PROFESSORS' SALARIES See Editorial Page C, 4c 4.ittg n :434irt I i SWEET' High-77 Low-S0 fee Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 157 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 16, 1977 Ten Cents Eight Pages plus Supplements Eq .. I WSEE NEP A ENaMCA1L'*-DNLY Great moments in journalism, Part 2 Last Saturday we wrote that the February issue of the Michigan Journalist-the monthly magazine put out by the graduate students in the Journalism Department-would be issued in April instead. We reported that Journalism Dept. Chairman Peter Clarke, disturbed by the excessive -number of spelling and typographical errors in the first print- ing of the February Journalist, ordered the issue redone at a cost of some $200 to us students. Clarke has informed us that we made several errors in that item which we wish to correct. Clarke did not, as we reported, scrap the original printing and then order a remake. Instead, the mistake- riddled issue was sent to the 3000 Journalist sub- scribers first and, then the reprint was ordered so a second distribution could be done. Secondly, Clarke has challenged our assertion that the $200 came from student pockets. "The Journalist budget includes 'snafu' funds, which paid for the extra issue," he explained. Finally, Clarke pointed out that we omitted the "e" in his name. We regret these errors and if Prof. Clarke can see his way to giving us $1600 from his "snafu" fund, we will gladly reprint the April 9 edition of The Daily. Gif t-giving Seems that every day is Christmas for the Uni- versity. At yesterday's Board of Regents meeting, a total of $1,189,205 in gifts received by the Uni- versity in February of this year was formally ac- cepted. The total included $339,362 from individ- uals; $281,334 from foundations; $159,758 from cor- porations; $173,453 from bequests; $20.526 from deferred giving-trust; and $214,770 from associa- tions, organizations and others-and that's just for a month. Guess we ought to count our lucky stars. Who knows where tuition costs would be if it weren't for all those rich alums? From barnyard Lansing: PBB's j to toll By SUSAN ADES and DAVID GOODMAN First of a series Caretakers at a cemetery in Kalkaska, Michi- gan, not far from the southern tip of Grand Tra- verse Bay, have seen more than their share of overturned earth since 1973. But the buried there are not human beings; they are animals, poisoned on Michigan's farms: 18,000 cows, 1,200 sheep, 3,500 swine, and 1,500,000 chickens. All were de- stroyed because they were chemically contami- nated. Hundreds of people, also exposed to the toxin are showing the symptoms of inexplicable, in- curable ailments. FOUR YEARS ago, a bag of fire-retarding powder containing the chemical PBB was acci- dently mixed with cattle feed at a Battle Creek plpnt. Today, virtually every accountable govern- ment agency has been sucked into the controversy over whether PBB still endangers Michigan resi- dents, and the state's farms have been profound- ly shaken, many ruined, by the worst crisis of their history. Governor William Milliken and the state's Democratic-controlled legislature are scurrying to pin the blame for the contamination on each other. Both claim they didn't understand the serious nature of PBB contamination soon enough. Milliken says the legislature, didn't re- spond to his initiatives, and the House and Sen- ate say the same of him. As the bickering continues in Lansing, people around the state are forming their own opinions of the authorities. Milliken may lose his job over PBB in the 1978 election, and state Agriculture Director B. Dale Ball may be gone before him. SKIRTING THE politics of PBB are a host of scientific experts trying to understand just what has happened to Michigan livestock, and what dangers PBB-tainted food has in store for hu- mans. Some have taken sides and laid blame, while others are awaiting the results of more complete tests. Meanwhile, farmers and consumers are forced to eat whatever appears on supermarket shelves. Often, the only available dairy products are Michigan-made. Available meats contain PBB in quantities sometimes carelessly above and often just below the tolerance level, though the accept- ability of that level is widely contested. No one can even guarantee that animals and people will stop getting sick from exposure, to the chemical; no one can say when, if ever, the chemical will be purged from the state. It began in Battle Creek, 80 miles west of Ann Arbor, in July 1973. Farm Bureau Services, a manufacturer and distributor of cattle feed and other products, received a shipment of what was believed to be "Nutrimaster," a magnesium ox- ide feed supplement, from Michigan Chemical Comnanv. THE SHIPMENT was not Nutrimaster, it was another Michigan Chemical product called "Fire- master," a flame retardant containing the chemi- cal polybrominated biphenvl (PBB). Michigan Chemical has given the deadly Firemaster and the non-toxic Nutrimaster similar names and See FARMERS, Page 5 Doily Photo by SUSAN ADES Veterinarian Alpha Clark examines the deep-frozen body of a deformed calf. The calf was the off- spring of a PBB-fed mother. 