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September 12, 1976 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1976-09-12

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Page Four


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Who is the Rev. Moon

(Continued from Page 3)
Hart) - and as we were eat-
ing, Don called the Family to
order to speak. He spoke in a
low, conspiratorial tone, and
said that Lisa was Coming
Back. He further suggested
that, as she had been with the

Enemy for a while, we ought
to watch her to make sure that
she didn't stray. I asked Maria,
who was sitting across with me,
who the Enemy was. She said
that she thought it was Ted
Patrick (the man who is cur-
rently serving a prison term

for kidnaping and de-program-
ming Moonies). Herbert hastily
corrected her, and said that
Lisa had simply been away
from the Church.
Simply put, anyone who was
not of the Church was an En-



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Spock: Pediatrics
to radlcal politics
Continued from Page 3) punishment is not always the
they (teenagers) have no pa-!answer.
tience with anyoneawho's for AS HE EMERGED from the
censorship to the slightest de- restaurant into the chilly
gree. So you just lose your in- rain, walking an uncertain path
fluence by bringing it up." to his next campaign destina-A
"J HEN IT COMES TO poli- tion, passersby scarcely no-j
however, Spock is not ticed the man who is running
tics Ifrvcepeien a
as reticent about his opinions. for vice-president - a man
The mention of President whose book Baby and Child
Ford precipitates a high pitch- bare had sold 28 million paper-
ed, angry voice: "Ford says copies in this nation.
not a nickel must be spent for In several hours, he would'
education, because that's in- address an audience of students
flationary, not a nickel must at Eastern Michigan Univer-
be spent on health care, not a sity, and would then catch a
nickel on welfare. These all af- flight to New York. But for the
fect youth," he shouts, waving time being, undaunted by the
his hands in the air. drizzle, Spock walked along-
"He says no money is needed side Ms. Strouss as she car-
to mHaksjbs.Thisis th e big- ried her toussle - haired son
gest problem of all with youths back for photographs with the'
- especially black youths. They man who so adroitly mixes pe-
don't have jobs so they go out diatrics with politics.
and sometimes get into trouble. "Try and enjoy him," he ad-

Passing of Mao
THIS WEEK SAW the passing of a man
who was probably the greatest leader of this
century - and in the wake of the thawing
of East-West relations, America is reacting
to Mao Tse-tung's death far differently than
it would have ten or 20 years ago.
Feelings about the communist world have
undergone a steady, if not radical, transfor-
mation since the McCarthy era. During that
period, communism was generally viewed
with fear and loathing, as a force to be
stopped wherever it seemed likely to spread.
During the Vietnam era, the anti-communist
hysteria had evaporated, and as the war
progressed, the feeling here moved farther
and farther from the conviction that commu-





The administration in Detroit
says the solution is a curfew.
Make them stay in after ten
o'clock, that'll solve things.
Ford's solution is to increase the
penalties. for all crimes."
Just as he advised the par-
ents of yesteryear, Spock coun-
sels the government of today-

vised. Several minutes later,
the good doctor hoisted the child
into his arms, ever so gently,
as a photographer eargerly
snapped away.
"You know," observed one
young aide standing by, "If he
treats people the way he treats
babies, it'll be a great country."


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that Republican nominee President Gerald
Ford will kick off his campaign here on Wed-
nesday. The announcement came as no sur-
prise. It only confirmed the widely circulated
rumors that the former Wolverine center
would return to his alma mater for one more
kickoff - albeit in Crisler Arena this time
and not on the playing field in Michigan Sta-
dium. But now there are some other rumors
to contend with.
Allegations were made that the Univer-
sity was sponsoring a political event com-
plete with all the trimmings, including a
musical reception from the Michigan March-
ing Band. They were temporarily quieted when
it was announced that a student organiza-
tion - University of Michigan Students for
President Ford - and not the University,
was sponsoring Ford's visit. The disclosure
Friday, however, that the group had only been
officially recognized early last week raised
some eyebrows, in light of the fact that plans
for the visit have been in the making for
weeks, according to White House sources.
' "Ford could have come just on (Univer-
sity President Robben) Fleming's invitation,"
said Frank Ursemarso, staff assistant to Ford
and a member of the White House advance
group currently in Ann Arbor. "The student
group had nothing to do with Fleming."
MIG hi-jinx
It was Christmas time come early for
those lovable boys in the Pentagon, when
a Soviet pilot made an emergency landing
at a Japanese airport Tuesday and made a
gift to the West of his MIG 25 jet fighter.
The pilot requested political asylum. And be-
ing the good allies that they are, the Japa-
nese immediately agreed to ship him to the
U.S., while Yank technicians prepared to ex-
amine the surprise package - a plane which
is generally acknowledged as the most so-
phisticated operational fighter in the world.
Meanwhile, Soviet officials informed the
Japanese that the gift was never intended.
They demanded to see the pilot and a swift
return of their plane - both requests which
were denied by the Japanese.
The pilot, 1st Lt. Viktor Ivanovich Be-
lenko, had made no mistake about his des-
tination. During a routine flying mission from
his base in Siberia, he suddenly diverted his
course and headed for Japan. Flying through
the country's air defenses, he radioed ahead
then made an emergency landing at Hakodate
commercial airport in northern Japan. On
Wednesday, President Ford announced that
Belenko would be granted asylum in the.
U.S. if he desired it.
Even in these days of detente, we're not
being deprived of thrilling intrigue - de-
fections and the sniffing out of secret fore-
ign information. The stuff spy films are made
This was compiled by Michael Beckman,
Stephen Hersh and Ann Marie Lipinski.




