__ t . . _ _ rage tignr THE MICHIUAN DAILY mir ursciay, ep em er Y, 'i !!!!!! ' j' We think it is significant that several years ago we decided to become the Office of Student Services in place of the Office of Student Affairs. More than a simple exchange of words it created an entirely new direction, enlarged our scope and em- phasized what it is we are really here for-to SERVE the stu- dents' needs. You will see detailed on this page the various units within our office which have been created to meet specific needs. In addition we have an Ombudsperson to assist students in their encounters with the complex bureaucratic systems of a large university and the community. We are always looking for new approaches to enhance your education and to make living here more enriching for yo u r total self-development. This is a goal which is hard to define, but may best be exemplified by the sense of security you may have in years to come when sending your own children here. We want your ideas toward the achievement of these goals. We want to be YOU! reminded that the U in the University is HENRY JOHNSON, Vice President for Student Services 3310 MICHIGAN UNION-764-7423 HOUSING SERVICE The Housing Information Office is the focal point for information and assistance regarding all types of hous- ing on the Ann Arbor campus. Professional staff mem- bers are available to assist members of the University community with all their housing needs. Traditionally, newly entering students have chosen to live in University owned and operated facilities. The only students required to do so, however, are freshmen under 18 years of age who do not have parental permission to live outside residence halls. To the best of our knowledge very few students are required by their parents to live in residence halls; nevertheless, about 95 per cent of the freshmen choose these accommodations. FOR Up-To-Date information on Housing CALL UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICE 207 Fletcher St. A broad range of outpatient and inpatient services including: full-time Medical Clinic staff; over 15 specialty clinics, pharmacy, lab- oratory, accredited thirty-three bed hospital OFFERS: OFFICE OF STUDENT PROGRAMS 3400 Michigan Union-7634182 Provides resources to facilitate the leadership and initiative of students, faculty and staff to enable students to acquire skills for responsible living as free individuals. Learning and practice in applying these skills in individual and organizational settings which contribute to the students' sense of competence, independ- ence and responsibility are stressed. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of inter and intra organizational development and relationships and the coordination of efforts to formalize stu- dent concerns and issues for attitudinal, structural and educational changes within the University and the community. Program and resource areas are: floor. FOR: Enrolled students, non-enrolled students (regis- tered within past 12 months) and spouses. Periodic health appraisals andi service available to staff and limited basis. FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES, CALL: Allergy Clinic - BUSINESS OFFICE (Insurance) CASHIER (Accounts) Dentistry Emergency Clinic-24 hrs. daily Gyn/Contraception Clinic Immunization Clinic immunization faculty on a 764-8304 764-7380 763-2426 764-7385 764-8347 763-4370 763-1418 i THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER OFFICE OF ETHICS AND RELIGION 32 STUDENT ORGANIZATIONAL SERVICES 3 603 E. Madison It 4' iiE *':; 204 Michigan Union 408 Michigan Union General Housing Information Family Housing Assignments Off-Campus Housing Referrals Residence Hall Assignments Small Group Housing 763-3164 763-3164 763-4104 763-3164 763-3205 Educational Innovation Advocate Women's Program Coordinator Human Sexuality Advocate Student Organizations Coordinator Student Organization Business Services 2400 Michigan Union Housing Information Office Infirmary 764-7396 MEDICAL CLINIC (Med. Info.) 764-8325 Medical Records 764-7393 Pharmacy 764-7387 Problem Pregnancy Counseling 764-8313 VD INFO (request male or female Dr.) 763-4511 UNANSWERED QUESTIONS? CALL 764-3320 or pick up a copy of the new Health Service Brochure ".... for what's bugging you" at Health Service, LS&A or at reg- istration. MICHIGAN ADVERTISING WORKS. EVENT AND FACULTY SCHEDULING UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER t . 764-9310 764-7442 764-0207 763-4189 763-4187 763-4186 763-0077 764-7409 764-0437 763-1385 763-1107 763-3501 3414 Michigan Union 2400 Michigan Union 2105 Michigan Union 1011 Student Activities Bldg. Hours 8:00/12:00, 12:30/4:30 CAMPUS BROADCASTING NETWORK-WRCN (AM WCBN (FM 530 Student Act. Bldg. ________________ a U CAREER PLANNING andPLCMN CAREERS " RESOURCE LIBRARY-Career information on all types of em- ployment; graduate and undergraduate catalogs and direc- tories. Come in and browse. " CAREER PLANNERS-People to talk with about your career alternatives, courses and majors related to careers, grad pro- grams. On a walk-in basis (usually) or by appointment. ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS " With employers for career positions in schools, industry, busi- ness, or government. " With grad, law, bus. ad., and med. schools for admissions in- formation. SPECIAL PROGRAMS * Minority program-counseling for minority students on careers and job finding skills. * Women's program-luncheons, workshops, and career infor- mation to develop alternatives. " Pre-professional advising for law,, med., dent., vet., and osteo. schools. JOB FINDING RESOURCES # Job-Finding Workshops-Resumes, letters of application, job interviewing, strategies in contacting employers. " Current job openings-Civil Service information; Directories of employers; Employer literature on career opportunities. CAREER SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES COUNSELING SERVICES Students oe invited to bring any concern; the initial goals of the counseling interaction are to achieve problem clarification, to resolve immediate issues, and to identify appropriate strategies for further problem resolution. COUNSELING: " problem clarification identification " personal counseling for personal/social problems such as relationship difficulties, personal effectiveness, frustrations, coping " couples counseling for married and unmarried couples " groups and workshops for personal and interpersonal skill develpment Appointments can be made Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Groups and workshops are often offered during late afternoon and evening hours. Call 764-8312 for information. Confidentiality is assured. Information is released only with the student's written permission. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION STOP BY OR CALL: Third floor Michigan Union-764-8312 Second floor Health Service-764-8316 DIAL 76-GUIDE-24 Hour Service Student counselors are available to talk about anything of a per- sonal concern to the caller, including crisis situations. In addition to personal phone counseling, GUIDE offers referral and infor- mation help, aiding callers to find campus and community re- sources, and supplying basic information about the University and Ann Arbor communities. All calls and requests are confidential. In the event of a University emergency, 76-GUIDE serves as a center for information and rumor control. COMMUNITY SERVICES As a minority student, a tenant, a disabled student or a volunteer, communities can mean a lot to you. Com- munity Services (CS) is all about the communities stu- dents form on campus and the ways they relate to off- campus communities. CS deals realistically and respon- sively with where you're coming from, who you are and what you care about through the following offices: MINORITY STUDENT SERVICES 2205 Michigan Union 763-4188 DISABLED STUDENT SERVICES 2211 Michigan Union 763-3000 MEDIATION SERVICES 2205 Michigan Union 763-1071 PROJECT COMMUNITY 2204 Michigan Unton 763-3548 TROTTER HOUSE 1443 Washtenaw Ave. 763-4692 MINORITY COUNSELING IN FORMATION--764-8131 AND . If ,W'T-OJ' 0 Cr.. arrrrrr;.rr :vr ittw rrriiwr AAAiA l AA file tN als