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September 16, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-09-16

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See Editorial Page

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Chance of rain

Latest Deadline in the State

See Today for details

I. LXXXVII, No. 8 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 16, 1976 Ten Cents Twen

ty Pages

Crisler crisis
There were two basic stories, each with dozens
of variations, circulating among students over
meals and between classes yesterday: "How I,
Got Into Crisler Arena" and "How the No-Good,
Pro-Ford Fumble-fumps Refused to Let Me Into
Crisler Arena." Now here's the official explana-
tion for the problems, straight from the pen of
University Vice President for University Relations
and Devolopment Michael Radock: The University
had no control over the opening and closing of
Crisler's doors because the building had been
rented for the evening. About 4,000 reserved-seat
tickets were printed up by the sponsors (Students
for Ford, headed by C. C. Leslie) and distributed
to University representatives and groups like
Michigama and the University Washington In-
terns. "The problem," said Radock yesterday,
"apparently was that the tickets admitted the
bearer and family, which made it impossible to
determine how many persons would attend on each
ticket." Disappointed President-watchers who were
locked out of Crisler included Vice President for
Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes, former Regent
Robert Brown, and former Republican Mayor
James Stephenson.
P.S.: lie liked it
Even with the boos, heckling and protest signs,
President Ford said yesterday he was pleased with
his plunge into the fall presidential campaign
swimming pool at Crisler Arena Wednesday night.
"The crowd was excellent at the arena," the Uni-
versity's football player-turned-chief executive told
reporters. And his 45-minute question-answer ses-
sion with two Daily reporters and a score of other
students "was good give-and-take," he said. Even
the loud firecracker explosion, which most of the
news media treated as The Day Ann Arbor Almost
Became Dallas, didn't faze Jerry. "Overall, it
was great," he declared.
Happenings. .
... are slim for a Friday. A blue grass band
will perform on the Diag today at noon in front
of the Grad Library, or behind it in the covered
area in case of rain ... the Recreational Sports
Dept. hosts a special program for international
students beginning at 7 p.m. at the Central Cam-
pus Recreation Bldg. on Washtenaw. All are wel-
come, call Sue Larson at 763-3085 for more info.
. Cosmic Transmitter Tyagi J does whatever
it is he does at 7 p.m. in the Friends Meeting
House, 1420 Hill ... the Metropolitan Museum of
Art's Director, Thomas Hoving, speaks on "Col-
lecting" at 7:30 in Rackham Auditorium . ast
Wind, the Asian-American student group, holds
an orientation meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Union's
Pendleton Rm. ... at 8 p.m. Peg Krapschot leads
a discussion on "Bioenergetics and Healing Ener-
gy" at Canterbury House, corner of Catherine and
Division ... and Socialist Workers Party Vice-presi-
dential candidate Willie Reid talks at 8 p.m. in
Rm. 3207 of the Union..
Light at the end of the bill
Remember the tuition tax credit proposal, pass-
ed by the House last month for the compromise
tax reform bill but dropped during conference?
You thought that was the last you'd ever see
or hear of it, right? Good news: it's back. The
Senate yesterday approved by voice vote the same
program of tax credits designed to ease the cost
of college tuition and attached it to a minor House-
passed bill in hopes of final congressional approval
before adjournament. The program, which would
go into effect July 1, 1977, would provide a full
tax credit against taxes for the first $100 in tuition
costs beginning in 1977 and rise to $250 by 1980,
a figure which will probably stay roughly propor-
tional to future tuition hikes here.

Matrons in Wonderland
The East Dallas Garden and Talk Society, a
group .of senior citizen women, needed a study
project this week, so they decided to take in a
currently popular movie. "I don't think those
grandmas know what they've walked into," snick-
ered a cinema patron as the little old ladies
strolled down the aisle of "Alice in Wonderland"
- a new pornographic musical version of the
classic fantasy. Several embarrassed women walk-
ed out after a few minutes. As it turns out, how-
ever, the group had really wanted to see "Misty
Beethoven," another X-rated flick, but it was play-
ing at a campus area theater. "We didn't think
that would be right for ladies our age," one ex-
plained. "We didn't want to be mixed up with
those hippie college kids."
On the inside...
The Editorial Page features another chapter
of Harvey Wasserman's series on the anti-nuclear
power movement ... Cinema Weekend highlights
-- A,+t -+,n" .-.. . 1 .v n nna n nranfilo