Use Daily Classifieds


nism must be stopped from spreading at all
costs, anywhere.
The mood of America now vis-a-vis com-
munism is not one.of affection. But since
the People's Republic of China opened its
doors to Western journalists, the media's
message has been that the Chinese are far
better off materially than they were before
the revolution. And America seems to accept
that view.
The obvious conclusion is that, contrary
to traditional popular opinion, Mao and his.
Communist party have been the good guys
all along. And by extension, Mao's commu-
nism was and is the best option for China.
If and when America draws those con-
clusions - and it may not be long - our
attitudes will indeed have undergone a radi-
cal change.



the collaborative: fall classes 1976



ihursday, I-i pm. Usingiiaterials man and
nature providegstudents have the chance to
explore printing, weaving, sculpture, sand-
casting and alabaster.
BATIK: Carol Shostak. Monday, 7-9 pm. Color,
design and various techniques-of this wax re-
sist medium will be taught for students to
master and experiment. with. as well.
- pmand applying ink and
color on paper will be taught in the Chinese
DRAWING: Ellen Jacobs. Wednesday, 7-9 pm.
peisonalattitudes toward drawing will be de-
veloped through the use of contour lines, vol-
umetric shading, design elements and compo-
JEWELRY I: Lee- Curtin. Tuesday, 7-9 pm.
Design and basic construction techniques of
piercing, forming, forging, wire work, and
etching will be taught. Students will be
able to complete an individual project.
JEWELRY if: Lee Curtin. Thursday,'7-9 pm.
Students. wfo have the skills taught in Jewel-
ry I-wilil.become more involved in design and
will learn soldering and stone setting.
LEADED GLASS: Bob Vavrina. Tuesday, 7-9 pm.
rocesse of leaded glass such as glass cut-
ting, glazing and soldering and the copper
foil and lead came techniques will be taught.
Basic leaded glass design and historic devel-
opment will also be presented.
MACRAME:Sandy Mayer. Wednesday 7-9 pm. In-
structian will be offered in creative knot ty-
ing with an ongoing project. Design and dye-
ing techniques will also be taught.
Joyce Tinkhami. Monday, 7-9'pm. Students will
learn to adapt design and color concepts of
Indian work in their own way on clothing,
masks, beadwork and off-loom weaving.

PHOTOGRAPHY I: Mark Reesman. Tuesday 3-5 pm.
Basic camera and darkroom techniques includ-
ing applied camera technique, film processing,
contact printing, enlarging, negative and print
evaluation and filters vill be taught.
PHOTOGRAPHY 11:Eric Gay. Thursday, 7-9 pm.
The creative amateur who has had some darkroom
experience will learn about image formation
and transformation through the use of uncon-
ventional methods in black & white and color.
QUILTING: Mayeve Tate. Wednesday 7-9 pm.
The basics of making a quilt from start to
finish will be taught. The vast variety of
quilts and quilting techniques will also be in-
SCULPTURE: Ralph Wolfe. Tuesday 7-9 pm.
Working from a live model, students will learn
to use clay and clay tools to express the human
figure. They will also learn to make a plas-
ter mold from a clay form and how to cast from
SOFT SCULPTURE: Lori Tannenbaum. Thursday,
7:30=9:30~pm. Students will learn how fi-
bers and fabrics can create a 3-dimensional
structure by using piecing, stuffing, appli-
que, batik and drawing.
2-DDESIGN: Veronica Gerber. Saturday 10 am-
12 'pm. Through a variety of materials stu-
dents will learn the principles of design:
line, color, texture, form and space.
WATERCOLOR : Andrea Morguloff. Saturday,
10 am-12 pm.' Watercolor will be taught
from simple levels to ones more subtle and in-
volved. Many techniques will be presented to
aid both the beginning and advanced painter.
WEAVING: Carol Furtado. Monday 7-9 pm.
Design, color, tapestry techniques, and making
a frme loom will be taught for both beginning
and specially accepted advance students. Card
weaving and inkle weaving will also be demon-
WOODWORKING: Carter Blocksma. Monday, 6:30-
9:30 pm. Creative aspects and projects in
woodworking will be introduced: uses of ma-
chinery, materials potentials, joint and con-
struction methods.

Ford's kickoff
With all eyes turned toward the presi-
dential race these days, our fair city auto-
matically claimed a part of the spotlight fol-
lowing the official announcement last week

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