Fags Two-\. ritf Mi -MiUAN UArLT Sundcay, Se eptember 19, 1197~ PageTwo>Ti-i: MfhI~.AN LAFL INTRODUCTORY MEETING PAUL GOODMAN STUDY GROUP Women TUESDAYS from 8 to 10 p.m. Communications R~I NC. "Our abundant society is at present simply deficient in many of the most elemen- U-M Chapter tary objective opportunities and worthwhile goals that could make growing up MON., SEPT. 20 possible. It is lacking in enough good work. It is lacking in honest public speech, GREENE LOUNGE and people are not taken seriously. It is lackirrg in the opportunity to be useful. It 4-6 p.m. EAST QUAD thwarts aptitude and creates stupidity. It corrupts the fine arts. It shackles science. It dampens animal ardor . . . it dims the sense that there is a Creation. It - -- ----- -- -- - _____ has no Honor. It has no Community." Paul Goodman in Growing Up Absurd} Paul Goodman, who died in 1972, wrote over twenty full length works and FALL OPENtN/SY hundreds of shorter ones-educational philsophy, social criticism, psychological theory and theraputic techniques, literary criticism, architecture and city plan - ning, poetry, novels, short stories and plays. 1" A study group will meet each Tuesday at Canterbury House to consider his ideas and hew to use them. All welcome. Students will be assisted in arrang- Nursery ing credit if desired. For more information call 665-0606. SK inderga rtners FIRST MEETING TUESDAY, SEPT. 21st at 8 P.M. K " Elementary School CANTERBURY HOUSE " Child Care Center 218 N. DIVISION STREET Analternative program corner of Catherine and Division C CA L L 769-4511 r Prime-time politics: remember when... CHICAGO (UPI) - For one television appearances of presi- hour on the night of Sept. 26, dential candidates were "here 1960, John Kennedy and Rich- Ito stay." But there were no ard Nixon - presidential cam- debates in 1964, 1968 and 1972. paigners used to crowds - were The Gerald Ford - Jimmy two of the loneliest men in the Carter debate in Philadelphia on world. Thursday will be the first re- An estimated 70 - 80 million sumption of the television de- persons, faceless and nameless, bates - if its occurs. Subse- scrambled to focus on him. Nixon leaned forward and made a "Stand up, Jack" ges- tore. Kennedy recovered, leaped tc his feet, strode to the micro phone. D O M E S T I C POLICy were out there watching televi- sion and listening to radios-but missing were the friendly, cheering campaign throngs that1 had greeted them in city after, city. S ti n ti c ti s ti I; ti b OUT OF SIGHT were the re- porters that had followed them fo: weeks, shuttled off to nearby studios to watch black and white television monitors. Even the omnipresent cam- paign advisers were out of touch - behind glass windows, looking from the darkness into the kleig-lighted control rooms. They could not even signal an encouraging "thumbs - up" to their man. Kennedy and Nixon were strictly on their own, waging the first face-to-face debate in modern political history be- tween two major presidential contenders. THEY HELD four debates inj less than one month. Many po- litical observers and historians sav the confrontations of Sep- tember and October - particu- larly the first - won the elec- tion in November for the sena- tor from Massachusetts. Nixon later predicted joint quent debates have been sched- was the subject of the first de- uled for Oct. 6 and 22. bate - as it will be this year. But the nation Nixon and Ken. THE FIRST 1960 debate was nedy sought to lead still was held in CBS-TV's Studio One, a absorbed by the Cold War. cavernous room constructed in Kennedy, winning the coin an arena once used for horse- flip, spoke first and immediate- back riding, ice shows and - ly attacked, mixing domestic in early World War II days -- and foreign policy. He question- "America First" meetings that ed whether the Eisenhower - rang to the oratory of Burton Nixon administration was mov- K. Wheeler and the clamor of ing America ahead fast enough antiwar protesters. to counter the threat of the Nixon and Kennedy heard! Soviet Union. only the guiding voice of Nixon, writing in his "Six moderator Howard K. Smith of Crises," admitted Kennedy took CBS News; the inquiring voices the offensive in the first debate, of a panel of interviewers; the "a setback - but not a disas- squeak of a microphone boom; ter." the occasional click of a cam- era. "LOOKING BACK now on all They saw only the moderator four of them," he wrote, "there and panel, three blinking can be no question but that cameras, two long - armed Kennedy had gained more from booms, the shadowy forms of the debates than I." the crews that operated the Kennedy, propelled from un- equipment, and banks of bril- derdog to front-runner, won the liat ighs.election by 112.000 vntes_ APtiMSWVI d Ths SMW 9 Tho A"-W Op Ths ad is the work of Orri Frutkin and Gavin* SandlI THERE WAS no teleprompt- er in those days to rely on for a catchy or eloquent phrase. Both candidates were nervous - Nixon more than Kennedy. Nixon stumbled as he arrived at the studio, bumping a pre- "It was TV more than any- thing else that turned the tide," he reportedly told an aide after the election. . Daily -O fficial Bulletin viously sore knee. As he was! THE MICHIGAN DAILV being brief on procedures, Nixon The Daily official Bulletin is an Volume LXXXVII, No. 10 leaped to greet Kennedy and official publication of the Univer- Sunday, September 19, 1976 smacked his head on a d sity of Michigan. Notices should be i s edited and managed by students sigmcrop- ishe.dona ang- sent in TYPEWRITTEN FORM to **a dnt ling microphone. 