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January 19, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-19

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See Editorial Page

4.Ai t


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State


Vol. LXXXVII, No. 89 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 19, 1977 Ten Cents E

ight Pages


Return of the native
Tom Hayden, SDS co-founder and former Daily
editor, returns here to his alma mater to speak
at 7:30 tonight in Rackham Auditorium. Hayden,
who was defeated last spring in the. California
Democratic primary for a Senate seat, will also
be fielding questions after his. address in Alice
Lloyd Hall, Blue Carpet Lounge at 9:30 p.m. It's
all free.
begin as usual, at noon today. MSU Prof.
Ruth Hamilton will speak on "The Black Exper-
ience in Comparative Perspective" at the Center
for Afro-American Studies, 1100 S. University .. .
then for those with a biological bent, a talk oT
"The Evolution of Heterostylus Breeding Systems
in Oxalis" by Dr. Stephen Weller is just for you
at 4 p.m. 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg. . . . at 7, Roy Dar-
win will present a slide show and demonstration
on the art of making stained and leaded glass at
Art Worlds, 213 S. Main St. . . . physical fitness
films will be shown at 7:30 at the Central Campus
Rec. Bldg. Bring your I.D. or user pass , . . also
at 7:30, Tom Hayden will speak in Rackham Aud.
and at 9:30 he'll hold a discussion in Alice Lloyd
Hall, Blue Carpet Lounge . . . finally at 8, Quar-
terdeck Society sponsors a lecture by Dave Usher,
president and founder of Marine Pollution Control
Org., will speak on the problems and. methods of
cleaning up oil spills.
Back-to-school boys
it appears that after a term in the Ford ad-
ministration, the latest thing for government of-
ficials to do is go back to school. The most recent
official to jump on the bandwagon - er school bus
- is Treasury Secretary William Simon, who an-
nounced his plans on Monday. He will begin a
three-year term July 1 on Georgetown University's
board of directors. Simon will join his colleague
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who will be
lecturing at the school. Although Defense Secre-
tary Donald Rumsfeld has not named a specific
school, he told reporters early this week he very
likely will have a part-time affiliation with a uni-
versity." As for the President himself, he said he
plans to visit "a number of campuses from one
to five days a semester," talking to and answer-
ing questions of students and faculty. Whether
this University will merit at least one or more days
of the President's time is still an unanswered ques-
tion at the White House, according to a spokes-
person yesterday.
Plucky pickers
Coffee prices, zooming skyward and beyond late-
ly, have prompted thieves on the other side of the
globe to pluck coffee berries right off the trees,
growers reported yesterday. Alarmed Malaysian
farmers are pitching tents among their trees to
ward off the caffeine lovers' nightly raids.
Nuts to Georgia
Jimmy Carter, Georgia's favorite peanut farm-
er has received yet another accolade. A resolu-
tion introduced Wednesday in the Georgia state
Senate would change the state's name from "The
Peach State" to "The Peanut State." After all,
sponsors of the bill point out the peanut, not the
peach, is the state's most prolific crop. "The na-
tion is looking at Georgia," asserts State Sen. Frani
Sutton, one of the measure's sponsors, "and a great
part of his (Carter's) publicity is built around the
fact that he is a peanut farmer. Since he's the
only president we've ever had from Georgia, I
hink it's an honor to him to make this the pea-
nut state."
Porno for kids

A multimillion dollar child pornography indus-
try is driving thousands of children into "pro-
miscuity, alcoholism, drug addiction, venereal dis-
ease and premature parenting", according to Dr.
Judianne Densen-Gerber, a noted authority on
child abuse. Densen-Gerber, at a news confer-
ence held in the heart of the Times Square porno
district Thursday, displayed as evidence two
films depicting explicit sex acts involving chil-
dren between the ages of 8 and 13 (that's no typo,
folks) as well as magazines and even a deck of
playing cards with youngsters in lewd positions.
The good doctor, a mother of four, called the
films "the saddest things I've ever seen" and
accused the porno maketeers of "destroying our
On the inside ...
Gregory Staple discusses New York City's fiscal
crisis on the Editorial Page . . . Arts Page critic
Karen Paul reviews the Saturday performance of
Prague's Chamber Orchestra . . . and Henry
Englehart of the Sports Page gives a profile of Dan
Fife varsity reserve basketball coach.

