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April 13, 1977 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1977-04-13

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Page Two
Love in the Afternoon
(AT 7:00).
Directed by Billy Wilder, this entertaining
Romance is about a French Girl Cello Player
(Audrey Hepburn) who studies her private eyel
father's files to learn seduction. With Gary
Cooper and Maurice Chevalier.
Roman HolidayI
(AT 9:15)
Audrey's first role as a princess who falls in
love with newsman Gregory Peck. She won an
Oscar for-it
C IIILIIIA UIL FOR$2.0 Amission $1.25


weanesday, April ;13, 19 17

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vvednesdoy, April '15, l'317

Regents may raise
fall tuition 8.10%;
final ruling delayed'

(Continued from Page 1)
utility costs.
four straight years of budget
cuts, the propos.ed tuition hike
alone is not enough to balance
the University's budget, offi-
cials say.
The number of out-of-state
students, who will bear a heav-
ier financial burden than Mich-
igan students, will probably drop,
officials predict. In-state stu-
dents receive the bulk of Uni-

versity financial a i d funds,
which have increased this year.
Administrators remain wary'
of setting a final figure for the
tuition increase, for they fear
such a move may jeopardize the
chances of receiving additional
funds. By keeping the amount of
a hike unknown, they say, some
pressure still can be exerted on
legislators ,to resolve the Uni-
versity's money problems.

space is,
(Continued from Page i
the first college in the nation to
develop this type of policy. We
are quite proud of it," said El-
Hot °Chikofsky, a, University
Student Insurance Committee
In other action, the MSA ap-
proved the establishment of a
Minority Affairs Committee,
which will serve all minority
students on campus.
MSAtheld its election of of-
ficers yesterday:
0 Scott Kellman - reelected
0 Chris Bachelder - execu-
tive vice president
0, Jasper DiGiuseppe - vice
president of student organiza-
0 Jon Lauer - vice president
for personnel
0 John Gibson _ budget prior-
ity coordinator
0 Mike Taylor - communica-
tions coordinator
O Wendy Goodman - academ-
ic programs coordinator
0 Irving Freeman - student
general council.

(Continued from Page 1)
butu moved, with covert Amer-
ican aid, to support "pro-West-
ern" factions in Angola's civil
war in 1975 against the Soviet-
and Cuban - backed Popular
Movement (MPLA) now ruling
the former Portuguese colony.
Angola's civil war is still
under way, with over 10,000 Cu-
ban troops backed by Soviet
arms trying to put down units
of the National Union (UNITA)
movement led by Jonas Savim-
South African defense offic-
--- --- U- ; - nn f 7ni

The growing Soviet support of
liberation movements fighting
white rule in Rhodesia, Nami-
bia, and (South-West Africa) is
provoking concern also among
several moderate black African
The almost triumphant tours
recently by Presidents Nikolai
Podgorny of the Soviet Union
and Fidel Castro of CubaE
through eastern and southern
Africa have not eased that con-

The African struggle

ELSEWHERE in Africa, a
conflict similar to Zaire's has
Morocco and Mauritania con-
fronted by Soviet - armed Po-
lasario guerrillas, based in
Marxist Algeria fight for con-
trol %f the sandy wastes of
western Sahara. That war be-
gan after the 1975 partition' of
the phosphate-rich Spanish Sa-
hara between Morocco and

Confusion mars

ials see the invasion oZaire as
an attempt to create a "red
belt" across Africa from' An-
gola through Zaire to Tanzania
.'and Mozambique.I







minority services



A Portfolio Workshop
learn to take photographs of
personal artwork for a
professional portfolio
SAT., APRIL 16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
WED., APRIL 27,7:30 to 9:30 p.m.


