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April 09, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-09

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See Editorial Page




High - 54*
Low - 37*
See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVII, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 9, 1977 Ten Cents E

ght Pages

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The Ensian cometh
For years, thousands of satisfied students have
enjoyed the look, feel, and smell of the Michigan-
ensian; its pictures and commentary have thrilled
and exalted hundreds, perhaps dozens more. And
now, Ensian House has brought together whole
pages of lurid color photos and turgid prose in
the 1976-77 Michiganensian. Yes, friends, and if
you have already purchased your yearbook and
agreed to pick it up, just bring your receipt
stubs (God, you still have them, don't you?) over
to the, Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard,
between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. starting Tuesday. If
you requested us to mail an Ensian to you, just
be patient; you can expect it sometime within the
next two weeks. And now, a limited number of
these fine treasures have been set aside for those
of you who never realized how much you needed
a yearbook. If you act now, a mere $12 can make
one of them yours. And, friends, if you're not com-
pletely satisfied with your 1976-77 Ensian, call
764-0550 and tell the kind folks there all about
it. That's 764-0550. Don't delay!
Waterman barter
It looks as if it's too late to save Waterman-
Barbour gymnasiums - but you can save a piece
of them, if you've a mind to. From 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. on Thursday, April 14 the University will
be selling off piles of memorabilia from the doomed
gyms. Doors, lightswitches, thermometers and
benches; mirrors, fireplace mantles and staircase
railings; all will be going up for sale in Barbour
Gym. The event is open, says the University, to
"all interested persons." Perhaps someone can
buy all the stuff and put it back together some-
place else.
Great moments in
journalism, contd.
In case you've been wondering whatever happ-
ened to the February issue of the Michigan Jour-
nalist-the monthly news magazine put out by stu-
dents of the Journalism Dept.-you'll no doubt be
pleased to know it'll be hitting the streets in an-
other week or so. What, you ask? In April? Ah,
well, it seems that the February Journalist was
already printed up and ready for distribution back
in February, but Department Chairman Peter Clark
took a look at it and decided the magazine had a
few too many spelling errors for his taste. Clark
ordered the issue suppressed, and demanded the
staff put together a new issue (at a cost to you
and me of $200 or so). They must have a sizable
budget over there-the Daily would go broke in a
hurry if it couldn't let a speling eror creep in now
and then.
Cold reception
President Ford may have had a chilly night's
sleep Thursday night. Apparently, some tricksters
crawled through the dank subterranean passages
beneath the Diag to University President Robben
Fleming's house (where Ford was sleeping) and
turned off the water and heat pipes. University
security officials were reluctant to discuss the mat-
ter, but a spokesperson at the Physical Properties
plant said a plumber was called out in the wee
hours of the morning to turn the heat and water on
again. "This happens once in a while," he said.
"We don't get too excited about it." Hope the poor
guy at least had a chance to brush his teeth.
Happenings . .
. . .are on the lean side today. At 1 this after-

noon, the Women's Crisis Center will be holding a
"Plant Party" in their home at 211/2 N. Fourth
Ave., near the Farmer's Market . . . at 2, the Uni-
versity Go Club meets in Rm. 2050 of the Frieze
Bldg. . . . at 7 this evening, the Organization of
Arab Students is sponsoring an "Arabian Night"
with music and Arabic food in Bursley cafeteria
... at 8 p.m. the Music School presents Contem-
porary Directions in the Rackham Auditorium ...
the Dance Department presents "Legs Over Easy"
in the Studio Theater of the new Dance Building
behind the Central Campus Recreation Bldg. . . .
and UAC presents "Musical Magic" at the Pendle-
ton Arts Center.
On the inside,...
Read about the newest scandal surrounding Rep.
Donald Riegle in the Daily Digest, Page 3 . . .
and on the Editorial Page, Kevin Switzer will do
today what he should have done yesterday-rap
the antiseptic knuckles of orange juice queen Anita
Bryant for her anti-homosexual acrimony . . . and
Dave Renbarger reports on last night's game be-
tween the Pistons and the 76ers on the Sports Page.

Congress joins DNA research


Second of two parts
First scientists discussed hazards 'and benefits.
Then University officials and city council mem-
bers debated local safety standards. Now legis-
lators are discussing governmental regulation of
recombinant DNA research.I
The research has been a major issue on Capitol
Hill in recent weeks. Just since February, four
major bills proposing regulation of the experi-
ments have been presented to the legislature. And
within the past three weeks, three congressional
subcommittees have held special hearings on re-
combinant DNA research.
THE NEW YORK and California state legisla-
tures also are considering establishing their own
regulations for the research. Michigan legislators,
however, are waiting to see what develops on
the federal level before introducing state bills.
The research at the center of all this legislative
attention involves a substance, DNA, that controls
the inherited traits of all living things. Scientists
'U'a re(

have developed a method for splicing pieces of
DNA, called genes, from the cells of one organism
to another. In this way, scientists can alter the
genes of existing organisms and create new life
forms. The potential benefits and hazards of gene-
splicing experiments, along with the need to regu-
late the research, have been debated at length
in recent years.
Much of the research now is governed by guide-
lines developed last summer by the National In-
stitute of Health (NIH). But since NIH is not a
regulatory agency, the guidelines do not apply to
private industry.
THIS MAJOR FLAW in the current regulatory
system has prompted legislators to seek uniform
controls over all recombinant DNA research.
Despite their narrow application, the NIH guide-
lines generally have been accepted by both scient-
ists and legislators.
"The majority of scientists believe these exper-
iments have to be conducted under some kind of
See CONGRESS, Page 5
to remn
[l ion wo

