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September 19, 1976 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-19

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Swm aY, Se Ptermber 19, 19-75


Page .Fiore




dent interviewers to be pleas-
ant but essentially evasive.
After breaking bread with
CITY WAS wrested from members of the football team,
Tits lat -summer calm for Ford returned to an emotion-
a few hours on Wednesday, ally charged capacity crowd of
whOi President Ford and his nearly 14,000 for the first major
Otional campaign roadshow address of his campaign. Out-;
blew into Crisler Arena for a side, about 200 impassioned
rlly that left in its wake, ser-i demonstrators toted a laundry
oils questions about the role of list of causes, but many were3
in aeaemic institution in elec- unable to get inside of the
torel politics area. Bungled ticket operations
turned away at least 2,000 peo-
- oMyou this issue was ple, including University Vice
the .mysterious emergence ofPesdnfrAadmcAfrs
University of Michigan Students President for Academic Affairs
f~ r'rsident Ford, the student Frank .Rhodes.
The rally itself became a less
coup <, ostensibly sponsoring than artful fusion of football
Frd's vsit. It was learned this and politics, more reminiscent
wek that the group was form- of a high school pep rally than
kd 6y days after pions' for the inauguration of a national,
the trip were finalized, appar- campaign.
ently at the request of The Thca p idg y
White ouse. C.C. Leslie, pres- The President was generally
~4#t,*f hegrupan wh o-1received warmly. A steady
ident4Of the group, and who op-chorus of boos, catcalls, and
vates it from her room at Mar- anglo-saxon expletives to his
than Cook, worked at the White address gave the event an aura
Wouse this summer. of rowdiness that White House
Fbrd began the meticulously planners must certainly have
stated return to his alma ma- expected, and undoubtedly
ter with a 45-minute question counted on. The only unrehears-
and answer session with 20 stu- ed occurance of the evening
4int leaders at Crisler. Grilled was the explosion of a cherry-
on questions ranging from am- bomb that startled the President
nesty to abortion to Title IX, momentarily.
Ford was found by some stu- The address itself was ;the

usual vapid campaign fare, versity, and that the marching
with promises of more jobs, re- band would be there playing for
duced downpayments on lower him, there were rumblings that
and middle-price housing, and band director George Cavender
the obligatory potshot at Jim- initially balked, owing to the
my Carter, saying that voters politically loaded nature of the
demand "specifics, not smiles; event. Cavender said he want-
performances, not promises." ed the opinion of "my kids."
But the central question sur- At least one band member said
rounding the visit is the visit that nobody wanted to do it,
itself, and to what degree any but that Cavender implied he
academic institution can allow had been given his marching
itself to be used as a pawn orders by the Regents.
in national politics. University So the President got his mu-
President Robben Fleming ad- s s'
mitted that the partisan flavorsic and the entire affair wasj
mte t theeheg phadr.tis Univer- ready to be put to rest, when
of the evening had .the, nvr the Young Workers Liberation!
sity "in a bind," but pledged league slapped the University
the same treatment for Carter, with a suit demanding that at
and said that the Ford cam- least part of the band play for
paign would be sent a bill for Communist Party Presidential
services rendered. But in the candidate Gus Hall, who will
eyes of many on campus, such visit the campus Saturday.
services may ultimately prove
a considerable disservice. President Fleming said it
would be up to the band. "It
y occurs to me that it would be
Bandp O iCS a very interesting thing to have
IJUSIC MAY I'E the food of a band perform that didn't want
love, but this week it fed to." It would indeed. Particular-
a dispute involving the unlikli- . if the last time it performed
est of partners: the University unwillingly was just a few days'
administration the marching ago.

