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April 19, 1977 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-19

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Foge ;Ix

i N Ml(-Hl(j^N DAILY

f~ag ~ixif-i MKHI~jN DALY uisday, Aoril101, 11977





w I

PI o ancoue

Mi nority services disjointed





I~ Yo~risconttintuedTetok

ai e worth real Motley!
It Id o Ulrich's WITH your currently good ones.
1011 1 IT EA-FGUE 1 OUi
Urich's ells yo ur discontinued books to

(! ~d Irom NJa, t41
what sal,-guards they\wanted ill
the event a prora m he were
cenrolled iii ,.:,, phasedouT.N
One a'skedstdens ortheir
tionl.Nooneaskd suets to
partiiate in the eno-a-
Igz 1 L s
11ndk as 1 d i )7 >ofrh P ui r1ir
closur poliy \~ re shttled
back and fo rt,;h beteen ~the ad-
j ninisti ative and faculty bodies;
that ,nutured it, much of the de-1
bate focused on what makes a
program a "qualit y" pr ogram.I
For the proposal states: "cri-
teria fQr deterrmnig whether a
p rgrairi should be eliminated!
ough-t to pllace the ,rcafest en)-
phas is othe quac (tlity, of the pro-
gram rlinv olve.''
B3UT IN THI) Fu Lttle attonitt
to define quality, the policy-
makers did not ask students-
whose career aspi; ration could'
qite likely be damaged by 1) the
closing of their pro,-,ram -for,
their concept of quahity, And it
would have been in everybody's

A 4 (ontinued from Page 4) from all, minority counselingf
i~ w ayagree that it is due, in part services. However, no action has
to the frustrating complexity of been initiated to form any such
minority services. A student1 group.
best interest to ask students' must confront many offices andI UNIVERSITY officials acknowi-
what they were looking for in ant long lines before he or she can: edge the need for a better co-
educjation -- and whether they receive any assistance. ;ordination of these services and
foundI t here. The July, 1976 "Report of the deplore the absence of a plan-
Muc tie ad efor wet ~ University Task Force on Stu- ning body.
toa. the pro disfotnt inc dent Counseling "evaluated mi- DavidRoisnassttdi
and concudedsofstatdi-
p )licy's developrfrent. The Uni-I nority servicesan colue rector o admissionssted"I
versity needed to establish pro- that the many organizations feel very strongly that we need
c edures for handling a messy "provide a variety of comple-,a a more centralized coordinating
task. m-entary and indeed overlapping body to coordinate these ser-
services. vices. They all try to have their
Yet, xhen the fiinl draft w~as The Report recommended the own thrust and it is enough to~
presentued to the Regents, itj creation of a planning body to confuse the student. It is im-:
was pr efaced with "this docu-; be called the Minority Academic portant that the student feel
JmWen,. has now had substantialI Counseling Coordinating Coin- wanted and not fall into the
campus wide review ... "Sub-! mittee to coordinate the agen- regimentation. Students get
stantial campus wide review"' cies into a wide academic sup- caught up in bureaucracy and
and the administration some- port service. The group would' feel lost, bewildered and help-
how missed the students. be comprised of represeiititives less."

Vice-President of S t u d4 e n t
Services Henry Johnson says,
"I'm concerned about 'both the
a c a d e mn i s and rion-acadomiic
causes of the high attrition
frate.... We need to reassesses
$University efforts and get a bait-
Mle on changing needs of our
However acknowledging the
problem is not enoaugh. A very
careful study of the iindity
situation in all respects is sor ly
But in review, minority activ-
ities need to be reassessed, with~
some action started for .the cre-
ation of a coordinatitug body for
minority services. This year,
only the two issues of" minority
attrition and, minority rbcriuit-
ment seemed to cry$ out for at-

over 600

college bookstores. This way we

get th e highest possible prices for YU.
anoter Ulrich's service-

C1E;0 fightis for life Recount begins:

iincl f'rnm Psaiyo 11


AFSC'M E members.

Since most GSA's do not have3
families to support and are only
at the University for a limited
inmber of years, they are not





Ouj rcordv - and tapes are
uneconditionall y uarainteed.
It "you-,re nt _satisfied, we
will maike it good ... People_

:min:: " ^.r;R-' ''r


committed to demanding a bet-
ter contract, or a contract at all
for that matter, They came
here to get a degree with teach-
ing as a sideline used mostly'
a sa source of income. They
have no desire to be junior.
George Meany's. GEO leaders
have tended to overdramatize!
their desires
The foctus should,, be on sur-
vival. GEO's leaders should
'stop acting, without thinking.
They s h o u 1 d reorganize the'
union and build up its strength
so that when a direct threat
comes from the University, GEO
will still be around to effectively
face up to it.


