Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 15, 1977 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 15, 1977 C/u urch Worshp £esice4 LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH (ALC-LCA) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest at Hill St. Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 409 S. Division M. Robert Fraser, Pastor Church School-9:45 a.m. Morning Worship-11:00 a.m. Evening Worship-7:00 p.m.. ST. MARY STUDENT CHAPEL (Catholic) 331 Thompson-663,0557 Weekend Masses: Saturday, S p.m., 11:30 p.m. Sunday - 7:45 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. (plus 9:30 a.m. North Campus). jpjnng and Discf 6'11 CHURCHCO ANN ARBOR 995-5955 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. Terry N. Smith, Senior Minister ' 608 E. William, corner of State Worship Service-10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship-10 a.m. First Baptist Church. Bible Study-11 a.m. Fellowship Meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. * * * ANN ARBOR CHURCH OF CHRIST ' 530 W. Stadium Blvd. (one block west of U of M Stadium) Bible Study - Sunday 9:30 a.m.; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Worship -Sunday, 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Need transportation? Call 662- 9928. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (:HURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 662-4466 Worship at 9:30 and 11:00 on Sundays. Student coffee hour at 12:00. 4:00 Sunday-Discussion with Paul Robeson, black liberation- ist; dinner ($1.25) at 6:00. Monday noon--Seminar series on "Faith Seeking Understand- ing." AMERICAN BAPTIST CAMPUS CENTER 502 E. Huron-663-9376 Ronald E. Carey, Campus Minister FIRS CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCINTIST 1833 Washtenaw Sunday Services and Sunday School-10:30 a.m. Wednesday Testimony ,Meet- ing-8:00 p.m. ChildCre Sunday-under 2 years. Midweek Informal Worship. Reading Room-306 E. Liber- ty, 10 - 5 Monday - Saturday; closed Sundays. if you see news happen call 76-DAILY UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (LCMS) 1511 Washtenaw Ave.,663-5560 Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor Sunday Morning Worship at 9:15 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Bible Study at 9:15 p.m. Midweek Worship Wednesday, 10 p.m. * * * UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 E. Huron Calvin Malefyt, Alan Rice, Ministers 9:30 a.m. - Classes for all ages. 10:30 a.m.-Morning Worship. 5:00 p.m.-Co-op Supper. 6:00 p.m.-Informal Evening Service. * * * FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH State at Huron and Washington Dr. Donald B. Strobe The Rev. Fred B. Maitland The Rev. E. Jack Lemon Worship Services at 9:00 and 11:00. Church School at 9:00 and 11:00. - Adult Enrichment at 10:00. WESLEY FOUNDATION UNITED METHODIST CAMPUS MINISTRY W. Thomas Schomaker, Chaplain/Director 10 a.m.-Morning Worship. 5:30 p.m. - Celebration/Fel- lowship. 6:15 p.m.-Shared Meal, 75c. Extensive programming for undergrads andrgrad students. Stop in or call 668-6881 for in- formation. * * * UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Presently Meeting at the Ann Arbor Y, 530 S. Fifth David Graf, Minister Students Welcome. For information or transpor- tation: 663-3233 or 426-3808. 10:00 a.m.-Sunday Worship. CAMPUS CHAPEL-A Campus Ministry of the Christian Reformed Church 1236 Washtenaw Ct. Rev. Don Postema, Pastor Welcome to all students! 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service: "The Courteous Rebel." 6:00 p.m.-Evening Service- "Sharpening the F o c u s: the Church with Direction," Read by Rev. Al Hogeback. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.-Seminar "For Men- and Women." The film "Growing Up Female" will be shown and discussed. "God's people in God's world for God's purpose." - -- - Carter. (Continued from Page 1) Atlanta la "The point of a management directoi i set up like this one is that you paign, P do not impede other staffers for Domes of equal rank in getting to the cy. President," Powell said. 0 FrankI paign aide "ONE OF THE things that House liai is required for a system like IN A this to operate is that those ment Cat who do have access be judic- the nomint ious in its use and be secure persons to enough in their own positions in the Stat not to need to be around the partments. President just to gratify their Carter own egos," he said. following Powell said he believed the cial assist White House team named by rector of f Carter has that quality of re- Carter ca straint. - The list of 13 top aides in- cludes only three women and one black. POWELL, WHO said the sec - C ond ranking White House staff members will include substan- (Cat tially more minority group members, invited a compari- Sencer son of the percentages with committee that of previous administra- is a riskc tions. drome