$15.00 for Guild Members

$20.00 for non-Guild members

Where H

Contact U-M Artists and Craftsmen Guild
2nd floor Michiqan Union--763-4430

Eastern Mic


ANN A i[M00000M00-00
Tonight in Auditorium A of Angell Hall
(Max Ophuls, 1948) 7:00 ONLY-AUD. A
Lovely Joan Fontaine stars as a young woman enamoured of a
vain pianist (Louis Jourdan). As the years pass, her love, un-
consumated except for a night of flirtation with Jourdan, be-
comes an unforgettable passion for her, for which she endures an
illegitimate pregnancy, the destruction of her marriage, illness,
and finally, death. Flowing and lyrical, the end of the film has
Fontaine attain a more spiritual than human stature. One of the
most romantic movies ever made.
(Max Ophuls, 1950) 9'ONLY--AUD. A
This legendary lover's rondelay and 1952 Supreme Court cause
celebre has not been shown completely uncut in this country until
recently. Ophuls has transformed Schnitzler's nine sketches of,
linked lovers into a swirling, gentle, romantic master work. Simone
Signoret, Anton Walbrook, and Jean-Louis Barrault. French with
Admission $2.00 double feature
$1.25 single feature
Thursday, April 14 in Aud. A
Brian de Palma's 1976
suspense thriller
Friday, April 15 in MLB
Samuel Fuller Night
The Ann Arbor Film Co-operative is looking for new members.
Stop by one of our showings and pick up an application.


it This, they say, would make
it possible to put diplomatic and (continued from Page 1) the non-black minority."
political pressure on Zaire's various schools and colleges. It ADMINISTRATORS freely ac-
southern neighbor, Zambia, also offers special counseling for knowledge the rash of minority
which remains moderate de- minority problems. drop-outs and the confusion of
spite its role as one of the "We make referrals and fol- minority services, but there is
"front - line" states facing the tlow up on the students to keep no readily apparent solution.
white-ruled outposts of the
tedouthRhodestand othe them in contact," says Gloria Vice President for Student
Perez, assistant director of the' Services Johnson says, "I'm
Africa. Opportunity Program. "We're concerned about both the aca-
THOSE TWO nations have re-' now taking a more active role demic and non-academic causes
- peatedly stressed their view this way. The University is de- of the high attrition rate. A lot
that the liberation wars of centralized and students have depends on the kinds of con-
- southern Africa are a direct to run through the maze which seling students received and
Communist bid to control the is very confusing. . . The over- other experiences they've had.
mineral - rich and strategic lap with CULS. though, is a We needato reassess University
subcontinent. 'problem we've been trying to changing needs of our tu-
+work out for years. dents."
CULS is designed to helmimn-! Enrique Reyes,' assistant
ouse Records ority students, and others, who chairperson for the Commission
and 'desire assistance in basic aca- of Minority Affairs, says, "We
demnic skills. It is divided into make students go around in cir-
" n n rfour areas-the academic skills les because the commumcation
n between the offices -isn't there.
develonment center: the teach- Butw there isn't just one ans
* ing unit, which provides special B er
sections in many departments: The Renort of the University
\cademi advising and counsel- Task Force on Student Counsel-
ins and the Summer Bridge ing recommended the creation
nroeram, a special orientation ; of a planning body, called the
fr students about to enter the Minority Academic Counseling
University. Coordinating Committee, to co-
' cademic problems, according nrdinate the agencies into a
to a study made by Associate wide academic smnport service.
Vi~e President for Academic Tie groin wold be composed
Affairs Richard English, are a of representative members of
less significant factor in the CULS, the Opportunity Pro-
drop-out rate. English reports gram "and all other minority
that "among those' students counseling services.
withdrawing between Winter and D VID dINSs assistan
Fall terms, 1975, 79 per cent of
the whites were ingd "I feel very strongly that we
igood aca- need a more centralized coordi-
demic standing: 62 per cent of nating body to coordinate these
the blacks ; and 76 per cent of srie.Te l r ohv
* **"services. They all try to have
rnmtheir own thrust and it is enough
onhMidwest's Loroest Selection of to confuse the student. It is
c important that the student feel
or Eurnen Ch e sI wanted and not fall into the
Canadian and U S. regimentation. , Students get
r i$89 caught up in bureaucracy and
Trom 4 feel lost, bewildered, and help-
now. Limited Seating. CALL 769-1776 less," he said.
6 General Admission ti Great Places _ San Jose State plays seven of
personal checks - TRAVEL CONSUL'ANTS its 11 football games under
216 S. 4th Ave, Ann Arbor1ootbal me ud
lights this season.



uy your tickets
$7 Reserved $
Sorry nof






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