Sundey, April 17, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Peg. Five . - Farmers condemn PCP quarantine (Continued from Page 1) of Agriculture showed non-de- "Everything they (cattle) tectable levels of PBB, while take in while they're in the other independent laboratories barn, through eating, drinking, were coming up with measur- breathing, even rubbing up able amounts. - against the wood, has it Finally, on Nov. 4, 1976, "We (PCP)," explains Ellis, "it just sent out a sample from Cow keeps getting recirculated." No. 249 to test for every other, conceivable type of chemical," "PCP yo et the pret- says Drent. "On Nov. 24, we roam around free every once got back test results that show- roa aoun feeevey nc ed high levels of PCP." } and awhile," he adds.edhglvlsoPC" Cattle also ingest a good LEMUNYON AND DRENT amount of the chemical by immediately notified the MDA gnawing on wood when they ' and Ellis, and consequently are kept in close quarters. Dr. Jack Moore, a specialist Researchers have gained most from the National Institute of of their knowledge about the Environmental Health Services PCP contamination question in Raleigh, Va., arrived on the from the problems experienced scene. Exhaustive testing re- by dairy farmers George Le- vealed that every cow in the Munyon and Bernard Drent, LeMunyon-Drent herd had ir- who jointly own a spread out- reversibly high levels of PCP. side of Cedar Springs. It was They would all have to go to the here that PCP poisoning first Kalkaska burial site. surfaced and took its heaviest In response to the LeMunyon- toll in animal life. Drent catastrophe, 13 other far- Tb some degree, LeMunyon mers also havirng unexplained and Drent discovered their PCP livestock health problems (and problem as a result of their some of whom had had PBB prior involvement in the PBB contamination) asked the contamination disaster. The pair MDA's "Phase III" PBB inves- had lost their original herd of tigation team, headed up by 292 cows to PBB in March of Ellis, to test their ailing herds. 1975, when the animals were By March 9, the blood test re- taken to the Kalkaska, Mich. suIts were in: seven of the 13 burial site and destroyed. farms had measurable PCP After burning down their two levels. PBB-ridden barns and con- It was at this point that the structing a new one on a dif- MDA, under fire for its hand- ferent site, they then purchased ling of the PBB affair, took con- 204 cows from western Wiscon- troversial safety measures. On sin, all young and healthy. March 11, the MDA quarantined Milk production from the new the seven farms for milk and herd steadily increased until meat, a move many of the af- December of 1975, when the fected farmers condemn as pre- pair's fortunes took a sharp mature. turn for the worse. PBB-like THE FARMERS COMPLAIN symptoms began showing up in that the quarantine was put into some cows and by the middle effect solely on the basis of the of the month, LeMunyon and blood tests, which they say are Drent had lost two or three ani- unreliable indicators. They con- 'mals. tend, almost to the man, that ON THE RECOMMENDA- the MDA should have waited for TON of their veterinarian, results from tissue tests before Lawrence Schalk, Drent says, Iordering the quarantine. "We had all the cows having Ernie Wenkle, a Standish problems tested for PBB - but farmer believes the quarantine the results we kept getting back I was "a conclusion before the for PBB weren't high enough to fact." Says Wenkle: "They cause the problems we were didn't test any tissue samples. having." So how do they know if it was Throughout 1976, LeMunyon PCP or PB3B? We got a low-" and Drent continued to have level PBB herd." PBB tests done - with no con- I SAYS DRENT' of the quaran- clusive results. Confusion de- tine: "Why did they go and veloped when tests coming back quarantine those fellows when from the Michigan Department they wasn't even sure of what 4 i i i I } F{ } it was - except for the blood thing," says Bergeron. "They been with persons working in tests. If they'd quarantined me say my problems are a combi- factories that produce PCP- like that, I would have sued 'em nation. They said I had high treated wood. As in animals, the right off the bat." levels of iodine, lead, arsenic, key to PCP contamination in hu- Dr. Donald Isleib, deputy di- bacteria - you name it. But mans is prolonged and unreliev- rector of the MDA, understands I don't believe it. I used to be- ed exposure. the farmers' position, but does lieve them, but I seen too much The only other known instance not agree with them. of their work - and I don't be- of serious PCP poisoning occur- "I know that they feel that lieve them no more," he says. red several years ago in a hos- we moved too quickly -- how- As for the quarantine, after f pital where PCP was being ever, it's a matter of judge- finding no poison in milk sam- used as a fungicide. In that men. Unfortunately, there is no ples, the MDA rescinded its case, PCP apparently got onto body of research (on PCP toxici- quarantine on milk from the some diapers. Some infants city in cattle) to guide us on farms about two weeks ago. But, came in contact with the con- this matter," maintains Isleib, it has kept the meat quarantine taminated diapers and there "There's no doubt that the se- in effect until 'results from tis- were some severe reactions and quence is wrong . .. neverthe- sue samples are in. a few deaths. ,tnaO, '.Jnr hltWiR%.sq k cIJUon~ isue Ictib, uur aus1i1C5b is t;u1niullivi' I protection." BEYOND THIS QUESTION of whether the quarantine was in- stalled too soon, a large sus- picion about the whole PCP problem looms in the minds of some farmers.