Saturday, April 16, 1977
rage TFiree
From Wire Service Reports
South African
CAPE TOWN, South Africa-
Andrew Young, President Car-;
ter's free speaking ambassa-
dor to the United Nations, stir-:
red up some fresh diplomatic
turmoil yesterday with a inter-
view in whichhe said "yeah":
when asked whether he thought
the South African government
was illegitimate.
A State Department spokes-
man said Secretary of State Cy-
rus Vance informed Young that
his statement did not represent
U. S. policy. The Department
said it is "incorrect to say that
the government of South- Africa
is illegitimate."
South African Foreign Minis-
ter R. F. Botha officially asked
the United States government
for confirmation of the com-
ment made by Young in an in-j
terview with two Associated
Press reporters at U. N. head-
quarters Thursday.
Since he took over the U. N.
post, Young has made a series
of candid announcements that
have required apologies, clari-,
fications or State Department
Belgian elections
BRUSSELS, Belgium - Bel-
gians pick a new parliament
tomorrow in a general election
that seems likely to confirm the
nation's growing split along both
linguistic and ideological lines.
No polls have been published,
but most observers agree that
the elections will follow the pat-
tern of last fall's municipal bal-
loting and give three different
winners in the north, south and
capital. This would deepen the
split between Flemings and
Walloons, with disrupted Brus-
sels in the center.
The country is made of about
5.6 million Flemish speakers in
the north and about 4.4 million
French - speaking Walloons in
the south, with the two com-
munities mixing and fighting for
On top of the linguistic divi-
sion, the country is now break-
ing up along ideological lines as
well - Socialist in the south,
center-right in the north and
center to center-left in Brussels.
Hope for arms talks
WASHINGTON - President
Carter brushed aside a full-
blown Soviet attack on U. S.
arms proposals yesterday and
said hephopesacontinuing private
discussions will produce "some
basic progress" by the time the
two nations resume talks next
"But I will be doing the best
I can and I'm sure Mr: Brezh-
nev will also, to find that com-
mon ground that will leave our
national interest and the So-
viets' national interest intact."
Carter said he hopes to meet
with Leonid I. Brezhnev, the So-
viet leader, later this year, even
if only "just to get acquainted."j
While favoring regular meet-1
ings with Brezhnev, Carter said3
such encounters ought to be
kept separate from the negotiat-
Energy sources
WASHINGTON - President
Carter said yesterday that a
disturbing new Central Intelli-
gence Agency study shows the
world has less oil and natural
gas than geologists had thought.
"Reserve estimates that had
been used as a basis for deci-
sions in the past were found to
be quite excessive. Reserves
are not as great as we thought
they were," he said.
Carter also acknowledged
that the comprehensive energy
policy he will announce next
week will be inflationary. But
he said: "I believe our policy
will be less inflationary than an
absence of a policy."
The President made his state-
ments at a nationally televised
news conference. He met after-
wards with seven labor leaders
at an energy briefing in the
cabinet room at the White
House. Carter's chief energy ad-
m viser, James Schlesinger, gave
them a preview of the energy
e program.nodtisf
g Carter disclosed details of
o the CIAstudy. A spokesman for
LI the spy agency, asked for the
s. study, said, "We got caughtE
e with our shorts down. It's a
t classified document . . -
1- "Unaccustomed as we are to
:o being praised on national tele-
vision by a President, we are
not prepared to release it right
Y now," the CIA spokesman said.
"Napoleon at Elba"
Two women given a brief'
scow's glimpse into the private world
30 and of Richard Nixon say the form-
them er president is lonely in exile-
Com- "like Napoleon at Elba" but was
surprisingly "very up" duringt
taping for a series of television
"I think he wants to finally
tell America his side of Water-
gate - whether anyone believes
him or not," said Arline Genis,
a 43-year-old interior decorator,
who with Sandy Blake designed
the set for the interviews con-
ducted by television host David
"I think people expect and
hope that Nixon will be down,"
said Genis. "But he wasn't that
way at all. He was very up.
And very interested in all fac-
ets of the program. I think he's
up because he has a project."
"But Nixon is a very lonely
man," she added. "He can't
go anywhere. He can't make
statements on government poli-
cies like other ex-presidents."
The interviews with Nixon,
who resigned amid the Water-
gate scandals, will be broadcast
May 4. Frost's company recent-
ly paid Nixon $1 million, but
this is not only a monetary
thing to him, I believe, but a
catharsis," Genis said.
Legalized laetrile j
A small, but steadily growing
number of states are moving to
allow limited use of Laetrile, a
controversial substance promot-
ed by some as a cancer cure
but banned from interstate com-
merce by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).E
Bills allowing the use of Lae-
trile are pending in about half
a dozen states, according to an
Associated Press spot check.
Legislation approved in Alaska
last year opened the way for
that state's doctors to prescribe
Laetrile, and a judge in Okla-
homa City has given permission
port the substance from Mexico.
The FDA, under orders from
the 10th U. S. Circuit Court of
Appeals, has scheduled a May
2 hearing in Kansas City on
Laetrile, but the agency still
argues that the product is use-
Among the issues to be con-
sidered is whether Laetrile is
or is not a drug and should be
exempt from 1962 legislation re-
quiring manufacturers to prove
that drugs are safe and effec-
tive before they market them.
The FDA reports that "the
smuggling of Laetrile into the
United States has become big
business. On the black marget,
Laetrile sells for 600 to 700 per
cent above the manufacturer's
cost . . . Custom officials re-.
cently have made more than
20 major seizures .. ."