ap The staff members, who in- ery 100,00 cIlude Powell as Press Secre- given the tary, are: The late selects aideS of execution h swine shot ;inued from Page 1) . said the advisory estimated that there of Guillain-Barre syn- pearing in one of ev- 0 to 200,000 persons swine flu vaccination. est CDC figures show * Hamilton Jordan, who man- that 22 °persons died from the aged Carter's campaign, and syndrome between Oct. 1, 1976, who will become political ad- and Jan. 10, 1977. Of the vic- viser in the White House, tims, 10 had received a swine flu shot and 11 had not. It was * Robert Lipshutz, a long- not known whether the remain- time aide, Counsel to the Presi- ing victims had been vaccinat- dent. ed. 0 Margaret Costanza, Vice THE CDC SAID a total of 5801 Mayor of Rochester, New York, cases of the syndrome had Presidential Assistant dealing ~_-_ with public interest groups in the fields of education, mental health and other problems.B Jack Watson an Atlanta r wyer who was issues n the election cam-1 residential Assistant stic Affairs and Poli- Moore, another cam- e, in charge of White son with Congress. SEPARATE develop- rter also announced ations of a number of o fill high-level slots te and Commerce De- also announced the appointments as spe- tants: Tim Kraft, di- field operation for the mpaign and political been reported nationwide byc Jan. 10.e In a report to the advisory t committee earlier yesterday, c the CDC said two persons pre- v viously reported to have suffer-1 ed swine flu in Wisconsini t showed a serologic rise in an- c tibodies - indicating possible transmission of the viruso among humans. It would be the first such transmission of the virus among humans, since the swine flu strain, A-New Jersey, was identified at Ft. Dix, N.J., last h year. DR. RICK O'BRIEN of thet CDC staff told the advisory' elected co-ordinator for the transition to be appointment secretary; Jim King, who took a leave of absence as director of com- munity affairs and marketing of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority to be campaign trip director, will be White House personnel chief; Martha, "Bunny" Mitchell, a black who is director of the in- formation services division of t6e Drug Abuse Council and the only non-campaign staffer, to be special projects., director. Also, Pat Bauer, a 1973 Uni- versity graduate and former Daily editor, will join Carter's White House press staff as deputy editor of the president's laily news summary. Bauer " s currently a reporter for the e I 3 Ann Arbor News. I '. Other appointments include ( Joseph Aragon, director of vo- er registration and get out the tornev general's office. "The rote efforts for the Democratic man's been given every benefit National Committee to be White of the doubt." Ho' ;e ombudsman; Madeline Gilmore has opposed all at- MacBean, l osalynn Carter's tempts 4o stop his execution and :ampaign scheduling officer, to has said he would rather die be assistant to the First Lady, than spend the rest of his life in and Dr. Peter Bourne, a long- prison. ime Carter worker and drug Last month the U.S. Supreme ibuse and mental health ex- Court heard an apneal on be- >ert, to be special assistant to half of Gilmore'. mother and or- he President on mental health dered a stay. Tne court lifted and drug abuse. tY" -'toy Dec. 13. rling Gilmore ' ' ived his right to appeal. ""ITTLD THE execution be carried otit on schedule, Gil- more's witnesses would be his attornv. Ronald Stanger; at- nr°,v Rnbert Moodv: Gilmore's rir'friend Ni^.ole Barrett: his committee the Wisconsin cas- "nle 17arn Damico, and LawA es were still being studied. The ron-e S-hiller. who has contract- ransmissions apparently oc- P for hnok and movie rights to curred from a 13-year-old boy Gilmore's life. Stanger said who became ill about two Th"rsyav. weeks ago, he said. The pa- Rarrett has hben confined at tients involved in the new thp s'qate m, ntal hosnital since cases were not identified. rnoveri'a from a drug over- In addition, O'Brien said one dose. She and Gilmore took other case of virus previously nerdoco Norm 16 in a suicide reported in Minnesota has been n"a^. Gilmore took a second dentified as swine flu. 1ir" overdose Dec. 16. The Minnesota case, like the l Tip mental hovital's director two earlier Wisconsin cases, Gpdi hp was nder court order had been associated with per- "t to diS """s Barrett's case. He sons who worked on farms and q-04 he had not been contacted had come in contact with h n tter-s ,aont Gilmore's re- swine, the CDC said. 6"-A{tto ba'e her as a witness - __________ to '"e eyn-11tionn He declined to ay whther she would be al- oIn,,-A to n-land. THE TlV1 VORK Post. mean- o p wl-,i1. said Gilmore had invited a rmer cellmate. Richard '. to be a witness. It uioted ! nore as savmq. "if he flm " omne on Monday. no one Gilmore. who was convicted of . t-,shnt;-ba dpnth iof Tnotel Tenn.), became