- In essence, a few of the farm- ers feel that the PCP scare was manufactured by the MDA in order to improve its PBB-tar- nished image. According to this theory, by issuing the quaran- tine on the farms, the MDA hopes to present an image of vigilance on PCP so that its al- legedly poor handling of the PBB crisis will slowly fade from the collective public mem- ory. "I think there trying to beat around the bush here - make themselves look better;" says Dale Hackenburg, a PCP-quar- antined farmer in Marcellus. Hackenburg believes his . cow health problems are a result of residual PBB contamination - something he says the MDA does not want to admit. ISLEIB BRUSHES aside this "smokescreen" charge as non- sense." "We didn't undertake this thing (the quarantine) light- ly. This wasn't a lark. We dis- cussed this quarantine with Imember of both houses of the Legislature and invited com- ment on it from the most quali- fied scientists we could find in that short period of time. We didn't hear a single dissenting voice," he says. "I don't think this quarantine would favorably change any- one's opinion of the Depart- { ment," Isleib continues. "I know we haven't won any new friends among the farmers or their peers. We certainly didn't invent this (PCP problem) as a PR thing to improve our im- age." Still, the quarantined farmers view the PCP contamination through eyes jaundiced by the MDA's conduct in the PBB scandal. BERGERON COMPARES the PCP problem to the MDA's false alarm on iodine in the midst of the PBB scandal. "PCP is just like the iodine HOWEVER, THE FARMERS are now having a difficult time getting reimbursed for all the money they lost while the milk quarantine was in effect. Just this week, the U. S. Department of Agriculture turned down a request from the MDA asking for funds to pay back the farm- ers. The MDA has now turned to the state legislature to find the money. Whatever the outcome, the farmers say they will not accept the loss, and contend they will try legal channels if the legislature does not come up with the money. Meanwhile, chemical re- searchers say they are still in the investigative phases in de= termining the effects PCP has on the health of cattle, and sub- sequently, humans. ACCORDING TO ELLIS, there are three elements in the PCP contamination problem which may be causing cattle health problems. It could be highly toxic contaminants called dioxins which are found in most PCP. It could be the solvent in which PCP is dissolved in order to apply it to wood. Or the chemical PCP itself could be the culprit. Investigators are awaiting re- sults on tissue samples to gain a clearer idea of where the problem lies. To date, says Dr. John Tran, a Michigan State pathologist involved in the study, there is only superficial evidence. Id"From a clinical viewnoint," says Trap, "there are indica- tions that PCP is the chemical involved. The problem is back- ing up those clinical impres- sion's with detailed laboratory data and analysis. It is a diffi- cult and time-consuming pro- cess," he says. ADDS TRAP: "We just don't know what x-level of PCP in cattle means." As for human health, PCP does have a limited history as. an hazardous substance. Ac- cording to Dr. John Ibister of the Michigan Department of Public Health, the most toxic manifestations of PCP have AS FOR PCP in cattle food products, however, Ibister says that only dioxins represent a GtO R danger to human health. Be- IWV G cause of this, all dairy products are safe for human consumption - because milk, cheese and but- ter all have no tolerance for dioxins.h c As for meat, the verdict is not yet in on what constitute safe / levels for dioxins. To a great extent, whatever is to be found out about the effects of PCP on human health rests on what is found-out about PCP's effect on cattle. In this regard, investigators are operating in the dark as to long-range effects of PCP on cattle. A number of questions I still need to be answered: What concentrations of PCP HENNING CARLSEN'S 1966 are harmful to animals? How should PCP be used? Perhaps the most perplexing question is why PCP should become a prob- lem now, after almost 40 years Per Oscarrson turns in one of the most powerful perform- on the market. ances on film in this story of a starving writer in 19th cen- c SanCStL a Unier oi ystury Olso. Carisen's adaptation of Knut Hamsun's novel (MSU) Dairy Sciences Depart- is rich in the atmospheric detail of the