See Editorial Page
ljifr i!gjau
See Today for details
Latest Deadline in the State
(ol. LXXXVII, No. 5
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 14, 1976
Ten Pages
Join the Daily
If you'd like to become part of any facet of
the Daily's operation - news, sports, arts, or
business - we'll be holding two mass meetings
tonight. At 7:30 p.m. in South Quad's West Lounge,
and Rm. 24 in the basement of East Quad's Tyler
House, you'll have an opportunity to see at least
a little of what we're about. And if you can't make
it tonight, they'll be two more meetings Thurs-
day evening, one at Bursley and another at Mark-
ley. If photography is your interest, come to the
Daily offices, 420 Maynard, tonight at 7:30. If
you can't make it, call 764-0552.
Happenings ...
At 7 p.m. tonight there will be a meet-
ing of the MSA (Michigan Student Assembly)
Steering Committee in Rm. 3909 of the Union ..
also at 7 will be a planning and work session
for the amnesty demonstration for Wednesday
night's visit by President Ford, to be held at
Corntree House, 1910 Hill ... at 8 p.m. there will
be a MSA meeting in 3909 of the Union ... all
day MSA will be conducting interviews for va-
cancies on the Board in Control of ntercollegiate
Athletics. Call 763-3241 for more information.
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) President Cal-
vin Luker and Vice President Amy Blumenthal yes-
terday completed the onerous task of selecting 20
students 'who will be allowed to meet with Presi-
dent Ford in a question and answer session prior
to Ford's speech at CrislerdArena tomorrow night.
But now Luker and Blumenthal fear that their
troubles have just begun.
I EXPECTED TO BE criticized," Luker admit-
ted, "but I hope that people understand. I didn't de-
sire to be in this position."
Luker and Blumenthal were contacted Sunday
by Henry Johnson, University Vice President for Stu-
dent Services, and members of the White House staff
who told the two that they had been given the re-
sponsibility of choosing the students who would be
allowed to participate in the question and answer
Because each student is subject to a security
to question
Luker expects controversy
check, the list of names had to be submitted by 1
p.m. yesterday, leaving Luker and Blumenthal less
than a day to make their selections.
For a complete list of students participating in
tomorrow's question and answer session with Pres-
ident Ford, and a letter of explanation from MSA
President Calvin Luker, please turn to Page 4.
"I THINK IT'S REALLY unfortunate that we
weren't able to have more time," Luker said.
"Still," he conceded, "be it one day or a week,
we wouldn't have been able to please or satisfy every-
Luker said he believed the selections were "the
best we could do on such short notice."
"I don't know if the group would have been that
much different if more time had'been given to make
the selections," Blumenthal remarked. "I think who,
ever we picked we would have gotten flak about it."
THE GROUP SELECTED to participate includes
Luker and Blumenthal, MSA Communications Coordi
nator David Goodman, University Activities Center
$UAC) President Mary Masters, and 16 other students,
nost of whom are active in campus affairs.
C.C. Leslie, head of. the University of Michigan
Students for President Ford, the group which claims
sponsorship of the President's visit, was also among
the 20 chosen to take part.
University President Robben Fleming said White
House staff members had suggested that a student
group sponsor the visit, but added, "I would assume
See STUDENTS, Page 2
called impossible'
Dope note
Some 'people can't get arrested even if they
try. Ed Frey of Ukias, Cal. wants to challenge
the constitutionality of state laws that prohibit
the cultivation of marijuana. In July he went to
the office of Mendocino County Sheriff Tom John-
dahl, handed him 18 little marijur plants and
told- him they were home grown. Instead of a
bust for cultivation Frey was cited for possession
and fined $100. Following that failure, Frey re-
cently taped two marijuana plants to the court-
house door as a crowd of about 30 watched. But
law enforcement officials ignored the event. The
would be criminal finally wrote a letter to the
district attorney saying he was insulted. The
DA replied, "We take the position that we will
evaluate each case on its merit." Meanwhile Frey
still runs free.
Monster sponge
A monster sponge that may soon eat San Fran-
cisco could be growing near the site where radio-
active waste was dumped 25 years ago. While
no monster sponges have been found yet, a new
genus of sponge has been discovered. The new
sponges, three to four feet tall, are shaped like
vases and were discovered 30 miles west of San
Francisco. The plutonium content of the sea bot-
tom where 47,500 barrels of radio-active waste
was dumped was found to be 25 times higher than
the maximum levels predicted by scientists. Rob-
ert Dyer, an oceanographer with the office of
Radiation Programs of the Environmental Protec-
tion Agency said the idea of a giant mutant sponge
growing out of a radioactive dump is "a nice
science fiction idea, but I would have a hard time
justifying it."
A Winterwill, N.C., carpenter has been pro-
claimed "collard eating champion" after gulping
five pounds of collard greens In a mere 30 min-
utes. Brian Demarcus said he made no special
preparation for Saturday's contest and had eaten
a vegetarian dinner of broccoli and cauliflower
earlier in the day. His achievement surpassed the
old record of three pounds of collards consumed
in 20 minutes.
On the inside...
The Editorial Page features a letter from Cal-
vin Luker containing the names of 20 University
students who will be questioning President Ford
tomorrow ... on the Arts Page Eric Gressman
writes about the movie "Drum" . . . Sports Page
has the latest football poll putting the big Blue in
the No. 1 spot.
By AP and UPI
DETROIT - United Auto
Workers President Leonard
Woodcock said yesterday
that it would be "absolutely
impossible" to reach a con-
tract settlement with Ford
Motor Co. by midnight to-
Woodcock said there was
now only a "one in 100"
chance of avoiding a na-
tionwide strike tonight by
Ford's 170,000 workers in
22 states, despite a new
Ford offer on a key union
demand for reduced work
FORD officials also conceded
for the first time yesterday
that they did not have much
hope of avoiding a strike.
