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September 18, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-18

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See Editorial Page

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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 9 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 18, 1976 Ten Cents E

Eight Pages

Fountain of wisdom
Capping an otherwise vaporous meeting of the
Board of Regents, Regent Deane Baker sounded
off on the lack of water fountains in Michigan
Stadium. "The fountains," he said, "would supply
water for those who are disinclined to pay a dollar
for a Coca Cola." He added that the hot dogs, at
75 cents a shot, were no bargain either. Though,
with his money, he could probably keep the whole
stadium in hot dogs and coke this afternoon.
Killing the iessenger
Detroit Mayor Coleman Young has apparently
blamed the news media for Detroit's nasty na-
tional image. Young charged Thursday that both
the national and local press dwell too much on
the city's fiscal and crime problems, neglecting
what he called "positive and warm things about
the city." Young then told reporters about some
of the swell things going on in Detroit these days,
such as a trolly service to begin on Monday, and
a recent, gradual decline in the city's crime rate.
"We are solvent, we have a balanced budget. Our
gangs don't compare with the gangs in New York,"
Young said.
. . . are topped, of course, by the Wolverine's
showdown with Stanford at Michigan Stadium;
kickoff time is 1:30 . . . PTP presents a produc-
tion of Russell's "Five on the Black Hand Side,"
at 8:30 in the Frieze Building's Arena Theatre.
Aside from that, you're on your own.
No dice
The California Supreme Court ruled as uncon-
stitutional the preferential treatment of blacks
and other minorities being admitted to state uni-
versities and colleges. The 6-1 ruling, announced
Thursday, dropped the axe on a special admis-
sions program designed to help black students at
the University of California School of Medicine
at Davis. The court described the program as
"laudable" but added that the "divisive effect on
such preferences needs no explication and raises
serious doubts whether the advantages obtained
by the few preferred are worth the inevitable cost
to racial harmony." Officials of the Davis School
of Medicine announced immediately that they
would appeal the ruling.
Bomber overboard
Navy leaders are puzzling over ways to raise an
F-14 Tomcat fighter that rolled off the deck of the
U. S. Aircraft John F. Kennedy and sank in near-
ly 2,000 feet of water off Scotland, the navy said
yesterday. They are known to be nervous about
the aircraft's top-secret Phoenix missile, which
sources said was on the $14 million plane when it
sank. A Soviet cruiser was seen four to seven
miles from the Kennedy after the Tomcat went
down, a Navy spokesperson said. The spokesperson
added that the Navy was "not prepared to say by
what means" the aircraft would be retrieved. The
Phoenix missile is capable of attacking six differ-
ent targets simultaneously under all weather con-
Throw the book at him
Former President Richard Nixon's memoirs on
Watergate, now being written, will shed a "fan-
tastic" light on the scandal that drove him from
the White House in 1974, his publisher said Thurs-

day. "It is a very strong, vivid, and personal ac-
count," said Howard Kaminsky, president and
publisher of Warner Books. The book is scheduled
for worldwide publication next fall. Kaminsky
would not disclose the financial terms of the book,
but Irving (Swifty) Lazar, Nixon's literary agent,
said that Nixon was offered $2.5 million for the
rights to his book and that he easily will make $5
million from the sale of foreign rights. Nixon, Ka-
minsky said, is writing the book by himself. He
added that Nixon records a rough draft every day,
then examines a transcript before making a final
draft. We can hardly wait.
On the ini3de . . .
. . . Editorial Page continues Harvey Wasser-
man's series on nuclear power in the U. S. . . .

House voted yesterday to
launch new investigations
into the assassinations of
President John F. Kennedy
and civil rights leader Mar-
tin Luther King.
It adopted, 280 to 65, a
resolution to set up a spe-
cial investigating commit-
tee. Sponsors said informa-
tion never sifted thoroughly
points to a conspiracy in
the Kennedy case and to
the possible involvement of
more than one person in
the King shooting.
(D-VA.), told the House, "In
the case of PresidentKennedy
I am convinced there was a
conspiracy involved. I do not
know the identity of the con-
spirators or their motives. That
should be investigated in
Earlier, Speaker Carl Albert
said he is designating Downing
as chair'man of the 12-member
select committee and Rep. Hen-
ry Gonzalez (D-Tex.) as next-
ranking Democrat. Both have
long been active in efforts to
reopen the assassination cases.
Downing is retiring at the end
of this year and Gonzalez would
presumably succeed him as
- chairman if, as is expected, the
inquiry is renewed in the new
Congress. Downing said a staff
will be gathered and prelimi-
nary inquiries made the rest
of this year.
of the District of Columbia said
"new information justifies this
investigation" of the King

I g


r to


ath. Fauntroy served as
shington director of the
thern Christian Leadership
nference when King headed
The shameful conduct of the
I with respect to Martin Lu-
r King is enough to con-
ce us of the need for addi-
nal investigation," he said.
he King assassination has
er been investigated thor-
hly. There was never a
ing's father, Martin Luther
g Sr., refused to discuss the
estigation at an antipoverty
ncy meeting in New Haven,
IF I WERE TO discuss it,
at need?" he said. "When
ot through with it, I'd still be
hout a son."
See HOUSE, Page 5


AP Photo
This lime it's legal
Former bank robber Willie Sutton transacts a little legitimate business in a Chicago bank. Sutton,
out on parole from a 135-year prison sentence, describes himself as the "last of the gentleman
robbers" and claims to have held up more than 100 banks for more than $1 million in his bank-
robbing days.

