Saturday, April 9, 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Congress studies DNA controvery (Continued from Page 1) islative history to include the from the federal restrictions, as The bill introduced by Sen. guidelines," says William Gart- strict liability clause. long as their own regulations Howard Metzenbaum (D-Ohio) land, director of the NIH Office 0 Licensing: The federal bills were at least as strict as the would establish 13-member of Recombinant DNA Activity. generally propose that research federal "Most scientists think the guide- facilities should be licensed by commission to ivestigate, lines are strict enough, if not too HEW, but there is still some dis- "REPRESENTATIVES don't among other issues,~ whether re- strict." cussion on whether individual like to have to go back to their combinant DNA research should LEGISLATORS g e n e r a 11 y projects or researchers should hometowns and s a y, 'Hey, be continued at all. This basic agree that the guidelines are be licensed. you've been pre-empted,' " says question has haunted many in- strict enough-at least for now. f Disclosure of information: N N Legislation Analyst Joe dr Hernandez. dividuals concerned about the The congressional bills all spe- Private companies would like - research, including State Rep. cify the guidelines as a starting the government to guarantee The strict liability issue also Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor). point for federal regulations. that research information and has sparked much debate and The secretary of Health, Edu- developments would not be re-: opposition to the clause is strong. "GIVEN THE savage state of cation and Welfare (HEW) gen- leased to their competitors in The concept of strict liability humans-given our social state erally is given authority to mod- industry. At the same time, open has developed through case law relative to the technology we've ify the guidelines in the future. govern advocates would like the -rather than through legislation developed - maybe h u m a n s Legislators do not agree, how- records open to public inspec-|-and has been applied only to should hold back on technology ever, on other aspects of regu- tion. "ultrahazardous" situations such of this sort until we learn to live lation. Four issues in particular OF THE FOUR main issues, as dynamite blasting, Hernandez with each other," Bullard . says. have come under fire: pre-emption seems to h a v e say s. In other cases,, a person "But our belief in technology is sparked the most debate. Uni- can be held liable for damages so great that it seems impos- * Pre- emption: Proponents. form federal regulations would only if someone can prove, the sible to turn back from investi- favor uniform federal regula- benefit researchers, while local person was negligent. gating an area like this." 11, Eileen Dover, resplendent in the sunshine of an Ann Arbor afte rnoon, emerges from her East Quad abode. MSA election results-independents d IonS that would supercede any options would benefit legislatorsI "If someone caught pneumo state or local restrictions on the! and their constituents, nia from a rare strain of bac- research. Opponents would like "T h e scientific community teria and died, a (recombinant individual communities to have would welcome federal legisla- DNA research) lab could be! < the option of passing regulations tion just so there wouldn't be a h e 1 d responsible," Hernandez at least as strict as the federal proliferation of local ordinances says. "You wouldn't have to; measures. differing from town to town," prove fault-you'd just have to Liability: In the bill sub- Gartland says. prove that it was the only facil-' mitted by Sen. Dale Bumpers But in both the administra- ity around using that strain." D-Ark.), and in identical bills tion's bill and the proposal in- submitted to the House, re- troduced by Rep. Paul Rogers NIH, HEW AND universities searchers would be held strictly (D-Fla.) the pre-emption clauses conducting recombinant DNA re- liable "without regard to fault" are qualified. Local communities search all are opposed to the for any harm that would result would be able to apply to the strict liability clause, Hernan- from the research. The Bumpersf HEW secretary foI~ exemption dez says. During a Senate sub-j bill is the first in American leg- -committee hearing this week,f Bumpers "indicated t h a t he " would give in" on the clause, ominate DNA While all four of the major - r federal bills focus on the health! w atyaee-rtgand safety aspects of the re- ow ality race begins prevailing"essearch, one bill aims to consider Door-to-door campaigning rath- the ethical and moral issues as ent er than endorsements, and issue- well. U n t i l legislators, scientists and laypeople settle the philoso- phical questions surrounding re- combinant DNA research, the experiments inevitably willcon- tinue under the watchful eye of government. " Research, Writing, Editing " Professional, Fast " Any Topic, All Fields Send $1 for Mail Order Catalog or Write for free information Our services are sold for Research and Reference purposes oy. THE ACADEMIC RESEARCH GROUP, Inc. 240 Park Avenue Rutherford, New Jersey 07070 Phone t201) 939-0189 (Continued from Page 1) election on record - 3.5 per cent, in November 1974. Last se- mester's election drew 6.7 per cent of eligible students. "The parties were clobbered," said independent Lauer, noting that the Campus Coalition Party: (CC), which ran four candi- dates, and the ACT party, which offered two, failed to gain rep- resentation among incoming members. MOVE RAN a slate of six candidates and had two elected, while SGC offered four persons, only one of whom succeeded. Kevyn Orr, who ran and lost on the Campus Coalition ticket, said the election is indicative of a "trend towards the independ- ents (getting elected) rather1 than (those) affiliated with the parties." Orr said that independents! capitalized on the advantage of individual exposure and publici- ty. If he decides to try for an assembly seat next year, Orr! said he would still run on the Campus Coalition ticket, but would change his campaign1 strategies. "I WOULD aim at gettinga better publicity. I would con- centrate more on getting votesl from the dorms instead of trying to represent what I felt was ne- cessary to portray a good image to all the students," Orr said. Orr said the campaign was{ not issue-oriented and Lauer' agreed, calling it a "personality' race."] -r Newcomer Lauer attributed his victory to "the new cam- paigning.' He explained that independents were genereally more successful because they focused their campaign on so- liciting the votes of residents in their respective dorms. "The key is to make personal contact with the people in your dorm and to generate name' recognition." LAST TERM, Lauer ran on the CC platform and lost by one- half a vote. Election director Monte Fow- ler affirmed the effectiveness of, concentrated efforts in the. dorms. Voter turnout was high- est in the dorms, according to Fowler. There is a correlation between the number of dorm residents who voted and the high proportion of.independents' elected, he added. In addition to the lengthiness af the ballot which, Fowler said, discouraged many students from voting, the unusually cold April weather adversely affected voter turnout, and the MOVE party's ticket in particular. A POLLING site at the corner of Washtenaw and S. University, which would have been a strong- hold for fraternity and sorority- based MOVE. was cancelled due to the inclement conditions. Kellman, who is the party; chief of MOVE, added that bad weather also shut down the poll-I ing site in the Engineering Arch "which helped screw us up." He said that many fraternity! members are engineering stu- there is disagreement on h dents. this will influence future ca Representatives of SOC and paigning. CC conceded that they did not Chris Bachelder, -a currl campaign as well as they should member of MSA who is credit have, with first exploiting the pots Brian Laskey, head of CC, tial of mobilizing dorm vote said he "misjudged the mood of foresees resurgence of pa the campus. It's all a big Madi- dominance once again. son Avenue advertising cam- "The trend for independet paign. We've got to rebuild our to dominate is not long ter image by reaching out for the The party candidates have re home votes in the dorms." ized the importance of getti Goodman said that her party together and going out to t "didn't do all that much cam- students to tell them ab paigning." themselves and the issues.' KELLMAN, however, sz THOUGH THERE is general that issues will become "ev consensus on the effectiveness more diminished in campaig of striking hardest in the dorms, ing significance as the pers -_ _ . _ - _ _ " a 8fired strikers reinstated b U ted en- rs, rty nts m. al- ng he out aid 'en gn- on- (Continued from Page 1) sion toi Lemmer said the move to re- In ar store some of those fired "was and the not a sudden change" in policy, run any The two sides had "worked on for eac it for a while," he said. The "done o " WE KEEP looking at all the not hov cases. If we find out we got the cost," facts wrong, we change our de- knowvled cision," Lemmer said. bitratior Union bargaining leader Art "some Anderson; who represents em- ployes at the various disciplin- ELEVE ary hearings, said the reinstat- been ch ed workers were only, involved conduct in "simple misconduct." which "They were nickel and dime and Jun cases," Anderson said, implying Ander that an arbitrator would have bitrator sent the discharged employes sity's p back to work anyway. one half At le "I DON'T agree about that at ment m all," Lemmer countered. The to both attorney also said the expenses sity is incurred with arbitrated cases case o had little to do with the deci- worker. rehire the eight workers. bitration, the University union split costs, which where from $500 to $1000 h arbitrator. reinstatements were on the basis of principle, iw much it's going to Lemmer said. He ac- dged that eight fewer ar- n hearings would mean savings." EN ARBITRATORS have osen by the two sides to hearings, many of are scheduled for May ne. rson is confident that ar- s will nullify the Univer- punishments on at least f the discharge cases. ast one more reinstate- ay be pending, according parties, as the Univer- "still looking" intQ the f another discharged oriented literature couldt deciding factor in upc elections, he said. The president of MSA timistic about his chance retaining his assembly 1 ship and the potentialo new body. "T H E INDEPEND tdidn't fall back on a pa get them elected. Theyh run a hard campaign on own. They showed greati tive in the race for MSA I'm sure they'll do thes 1 now that they are on it.' Kellman said he hopes will continue to work on ing more student space, i dition to instituting a tu service, opening a student skellar in the Union Statio getting the administrati keep at least one library 1 dent center open all nigh More than 10 miles of can be produced from a ton of steel. The highest standard, form is cirrus, averaging feet and above. -r- be the -oming is op- es for IOR es;orproblems eader- of the (Continued from Page 1) many researchers from doing ENTS recombinant DNA work, Helling irty to says. had to MANY SCIENTISTS believe their the guidelines are much stricteri initia- than necessary, but they accept A and the restrictions-at least for' same, now. " "Many scientists have conclud- MSA ed, as I have, that the current secur- restrictions offer a vast marginj in ad- of safety-that they are more toring strict than necessary," says Da-t rath- vid Jackson, assistant professor n and of microbiology. on to "Most scientists feel that if or stu- the guidelines are the price the t, scientific community has to pay in order to do this research, *. then they'll go along with it,"' wire i Jackson says. "But this is with single the expectation that in the nextI few years people will see the vast overreaction (to the haz- cloud ards) and they will see the 27,000 benefits of recombinant DNA technology." SGT. PEPPERS 1028 E. UNIVERSITY-662-0202 9:30 A.M.-1 1:00 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK SALE SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY DANNON YOGURT 3 for 98c 8 oz. CREAM CHEESE 59c 1 gal. LOW FAT MILK $1.39 LARGE EGGS 79c a dozen CHICKENS Whole Fryers, 59c a Ib. Lare Head LETTUCE 39c a head POPCORN 4/1 lb. Bags for $1.00 GROUND ROUND 98c a lb. Brick, Muenster, and Colby CHEESE $1.49 a lb. TAB 8 pack 12 oz. cans $1.69 7-UP-6 Pack 12 oz. cans $1.29 COKE-8 Pack 12 oz. cans $1.69 16 oz. Bag of POTATO CHIPS 89c face WE CARRY FROZEN DANNON YOGURT IMPORTED WINE SALE I 5 k t 7 f r' , , I Union supporters lobby in Lansing t i i r i r (Continued from Page 1) (t h e University's) treatment doein't correspond to' standards of treatment for state em- ployes," Riemer explained. She said the committee hopes to convince the legislators tor use their control over Univer- sity pursestrings to bring about' a modification in administration labor practices. ONE DELEGATION visited the state capital Wednesday and' had a "friendly dialogue" with Ann Arbor Democratic Rep. Perry Bullard and with aides for several other legislators, Rei- mer reported. Another group will go to Lans- ing after the legislature's Easter recess, she said. "We urge people to wirte let- ters to their state representa- tives and express concern and send letters to the editors of various newspapers," Reimer added. PROFS. TOM Weisskopf and Locke Anderson of the econom- ics department also spoke for the committee, along with Rev. Herb Howe of the Church of the Good Shepherd, National Law- yers Guild member Rick Mc- Hugh, and Don Coleman, co-di- rector of Guild House. Weisskopf said the adminis- tration has been t r e a tin g, AFSCME workers as "second class" members of the Univer- sity community. "It's pretty on which the Support Committee' is directing its efforts. Rick Mc- Hugh said the National Lawyers Guild has been recruiting law students to assist in preparing the appeals. "I've been really surprised at the amount of support we've been getting from law students to w o r k on the arbitration cases," he said. McHugh stated that 25 students are- involved, including members of the Black and Women's Law Student As- sociations and La Raza Law Stu- dents, a Chicano group. The Guild is also helping with appeals of a number undergrad- uate food service employes dis- missed for alleged strike mis- conduct. Those discharged included sev- eral active members of the Stu- dent AFSCME Support Com- mittee. ' i ] ......__.. ._.. __..... ._.. _.. t .. . ...._ _. _. ... _. --I TOP LIVE ROCK & ROLL BANDS Sunday, April 10 ZOOSTER High Energy Rock & Roll-Top Band! Tuesday, April 12 SALEM WITCHCRAFT Michigan's Most Popular Rock Band! 0 SUDS FACTORY 737 N. HURON AT LOWELL Just East of E.M.U. OPEN 7 P.M. TO 2:30 A.M. p.1 MHTP Films Tonight! IASHBUCKLERS! 7 p.m.--SCARAMOUCHE (Stewart Granger, Janet Leigh) When someone drinks too coffee never made anyone sober. much and then drives, it's the silence Maybe it would keep him awake that kills. Your silence, long enough to have an accident. It kills your friends, your But that's about all. relatives, and people you don't even The best way to prevent a know. But they're all people you drunk from becoming a dead drunk could save. is to stop him from driving. If you knew what to say, Speak up. Don't let silence be maybe you'd be less quiet. Maybe the last sound he hears. fewer people would die. What you should say is, "I'll drive youhome."Or, "Let me calla r---- cab." Or, "Sleep onmycouch DR2DRIR,4DE4Y A-I BOX 2345 tonight." t OCKVILLE, MARYLAND 208 52