want 'U' band for rally

the Michigan

Band should

not be

available just for maj-
or parties.
-YWLL leader
Patricia Dowling

Capitalizing on the much-publicized Michi-
gan Band appearance for President Ford
Wednesday, a campus Communist Party
affiliate will today file suit against the
University in an attempt to force 25-30
members of the band to play for Com-
munist Party presidential candidate Gus
The affiliated group, the Young Workers
Liberation League, demanded earlier this
week that the band play for Hall's Septem-
ber 24 speech on campus. The demand was
deferred to Band Director George Cavender,
who said the matter would be handled the
way all requests for band appearance are-
by a vote of the members themselves. Only
six members voted at last night's rehearsal

to play7

for Hall, not even enough to provide
orchestration. Upon hearing the
League attorney.Alan Kaufman
ahead with plans for the suit.

THE SUIT WILL be delivered today
against the Regents, President Robben
Fleming, Vice-President for University Re-
lations Michael Radock and Band Director
George Cavender.
Kaufman, a representative of other radi-
cal causes, said last night, "I went to the
University of Michigan. I really dig the
marching band. When I hear the band
playing 'Hail to the Victors' over the radio,
you can bet I'm singing along. The band
is part of the University experience, it's
funded by the University, and the Univer-

sity can't extend it to one candidate and
not to another. It's just unfair.
"If the Communist Party gets publicity
out of it, it's publicity they deserve, be-
cause they're getting shafted," he added.
"It is an absolute fact that every govern-
ment institution must provide equal pro-
tection. It (the band) may not be a
government institution itself, but it is under
the direction of a University officer. We're
claiming there was state action by the
University, and since there was state action,
they must be even-handed across the
court action by mailgram this morning.
The suit will be registered with the Court
See BAND, Page 9

(.aven ler

Ct Ford


potshots Coi
WASHINGTON (R') .President Ford and his
Democratic challenger Jimmy Carter are accus-
ing each other of promising voters far more than
they are likely to produce.
After a day of attacks on each other's records,
the two candidates were invited to share the
spotlight last night at a dinner of the Italian-
American Foundation in Washington, but their
schedules were arranged so that they would not
. SEN. WALTER Mondale of Minnesota, Carter's
vice presidential running mate, also returned to
Washington from the campaign trail for the
dinner, honoring a number of prominent Italian-
Meanwhile, the president of the National Coun-
cil of Catholic Bishops said its earlier statements
about the abortion stands of Ford and Carter
should not be taken as an endorsement of Ford.
Ford opened his campaign Wednesday night

with a speech at his alma mater, the University
of Michigan, in which a major theme was that
the nation should ask which candidate could be
DURING A BRIEF chat with reporters yester-
day at the White House, Ford said he was "ex-
tremely pleased" with the way his first campaign
trip had gone. He acknowledged the presence of
an estimated 400 hecklers who booed and cat-
called, saying that among the crowd of more
than 12,000, "We had a few who didn't agree."
- Ford also announced he will campaign from a
Mississippi riverboat next week during a three-
day trip through Louisiana and the Gulf coast
area from Mobile to Miami.
Ford said he intends to "seek full support from
the states in the South"-the home base of his
Democratic opponent, Jimmy Carter-in his elec-
tion drive.

Postill hearing held
over until Oct. 28

Circuit Court Judge Patrick
Conlin yesterday ordered Sher-
iff Fred Postill's pre-trial hear-
ing on felonious assault charges
postponed until October 28, less
than a week before Postill's re-
election bid. Conlin ruled that
he needed time to consider the
lengthy motion for dismissal
filed by Postill's attorneys Neal
Bush and Laurence Burgess.
Postill faces trial on charges
of choking a deputy, Basil. Bay-
singer, with a pair of handcuffs
during a fight at a Chelsea
wedding reception in early July.
IF CONVICTED he could be
sentenced to a maximum of
four years in prison as well as
be barred from serving as sher-
Following the postponement,
Bush said he was 'disappointed'
that the trial would not be held
before the November 3 election
With the campus settling
back to normal after President
Ford's brief visit Wednesday,
the University Board of Re-
gents yesterday heard the first
of two reports on faculty pay
raises during the public dis-
cission segment of its monthly
Two University economics
professors associated with the
C(ommittee on the Economic
Stas of the Faculty (CESF)

but, that "the matter must pro-
ceed as normal".
Burgess added, "The sheriff
will not receive any special
treatment. The (backlog) of
prisoners who are languishing
in jail will receive trials first."
BUSH and Burgess have bas-
ed their motion to dismiss on
a technicality which occurred
prior to the preliminary exami-
nation in August. Baysinger,
who initiated the assault charge
as a civil suit when local' law
enforcers failed to produce con-
clusive evidence to warrant Pos-
till's arrest, posted $200 as se-
curity for costs incurred during
the preliminary hearing.
According to Postill's attor-
neys Baysinger proceeded
improperly in that his $200
came nowhere near covering
the costs of the hearing.
"That $200 wouldn't even
cover the cost of the court re-
See POSTILL, Page 9

