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April 09, 1977 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-09

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Soturdcay, April 9, 1977


Po ver

SQturday, April 9, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

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"You couldn't go to Tiger
Stadium and see any better
base ball than what you saw1
today," described Michigan
Coach Moby Benedict of yes-
terday's doubleheadersweep at
the expense of Detroit.
Those of you who made the
trip to the Tigers' opener on
Thursday and also saw yester-
day's games would readily
agree with Benedict's analysis.
The Wolverines outlasted De-
trait in a ten-inning marathon,
3-2, then rallied to win the sec-
ond game, 4-2.
: THE FIRST GAME featured
excellent pitching performances
by both the Titans' Mike Polvi
and Michigan's Bill Stennett.




Pistons slap 76'ers
as Lanier returns

Stennett lost his no-hitter in the
sixth inning when centerfielder
Mike Robbins slapped a line
drive to left field.
Polvi shut off the Michigan
bats when he needed to and
limited the Blue batmentto six
scattered, hits until he was
pulled after hurling nine and
one-third innings.
Although Stennett pitched for;
the entire ten innings, he threw
only 118 pitches striking out
seven. "That's the first time
that he has thrown in a game
situation in four weeks," said
ida for a ten game season, bad
weather conditions have pre-
vented Michigan from playing

their games and limited prac- by looping a single into left
tice. to b r i n g McEldowney home
Neither team seemed able to with the winning run.
nh tha uinr ri n aeI

pusn i e winning run aross
during the first game's pitching
Finally, in Michigan's half of
the tenth inning, designated
hitter John McEldowney led
off with a walk. McEldowney
stole second on Jim Merra's
swinging third strike and ad-
vanced to third on the throw-
ing error by Titan catcher Pat
DETROIT coach Bob Miller
chose to yank Polvi in favor of
senior reliever Jack Booth.
Catcher Jim Capoferi was the
first batter to face Booth, -and
sent him right to the showers

Although the scoring came
late in the first game, Michi-
gan jumped out quickly into the
lead on the strength of a home
run cranked by firstbaseman
Bob Wasilewski. This spotted
the Wolverines with a fast two
run lead as it brought in left-
fielder MarktGrankoski, who
had led off with a double.
After Detroit tied the game,
Scott Anderson singled and ad-
vanced to second on Rick
Leach's sacrifice bunt. Wasi-
lewski was intentionally walk-
ed and then took third as An-
derson scored on design~ated
hitter Greg Lane's single.
!WASILEWSKI ended the
scoring by romping home on a
perfectly executed suicide

Special Ta The Daily
DETROT-Fair warkin t°he rest of tb. NBA: Bob
Lanier is back.
And the timing couldn't have been better.
The Pistons superstar center made his, presence
felt last night against the Philadelphia 76ers, leading
the playoff, bound Detroiters to a 116-112 Cobo Aret
,After sitting out 15 straight games witha-brokeif hand,
Lanier tallied 25 points and - grabbed 12 rebounds .. n 38
minutes of action, showing no ill effects from his still
bandaged right hand.
After the game, Lanier revealed that he did not-expect
to play more than 15-20 minutes in the contest.
"No way did I expect to -llay so much," he said. "I
was just a victim of cirmumstances because of our"
foul trouble."
With Piston forward M. L. 'Carr apd LeO Douglas out
early in the fourth quarter and fellow front court iniiAlM
Eberhard nursing a twisted knee in the dressing room, Lan-
ier took charge in the final stanza.
But the man that most of the 11,080 fans came to-,see
was the famed Dr. J, Julius Erving.
Philadelphia's medicine man failed to disapp7Oint' the
throng, registering the game's firstbasket six seconds fter
the opening tipoff on a flying dunk. He went on-to lead
all scorers with 32 points. -
The see-saw affair was tied .at 79 going into the deciding
last quarter. The two teams traded baskets before the
Pistons took a 92-91 lead with eight minutes left that they
never relinquished.


squeeze laid down by catcher
Netters silence Huronhamsdisplayed excel-
lent fielding. The play of sec-
ond baseman Scott Anderson
By BRIAN MILLER Lambert 6-1, 6-4. Etterbeek to the back court really con- particularly stood out the whole
" used a variety of spins and ,fused him (Bracci)," com- afternoon.