Restaurant is victim
PONTIAC - Trini and Car-
men's Mexican Restaurant was
scheduled to open this weekend,
but the establishment's torubles
stemming from the worst botu-
lism outbreak in U. S. history
are far from over.
Edward O'Rourke, director of
environmental health services
for Oakland County, said a few
technicalities should be cleaned
up by the weekend to allow the
restaurant to reopen.
"There are a few things we
want the restaurant to do,"
O'Rourke said, "but the restau-
rant will be open by this week-
He said the restaurant was
extensively cleaned after it was
closed, and recertification indi-
cates it "is a safe place to
Trini and Carmen's, which
has a better than average sani-
tation inspection record, closed
March 31 when botulism cases
emerged at several area hospi
tals. In the following six days
45 cases were confirmed, but
there were no deaths.
Victoria was queen of Eng-
land from 1837 to 1901, a total
of 64 years.
Daily Official Bulletin
,5;{;r,{::,,.+s. N .AS..V."{s c% fJA.SS pSt ; s SS}"sw"v+:.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and;
Sunday. Items appear once only.
Student organization notices art
not accepted for publication. Foie
more information, phone 764-9270.
Saturday, April 16, 1977
WUOM: Lectures by Request: Roy
Rappaport, "The Structure of Rit-
ual," 1 p.m.
Music School: Wind Ensemble,
Symphony Band, Hill Aud., 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 17, 1977
WUOM: Options in Education:
"Higher Education, Pt. 2," 1 p.m.
AP Phot
WASHINGTON - President Carter unveiled a progran
yesterday aimed at reducing the nation's inflation rat
to about 4 per cent by the end of 1979 without usin
wage and price controls. He also said he would veto
a permanent tax reduction favored by congressiona
Republicans in the unlikely event it passes Congress
Carter announced at a White House news conference
that he has enlisted the aid of AFL-CIO Presiden
George Meany and Reginald Jones, chairman of Gen
eral Electric Co., to head a labor-management team t
work with his administration in reducing inflation
"Most importantly this joint effort must be voluntar?
and cooperative and not be based on coercive or self
defeating controls," Carter said.
ing of major agreements. weaponry - despite Mos
At the same time, the Presi- rejection of them March 3
dent said he sees no reason to a sharpened attack on
change U. S. proposals for a Thursday in Pravda, the
drastic reduction in nuclear munist party newspaper.
Regents vote to cut DPP
Tentative tuition
(Continued from Page 1) ' own study and then makes a The new program closure
members and recruiting future I recommendation to the Regents guidelines also include a pro- h ik es aj
students and faculty because| for a final decision. vision for student participation.
"the focus of DPP is now gone." DPP WAS THE FIRST de- If a program is to be discon-
partment subjected to the new tinued, currently enrolled stu- (Continued from Page 1)
CORSA CLAIMS that because idelines. Although the admin- dents are guaranteed the oppor- public health students-in-
the University has a separate istration claims these proce-: tunity to complete their studies, state, 4.4 per cent, $824 per
department for population plan- dures were properly used dur-' Rhodes said. term to $860; non-residents, 4.2
ing in the School of Public ing the review of DPP, manytea y per cent, $1,824 per term to
Health, it is in an elite aca- o hs ietyivle vt In other Regentzll action yes- $1,900
demic class. He contends that of those directly involved with erday, the Board refused to
population studies here will lose the deartment disagree. hold a vote on the possibility of " law students - in-state, 10
prestige since it will be inte- Tir Jo on aning said disclosing faculty salaries to per cent, $750 per term to $825;
grated into a more general cur- ofoolation planning, said the public. The issue was drop- non - residents, 8.7 per cent,
riculum of DPP's review: "All this be- ped after reasons for not dis- $1,748 per term to $1,900
University officials have said gam before there were any in- closing salaries were voiced by * business administration stu-
t ht terim guidelines for review. This UniversityPresident Fleming
that the guidelines for future parejudiced what has happened'lmestvPeien lmn,
academic cuts, tested during since." LSA Dean Billy Frye, Law Lilith, in Jewish folklore, is a
Rhodes' review of DPP, were SPH Dean Remington submit- School Dean Theodore St. An- female demon of the night, who
established because of the im- ted his recommendation for the toine, and Prof. Brymer Wil- was believed to be eager to in-!
pending necessity to eliminate dhliams, Chairman of SACUA jure or destroy mothers and
other departments in the near programs future to Rhodes in (Senate Advisory Committee on their infants.
future. February, before any guidelines, University Affairs).
The new procedures require were developed to study pro- The Regents also accepted a,
a series of program reviews gproposed list of "membership I
conducted by the department's; THE SPEECH and Hearing types" who will sit on a plan-
executive officers, faculty and Science program is currently un- ning advisory committee to as-
students. The Office of Academ- der study. The Regents will sist in development of plans to I
ic Affairs receives this groups' probably decide its future late replace the University Hospital's
recommendation, performs its this summer. main building.
APRIL 14, 15,
X, X1.
dents - in-state, 11.6 per cent,
$636 per term to $710; non-resi-
dents, 10.1 per cent, $1,508 per
term to $1,660
* graduate candidacy - 23.1
per cent, $390 per term to $480
The first American flag was
flown at the top of Prospect Hill
in Somerville, Mass., Jan. 1,
1776. This flag, known as the
"Grand Union," bore 13 alter-
nating red and white stripes,
but had the English cross of St.
George and the Scots cross of
St. Andrew.
to some cancer patients to im-
Volume LXXXVII, No. 157
Saturday, April 16, 1977
i= edited and managed by students
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