Sunday, September 12, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine - _,.....,_.r Sunday, September 12, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Candidates swap pungent pot shots All's not secure at TEaCnardia " E -JIA 'PI (Continued from Page 1) "A few weeks ago, in August, he was complaining because I was campaigning too much and not spending enough time on government business," t h e President said. "Now that I'm spending virtually 100 per centl of my time beinyg president, heE ,demonsrtrates his position of! being inconsistent, as he has in1 many cases. "THE PRESIDENT ought toI be president and get that jobI done and campaign if and whenI he can on the side," Ford said. Carter, after a string of long days pressing the flesh and making speeches, aired a not- so-new problem of challengerl versus incumbent. "President Ford can walk in- to the Rose Garden and read a one and a half minute statement that he and all his staff have worked on and he can go back into the White House," Carter vention in August to attack him "131 times" by name for being too far left for the average American voter. "When the Republican con- vention was devoted to describ- ing me as a spendthrift, irre- sponsible, ultra-liberal candi- date," Carter said, "I thought it was good to re-emphasize my basic themes of a balanced bud- get, of strengthened local gov- ernments, of a maximum of personal privacy and a mini- mum of government secrecy and that kind of thing." Carter also said yesterday he may have made a political mis- take in criticizing Ford's failure to fire FBI Director Clarence Kelley but stands by his state- ment that Kelley should have been discharged. "IT MAY HAVE been better had I not gotten involved in the Kelley thing at all," the former Georgia governor said. Carter s p e n t considerable time discussing the Kelley furor which began Tuesday when he told reporters that, based on the information he had, he would have fired the FBI director for accepting gifts from his sub- ordinates. Ford accused Carter of lack of compassion for not consider- ing the fact that Kelley's wife was dying of cancer at the time and said Carter was contradic- tory on the issue by refusing to say whether he would fire Kelley if elected. r~ ~ ~ ~ - (Continued from Page 1) Despite the precautions, the skyjackers passed unnoticed. "When people check in separ- ately, mingle withathe other 80 or so passengers and drift out to the gate one at a time, there's no way to tell they plan to hi- jack a plane," one security of- ficer said. "If the one who claimed to be wired was carrying plastic ex- plosives, he could have passed through the magnatometers un- detected," one TWA official said. "I understand the Israelis have something that can detect plastics, but it would have to be pretty sophisticated." A PLASTIC explosive device could show up on an X-ray de- tector. It is used to examine baggage and packages, but there is a reluctance, because of can- cer fears, to turn an X-ray ma- chine on human passengers. Plastic explosive is a putty- like, pliable substance than can be molded into virtually any shape, such as golf balls, or made to fit the curvature of the body, or flattened to fit bulge- lessly into a pocket. At La Guardia, the magnato- meters were checked and re- checked. Security people said they were in "perfect working order." TWA SAID it doesn't handle its own security here, but has contracted the job out to a private firm, which couldn't be reached for comment. FBI agents and New York City detectives questioned the ramp personnel who helped pas- sengers board the flight. The sessions went into the early hours yesterday. In the airline waiting room, two FBI agents repeatedly told reporters "no comment" as they huddled near a TWA poster which read: "BEST ON-TIME Perform- ance to Chicago." And there is the boredom fac- tor. "YOU GET so tired and bored that you really don't care about opening up people's packages unless a very thick metal shows up. The patrolman also said there was a possibility the security guards at the TWA terminal might not have been monitoring the metal detection system closely enough. Vorster in eye of S. African storm k (Continued from Page 1) !of his hardline white support-; 1961, he ruthlessly cracked down ers by being photographed with on opposition to South Africa's the black statesman, sitting next race laws. He introduced de- to one of Banda's black fe- tentionawithout trial and "ban- male aides atadinner. ning" - restriction on speech, The same pragmatism that led movement or association. him to seek detente with black Vorster also spread the color nations to the north, including bar, to politics in 1968, outlaw- Liberia and the Ivory Coast, al- ing multiracial organizations to so persuaded him to back black remove the threat to his govern- majority rule in Rhodesia and ment from the mixed-race Lib-! move toward independence for eral and Progressive parties. In South-West Africa. the same year, the nation's 2 THE INITIAL successes of million "coloreds," as people detente brought a dramatic of mixed race are officially meeting with Zambian Presi- called here, lost their right to dent Kenneth Kaunda, a mod- be represented in parliament. erate leader widely respected HOWEVER, in a vain attempt internationally. to get South Africa back into The meeting came at the open- the Olympics in 1968, Vorster ing of constitutional talks be- eased apartheid restrictions in tween Rhodesian Prime Min- sports and allowed multiracial ister Ian Smith and the black teams. nationalist African National When the black president of Council aimed at a peaceful Malawi, Kamazu Banda, paid transfer of power from Rhode- a state visit to South Africa sia's 270,000 whites to the 6 in 1971, Vorster shocked some million blacks: CLIMB THE LE S. TO SUCCE An Air Force way to HEWLETT-PACKARD DEMONSTRATION SEPT. 13th & 14th 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. DON STEVENSON, F a c t o r y Representative from Hewlett-Packard, will be at U I r i c h's Bookstore to demonstrate and answer y o u r questions about any Hewlett-Packard calcu- lators. ULRICIFS BOOKSTORE 549 E. University, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 662-4403 Hewlett-Packard wrote the book on advanced pocket calculators. said. "That's his only confronta- tion with the American people on the evening news and in the newspapers the next day. "I, OVER A period of a day make maybe one hundred dif- ferent statements that are analyzed and cross--examined. I think if Ford were out cam- paigning . . . there would be a lot more interrelationships be- tween the two of us." Meanwhile, Carter conceded that he is trying hard to shake the Republican campaign stra- tegy of hanging an ultra-liberal label on him by emphasizing conservative themes as he moves across the country "Yes, I think so," Carter told the reporter who asked him late Friday night, whether he was deliberately emphasizing the more conservative message in his hard-driving five-day tour of ten states from Connecticut in! the north to Florida in the south and to Illinois and Wisconsin in the midwest since last Monday. HE SUGGESTED that his de-1 cision to adopt a more con- servative tone came after he chose Senator Walter Mondale, a member of the party's liberal wing, to be 'his running mate, inviting the Republican con- From if you see news happen call F1 ~10 00 50c Discounts on Admission With Student I.D. COMING: Tues., Sept. 14" ALL DIRECTIONS HOURS: Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. WEEKLY HOURS: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. S516 E. 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Center $16.00' $14.40 $12.80 Orch. Side 13. 11.70 10.40 Front Balc. 00 12.60 11.20 Rear & Side Ralc 1 00 Students Onlv R 00 INFORMATION Full Season Subscriptions are on sale now. Individual shows go on sale Monday, October 4, 1976. Mail Orders only now through Labor Day. PTP Subscription Office is located in the Lobby of The Mendelssohn Theatre Building. Hours after Labor Day: Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2-5 p.m. Mail Orders will be filled in order of receipt. Subscriber's tickets for all plays will be mailed on September 24, 1976. If a stamped, self-addressed return envelope is not enclosed, tickets will be held for pick-up at the Power Center Box Office. We regret that no refunds can be made. We will assist you in exchanging tickets when possible. No tickets exchanged on days of performance. No exchanges are possible until Single Sales begin. MASTERCHARGE accepted with mail orders only. Student ID#_Date GUEST ARTIST SERIES subscription Mail Order Form (Please Print) Name Telephone Address Street City State Zip Code Please make checks payable to U. of M. Mail to Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109. Be sure to indicate which series you wish (WE CANNOT MIX SERIES)