Le ionnaires'


Organism linked to
mysterious deaths

Cold snap
cuts fuel
By AP and UPI
It snowed in Florida and the
Ohio River froze over at Cin-
cinnati, where temperatures
dipped to a record 25 below yes-
terday. Natural gas suppliers
and utilities had trouble meet-
ipg heating demands.
Minnesota declared an ener-
gy emergency - and scores of
schools and industries closed
down amid cold, snow and pow-
er troubles.
IN SHORT, it remained grip-
pingly cold across the nation's
eastern half yesterday, and the
cold was felt in thousands of
Minnesota's energy emergency
was declared after officials con-
cluded the state might run short
up to 2 million barrels of fuel
in the next 30 days should cold
weathermcontinue. The emerg-
ency meant homes, businesses
and schools and other institu-
tions were ordered to set ther-
mostats to 65 during the day
and 60 at night.
Gov. Ella Grasso of Connecti-
cut said a fuel shortage also
was threatened in the New Lon-
don area because oil barges
were unable to get through on
the icy Thames River.
See ENERGY, Page 2

ATLANTA (AP) - A bacteria-like organism previously un-
known as a human killer caused the Legionnaires' Disease which
killed 29 persons in Philadelphia last summer, the national Cen-
ter for Disease Control (CDC) announced yesterday.
The organism, which the CDC called a bacteria for purposes
of identification, was isolated from lung tissue of one of the
victims of the Legionnaires' Disease, which struck 151 other
persons who, eventually recovered. Most of the victims were
members of the American Legion attending a convention at
a Philadelphtia hotel.
THE CDC SAID IT IS NOT KNOWN how the victims con-

tacted the disease.
"In a routine process of making sure we
a rickettsia, we found the bacterium," said

had not missed
Dr. Joseph AMc-

While Detroit Edison officials are telling you to turn off your lights and unplug your re-
frigerators to conserve electricity during the cold weather crisis, you might take a stroll
past their offices at William and Main after closing time to watch the lamps burning

Dade, a research microbiologist
A rickettsia is an organism
between bacteria and virus on
the biologic scale.
"IT APPEARS ,to be some-
thing we've neve associated
with human illness," McDade
Researchers said .the organ-
ism, which has no name; ap-
parently is not contagious.
"You know whether a disease
is contagious or not by wheth-
er or not it spreads among the
patienits' contacts,'" said Dr.
Charles Shepard,chief of the
leprosv and rickettsia branch of
the CDC.
THE DISEASE could have
soread by air or water, said
Dr. David Fraser, a medical
epidemiologist. He said research
showed that "the risk of Legion-
naires Disease was greater in
those who smoked cigarettes."
That, he said, is common
among respiratory infections.
"There was no spread," of
the disease among those who
came in contact with victims
of the Legionnaires' Disease,
Shepard said.
"THERE IS NO danger to any-
one in their communities what-
soever," he emphasized.
Tests involving cultures of the
new bacteria and from an early
1960s outbreak of pneumonia at
St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Wash-
ington showed that the cause of
the St. Elizabeth's outbreak,
which killed eight persons at'
See MYSTERY, Page 2

who isolated the organism,
By Reuter News Agency
phone call from President-elect
Jimmy C a r t e r yesterday
brought ratification of the Equal
Rights Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution by the state of In-
The State Senate, which had
killed the measure twice be-
fore, approved it by a vote of
26 to 24 after Carter called a
wavering legislator and urged
him to vote for the ERA.
resentatives passed the measure
by a vote of 54 to 45 last week.
No action by Governor Otis
Bowen is. required.
State Senator Wayne Town-
send, a Democrat, said after
the vote that he had been urg-
ed to vote for the measure by
bo.A Carter and his wife Rosa-
See INDIANA, Page 2


Gilmore 's wi:

