RED SQUAD See Editorial Page lflfr 41zrn :43, ig MISTY See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 17, 1977 Ten Cents T 'en Pages 'CU SEE tIwS1 AIPEN C DAJLi The Pebble Many students who attend the University spend four years walking Michigan's halls without even being aware of the history surrounding them. It's a shame. Take, for instance, The Rock, that con- glomeration of stone and semi-gloss paint nestled on the corner of Washtenaw and Hill, the host of many a fraternity and sorority publicity job. Little did the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta know, as they advertised their annual Fiji Island Party on The Rock's crusty surface, that they were ad- ding another layer to what some believe to be the largest accumulation of paint in North Am- erica. It could be theorized that The Rock was never really a rock at all, but pure paint. It is possible that a pebble from the shoe of Alexander the Great was deposited there by some latter-day Greek, to be decorated ever after with colorful paints by fraternity and sorority Greeks. It all got out of hand, and now the thing weighs a couple of tons. And no one would remember the solitary pebble that started the whole practice. Happeni~ngs .. . give you a chance to sleep quite late to- day, for nothing is scheduled until 3, when Gieth Plimmer will speak on "Healing of Moral Weak- ness" in the Kuenzel Rm. at the Union ... also at 3, "Gay Themes In Poetry" will be the topic of the Sunday Gay Discussion at Canterbury House on the corner of Catherine and Division ... at 8, Julie Nord will read her poetry in the Gold Room at Martha Cook dormitory ... also at 8, attend the Spring Concert by the Residential College Singers and Chamber Orchestra in the East Quad dining room ... and for more variety at 8, the Russian students will present "Strong Feeling," a Russian language play ... and as if 8:00 were the only hour in the day, at that time, a concert will be given by Juliet King, lyric soprano at the First Presbyterian Church at 1432 Washtenaw . . . Then, on Monday, the Women's Book Store and Art Gallery at 411 N. Fourth Ave. will have a gallery reception for DiPiepol and his show "imagery programs" beginning at 5 . . . at 6, the Dept. of Recreational Sports is sponsoring the "All Campus Mile Run" at the old IM track ... at 7:30, the Michigan Rowing Club will hold a meeting in the Central Campus Recreation Bldg. ... also at 7:30, Kathie Byrne will give a slide show and prompt discussion on "Prospects of Peace in Ireland" in Rm. 124 at East Quad ... and at 8, the Woman's Studies Program is spon- soring Barbara Grier's speech entitled "The Les- bian Movement: 25 Years in Literature and Life" in the Rackham West Conference Rm. j Bose Jimmy Carter will lead the parade of pomp and circumstance this spring as the year's gradu- ates file across college auditorium stages to grab their long-sought diplomas. The nation's most prom- inent Baptist will speak at the nation's most prom- inent Catholic university - Notre Dame, in South Bend, Indiana. Henry Kissinger and his wife Nan- cy got the nod at Lehigh University in Pennsyl-. vania; failed vice-presidential hopeful Robert Dole and his wife Elizabeth, a Federal Trade commis- sioner, will speak at St. Leo College in Florida; and Bob Hope will give a double feature - one speech at Western State University College of Law in California, and another at St. Anselm's College in Manchester, N.H. Most colleges give their speakers honorary graduate degrees for their efforts, but Bill Cosby won't get one at Temple. Bill will be awarded only a regular Bachelor's Degree. He dropped out of his alma mater in 1963 to go into show business and this time they're sending him out in style. B Breaking out is easy to do The Federal Government is taking all the fun out of prison breaks these days. No more Cool Hand Lukes; The Great Escapes are passe-just rent a prison car and drive casually away. That's what convict Glenville Smith did. Smith was a trusty driver, allowed to take the Los Angeles Terminal Island federal prison station wagon into the city to pick up mail and supplies and run other errands. He left on a run last week and just kept going, the prison said. The clincher: Smith was serving a five-year sentence for driv- ing stolen cars across state lines. Keep up the good work, Smith. On the inside ... A handwriting expert has been called in to testify at the VA murder trial by the Prosecution. Read about it in the Daily Digest on Page 3.. Kim Potter of Arts Page fame writes about Rob- ert Altman for the Editorial Page ... and on the Sports Page Jeff Frank has the goods on the spring football scrimmage. On the outside... Chemical PBB No state meat 'r stores:r By JULIE ROVNER Second of a series Ann Arbor has responded to the storm over PBB as most other Michigan communities have- store owners are scurrying to protect themselves and their patrons, but many customers remain unpersuaded by the potential dangers of the elu- sive toxin. Meanwhile, University officials are taking pains to buy meat for dormitories only from other states, but have been unable to assure students that derivative state dairy products are safe. There's no PBB in our meat, it's tender juicy and good to eat. Here at White's we keep on trying, so-buy or beef and don't worry about dyig. -a sign at White Market THE MICHIGAN Department of Agriculture, though, is standing by it original position that all products from the state are safe for consumption. "Michigan consumers have no reason to be afraid of consuming Michigan produce," said Margaret McCall, a spokeswoman for the Michi- CUS gan Department of Agriculture. this See STORES, Page 7 cery con tamina ion of food PCP: The next state disaster? By GEORGE LOBSENZ With the repercussions from the massive Pb. contamination crisis still reverberating