"I'm not particularly opti-
mistic," the company's top bar-
gainer, Vice President Sidney
McKenna, told a news confer-
ence called to announce details
of the firm's third revised con-
tract offer.
Traditionally, neither the
company nor the union have
made public any new offers so
close to the strike deadline.
Labor o b s e r v e r s
could remember no time indfour
decades of UAW-auto industry
bargaining that the final night
before a strike deadline was
not spent in marathon talks.
WOODCOCK left negotiations
at Ford world headquarters in
suburban Dearborn early yes-
terday evening, while McKenna
remained on hand. Spokesper-
sons for the UAW and Ford
said bargainers would return to
the table at 8 a.m. today - 15
hours before the deadline.
The Ford offer also extended
a dental plan to retirees, in-
creased the wage base from
which percentage pay boosts
are computed and added an
additional penny an hour to the
supplemental unemployment
benefits (SUB) fund for laid-
off workers.
WOODCOCK rejected the
company's reduced work time
plan as "very skimpy," add-
ing that "the whole approach
is not responsive to reducing
working hours and adding new
people to the work force."
He said the company's latest
concessions in other areas were
still short of resolving basic
Woodcock said the net effect
is that the two sides remain
far apart on every major issue,
including wages, pensions,
health care, SUB and the
thorny reduced work time issue.
THE COMPANY proposed a
bank of hours of time off based
on both seniority and attend-
ance. A worker must have at
least three years of seniority
before being eligible and then
would get 20 hours time off a
year. The number of addition-
al hours off reaches the maxi-
mum 40 hours per year for
workers wit) 25 or more years
The Dlan includes restrictions
the union termed unacceptable.
See AUTO, Page 2
AP Photo
UAW MEMBERS of Ford Local 228, Sterlin g Heights, sit together yesterday as they make
preparations for a possible strike tonight at F ord Motor Co. plants throughout the country.
No Vietnam in U.N.
Tightsecurity set
for Ford's ~U visit
President Ford will be well-protected during his campaign visit
to the University tomorrow, and the city will be footing much of
the bill for his safety.
At least 300 law enforcement officers-including 150 city
police, 50 state police and SO Secret Service agents will have
the Republican presidential nominee covered at every turn.
POLICE CHIEF Walter Krasny said most of the police working
on the special detail will be paid for overtime, at a total cost to
the city of "probably several thousand dollars."
"It's all part of the business," he added quickly.
Krasny offered no details about what his department would
actually be doing tomorrow, but did say that his people would be
expected to question those who might pose a threat to the President,
and look for people on top of buildings.
KRASNY SAID THE police will also clear areas for the park-
ing of the presidential motorcade, and insure that traffic does not
become too congested.
The State Police will serve primarily as a back-up force
(along with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department), while
city police do the bulk of the work.
See SECURITY, Page 2
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President
Ford yesterday instructed Am-
bassador William Scranton to
veto Vietnam's application for
membership in the United Na-
tions, the ambassador said yes-
After meeting with Ford,
Scranton told reporters that the
U.S. action was based on the
fact that there had been "very
little" response so far from the
Vietnamese on U.S. demands
for information about Ameri-
cans missing in action in the
Vietnam war.
VIETNAM has a pending ap-
plication for U.N. membership.
Scranton said the issue will
come up for a vote in the Se-
curity Council today.
"The President instructed me
to veto that admission," Scran-
ton said. "For some time we
have been trying to work with
Vietnam" regarding the MIAs,
Scranton said, adding that there'
has been little response to date.
Scranton said Vietnam has
failed to meet two criteria for
admission to the United Nations:
"peace loving" and "humanitar-
"CERTAINLY there is no pro-
ject or no issue in the United
States in its relations with Viet-
nam or in the world generally
that indicates inhumanity more
than their complete lack of rea-
sonableness in providing infor-
mation about these men,"
Scranton said.
Vietnam provided the U.S.
with information about 12 miss-
ing men 10 days ago but, ac-
cording to American officials.
there are at least 550 others
still unaccounted for.
Ford demanded last week that
Vietnam provide a full account-
ing if relations between the U.S.
and Vietnam were to be normal-
ASKED IF election-year poli-
tics played any part in the
President's decision, Scranton
said, "As far as I am concern-
ed and as far as the President
is concerned, we have not at-
tempted to play politics at the
United Nations."
The*Vietnamese, however, is-
sued a statement yesterday ac-
cusing Ford of obstructing bilat-
eral contacts and blocking Viet-
nam's entry into the United
Nations for domestic political
"IT IS NO SECRET to any-
one that Mr. Ford's real con-
rn is not on American MIA's
Hijac kers charged
with murder; bail set
NEW YORK (AP) - Bail was set yesterday at $1 million
each for a couple accused of leading the weekend hijacking
>f a Trans World Airline passenger plane.
The couple and three other men were arraigned on fed-
eral air piracy charges in the 30-hour, transatlantic skyjack-
ng they allegedly carried out without actually being armed.
BEFORE ARRAIGNMENT proceedings began in federal
zourt in Brooklyn, the district attorney moved to charge the
five suspects with the murder of a policeman killed by a
>omb the hijackers allegedly planted in a subway locker.
The couple, Zvonko and Julienne Busic, were the first to
>e arraigned. Proceedings for the other three prisoners were
delayed while court officials awaited arrival of their lawyers.
U.S. Magistrate A. Simon Chrein scheduled a hearing in
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