Intercollegiate Athletics for Wo-
men (AIAW) in which the wo-
men's team competes, prohibitsi
men from participating.
The two students, Eric Stan-
nard, a freshman from Flint,
and Rick Chad, a senior from
Huntington Woods, point to a
clause in Title IX stipulating!
that in sports where opportun-
ties for one sex are limited, the
excluded sex must be allowed
to try out for the team of the
other sex, unless it is a contactE
Stannard and Chad are report-
edly contemplating some sort
of action against the Univer-
sity, either a grievance to be
filed with the Department of
Health, Education, and Wel-
fare, or maybe a lawsuit.
* * 4'
Money vs status
group wants to put more
money in the pockets of pro-'
fessors next year - and took;
its case directly to the Regents
last Thursday.
The group, the Committee on
the Economic Status of the Fac-
ulty (CESF), concluded in a re-
cently released report that beef-
ing up professorial paychecks
is good way to keep the facul-
ty from fleeing to higher paying

positions elsewhere, and thus
maintain the level of academic
excellence administrators love
to gloat about.
Specifically, CESF is request-
ing an average 11.5 per cent pay
raise to all full-time faculty
members for the 1977-78 aca-
demic year.
The proposed raise is design-
ed to keep the University's sal-
aries on a competitive level
with comparable institutions.
In dollars and cents, the pro-
posed raise translates to the
tune of well over $5 million.
However, the level of state
arnropriations channeled to the
University will determine just
how much money the faculty
will get, and two professors as-
sociated with CESF appeared
before the Regents earlier this
week with bright tales of an im-
proeing state economy, aimed to
convince the Board that an 11.5
ner cent raise is not as unrea-
son able as it sounds.
Regnet Gerald Dunn (D- Lan-
sina) "didn't buy" some parts
of th economic forecast, noting
that the state still faces an im-
nosing deficit.
The Regents will consider the
renort again at next month's


munist suit "deficient in someI
of the language," meaning that
the suit may have to be refiled.
/ *
only the opening round of
a long, bitter bout, two Univer-
sity students accused the Ath-;
letic Deoartment of reverse sex

discrimination after being bar-
red from trying out for the Wo-
men's Volleyball team.
Title IX of the education
Amendments of 1972 prohibits
sex discrimination in any area
of higher education. Men's vol-
leyball receives no funds from
tht Athletic Department, while
women are given several par-I
tial grant - in - aid sch-larships
per year, and expenses for road
games. But the Association of

band, and a campus affiliate.
of the Communist party.
When word broke that the
President would visit the Uni-.

It was reported on Friday,
however, that the state Court of
A'ppeals has termed the Com-

This was
Turque and

compiled by Bill
Jay Levin.

r -. _ -_. _ ____. - -- . _

Bobbing like a
(Continued frorh Page 3) boats look like giant needles. a
etoe for nearly all beginners. The paddler controls the boat ti
No matter how carefully I sat with thighs pressed against the tc
or paddled, the prow would be- hull one-sixteenth of an inch n
gin to turn slowly but relent- thick and extended legs braced
I6ssly to the left. As it turned, against foot pegs, as well as is
it somehow picked up speed, with the paddle blades. Water o
g8ing faster and faster, till I is kept out with a spray-skirt w
felt like I was spinning on a that, fastens around the cockpit A
NlWu1 compass needle. rim and is tied around the e
I had to suffer the snickering paddler's waist. Besides the ka- w
g, e$ of a picnicking family yak, the paddler wears a life- d
*ho ell paused to watch me jacket and a light helmet. a
atingglo, the -kayak, wobbling, For their slalom practice
theting to dump me each runs on the Huron, the RS&C
tinftt a paddle blade touched kayakers all went through a*
water. And people like Lang set routine. They glided back- y
mAtuv4r these devils down wards through the first gate. I
s6Me of the whitest water in then turned to scoot forward e
the country? through the second, about 20 t
For weekday practice ses- feet ({,-river. Dodging a sub- v
$i04s, llwever, these slalom mner- )ck, they took the third tE
faaatIes have only the placid I gate forward and turned sharp- y
J rolt Itrer. In winter months I ly upriver to weave through a b
tkby are reduced to using the ; fourth gate hung only three or a
4ilversity of Michigan pool.' four feet from protruding rocks. ;
Te pol is a far cry from the I With light paddle thrusts they
ij$*h stretches of the Youg- then shot backwards downriver y'
hiehenly, and the Savage River I through the final gate, hung
itt ttyland - which they de- from the east side of the Huron c
s# blei wth relish and rever- River Drive bridge. It's a short g
enWe. course but a good work-out. P
"The 1Itren river isn't that After making numerous pass-"
ch11;gn g," Black noted, es through the gates kayaker b
",it t% gates hung it's a paul Sleator paddled to the y
OW place to polish slalom bank and extricated himself T
t4toh WAT."C from the cockpit for a coke e
OUT TO WATCH break. Sleator began racing e
tlis' recently. Maneuvering about three years ago and con-
, 0%g a fw gates suspended siders himself a competent pad-!t
fttt the n bridges at Tubbs diler in rough water. c
Aead an llurpn River Drive,' But even he, occasionally, t
they spgn the kayaks, deftly loses control of his kayak to o
ever tho water's surface. At the point where he has no choice "
their best they have the style except to swim.
And preeision of dancers - pad- A firm mastery of the Es-
dling Imoothly through a Fred kimo roll is the best way to
Atti routine choreographed avoid those humiliating - and
ftr kayak. dangerous -- moments. With a
Tn th water the 13 foot long well-timed twist of the hips and
A Musical Masterpicc
L1C MUSKET/MrIodcticons, Inc.
Novem ber4. , i 1 1,1 2,13 7-Y976
L dia+Litrdelssohn Thcat Cr
Evening Itrformances 8:00p1.
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Tic atscaVai AlAlCt AC TickCt Cc Irl in hill AtIdit-ritutI