'What you can';get under your fingernail can wipe out an entire herd of cons. That's h o w toxic that stuff is.' -Lou Trombley, Hersey farmer PROGRAM CLOSURE GUIDELINES APPROVED Regents vote to elimate DPP Oops! In yesterday's account of the Thursday Board of Regents meeting we mistakingly reported that MSA Communications Director Michael Taylor spoke to the board about the Freedom of Informa- tion Act. Taylor actually about the Open Meetings Act, a related piece of legislation. We also listed Debi Goodman as one of several student work- ers discharged from their jobs in the aftermath of the AFSCME strike - but it wasn't Debi who lost her job, it was her sister, Wendy. We sincerely apologize. Q Happenings,... ... are as scarce as fish's eyelids. Starting at 9 a.m. and lasting until 6, Trotter House, 1443 Wash- tenaw, will hold a rummage sale . . . at 2 p.m. and then at 7:30 the RC Art Dept. will present James Thurber's Many Moons, in the RC Theatre in East Quad. Admission free ... at 2:30 the Dept. of Classical Studies presents Platus' Pseudolus or The Birthday Party in the foyer of Angell Hall .. . there will be a square dance at Xanudu co-op, 1811 Washtenaw, at 8 p.m. Live string band, refresh- ments, 50 cents admission . . . also at 8 University grad students will sponsor a dance concert in the Dance Bldg., Studio Theater A. One dollar admis- sion . . . and from 9:30-1:30 there will be jazz at the 'U' Club by The Roots Trio. That's it. Kudos ... everyone Tired of the endless stream of resolutions com- mending, memorializing and congratulating, Ten- nessee State Senator William Baird introduced a piece of legislation he says will put an end to it all. Baird's legislation, is titled the "Victor H. Ashe Memorial Resolution to End All Resolutions," named after one of the legislature's most prolific resolution writers. The resolutions honors every citizen of the state, all fraternal organizations, every civic club, all charitable groups, plus those "who for one reason or another have been judged worthy of honor as measured by society or poli- tical expediency.'" The resolution passed with one dissenting vote. "It was named the Victor Ashe Memorial Resolution," Ashe complained in ex- plaining his vote, "and I haven't yet died." On the inside . . America's U. N. ambassador Andrew Young stirs up a new diplomatic tempest. Details in the Page 3 Digest . . . Debi Goodman looks at the University's history of union busting for the Edit Page . . . and Brian Miller reports on the men's tennis match with Wisconsin on the Sports Page. By MICHAEL YELLIN The Regents voted 6-1 yesterday to eliminate the Department of Population Planning (DPP). They im- mediately followed the ac- tion by unanimously ap- proving the implementation of a set of policies and pro- cedures for discontinuing academic programs. By July, 1978, DPP will be replaced by an Interde- partmental program in the School of Public Health (SPH) and by the re-crea- tion of the Center for Popu- lation Planning, a research center which was the pre- cursor of DPP. MOST REGENTS publicly ex- pressed regret for eliminating DPP and voiced hope, that the reorganization would strengthen study in the field. "It's hard to vote against the recommendations from both Vice President (for Academic Affairs Frank) Rhodes and the Dean of the School," said Re- gent Paul Brown(D-Petoskey), echoing his colleagues' senti- ments. Rhodes and SPH Dean Richard Remington had urged the Regents to re-organize DPP. DPP Chairman Leslie Corsa indicated after the vote that there may be some difficulty in retaining current faculty See REGENTS, Page 3 Read it and weep: Tentative tuition Though the Regents have not formally voted on a tuition hike yet, Board members and University administrators are working under the assumption that rates will be increased for next year. In fact, Vice President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes presented the Regents yesterday with a tentative list of tuition figures. FINAL TUITION figures will not be discussed until the University is told how much money it can expect next year from Lansing. But because Rhodes has to start formulating a budget, he presented the tentative figures to the Regents. Besides, the University believes students should have some idea how much their tuition will jump before they leave for the summer. The impending tuition hike was not voted upon yesterday, but officials believe the Regents will take action in June. The figures below average out to between an 8 and 9 per cent tuition hike. Even though they are not final, it's highly likely your tuition bill will rise accordingly. Read 'em and weep: O underclasspeople--in-state, 8.6 per cent, $464 per term a to $504; non-resident, 6.8 per cent, $1,508 per term to $1,610 O upperclasspeople-in-state, 9.1 per cent, $526 per term to $574; non-resident, 7 per cent, $1,626 per term to $1,740 O graduate students-in-state, 11.6 per cent, $636 per term to $710; non-residents, 7.3 per cent, $1,650 per term to $1,770 O medical and dentistry students-in-state, 13 per cent, $920 per term to $1,040; non-residents, 13 per cent, $1,840 per term to $2,080 See TENTATIVE, Page 3 Doily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY Terry Fung, intently taking dictation from a language tape, is one of few students who frequent the University's language laboratory. Chances are, however, Fung is not taking advantage of the specially designed microphone-tape system in front of her. The little-used system records a speaker's voice and then plays it back to aid pronunciation. Students spend'little time at language lab By BRIAN BLANCHARD Second of three parts Among the long, surrealistic rows of booths, five or six stu- dents sit listening, oblivious to each other and the rest of cam- pus. Far from the crowds of the Graduate Library and the din of the UGLI, these students are weeks. But, he claims, the 169 booths start seeing action again when finals roll around. ' "I SAVE it up until I have to (come)," explained s t u d e n t Karen Frye, looking up from the push-button console she employ- ed to request her tape. Like many students, she isn't very Her teacher suggests that stu- dents use the lab a half hour each day, but rows of empty booths affirm Rhee's contention. "You can't talk to a tape," said Associate Spanish Prof. David Wolfe. Dissatisfied with the lab's artificial environment. Wolfe said the ideal situation is to converse with native speak- ers on campus. IT'S UP TO the language in- structor to decide whether the class will use the lab as an in- tegral l e a r n i n g tool, Wolfe added. Stephen Konopaki, a German I feel like ajerk sitting here in a box taiking to myself'-Sopho- more Phil Raimi, discussing the la(1 uatlilab ii. Leg-endary Heaven knows why these legs were dangling yesterday from a Mason Hall window. But it looks like a relaxing way to kill a few minutes before SJass. t k 'i T '