Court rules against
McCarthiy debate bid
From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON-A Federal judge yesterday ruled against
former Senator Eugene McCarthy in his bid to be included in the
television debates between President Ford and Jimmy Carter.
U.S. District Judge Aubrey Robinson ruled that independent
presidential candidate McCarthy and American party candidate
Tom Anderson should have taken their complaints to the Federal
Communications Commission or to the Federal Election Commis-
sion or both.
ROBINSON SAID he has no authority to resolve the dispute
because Congress has given that power to the regulatory com-
Robinson issued his ruling immediately after a 2 -hour hearing,
saying he wanted to give attorneys a chance to appeal right away.
"They have been alerted," the judge said in telling lawyers
they must seek a decision from the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
"They are breathlessly awaiting you."
McCARTHY HAD ASKED to be declared a "major" candidate
to qualify under federal law to join the Ford-Carter debates, but
Anderson asked that broadcast of the Carter-Ford debates be for-
bidden because they would not be actual news events.
Attorneys for both argued that broadcast debates limited only
to the Democratic and Republican nominees violated FCC rules
requiring fairness and equal time for all candidates.
Both attorneys said they filed suit in District Court rather than
going before the Federal Communications Commission or the
Federal Election Commission because they did not believe either
agency has authority to issue the injunctions they sought.
THEY ALSO AGREED that if they were wrong on that joint
they still would not have enough time to seek rulings from either
See JUDGE, Page 8


U unshaken by Communist suit

University officials reacted
calmly yesterday to the news
that a campus Communist Party
organization, the Young Work-
ers Liberation League, was serv-
ing a suit demanding that 25-30
members of the Michigan Band
play for the Sept. 24 appearance
of Communist Party presidential
candidate Gus Hall.
Commenting on the League's
action, President Robben Flem-
ing said, "Welcomeato the club.
We get sued . . . almost every
day. It's just turned over to the
attorneys. It occurs to me that
it would be a very interesting
thing to have a band perform
that didn't want to."
THE SUIT is actually being
filed by five plaintiffs - the
League, Gus Hall himself, the
Marxist Forum (a campus
group), the Michigan Hall-Tyner

Campaign Committee, and an
ad hoc campus group called
"Friends of Hall-Tyner." Four
defendants are named - the
Board of Regents, Fleming,
Vice-President for University
Relations Michael Radock and
Band Director George Cavender.
League attorney Alan Kauf-

Hall doesn't receive equal treat-
ment, Kaufman says, the Uni-
versity, in effect, has endorsed
Chief University attorney Rod-
erick Daane was out of town
yesterday. An assistant to
Daane, attorney John Ketelhut,
cited several potential strategies

"The band apparently m de
the decision itself," Ketelhut
continued. "That takes it out of
the realm of state action; the
University didn't compel it."
Regarding an anticipated free-
dom of speech argument, Ketel-
hut said, "Where does a band
really fit into all this? This is
so incidental and insignificant
in regard to what these laws are
trying to protect. I would think
that the people would come to
hear what the guy has to say,
and the band playing is just
incidental to that."
See 'U', Page 8

it occurs to me that it would be a very in-
teresting thing to have a band perform that
didn't want to..
-University President Robben Fleming

man plans a case based upon the
concept of equal protection un-
der the law. He says that since
Fleming and Radock consented
to the band's appearance for
Ford, they must compel it to
play for any other serious can-
didate who makes a request. If

for defense.
"THE BAND was present for
the President of the United
States, not for Gerald Ford,"
he said. "Of course, Gus Hall
isn't the President of the United

Socialist party candidate
calls for full employment

'e reporters freed
FRESNO, Calif. U - Four Fresno Bee DURING THE HEARING, it was revealed
reporters were freed yesterday after 15 days for the first time that it was Rosato who made'
in jail for refusing to reveal a confidential a promise of confidentiality to a source and
source. remains the only member of the Bee Four
Thee four men smiled when Superior Court who knows the name of the source.
Judge Hollis Best sentenced them to five days Earlier, another one of the jailed newsmen,
in jail as punishment for conviction on con- managing editor George Gruner testified that
tempt charges - but gave them credit for the defendants' careers would be destroyed if
time served. they revealed their source.
AFTER AN ALL-DAY hearing aimed at "To violate (this ethic) would be to hold us
showing that the reporters never would disclose up to scorn among other members of our
a confidential source as ordered by the court, profession," Gruner said.
the judge weighed his decision for about 30 DISCLOSURE ALSO "would have a chilling
minutes and then agreed. effect on future sources," Gruner said.
"This court is persuaded that the preponder- James Bort, former Bee city editor and now
ance of evidence is established that there is an ombudsman, followed Gruned to the stand and
articulated moral principle in the news media" reiterated his resolve to withhold the source asK
not to disclose a source, said Best. a matter of professional ethics.
"The court also concluded, using the burden Asst. County Counsel Max Robinson, repre-
of proof, that there is no substantial likelihood senting the court, noted that appellate deci-

The dust had just begun to
resettle around Crisler Arena
yesterday when the vice-presi-
dential candidate for the Social-
ist Workers Party swept into
town determined to kick up a
storm of her own.
Willie Mae Reid, the dynamic
black woman running for the
nation's second highest office on
a ticket with fellow Socialist
Peter Camejo, had the fiery ap-
pearance of revivalist as she
addressed a small crowd at the
Michigan Union.
THE SPEECH concentrated on
what Reid considers the "num-
ber one issue" of the '76 political
campaigns-the economy.
Reid compared the present
state of the economy with its
former condition 45 years ago,
during the Great Depression.
"We are once again facing a
serious economic crisis," she

. as ... t :ks. :2

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