forceful shove of the paddle,
he experienced kayaker is able
o right the kayak without ever
loving from the boat.
"The hardest thing to learn
s that you shouldn't get out
f the boat -- and you really
vant to!" Lang emphasizes.
Nnyone who has ever been un-
xpectedly dunked can imagine
chat it's like to hang upside
own from an overturned kay-
A S A NOVICE, you must learn
when you should and when
ou shouldn't ditch your kayak.
t's a matter of judging wheth-
r you're in a position to flip
he boat upright. During a race,
on make your choice quickly,
aking into account whether
our chances of survival will
e better floating unprotected
mong the boulders or fight-
ig for balance in the boat.
You also consider how badly
ou want to win the race.
Besides the river itself, over-
onfidence is the paddler's
reatest danger, according to
Raul Lang's brother, James.
You've got to stay within your
ounds. You have to know what
ou can handle and what not.
'he biggest problem is under-
stimating the power of the riv-.
r." But even when you know
he river and yourself, anything
an happen. James remembers

nside a
off this one rock, but it grab-
bed me, and I was stuck be-
tween two rocks, one at each
end of the boat, and had to
With the dangers of kayaking
come fatalities. Six killed pad-
dlers have been killed on riv-
ers in the past two years, ac-
cording to a top paddler writing
for the American Canoe Associ-
ation's magazine, Canoe.
But the dangers don't faze the


kayakers one bit. RS&C mem-
ber Sleater says that the ex-
citement makes it all worth it.
"It's doing something challeng-
ing that you have to really
work at to be good," Sleater
says. "Even to be only rela-
tively good requires years of
practice, experience. You are
constantly reacting under pres-
sure, and it gets to be an addic-
tive thing. If. you do it right,
it's a great high."

ACTION CENTER (School of Education)
Exhbiton ndSale
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of Fine Art Prints
Featuring the works of Chgall, Dali, Matisse, Gaugin,
Van Gogh, Breughel, Cezanne, Frankenthaler, Homer,
Klee, Miro, Monet, Magritte, Picasso, Rembrandt, Re-
noir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Wyeth, and others.
The Sale is located 4n THE FISHBOWL
PR ICES ARE:;$2.50 EACH, 3 FOR $6
Mon., Tues., Wed., Sept. 20-22
9 A.M. TO 5 P.M.





,L1 ,7

he time his boat was pierced
n both sides of the cockpit.
I thought I would just bounce


t ,
c 1 _ }F~
/ ETLJI,-.re

and his Sextet

w I

A JAZZ SPECIAL in HILL AUD., Sat., Oct. 2; at 8:30

He's still the King of Swing to jazz buffs who flock to
hear this fabulous clarinetist wherever he plays. Since his first
professional job at the age of 14 with a 4-piece band aboard a
Lake Michigan excursion steamer .Benny has garnered millions
of fans via the ballroom dance floor, radio, T.V., motion pic-
tures, and recordings, both jazz and classical.
After the concert, top off youc evenirg at the Afterglow/
"Let's Dance'-food, wine, and dancing in the Michigan League
''St ,rd,t" B'a'llroom.v

Available at:


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