B elcher optimistic

)1\ I Ir ~Q11 Ina
jyL(- B~ubeck Quartet


People who work here are into the different forms that
jazz takes, and we're very proud of our selection. Come
in soon and browse-you're bound to find something
new, And if you re not looking for anything in particu-
lar, wec can suggest a couple of records or tapes that
will! fit into your collection,
of.iime~r Ofl t.it,.. y and MaynarlUd)
Mon.-Thar. 10- 0; Fri. & Sot. 10-12 Midnight;
Sunday 12-6

(Continued from Page 1)
"The Republicans= didn't put
any reasons in their petition be-1
cause they're just fishing totally
in the dark. They think the odds
are they'll pick up a vote some-
where along the way," he said.
BELCHER, who has expressed
optimism about the recount
from the very beginning, said
"I think we have just as good
a chance of winning as they
The board estimates it will


spend two days reviewing the
voting machines, a few of which
are locked u~p in elementary
schools around the. city, Aid the
rest of which are in a h~nsar
at the city airport. After that,
board members plan to spe nd
one day going over the absentee
vote tallies at City Hall. 1
"It really depends on how
much time they (Board mpem-
hers) spend arguing," said
Beals, "but they should have the
results by Friday at the latest."

There are some musicians
whose careers are extraordinary
Al DiMeola is one of them. At 18,
he was a student at the Berklee
School of Music in Boston. A
year and a half later he was
the guitar mainstay of Return
to Forever. Last year, Al
surprised everyone with
'Land of the Midnight Sun;'

an album which excited jazz
and rock audiences alike.'
Now Al gives us"'Elegant Gypsy"
which has a Spanish flavor clue
in part to his collaboration
with Paco de Lucia, one of
Spain's premier flamenco guitar-
ists. With"Elegant Gypsy," Al's
fiery guitar inventions are more
powerful than ever. A


ato Barbio ri

'Elegant Gypsy" from the extraordinary Al DiMeola.
On Columbia Records and Tapes.

Chuck Moniofle
moil, squevzo

Mc4 Lewis
Met Lewis and frends
~h ~1

Gettry t.iewood
And Tirn4; Piece

x e RF y, ".a i30 GS St te- -665-36 9
David L ~n ~123 S. University--668-9866
r ,L q.ht' n up, Ploosc, ' t0C~U
BE IV Ut . t tt~~-~> o t.it. "~. i 12-6 lu

Do Cury

The Paul Desmond Quartet

__ _- , . - --- --_-._.- e.,c--------.'we.-- -- ,. a ~m,,- ,- ---,.,. r:w-s "vw-- I,~- - .,w+esmus


Available at your favorite record store

The Cellar-
feuatures the
p ro-,tection

Th le HPjoo55 programmable
scientific pocket calculator
from Hewlett-pPackard-
Iusall this high-perf'ormance capability ill your pocke:
49-Ste p User iMenor> \Yon canl program the iiP-55 } our sel to ScOi\
I _ our irepetitivye Iprohil ii n in utra
>: X Iithout softwv~arc. Nit hon u rox r.
-- Full Editing CapabilitN ou cat' iii :,
pY r pes -any program step annlitune.
SBranching and Conditional 'I et tapaln -
i its,. The II -55 perior iisdir c'Jhri_ i
-k "r conditijonal te5s s ased nl i 1
e; 1 86-Pre-programyrimd I unctioris aiim
Operations. Lxparidcd !trig and st
.capabilities. [rue metri Kcon .1it
- - capability. More prc-progmrrrrek!
furnctionis thani any otherp c
C( ~jI20-Addressable Meutior
ti ;.;re i Registers. You - in doigv>
-Digital Tinier. A unique teatre .:
' ~~~~~~~~~the 100-h our iir inicaswr- n ~nielh, C' o .!, r esIi
to\tcn " plits"' iii i1t ime I 2Ail-
)riHp's eft-iit RI's lgi ssmm r
wAith 4-' vinrR 'Stck- .11Ou1o~e,
o problenis one was.y rJ 1IciiiLt
strokes. time and chunces Ifo rr ii
--.-~~~~~ NIP quality rfsmuii.rn.re-i
_ Nobel auireates, astronuris ronQIreri r

APRI 1-,_jMAY3
t) ;l ]t i~i lt I ->20
~~~~~~~ tsi ~tc~ xr L i ll :'L , tre.lit' n- ..ugnrvd):

Spring lerm Course Offerings
Department of Journali1sm
(4 cr) Open to freshmen.
Survey of the structure of the communication industries and analysis
of their effct on society.
(J202 FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION) (4 cr) Open to freshmen.
Historical survey of English and American guarantees of free expres-
sion and study of definitions of free expression today,
(J342 WRITING FOR MASS MEDIA) (4 cr) J301 preq.
Continuation of .3301, giving regular exposure to professional writ-
ing conditions and advance writing techniques.
(J403 MEDIA PERFORMANCE) (4 cr) J302 preq.
Analysis of media news coverage on selected national and inter-
national topics.
(4 cr) Junior standing.
Examination of relevant social science research literature to help
determine the role of mass media in society.

Journalism students.

(1-4 cr )

I -

1 C

L l


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