21, 1976


Page Seven

Tuesday, September 21, 1976 WE MICHIGAN DAILY Page 5even

Rhodesian talks may start

(Continued from Page 1)
peace shuttle by flying on to'
Tanzania from Lusaka to see'
MEANTIME, a senior U.S.
official aboard Kissinger's plane
told reporters the secretary'
thinks a Rhodesian constitution-
al parley, with both white and
black negotiators, could begin
as early as November.
On Sunday, Zambian Foreign
Minister Siteke Mwale told jour-
nalists before flying off to the

United Nations in New York:
"Zambia doesn't care whether
the efforts by Dr. Kissinger to
try and solve the southern Af-
rican issue, which has now
reached its crucial stages, are
aimed at winning President'
Ford's election campaign. If'
Dr. Kissinger will win majority
rule in Zimbabwe, Rhodesia and
Namibia - also known as South-
West Africa-that will be fine."
Smith has to win the approval
of his full cabinet and the cau-
cus of the ruling Rhodesian

Bargaining resumes
for UAW contract

DETROIT (AP)-United Auto;
Workers and Ford Motor Co.
resumed formal contract talks
yesterday for the first time since
170,000 workers struck the auto'
maker six days ago.
A union spokesman said the
UAW bargaining committee,
which had been sent home last'
Tuesday, returned to the main
table at approximately 2:45'
p.m. EDT, following a 90-min-
ute briefing from top union of-
MEANWHILE, Ford's opera-
tions in Canada began to feel
the pinch of the U.S. strike, as
1,600 workers at the Windsor,
Ont., engine plant received lay-
off notices. They were the first'
such layoffs since the strike
Only informal talks had been
conducted between top union
and company bargainers since
last Tuesday, when UAW Presi-
dent Leonard Woodcock sent
his bargaining committee home
and ordered a midnight walkout
which shut down Ford op-
erations in 22 states.
The union spokesman declined
to- say if the informal discus-
sions had paved the way for a
speedy settlement now that the
full bargaining committee was
UAW VICE president Ken
Bannon, head of the union's

which must approve any con-
tract settlement.
A union spokesman said the
committee would receive details
of the informal discussions and
would report "on how the strike
is going and what the member-
ship sentiment is."
all was peaceful on picket lines
yesterday at the 102 facilities
crippled by the nationwide walk-
out, the second in nine years
and third in the company's his-
tory. There has been no violence
on the picket lines since the
strike began.r
Talks on noneconomic issues'
between Ford of Canada and
the UAW were continuing in To-
ronto. The UAW, which negoti-
ates separate but parallel con-,
tracts with Canadian subsidiar-
ies of the U.S. carmakers, tra-
ditionally extends contracts in
Canada until a settlement is
reached in the United States.
In Detroit, a chief stumbling
block to quick settlement is a
union demand for an additional
12 paid days off each year as
a way to increase employment.
Ford has opposed the demand
as costly and detrimental to
scheduling production, but the
company has offered up to five
days off for high-seniority work-
ers with perfect work attend-
ance records.

party for the understanding
worked out with Kissinger and
Vorster. The senior U. S. offic-
spite being accompanied in
ial said he thinks Smith, de-
spite being accompanied in
Pretoria by three key cabinet
colleagues, will find it hard to
persuade his political followers
to endorse the Pretoria deal -
but probably he will succeed.
THE SENIOR U. S. official
said Smith and three of his
cabinet members agreed "to
report favorably" to other of-
ficials in Salisbury on a propo-
sition that falls generally under
a U. S. - British plan calling
for a commitment to black ma-
jority rule in Rhodesia within
two years: a constitutional ref-
erence in Geneva: the broad-
ening of the Rhodesian cabinet
to include black nationalists;
and a $2-billion fund to compen-
sate whites who leave Rhodesia
and to finance development of
the country under black rule.
The United States, Britain,
South Africa and other foreign
countries would supply the
Whether or not Smith, who
unilaterally proclaimed Rho-
desia's independence from Bri-
tain 11 years ago, will carry
on being prime minister until
a new constitution is written
seems an open question. Some
authorities on Rhodesian poli-
tics think another man might
be chosen to carry out the pro-
cess Smith himself has vowed
he never would do.
In the interview in Salisbury,
Smith said the international po-
litical and trade sanctions im-
posed against Rhodesia would
have to be called off as part of
any black-white settlement.
Kaunda said Monday: "The
fighting is going on now but
we want to stop it."


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Ford department, said the pri- sues include revision of a pen-
vate talks since the walkout sion agreement for retired work-
have increased understanding ers and health and dental care
between the two sides. But he improvements. The union also
would not say if the discussions is seeking improvements in the
had brought either side closer s u p p 1 emental unemployment
on any of the major issues. be- s (SUB) fund, a com-
Earlier, Bannon briefed the pal 'mded program to provide
13-member bargaining team, bn--fits for laid-off workers.
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