writer's surround- ment feels the very familiarity of PCP has helped to oversha- ings. A Swedish classic. dow any problems it might cause. "It's like many other ex- - amples of chemicals that areAM RC NI P RS used frequently and in a wide- Tues.rAN.AMERiCAN N PARIS snread fashion," says Scholl, ( "There's a tendency on the part of the users to be lulled -toI TNIGKT AT OLD ARCH. AID. say 'Gee, we've used it so long CIN7EMA GUmsLD , Amson $1.25s( we can use it any way we wait." Scholl compared the PCP sit- uation to that of the chemical DDT, used extensively as a pes- MARK SA NDR ICH'S 1935 ticide long before its toxic ef- fects were fully known. ASTAI R E/R DGERSi n Scholl is involved in a multi- disciplinary project at MSU FO-L that is designed as a compre-{FOLLOW THE FLEET hensive study of PCP's effect on animal life and the environ- Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers tap dance their way through ment. Other departments also pitching in on the project in- another heart-warming musical comedy. All you can do is clude Animal Sciences, Food sit back and marvel at these two dancing-so who cares Sciences, Crops and -Soil, Pesti- cide, Pathology and Forestry. about plot? It's great fun, and inspiring too. CINEMA ii TONIGHT AT ANGELL HALL-AUD"A" 7 & 9 Adm.-$1.25 Presents Why I can't like Altman films (Continued from Page 4) inside it, its creative bankruptcy epitomized by the stomach-lurching cutesy-poo winks and stares at the audience by fairy-birdmother Sally Kellerman, impli- .cating the viewer in some kind of elite insiders "plot" which was certainly totally unknown to the cast in di- rector in the first place. (Kellerman is surely the quint essential Altman touring company representative: her thespian talents consist solely of smiling dreamily and mumbling flately, making her the very embodiment of Altman's walking cadavers). As Altman progressed into the 70's, his films began to acquire a complivity and subtleness that could at least let one appreciate film for film's sake, but how many viewers could really become involved in Warren Beatty's desperate but lackadaisical struggle for eco- nomic freedom amidst the stagnant white of McCabe and Mrs. Miller? Who could really identify with Elliott Gould's unlovable parody of Philip Marlowe surround- ed by his dull suspects in The Long Goodbye? Could anyone really persevere through the studied distance of the artsy, murky unoriginal Images (in spite of Susannah York's incredible performance which outdid by miles what the film deserved)? Could anyone shed tears over the cut-rate Bonnie' and Clyde tragedy of dull Keith Carradine and duller Shelly Duvall in Thieves Like Us?- One had hope that Altman had become a bit more people-oriented with the release of California Split; . his humane study of the psyche of the compulsive gambler is the only Altman film I have thoroughly en- joyed, although perhaps mainly due to the presence of George Segal, possibly the most dynamic and alive film actor around. But for all the subsequent laby- rinthian fascination of Altman's magnum opus, Nash- ville, his country epic remains at the last a crass and snobbish putdown of almost everyone depicted there- in. Disgusting Americana. Take that, you hicks. Ditto his recent simplistic mess, Buffalo Bill and the Indians: it's dual theme of the white man as a genocidic buffoon and the, schizo- phrenia of showmanship vs. reality are swiftly estab- lished, and then there's nothing. We're all bastards, OK. Now what? One aspect of the Altman paradox stands out most interestingly: Of the onslaught of his films (ten in ,seven years), all but two M*A*S*H and Nashville have lost money. Does the general public perhaps sense the essential deadness that I do, the lack of compassion that leaves audiences ambivilent even as the critics praise their idol to the skies with each new release? The latest chapter in this puzzle will be told next Saturday, when Altman brings his latest, 3 Women, with him to Ann Arbor. Predictably, the film is al- ready the recipient of the usual reviewers raves - "brilliant," "a new chapter in American conema", etc., etc. And yet the usual sinsiterly telling code words are also present: "isolated", "disaffected", "numb". I suspect Altman the amoralist has done it again. In their own way, Hollywood's moguls could hardly do worse. i t ,i , 3S i "Live" in Ann Ar-bor SUN. -WED. APRIL 171819 20 LINN COUNTY BANO w viti (ari'I 'ircht ill COVER: 52.010 {+ 4' t 1: ' OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 I STARFIRE DI5CO I t +1v .J f " ,JAM? ' . :,.. :n THURS.- FRI.-SAT. FINE DINING DAILY TONIGHT Is: PITCHER NIGHT AT STZIOIT& ,eRINCI? APPEARING TONIGHT: RAISIN BAND MONDAY: MASQUERADE The SECOND IANCE Restaurant t Announces THE MUSIC & MEAL DEAL E S-4 Every Sunday tbru Thursday ]3 LEVI'S FOR FEET take over where your jeans leave off. . ,more good, solid comfort per foot because of stipple -leather uppers and ( ushionung crepe soles. N. "Weekender" tan two-eyelet oxford. 6%-13 sizes. $27 f E c I i I I I -rn\it/'n c A ""I I 1f' II I