f %: f d k ' 9 THIS SEMESTER, YOUR READING ASSIGNMENTS WILL PROBABLY REQUIRE AROUND 500 HOURS OF YOUR TIME. YOU COULD CUT IT TO 150 ...OR 100. OR EVEN 50 HOURS. If you find yourself falling asleep when you are reading... If you have poor comprehension because you daydream while you read... If you can't concentrate on the material you are reading... If you can't keep up with all of your assignments because you read too slowly... Increase Your Reading Speed 50" to 100% by Attending a FREE MINI LESSON at the Michigan Union Ground Floor Assembly Hall September 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p m -7:30 p.m. You should plan to look into the famous Effective Reading Systems, Inc. program. You know how important reading speed is in studying . . . classroom work or on the job . and with the high cost of education if you can't keep up ... You may be wasting your time and money and future, too! How would you like to increase your reading speed 3, 4, maybe 10 times . . . with increased comprehension and re- duced study time? You can! Thousands of students through- out the country will have the opportunity to take the Effective Reading Systems, lnc. Course, including students at University of Michigjcn, Don't wait, act now! Plan to enroll in one of the many Effective Reading Systems, Inc. classes being offered on campus. You'll learn important skills for study, memory, recall, preview and research all with the guarantee that each student must at least triple his or her reading efficiency or we will refund their tuition. (Reading efficiency is a combination of speed and compre- hension, not just speed.) What's more, once you take the course, you're automatically a lifetime member, which means you can retake the course toerefine and extend your reading skills any time-absolutely free. One more thing, 'the on campus program is offered at a reduced tuition and all faculty, staff and students are eligible. Come to a free speed reading lesson-youll learn how to increase your reading speed 50 to 1000o-then take what you've learned and cut your reading load as much as half. The course runs (8) weeks consecutively! Do something constructive this semester- you've got nothing. to lose and everything to gain! - Don't Wait - Limited Enrollment - ACT NOW! COMPARE AND DECIDE CLASS SIZES ARE LIMITED! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP! STUDENT TUITION PLAN AVAILABLE! Attend a Free Intro Mini Lesson Offered Next Week - on Campus - Watch for coming locations and times. EFFECTIVE READING SYSTEMS, INC. 8 week speed reading course with study and memory skills E" R S guarantees in writig to at least triple your reading efficiency or you will receive a full refund Advanced course at no additional charge Lifetime membership entitles you to retake the course to refine and extend your skills at no additional charge Teachers are full-time professional speed and learning skills inst ructors B( i'H afternoon and evening classes offered Discount at selected bookstores Tuition Assistance Paiment Plan-NO ) FINANCE CHARG;F Price: tuition is almost half EVELYN .WOOD READING DYNAMICS 1 week course Partial refund if you fail No advanced course Registration fee requ ired when you retake the course Teachers are employees par t-time KNOCK OFF A WHOLE SEMESTER'S READING IN ONE-THIRD THE TIME ... AND USE THE REST OF THE TIME FOR FUN, FUN, FUN! - - - - Effective Reading SystemsInc. Mostly evening classes offered No discount at bookstores Contractual obligation with finance charge I TUITION AND FEES TUIT1"ION COVERS: (1) All material used in class; (2)