X. DNA scientists frust:rated
wioth research guidelines
By LAURA LIEBLER Scientists planning recombinant DNA re-
For recombinant DNA researchers, national search must be certified by the University's
guidelines dominate at the present, and fed- Biological Research Review Committee (Com-
eral regulations are looming in the future. mittee C) before they can submit their re-
Already, University scientists conductig search proposals for funding. The certifica-
the gene-splicing experiments have discovered tion process-which includes inspection of the
that life under a watchful eye has its prob- researcher's laboratory-takes from four to
lems. six weeks.
"IT TAKES quite a bit of work on our part The certification process and the follow-up
to make sure we're doing things right," says compliance with the guidelines has discouraged
Robert Helling, associate professor of cell many researchers from doing recombinant
and molecular biology. See DNA, Page S
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The University has agreed
to give jobs back to eight of
19 employes fired for "mis-
conduct" in last month's
strike by c a m p u s service
and maintenance workers.
While the discharges of
11 members of the Ameri-
can Federation of S t a't e,
County and Municipal Em-
ployes (AFSCME, L o c a l
1583) will still go to arbi-

tration, four persons will
return to work on Monday.
Another four will be back
on the job as of April 18,
according to the agreement
reached by University and
AFSCME officials.
UNIVERSITY attorney Wil-
liam Lemmer said that rein-
stated workers will not receive
any back pay for work days
missed because their suspen-
sion is considered as a disci-

plinary layoff period.
The University originally dis-
charged the 19 workers because
of what it termed "serious mis-
conduct" associated with the
26-day AFSCME walkout. In-
cluded in the charges were van-
dalism and assaults. The union
announced it would take all 19
cases before arbitrators, who
would decide whether the Uni-
versity's disciplinary action was
University attorney William
See 8, Page 5

MSA parties flounder

If the resul:s of this week's Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
election are any indication, the partisan political groups which
have dominated the assembly in recent years may be witnessing a
decline in power.
The three day election, which drew only 1700 student voters-
-or 4:5 per cent of the population-resulted in victory for six inde-
pendent candidates and three partisan party members.
INDEPENDENTS ELECTED were George Vincent, incum-
bent Jasper DiGuiseppe, David Laverty, Doug Kaplan, Howard
Feldman and Jon Lauer. Incumbent Scott Kellman, currently pre-
sident, and John Kraus both of MOVE, and Wendy Goodman, an
incumbent from SGC, were also voted in.
The 4.5 per cent voter turnout ca'led "poorer than usual"
because of the colder weather. dips close to the poorest MSA
See MSA, Page 5

irker s
lobby in
A community support group
for the campus service employes
union has begun a campaign to
pressure the. University -to re-
hire 11 workers fired for alleged
misconduct during the local's re-
cent 26-day strike.
At a press conference yester-
day, the Community Committee
for a Just Settlement unveiled
petitions signed by 451 "promi-
nent members of the commu-
nity" calling for reinstatement
of the dismissed employes.
THE PETITIONS also call on
the University to rehire Joel
Block, president of American
Federation of State, County and
Municipal Employes (AFSCME)
Local 1583. Block is currently
under suspension, pending police
investigation of his alleged role
in a strike-related bomb threat.
According to c o m m i t t e e
spokeswoman Barbara Riemer,
the signers included unsuccess-
ful Democratic congressional
candidate Ed Pierce, other Dem-
ocratic Party activists, mem-
bers of most University aca-
demic departments and local re-
ligious leaders.
The petitions will be submit-
ted to University President Rob-
ben Fleming, and copies for-
warded to all nine Regents as
well as to key state legislators.
lined its current lobbying efforts
with members of the Michigan
House and Senate appropriations
"We want to call to their at-
tention that there are workers
who have been fired . . . that
See UNION, Page 5


Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
ART STUDENT PETER Scurlock launches his ham-
burger sculpture, complete with egg, pickle and tomato,
during yesterday's "Great Egg Bust" on the Diag.
Scurlock joined 43 others in designing intricate contrap-
tions to transport a raw egg from the fourth floor of
West Engineering to the ground-in one piece. The fly-
ing hamburger grabbed fifth prize.
Diag nbgbust
Some of the devices carried off their delicate task well
enough to make the Easter Bunny proud. Others didn't
work quite so well.
In yesterday's "Great Egg Bust," this term's zany en-
gineering contest sponsored by the mechanical engineering
honorary Pi Tau Sigma, a total of 44 egg-dropping contrap-
tions vied for first place.
FOLLOWING IN THE tradition of last fall's "Fabulous
Frisbee Fling" and the 1975's "Shoot the Moon with a-_Bal-
loon" contests, the "Bust" drew a noontime crowd of more
than 100 onlookers.
The object of the "Bust" was to design a device that


Was visit worthwhile?

Professor Gerald Ford left campus yesterday
with a minimum of fanfare-just a quiet send-off
from a group of students who gathered in front
of University President Robben Fleming's home.
But in the wake of the calm departure, Ford's
hectic five-day stay left members of the Univer-
sity community with mixed reactions on whether
the visit was worthwhile.
"I thought it worked out extremely well and 14
was very happy about it," Fleming said.

POLITICAL Science Prof. George Grassmuck,
who teaches a course on the American Chief
Executive, was also satisfied with the former
president's visit. "I'm genuinely pleased with
what went on. It exceeded our expectations," he
He added that he thought his students found
the experience worthwhile. "All those I talked to
thought they gained a great deal." Ford appeared
twice before the 73 students in Grassmuck's class.
"He gave a little more meaning to the course.
It came to life," Grassmuck said. Ford, he added,

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