409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of at the university of Michigan. News 40 .Jfesn bfr i.o p~hone 764-0562. Second class poetage the day preceding publication and paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. NIXON repeatedly moistened by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Published d a l11 y Tuesday through'p Sunday. Items appear ~onee only. Sunday morning duringtr he Univer- his lips and, off camera, dab- Student organization notices are sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann bed at his mouth with a hand- not accented for publication. For Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription kerchief. He gripped the arm more information, phone 764-9270. rates: $12 Sept. thru Ap l (2 semes- of his chair as Kennedy ters), $13 by ma l outside Annof hs car s Kend Arboru launched into his opening Sunday, September 19, 1976 Summer session published Tues- remarks. DAY SALENDAR day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann .Kennedy, i haste to rebut a TV Ctr.: "How the Senior Citi- Arbor; $7.50 by mail outside Ann Nixon point, forgot to stand up zon?" channel 4. noon. Arbor to the lectern and began talking WUOM: "The Mystery of the child from his chair. Cameramen & Family Service Act of. 1975," 1 PTP: Russell's "Five on the Black ..1-... Hand Side," Arena Theatre, Frieze, 1 2 p.m. i t 00, CIMMERON -PLUS- PITCHER NIGHT 50c DISCOUNT ON ADMISSION WITH STUDENT I.D. COMING SEPT. 22 Would you be willing to tell the world, "I did this?" After all, you're pretty good at what you do. Probably proud of it, too. Well, most of us will never get to sign our work. And maybe that's a shame. Because as good as we are, it might make us better. And we can afford to be. Whether we're teachers or short-order cooks, farmers or. steamfitters, sales managers or city : Monday, September 20, 1976 Extension Service: Small group functioning, registration; Issues in Adoption Practice; League, 8:30 a.m. Ctr. Near Eastern, N. African Studies: Joseph Greenman: "Yemen: Part L" Commons rm.. Lane Hail, r Biol/DRI: Johannes Rohdine "The Structure & Function of Nor- mal & Hypertensive Blood Vessels," 1033 Kellogg. 4 p.m. Anthropology: Lauwrence Slobod- kin (State Univ. of N.Y.; Stony Brook) "Problems on the Interface of Biological & Social Sciences," Aud. 4, MLB, 4 p.m. Extension Service: Fundamentals of hypnosis, registration; League, 7 Music School: Carillon concerts, Christ Church Cranbrook Carillon Guild; Burton Tower 7 p.m. Ctr. for Japanese Studies: Kobaya- shi's Kaseki, Aud. 3, MLB, 7:30 p.m. Open 'Til 1 a.m. TON IGHT BILLIARDS BOWLING & PINBALL At the UNION managers. We'll all have more to show for it. More money, for one thing. Because we'll be giving each other our LUTHER ALLISON THE BEST ANN ARBOR BLUESMAN! 516 E. LIBERTY 994-5350 ,f, '- moneys worth :"::.. for the products, the services and even the government we pay for. For another thing, we'll be giving Amer. ica a better chance to take on our foreign business competitors. Not just here. All around the world. That would help bring the lopsided balance of payments back onto our side. And make your dollar worth more. Best of all, as we hit our stride, we'll be protecting jobs here at home. For ourselves :; and the future. And we'll have a :. deeper sense of satisfaction in the Jobs we've got. You don't have to sign your work to see all these things happen. And more. Just do the kind of work you'd bef proud to have carry your name. America. It oniv worki . \r U 1 OP U-M SCHOOL OF MUSIC Presents ENRICHMENT & TALENT DEVELOPMENT COURSES open to all adults who are interested in developing a new-found talent or expanding their knowledge lt and skills in the world of music ... GUITAR Beginning Folk Guitar Intermediate Folk Guitar Beginning Classical Guitar Intermediate Classical Guitar Introducton to Blues & Rock Guitar ENRICHMENT Introduction to Music Theory Introduction to the Classic for the uninitiated who wish to gain American Popular Song: an appreciation and understanding of History & Practice- music fundamentals SInexploring the historical traditions and Introduction to Electronic Music promn fsnsfo for t h o s e who've wondered what performing s t y l e s of songs from makes a synthesizer synthesize America's classical period - a must lntrduction to Music Composition for every musical theater buff or per- for those who've always wanted to former write music but weren't sure how to go about it PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT