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January 15, 1977 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-15

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Saturday, January 15, 1.977


Rage Three

Saturday, January 1 5, 1977 THE MICHIGAN I~AILY Page Three



events and entertainment
week of January 15-21

Happenings film reviews are

accidental witnesses to the St.
Valentine's Dav Massacre. sub-

7vritten by Christopher Potter. y.6 Q ,,
* * I sequently hide out in an all-girl
band to avoid pursuing mob-
sters. This Billy Wilder film was
considered the supreme comedy
of the 1950's, combining the us-
COMMERCIAL CINEMA ual bellylaughs with r i s q u e
King Kong-(Michigan)-Din transvestite overtones previous-
DeLaurentis' long-ballyhooed re- y taboo in American films.
make really can't be compared Given a fifteen-year retrospec-
to the original special effects- tive, though, the whole enter-
wise, since for all but about prise seems considerably less
three seconds of the film, we get daring and probably a lot less
nothing but a man jumping funny than it did then. Still,
around in an ape suit. Other- Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis
wise the modernized script does mug hilariously as the mu-
little for the basic story, but sicians, and Marilyn Monroe
it le f the as i hol cer-y, b at her best as a booze mem
the enterprise as a whoe, * b of the band. And the great
tainly isn't unentertaining. **y Joe E. bow.ndiverat i
The Enorcer- (State)-Dirty Joe E. Brawn delivers whatis
The nfocer- (tat)-Drtystill considered by many the
Harry Callahan once again getsg t cosinged nythe
to vent his spleen against the greatest closing line in the his-
assorted toadies, incompetents tory of comedy.***
and liberals impeding his right- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
eous path to justice, while sin- Nest-(Ann Arbor Film Co-op,
ML.B 3,7&91,MB48&
glehandedly cleaning up a group 1LBh, 7 & f:15, MLB 4, &
of 'ruthless pseudo - terrorists. 10:15)-The first film inforty
Discounting the sociology, the years to sweep all the major
Discunting he soecitogandOscars, but don't let that kid
film is well-paced, exciting, and you-it's just not as good as it
on occasion unexpectedly and should h a v e been. Director
effectively comic. * * Milos Forman opts for carica-
FIow Funny Can Sex Be?a- ture over pathos in his disturbed
(Fifth Forum)_-How funny can inmates plays for the easy
wasting three bucks be? A hith- laugh over the grim undertones
erto unknown hack director of Kesey's novel, and alters the
named Dino Rissi has taken the ending just enough so that Mc-
great Giancarlo Giannini (Seven Murphy's utimate sacrifice
Beauties), placed him in a seems less a liberating martyr-
pistache of seven disconnected dom than a deluded act of self-
unerotic sin-skits, and achieved destruction.
the astonishing feat of render- Cuckoo's Nest is fechnically
ing this genius of an actor ab- perb and splendidly acted, but
solutely boring, which is rather ieForman's consistent insensitivi
like seeing Tony Dorsett lose ty toward his materials and
twenty yards every time he car- characters transforms what
ries the ball. Try Brim Coffee shouldhave been a brilliant film
commercials, Dino - they de- into a competent but eventually
serve your talents. BOMB m frustrating exercise. * * 1/ y
The Clockmaker-(Campus)-f Cooley High-(Cinema Guild,
New French film, unpreviewed Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)--Comedy-
at this time. drama about life in a black Chi-
Silver Streak-(Fox Village)- cago high school, from the same
A fairly pleasant triviality about people who recently came up
a mild-mannered book publisher with. Car Wash. Ann Arbor pre-
who accidentally stumbles onto miere.
murder and intrigue aboard a EVENT.
Los Angeles - to - Chicago train. EVENTS t
DiretorArtur Hlle istoo Prague Chamber Orchestra -
Director Arthur Hiller is too University Musical Society, Hill 1
blatant with his use of Hitch- Ude y 8:30.
cock's Innocent Man theme, and Aud -30Jay Ungar and Lyn
I just couldn't get used to the Hardy, fiddle and guitar, 8:30.
supremely comic Gene Wilder
in what amounts to a suave-
albeit befuddled - leading man
role, but at least the proceed-
mgs hold your interest. * * CI
The Seven Per Cent Solution CINEMA
-(The Movies, Briarwood)-An Two Are Guilty-(Ann Arbor
utterly sterile, b1ood1e s s Film Co-op, MLB 4, 7 only)-
"thriller" taken from Nicholas Three men are accused of mur-
Meyer's equally stillborn novel, der-but one of the three is in-
involving a fanciful teaming up nocent. Which one? Therein, ap-
of Sherlock Holmes and Sig- parently, lies the crux of the
mund Freud to crack a kidnap- plot, although I've never seen
ping-cocaine cartel. Alan Arkin or heard of this picture. It fea-
obviously had great fun with his tures Anthony Perkins, presum-
depietion of Freud, and Laur- ably doing his inimitable psy-
ence Olivier does what he can chotic thing.
with about a minute-and-a-half Boud Saved From Drowning
cameo, but the brittle remainder -(Ann Arbor Film Co-op, MLB
of the cast will hold your in- 4, 9:15 only) - Famous early
terest and compassion for about Jean Renoir about a stiff-laced
half that period. * * French businessman's attempts
A Star Is Born-(The Movies, to reform a bedraggled cynical
Briarwood)-Barbra Streisand's tramp.
not-too-lively remake of the Desk Set - (Cinema II, 7 &
four-time classic, to be looked 9:15) -1957 satire on creeping
at in depth next week. * * technology, with efficiency ex-
The Pink P a n t h e r Strikes pert Spencer Tracy threatening
Again - (The Movies, Briar- the routine-and perhaps job-
wood) - Herbert Lom's frazzled of businesswoman Katherine
Inspector Dreyfuss completely Hepburn. This was the final col-
takes the play away from Peter laboration of the screen duo (I
Sellers in a briliant comic per- choose not to count the back-
formance that makes this fourth from-the-grave atrocity, Guess
in the Clousseau series the best! Who's Coming to Dinner); I've
of a not-too great lot. * *'* never seen Desk Set, but it's
Saturd A0

I 5

sans amore aperhaps you'd best avoid this tically breathless swept - away
one. Altman concocted Cold Day feeling of a political campaign
in the Park before he made that eventually overwhelms can-
MASH, and if more people had didate Redford. The film bela-
'f ' seen it they might then of bors its point, but remains an
gleaned a very different percep- enjoyable, appropriately sober-
r' tion of the thematic basis of Alt- ing entertainment, * *l
Five Easy Pieces - (Cinemat
} PICK OF I've always been disturbed by Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)--Il
THE WEEK ,what I perceive as an unsubtle, can't imagine a more important,
sadistic contempt by Altman to- personalized theme for a film,
Woody Allen in Bananas (Fri- ward his characters that runs to tackle than that of the diffi-
* i,,.day at 7, 8:45 and 10:30 in in varying degrees through all cult, often implacable gulf sepa-1
MLB 4); and Marlene Diet- his work. Alfred Hitchcock dis- rating the intellectual and the
rich in The Blue Angel (Wed- 'f5 guises comparable contempt in physical in the human psyche.
nesday at 7 and 9:05 in the fantasy whodunits; Altman nak- One wants to root so hard for
Old Arch. Aud.) edly plops down his venom in Five Easy Pieces for its simple
{hreality ^ frameworks, then lets willingness to grapple with the
his victims have it. His disdain subject, but the sad fact re-
was never more brutally cele- mains that it fails dismally to
, , brated than in That Cold Day in provide even an initial insight
llnD ercthe Park, in which 'a 30-ish to the dilemma, much less offer
spinster (Sandy Dennis) is phys- a solution.
::,..r : " .'"r.. L {, .... ically and psychologically tor- One watches the oil field
generally considered one of the ically barren-and it's hard to deathless 1929 film is in effect mented by the most amoral and labors of brainy, self-spurned
pair's weaker efforts. say which is the more rancid the tragic extension of all the zombiefied group of perverts underachiever Robert Dupea,
Lysistrata - (Cinema Guild, offense. BOMB subsequent "Get out and Live! this side of Texas Chainsaw and can't help reacting to him
Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05). A Night at the Opera-(Cine- Live!" films of the Harold and Massacre; but what pricks the more as a self-indulgent brat
EVENTS ma Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05) Maude - Z o r b a the Greek senses and curdles the blood is than an alienated aesthete, and!
Faculty Chamber 'Concert - -In 1935 the Marx Brothers' ilk. VonSternberg's quintessen- that Altman's basic sympathies it this becomes difficult to
Rackham Aud., 4 p.m. screen career seemed at an tial study of the two most tem- obviously lie with the tormen- sympathize with his admittedly
end; Duck Soup had bombed fi- peramentally, culturally a n d tors. Apparently no atrocity universal hangup. Much of the
nancially, and the group hadn't physically mismatched lovers in these sickies could cook up can problem lies in Jack Nicholson's
made a film in two years. Then all literature seems a logical a compare with the crime of be- performance, which is so un-
MGM wonderboy Irving Thal- candidate as any for Best Film ing a lonely, frustrated woman relentingly nasty that after a!
CINEMA berg resurrected them in what Ever Made; I think I could who is unloved and presumably while you just want to punch
The Wild C h i d - (Human rem a i n s the most famous watch it a hundred times and for that reason deserves every- him in the nose. *
Growth and Development, MLB comedy of all time. To achieve not get tired of it. * * * * thing the wrdos choose to tor-VENTS
3, 8 p.m. only. FREE admis- t the M s had to compro- 2001: A Space Odyssey-(Ann erth.
sion)-Recent Francois Truffaut mie withThalberg's concept of Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, n inCatdcaly Altn di ence on School Vocal and In-
fil aou a oug oy aiedthe "well-balanced film," mean- 64 :0-tne urc' tion in Cold Day is often delib- ec nSho oa n n
film about a young boy raised ing less anarchy and a greater 6:45 & 9:30)-Stanley Kubrick s erately titiliating, often hack- strumental Music begins, 8
literally by wild animals, who is "hiaii fteBohr' outer space Genesis II is, if nydadams ee eo p.m., Hill Aud.
subsequently plucked from his "humanizing" of the Brothers'nothing else, certainly one of neyed and almost never memo-
natural forest environment and characters, and the co-existence the most personalized works of rable. But that's not the pri
forceably "civilized" by a deter- with an encumbersome roman- all cinema. Kubrick has sprung mary hangup with this fetid
minced " tecegpae yTu-Iw dcuselthavoidancetforf r da
minedteacherh(playedbyTruf-tic subplot designed "for the a maddeningly cryptic creation work-it is one of the few films
faut himself). The film's Loss ladies" of the audience. Box pn us, the me/its of which will I would counsel avoidance of for CIN
of Innocence theme is in effect office aside, Thalberg's astute probably be debated forever; modesperatereasons compIn awassion and
a kind of negative mirror image sensibilities r e c o g n i z e d the 2001 may not even be a very dsipl eh r metlelssnAlt- Bananas - (Ann Arbor Film
of The Miracle Worker, and con- Marxes personalized genus (as good ,film, but it is certainly an simpe umane geneness, Co-op, MLB 4, 7, 8:45 & 10:30)-
tains considerably more sub- his philistine successors did incredible film. It is, of course, man does little good to any of Sex-starved New Yorker Field-
stance and power than do most not), and gave the group enough one that has to be seen at least us by moving precisely theing Mellish seeks to improve his
of Truffaut's recent marshmal- of a free reign to create a film twice, but most of you have opposite direction. BOM'B itgMtis seeko iprog hi
situation, "somehow, winding up
lows. * *" so comically high-spirited that probably progressed well be- The Candidate - (Peoples' dictator of a Latin American
even MGM's monster-budget in- yond that score already, * * * Bicentennial Commission, Nat. country. Woody Allen's screen-
trusions fit like a glove, how- EVENTS Sci. Aud., 7 & 9:15) - Robert play makes a minimum of
;/ ever slightly misshapen. * * Redford turns on the Kennedy sense, but that's probably all for
kEdAyk. EVENTSEcharisma in this bitter 1972 the better as he and Louise
The Devils-(Ann Arbor Film Sketches in BlSck-New Black semi-satire of a young liberal Lasser team up in the funniest
Co-op, Ang. Aud. A, 7 & 9)_ Repertory C o m p a n y, Mack idealist who declares for senator
Hunchaked nu Vanessa Red School, 8 p.m. 1 L, ~~ in California, then gradually le
Huncbaced nn Vness Re- Shool P M. sre ft 1 . _

of all his films.
Next Stop Greenwich Village
- (Cinema Guild, 7 & 9:05) -
Paul Mazursky's autobiographi-
cal nostalgia tribute to life with
artists, actors and the original
best culture in New York City
of the early '50's. Low-keyed,
low profile and languidly enjoy-
able. Newcomers Lenny Baker
and Ellen Greene are excellent
as the chief products of the
The Producers - (Mediatrics,
Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 8:30 & 10)-
Why is "Springtime for Hitler"
so s -)ruefully hilarious? I really
coullri't say, but it never fails.
Go' enjoy yourselves, and try
not to feel guilty afterward. * *
Sketches in Black-See Tues.
Faculty Recital-- SM Recital
Hall,,8 p.m.
Sherlock Holmes--PTP, Power
Ctr., 8 p.m.
TODAY at 1 -3-5-7-9



grave goes apeshit over hip
priest Oliver Reed, decides tol
waste him nice and slow to sat-
isfy his Christ complex. Aldous
Huxley's scary novel of sexual
repression in 17th - Century
France is converted by the ubi-
quitous Ken Russell into an ap-
parent vehicle to purge his own
hangups, the results of which
serve only to display the aes-
thetic small-mindedness of Rus-
sell's own perversities.
The British director obviously
threw every atrocity he could
think of into this purulent mess1
(it's rated X, and even at that
most of the extreme scenes
were reportedly eliminated be-
fore release); and while The
Devils is certainly an adequate
in-the-pinch substitute for the
stomach pump, its p r i m a r y
revelation is of the impoverish-
ment of Russell's imagination.
There isn't a moment of poetry
in the director's vision, not an
instant of sublime fluidity that,
makes you gasp in awe at the!
breadth of his concept. Russell'
uses shock value to cover up his
limitations; he clutters, piles his
visual depravities sky high to
hide the insensate vacuum un-
derneath. In The Devils, he has
given us a work that is both
morally obscene and cinemat-
A t.CO-0 I

The Blue Angel - (Cinema
Guild, Arch. Aud., 7 & 9:05)-A
puritanical G e r m a n school
teacher (Emil Jannings) be-
comes infatuated with a world.
ly nightclub vamp (Marlene
Dietrich). Josef VonSternberg's

CINEMA to-al
That Cold Day in the Park- of sc
(Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Ang. cyni
Aud. A, 7 &9)-This offering leav
kicks off the semester-long Ro- wish
bert Altman Film Festival, and but
if you don't want to be scared docu
off from the rest of the shows, succ

self be compromised into a
ia - manipulated, all-things-,
I-people mealymouth. Some
criptwriter Jeremy Larner's
cism is turned on too strong,
ing Redford a little too
y-washy to be believable,
director' Michael Ritchie's
[mentary v i s u a 1 approach
essfully captures the chao-
AY, JAN. 19
h community
'rinks 50c

U -M Stylists
at the UNION,
Open 8:30



when the U-M Jewis
brings you another
Popular Mixed D
Cheese and snag
Everyone is W
1429 HILL S

7(( R E E
Presented by
(No Experience)
TONIGHT 8 p.m.-11 p.m.
Anderson Rm., Union

.Fine, Precise, very moving...
a rather startling combination
of old and new talents . intro
duces a fine new director!'
- Vncest Canby, .Y.
"Wonderfully liberating..9
brilliantly acted... -';
stuningly integrated"'
Johrn Simnon, N. Y Mdqf ,
~Bertrand Tavermer's
It's a small
Drew Canrnot t New


A Man For All Seasons -
(Cinema II, Ang. Aud. A, 7 &
9:15)-Fred Zinneman's static
f ii Im of Robert Bolt's play
about quintessential superliberal
Thomas More. The pragmatic
but humanistic Englishman's re-
fusal to compromise his prin-
ciples even against the tyran-
nical fury of Henry VIII is
treated so reverently by Zinne-
man that it often comes across
more as a civics lesson than a
drama; still, Paul Scofield's cul-
tivated performance as More
makes.this endeavor consistent-
ly stimulating intellectually if,
not cinematically. * *
Some Like It Hot - (Media-
trics, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7:30 &
9:45)-A pair of musicians are

TONIGHT-Saturday, Jan. 15

7 & 9:15-MLB 3

8 & 10:15-MLB 4

Jack Nicholson is electrifying as a free-spirited rogue (McMurphy)
who wages psychological warfare against mental hospital nurse
(Louise Fletcher) who fights to keep sadistic control over,the in-
mates. Based on Ken Kesey's celebrated novel, this film won five
Academy Awards, including Best Picture. 'A powerful, smashingly
effective movie.-Pauline Kael.

This off-beat high school corriedy draws from the ghetto experience of
cities such as Detroit and provides the black answer to AMERICAN
GRAFFITI. Dreams of the future and methods of escape from their
confining existence lead to confrontation as well as fast-paced humor.
Starring Flynn Turman Garett Morris and Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs.
S477:00 & 9:05 Admission $125
Against the backdrop of 16th century London, we witness the historic,
vet timely battle between Kina Henrv VII (Roert Shaw) onld Sir

X4 IF OM DAILY AT 7:15& 9:15
" 690 SUN. AT 5:15 7:15 9 15
young Dracula has so much trouble with the
opposite sex that he's carrying around his
own stake looking for a guy with a hammer!


____. _ ._._. a. .._ ___ ._ ___ . __ __r___.._.. _.__.._____ .._._ _..___ _._._, ._.._. _ . .


;3.00 4
Jay Ungar has beenj
the lead fiddle for
the David Bromberg
Band and Cat Moth-

$ "g

A F!LM by PAUL MORRISSEY + Starring Joe Dallesandro :
Udo Kier *.Victoria de Sica « Roman Polanskil"

NN 4w-I

.$ }


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