"like a slow surface, "said
Michigan men's tennis Coach
Brian Eisner. "It makes a
player use all his shots over
the whole court. It also makes
a player think creatively."
"I was hoping we'd play out-
side," sighed Eastern Michi-
gan's Coach Ellis Freatman.
"Our players don't have time
to adjust to the different sur-
face here."
Well, Michigan was creative
and Eastern just couldn't ad-
just. Final result - Michigan
9, Eastern 0.
The rout at the Track-
Tennis building began quick-
ly as Michigan's number one
singles player Jeff Etter-
beek downed Eastern's Brian

drop shots that had Lambert
throwing his racket and yell-
ing at himself.
"I do that," Lambert ex-
plained, "because it helps me
But Etterbeek wouldn't let
up as he continuously put his
two-handed backhand well out
of Lambert's reach.
Michigan won every match
in straight sets as evidenced
by second seeded Judd Shau-
fler powering his way to an
easy 6-1, 6-0 win over oppon-
ent Dave Chandler.
Number three singles Brad
Holland worked harder than
his 6-0, 6-0 downing of Bob
Bracci might indicate.
"My top spin ground strokes

merited Holland. "It's the
court, it really exaggerates
the bounces. When you over-
spin, the ball takes high hops.
He couldn't handle it."
Fourth seeded Mark Freed--'
man beat Eastern's Rick Sha-
been, 6-0, 6-2, which pleased
Eisner, but number five player
Jack Neinken's 6-1, 6-1 win
over Len Baziuk really made
Eisner happy.
The Wolverines completed
their sweep of all six singles
matches as freshman Scottj
Seeman edged Eastern's Ger-
hard Schubert 7-S in the first
set, but wore him down, 6-1 in
the second.
The double matches offered'
no surprises as Michigan's sec-
ond squad of Freedman and
Ollie Owens beat Baziuk and
Steve McCalmon 6-1, 6-0. The
third teams of Gary Grant andI
Rich Garcia stopped Eastern's
Bracci and Shaheen in a slight-
Iv more difficult match, 6-4,
The first doubles match ofj
Michigan's Holland and Nein-I

Anderson ranged far to his
right to reach ground balls hit
sharply behind second base on
numerous roccasions when the
Titans mounted rallies that
could have ended the first game
much earlier.

AP Photo
THE JOKE'S on Dr. J! The Pistons' M. L. Carr is
looking one way while deftly passing the ball behind
has back to center Bob Lanier. Meanwhile, the
76ers' Julius (Dr.. J) ErVing is making note of this
fact, but can do nothing in the way of prevention.
The Pistons won the game 116-112.

Women burn Purdue, M SU

Major League Baseball
National Oeagu&
Cincinnati 6, San Diego. I
Detroit 116, Philadelphia 112
Chicago 113, Hfuston 109
New 'tork Knicks 104, Buffalo 162
Boston 120, New Orltins 109
Milwaukee 118, Atlanta 107

Thinelads see first
light .against Illinois

By DAVE RENBARGER co-captain Greg Meyer. "But ken won an intense and high-
it's still early in the outdoor lv competitive match over
Anxiously awaiting the belated season and our main objective Eastern's Chandler and Schu-
arrival of, warmer weather, right now is to train real hard bert, 6-4, 6-1.
Michigan's track team turns to and ge: in shape for the big "But now that we have such
the south today in search of a meets: a nice facility (the Track - Ten-
climate suitable to the running "We don't look at it like they j nis building), smiled Eisner,
of an outdoor track meet. beat us so we have to come back "there is no need to play out-
The second stop of the Wol- and kill them." added the stee- side whan it is less than 50
verines' outdoor track circuit plechase specialist. degrees."
takes them to Champaign, Illi- Besides being the first scor- SINGLES
nois for a double dual meet. The ing meet of the young season, it 1. Etterbeek (M) def. Lambert (E)
Fighting Illini, recently crowned i is also Michigan's only non- 6-1, 6-4;
the Big Ten's indoor champs, relay meet until May. This gives 2. shaufler (M) def. Chandler (E)'
should provide most of the com- coach Jack Harvey a better 3. Holland (M) def. Bracci (E)
petition and they'll be joined by chance to assess his team on an 6-0, 6-0;
Western Illinois. individual basis. 4. Freedman (M) def. Shaheen (E)
Westrn lliois ; idivdua bais,6-0, 6-2;
Although just last month "We'll be . running plenty 5.'Neinken (M) def. Baziuk (E)
this same Illinois squad edged of open races this weekend," 6-1, 6-1;
out the Blue thinclads in- he said. "That should give us s seeman (M) def. Schubert (E)
doors for the Big Ten's top a good indication of where we - . DOUBLES
spot, today's meet has not de- stand individually." 1. Holland, Neinken (Al) def.
veloped into a grudge match Charleton Ehizuelenwinner Chandler, Schubert (E) 6-4, 6-1;
2. Freedman, Owens (M) def. Ba-
as might be expected. of eight Big Ten long jump and'ziuk, McCahmon (E) 6-1, 6-0 B
"It's in the back of our minds triple jump titles, and All- 3. Garcia, Grant (M) def. Bracci,
that we lost to them by one American distance runner Craig Shaheen (E) 6-4, 7-6.-
point indoors," said Wolverine Virgin lead the Fighting Illini. - - -- ~