through- out Michigan's agricultural community, another possible chemical contamination problem has reared its head in recent months. The compound under suspicion is called pentachlorophenol, also known as PCP or "pen- ta." Often confused with the animal tranquilizer street drug that goes by the same acronym, PCP is a federally registered pesticide that is wide- ly used by farmers as a wood preservative. THE CHEMICAL IS ubiquitous on every farm in the U.S., in the form of factory-made penta- treated wood. Barns, fences, storage bins and most other outdoor wood structures are common- ly constructed with these pest-resistant planks. As far as investigators can tell, PCP contami- nation problems crop up when farm animals are cooped up in penta-wood barns or stalls for ex- tended periods of time. According to Dr. David Ellis, a Michigan State veterinarian who has worked on the PCP investigation since its early stages, if livestock are not occasionally allowed outside these enclos- ing structures, they are unable to eliminate the chemical from their systems. See FARMERS, Page 5 Doily Photo by JOHN KNOX TOMERS ARE AFRAID of PBB, and most store owners recognize those fears. Signs, like one at Consumers Beef and Cheese, are popping up in the windows of nearly every gro- store reassuring consumers there's poison in their meat. .A.. .n 1ยข.}rnv .h } .v'iff A. ....{..*. '.**... . .. .t .*. . +, Mondale paises , .Ha rt a n d R en-c en 2 / By GREGG KRUPA mately 2,500 people paid $100-a-plate to attend -t r the event. Dignataries in attendance included ..:U.S. Vice President Walter Mondale announced U.S. Senator Don Reigle, United Auto Worker's last night that a scenic drive in the Sleeping Bear President Donald Fraser, Detroit Mayor Coleman National Lakeshore has been named the "Philip Young, and most of Michigan's Democratic dele- * A. Hart Nature Trail." gation to Congress. Mondale was speaking at the Jefferson-Jackson Mondale further described Hart as a man who Day Dinner, the annual state-Democratic Party "planted himself indomitably on the great issues - 1shindig at Cobo Hall in Detroit. This year's rec- of his day" and "sometimes fought a lonely battle ord-setting "Jeff-Jack" dinner came at a memor- for them." These issues include civil rights, co- able time because of yesterday's official dedica- sumer protection, antitrust enforcement and en tion of Detorit's Renaissance Center, the recent vironmental protection. election of a Democratic administration, and the death of Michigan Senator Philip Hart last SPEAKING OF the work they did together on December. the Senate select committee on intelligence ac- tivities, Mondale said of Hart, "The world is NOTING THAT HART worked for seven years coming around to his point of view." In memory to have the stretch of sand dunes along Lake of Hart, Mondale promised the Carter adminis Michigan declared a national park, the Vice tration would act to "insure against any repeat President told a receptive audience, "I believe of the abuses we discovered while working to- Phil would be pleased to be remembered by this gether on that committee." .i special part of the earth, which he fought so hard Mondale spoke highly of the former Michigan to preserve. The nature trail which will bear his Senator, referred to by many as the "conscience name is lovely and quiet and gentle as he was to of the Senate." DailyCPhoto by ANDY FREEBERG all who knew him." "Phil Hart had the old-fashioned notion that if VICE PRESIDENT WALTER MONDALE chats with Michigan's newest Senator Don Riegle Don Tucker, chairman of the Jefferson-Jackson he spoke the truth as best he knew it, he would at last night's "Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner" at Cobo Hall in Detroit. Mondale eulogized Day organizing committee said this year's event be heard. He never let his political future inter- X late U.S. Senator Phil Hart. had broken all record in recent history. Approxi- See MONDALE, Page 2 .. ...." .. ........ ... .r..........NV ,+/N....n"v:" .;:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .......- Exotic languages lure only dedicated students By BRIAN BLANCHARD Last of a Series The next time you have trouble with the subjunctive in French or you just can't seem to pronounce "ch" correctly in your German class, think of Dave Hauck. Every day Hauck's homework includes learning to read three different - systems of writing- and many of the word have three distinct Pronounciations. Dn-e. a graduate student in Po- litical Science, studies Japanese. ,TAPATNVP , TS inst one of a O-io -oi c fri ang es nfcra{ 1-t1h'..TTn~ersitv. Tf voil fe "to it, von mitht try nr T71ni.'.C aompetdr. And the t."*hf n y. NTntio Amri- tin rlnt. S the Infost addi- tin worth, expect prised said. he added. "You have to differences and be sur- at the similarities," he FAR EASTERN Languages Prof. Shunichi Kato estimates that it takes four to five times as long to learn Japanese as it does to learn a Western tongue. "Either the student has a com- puter-like memory or he is very creative," he said referring to the separation of Japanese into two languages - the characters "After four years you barely get up to the most elementary level" in Chinese, said Prof. Kenneth Dewoskin. Because it's completely nonalphabetic, he ex- plains, Chinese is "very demand- ing." Another difficulty is the lack of relation between the Chinese character and its pro- nounciation. Like Russian, Chi- nese also has a large vocabulary because it dates to antiquity. PERSIAN MIGHT be one of the few nonwestern languages 'When I get excited I talk to people in Chinese.' -Under graduate Dan Bensky and words w h i c h represent ideas or objects, and the sounds that represent these same ideas that the cautious student ought to consider. Prof. Gernot Wind- fuhr says that "any smart fel- .a., y.., ....4E ...... .-.