Carter, who has been criss-
crossing the country since he
formally launched his campaign
on Labor Day, told a news con-
ference in Indianapolis, "the
Republican nominee is finally
running, but it's his record that's
his major opponent, that he's
running against."
THENrCARTERtadded that
"Mr. Ford, hopes to make this
campaign a battle of promises.
Facts will be the basis of our
Ford never mentioned Carter
in his University of Michigan
speech. But the President left
no doubt whom he was talking
about when he told his audi-
"Trust is not having to guess
what a candidate means. Trust
is leveling with the people be-
fore the election about what
you are going to do after the
election. Trust is not being all
things to all people, but being
the same thing to all people."
CARTER WAS asked about
public opinion surveys indicating
concern among some voters
about what he stands for.
"My assessment is the people
do trust me adequately," Carter
See CHARGES, Page 9

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aA iLs
Stldent Brigade }wre u .':z":iig"ozary n aos or
k 4
ATUmeoria mAeein hooiengte ate aor wor for Mlon live-Tmunist pagrty.
thanentoa etr atcpat ntesrie pnoe the Reolt y
T1se-tung was held last night at the .Interna- THE LETTER also praised .the working
tional Center by the Ann Arbor chapter of class victory and explained that the rule of
the Revolutionary Student Brigade (RSB). the working class will stop Soviet style repres-
M\ao, chairman of the Chinese Communist sion.
Party and leader of the Chinese Revolution .Don Alexander, another member of the
died last week at the age of 82. RSB stated, "Mao was willing to fight for
ACCORDING to RSB member Gale Sum- risks to expose the Soviet Union in that they
mer field, the meeting had two purposes: "This are no longer a socialist country but a capi-
is a momorial and a gathering to carry on his talistic one."
work. Even though Mao has died, his work In comparing Mao to other world leaders
hasnt." Alexander went further to say, "Ford and
The memorial service .started with a ren- Breshnev represent the wishes of an elite. Mao
dition of "The East is Red," a favorite Chinese has always stood with the people."
ballad praising Mao in his fight for a Coin- THE remainder of the memorial was de-
mnunist China. voted to singing a number of Chinese Revolu-
SFollowing the song, a letter sent from the tionary songs and the reading of some of Mao's
SCentr al Committee of the Communist Party poems written during the Revolution.
Sin China to the Chinese people of America According to Don Alexander, Mao was not
was read to the small group of participants. only a great leader but also a poet, writer and
|iThe letter spoke of the deep loss felt by the thinker, yet "all of his other activities came
SChinese people with the passing of their leader. out of the fact that he was a Communist.
(:But it also encouraged the Chinese to remem- Above all, he was a Communist."
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UAW, Ford begin
private negotiations

DETROIT (AP) - Top bar-
gainers of the United Auto
Workers and Ford Motor Co.
are holding private meetings
this week to lay the groundwork
for a speedy end to a nation-
wide walkout by 170,000 work-
Officially, UAW President
Leonard Woodcock has declared
a cooling-off period until Mon-
day, when formal talks on a
new three-year contract are exz
pected to resume.
HOWEVER, spokesmen for
the union and automaker con-
firmed yesterday that the top
two negotiators for each side
are in daily contact to get the
stalled talks moving again.
Woodcock also announced that
he has held a number of "ex-
rnrtrv mneetingc" with Ford

picketing at 102 facilities in 22
states remained peaceful as the
third nationwide walkout in
Ford's history wound through
its second full day without inci-
dent. Auto output at the na-
tion's No. 2 carmaker has been
halted since midnight Tuesday.
The union and company are
sharply divided over several
major economic issues, and
both sides have conceded the
walkout will last at least two
or three weeks. The, ratifica-
tion process alone, they note,
could take a week or more.
are predicting the walkout will
not extend beyond four weeks.
They also sapy a strike of less
than 30 days will have no ma-
jor impact on the company, the
strikers or the economv. They

xc ~ ~

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