Special To The Daily
Michigan Women's tennis team
completed its first day of com-
petition in the Purdue Invita-
tional yesterday by defeating
Purdue, 9-0, and Michigan State,
7-2. The Wolverines play against
a very strong Ohio State team
"After watching the Ohio
club goes
to Indiana
The Micgan lacrosse club
travels to Bloomingtonntoday
for a game against the Indiana
:.club. Michigan goes into the
match with a record of 6-2.
Michigan returns home Sun-
day to play Mid-West power-
house Bowling Green at South
FerryField at 2:00 p.m.
Bowling Green is a varsity
team that has been national-
ally ranked for the last three
years. "We'll have to play as
well or better than we did
against Michigan State to beat
them," said Michigan Coach Bob

OHIO STATE defeated MSU, All, of the Michigan women "Although Janet performed,
9-0 and all of the Buckeyes had had tough matches against MSU well this morning, I had to get EI
much easier matches than the after coming off very easy Debbie in the lineup for dou- Vel
Michigan players did against matches against Purdue in the bles and against MSU in singles " UAW
M8U. Michigan's number gone morning. to get her ready for OSU," At-'adwv+."
singles player Kathy Karzen de- ATWOOD DID employ several wood commented, explaining 8 5m.(800) 325-461
feated MSU's number one play- lineup changes as Barb Selden Rentschler's insertion into the *rs. artfaSS* UinW
er Debbie Mascarin, 4-6, 6-3. replaced Ann Kercher at the Michigan lineup. UOW! r ~
6-4 while OSU's number one - - -
seed Maria Olzagasti beat Mas-
carin with less difficulty. . MAJOR EVENTS OFFICE Presents:
"I'm really worried about
OSU," Atwood continued. "Be-
lieve me, Kathy was thrilled to -
beat Mascarin in singles."
Karzen was not as successful
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State-Michigan State match in doubles as she and Barb Sel-
yestedday, I know we will be den dropped their number one
having a real tough match to- doubles match to Michigan
day," said Michigan Coach John State's Mascarin and Jody Ross,
Atwood. 6-4, 1-6, 6-4.

number two singles position with
the latter moving to number'
three. Also, Janet Wilson took1
over for an ill Debbie Rentsch-
ler in singles against Purdue.j

Daily Classufileds
(Continued from Page 6) BRIGHT, vivacious, sensitive, some-
what Jewish 21 yr. old undergradu-
PERSONAL ae woman (5'7") interested in mu-
__._ _ _sic, languages, sports, arts, learn-
TAKING THE LSAT in July? LSAT ing, having fun, people and life
Review Weekend at the Troy Hilton would like to meet intelligent at-
Inn, Maple Rd. and Stephenson tractive male. (preferably senior or
Hway, Troy, MI.. July 16 and 17.1 grad student) with similar interests.
Call Law Board Review Center, col- write Box 15, Michigan Daily.
lect (914) 623-4029 or (914) 234-3702. 86F410
s85. Special group rates for 5 or OPPORTUNITY TO PUBLISH and
more. 41F419 make money from your regular re-
YPSI-ANN ARBOR LANES and ports, bibliographies, studies. arti-
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the following times: Sunday-Monday berg Connection. Free information.
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9:30, and 11:30-2:00 a.m. 98F419 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197, 06F412
charted for 13 months. Send birth- at the University Club with the
date and $4.95 to: Life Cycles, P.O. Root's Trio: Noel Cunningham,
Box 4205, Boulder, Colorado, 80206. piano: Ted Hartley, bass; Stanley
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Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree,
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Ceeds the average of students currently ad-







Tonight in the Modern Languages Building
(Elia Kazan. 1954) 7:00 ONLY-MLB 3
Brando and Kazan join forces in this intense drama about labor
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raphy, direction, and edition. Rod Steiger, Karl Malden, Lee J.
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The genius of Tennessee Williams is brought strikingly to the
screen by Kazan. Brando and cast. With his performance as the
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pantheon of actors, Vivian Leigh's award-winning portrayal of
Blanche DuBois is equally good, evoking horror and pity. Intense
and passionate, this is one of the most successful "films of a
play" ever made. SPECIAL DEAL: Anybody wearing a Plain,
White tee-shirt (like Brando/Kowlaski in STREETCAR gets into
the show for $1.00). Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh, Karl Maiden,
Kimh Hunter.
(Douglas Hickox, 1973) 7 & 9-MLB 4
One of Vincent Price's most entertaining horror films. Price as
Edward Lionheart, a hammy Shakespearean actor, revenges him-
self on his critics in grotesquely funny Shakespearean ways
assisted by the supremely competent Diana Rigg as his daughter.
Price knocks off a wonderful British cast which includes Robert
Morely, Jack Hawking, and Diana Dors. A revenge fantasy picture
for anyone who's received a bad review the (or grade) way CARRIE



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tagged. This sale is ULRICH'S way of thanking our Regular
customers and introducing ourselves to the many new peo-
ple who might not have heard of us-HAVE FUNI

$300,000 Inventory Sale








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