In death, Gary Mark Gilmore
got what he wanted with a
speed denied him in life.
Within minutes of his execu-
tion by firing squad Monday
morning, technicians were work-
ing on the body to preserve
portions for medical use. By
night, in compliance with his
instructions, Gilmore's body had
been cremated at a funeral
home in Provo.
ashes would be spread by air-
plane over Provo, where Gil-
more lived, and nearby Spring-
ville, where his girl friend Ni-
cole Barrett lived before she
was confined to a mental hos-
Gilmore's pituitary gland,

eyes, kidneys and liver were re-
moved for possible transplant
or study, said a brief statement
from the University of Utah
Medical Center.
But the kidneys, "because of
the nature of Mr. Gilmore's
death, are not medically usable
for transplantation," the state-
ment said. "At least one of them
can be used for medical re-
THUS ENDED the ordeal for
the 36-year-old killer who had
cold-bloodedly executed two
young men, then demanded he
in turn be put to death for his
He had fought all attempts to
save him from death and was
angered and frustrated with 'the
dramatic last-ditch middle-of-

shes granted
the night events that pushed his He conceded however
execution 18 minutes past the had no chance of passir
scheduled time of sunrise and ing "I doubt if it would
made him the first person exe- rotes." He said he int
cuted in the United States in
nearly 10 years. ue bill because "it's tim
In the end, however, Gilmore a proposal came up for
got his death wish. His life sion in the legislature."
ended inside a high-ceilinged _
bunker - like building on the
grounds of Utah State Prison
after four steel-packeted bullets
ripped through his heart.

that it
ng, say-
get 20
me such

MEANWHILE, the Utah State
Legislature yesterday was pre-
sented with a bill to abolish the
state's death penalty.
Yesterday, State Representa-
tive Sam Taylor, introduced a
measure in the Utah House of
Representatives to abolish cap-
ital punishment.

8 Carter officials-approved;
Bell controversy continues

ing to ranks after the controver-
sy that undid one of President-
elect Carter's nominations, Sen-
ate committees approved yester-
day the appointments of eight
top administration officials.
That cleared the way for Sen-
ate confirmation to put them in
office soon after Carter is in-
augurated at midday Thursday.
THREE Cabinet nominees
have yet to be approved, but

only one of them, Atty. Gen.-
designate Griffin Bell, faces any,
significant opposition.
Bell, too, is virtually assured
of confirmation to join the Car-
ter team.
The Senate Judiciary Commit-
tee scheduled more hearings to-
day to be followed by a vote in
the afternoon. Bell's confirma-
tion hearings already have last-
ed five days.
BELL has been challenged

MSA moves to save
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) last night approved a
recommendation to the University Board of Regents asking them
to conduct an in-depth study on alternative uses for the Waterman-
Barbour gymnasium complex.
At present the University has plans to raze the gyms, which
were erected in 1894. But MSA member Steve Carnevale noted that
possible uses for the land on which Waterman-Barbour presently
stands would not be realized for a least five years.
WATERMAN and Barbo'Ir would provide an excellent space,

over his civil rights record,
which he insists casts him as a
Southern moderate when there
weren't many' to be found, and
over his membership in Atlanta
clubs which do not accept black
or women members. He said his
letters of resignation went to
the clubs yesterday.
The committee had been set
to vote on Bell's nomination yes-
terg1ay, but Sen. Charles Ma-
thias, (R-Md.), said that at least
six additional witnesses wanted
to testify.
Mathias said he did not know
whether they would testify for
or against the nomination but
felt the committee ought to al-
low them to be heard.
plaintiffs in school desegrega-
tion cases in Atlanta and several
other cities, committee staff
members said.
The blocked nomination was
that of TheodoreSorensen, who
withdrew on Monday rather than
risk defeat or narrow approval
to be director of the Central In-
telligence Agency.
Carter said he would announce
a new choice sometime after
the Inauguration,
Senate endorsements included:

AP Photo
Winter hits the orange groves
Polar winds blasted Florida, leaving artic fingerprints on this orange. Although record lows
were recorded most of the citrus 'and vegetable crop in the Sunshine State escaped damage.
80 feared dead after
Australi'an train wreck

SYDNEY, Australia (P) -
Rescue workers recovered 36
bodies from a commuter train
crushed by a 200-ton concrete
bridge slab yesterday and po-
lice predicted an eventual toll
of 80 or more in Australia's

night under flood lights, used
jackhammers and heavy con-
crete -busting equipment to
break the bridge into 20-ton
blocks that could be lifted by
Jenny Kee Ramsden, who

"I think I dropped Grace but
I grabbed her again and tried
to cover her with/fiy body,"
she adde.d. "I kept thinking:
'I'm going to die, I'm going to
As the casualty toll mount..

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