Senate minority ,l rk onri Rshn'll diring a leader last week and will be the ro'4,rv lat July. has consist- ranking Republican in the coun- f 'nt' -said ha wants to die for try when Ford leaves office next . i,; -e. Tf he keens his date week. 1r0, the frina soiad, Gilmore wotnl ne thb first nerson exe- ALTHOUGH Brock's own poli- +-d in th- TTnited States since tics are viewed as conservative. lo and the first in Utah since he began his term as national 194n chairman by calling on the party rlsq'ite federal rnoirt anoroval to reform itself, broaden its of renorters to a'tend a Texas base and improve its image. A ,a-+ion Aderson earlier de- "We have the making of the nia a petitn to allow renort- greatest new majority this coun- es to see Glmore's shooting. try has ever seen," Brock said gtat law sne-ifies only that au- in his acceptance speech. -"Yet, +horitiA and five witnesses des- we're not there. We're a long i ina-ec" by the condemned mry way from there." be on hand. Brock said the recent reverses The National Council of the GOP has suffered in the en-,,rhps announced on 7hurs- wake of Watergate and a per- 4ay that 14 renresentatives of sistent recession are "not as .ei aiancies would conduct much a reason for gloom as ... - i and an all-night vigil an incredible opportunity. n.'tci. the nrisnn lo!7ated some ,, A-11 so° of downtown Salt "WE'RE GOING to challenge r p i-v. Th. n, tah Coalition the Democrats in every field, Aarinct th. Death Penalty with every opportunity that we mawed to hold a rally Saturday have." he said. "But I think it and 'ioin the Tigil. is important that we challenge ourselves first. We can and we " lawyer who was a top cam- paien aide, Cabinet Secretary and the liaison between the federal government and local committee. cha governments. 0 Stuart Eizenstat, another _.._ - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - r .- The O lt' UflI'versity of Chicagi M.A. Program in lid Social Science OneYear Program Interdisciplinary Study -preparation for a new career in social or behavioral science -exploration of future academic or career possibilities -background for further academic study in a variety of fields Students formulate individualized study in ur- ban planning, philosophy of social science, delivery of health services, industrial relations, problems of psychopathology, public policy, internationalproblems, crass-cultural studies, evaluation research, and many more areas. -a distinguished faculty -curriculm and career counseling --hundreds of courses -full and part-time opportunities For information and application, write: Office of the Dean of Students Foster Hall Box W 1130 E. 59th Street * Chicago, Illinois 60637 Race, Creed coor sex. or naiona ow -f if ap cani plavs no role to admssion of any aorPcan: tc the U n- '1 r ' 'rhicago i i oil I Senate panel approves Vance I (Continued from Page 1) I OBVIOUSLY aware of the! panel's attitude toward Kissing- er, Vance told the committee in testimony Tuesday that "I will come completely clean with you. If I am informed, I will not mislead you.".I One of the touchiest issues that arose during the Vance confirmation hearing was his role as an adviser, to Lyndon Johnson during the Vigtnam war. Vance served as secretary of the Army and undersecretary of defense during the Kennedy and Johnson years. By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - The Repub- lican National Committee yes- terday elected former Senator William Brock, who supported President . Ford against con- servative challenger Ronald Reagan, as its new chairman. Brock, a conservative from Tennessee who went down to defeat with Ford last Novem- ber, succeeds Mary Louise Smith, who resigned after com- ing under fire from Reagan supporters. HIS ELECTION by 90 of 161 possible votes came on the third ballot of the first day, of the, national committee's two-day meeting here. It was accom- plished without the bitter fight expected between the supporters of Ford and Reagan. Reagan's choice for' national chairman, Richard Richards of Utah, could muster only 48 votes.4 The election of a Tennessean as national party chairman gives that swing state two of the GOP's highest-ranking politi- cians. Sen. Howard Baker (R- Longet g1uilty of negligent' homicide) JACK WHITE WILL BE AT THE UNION Feb. 7th Who is Jack White? 4*wpo,~%o -a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- --- I - HOUSING DIVISION Resident Staff Application Forms For 1977-78 Academic Year AVAILABLE STARTING JANUARY 17, 1977 IN MS. CHARLENE COADY'S OFFICE-1500 SAB POSITIONS INCLUDE: Resident Director, Assistant Resi- dent Director, Resident Advisor, Head Librarian, Resident Fellow, CULS Counselor and Graduate Student Teaching Assistant. Advisory positions require the completion of a minimum of 55 credit hours by the end of the 1977 Winter term for the Resident Fellows in Residential College, Resident Advisor and CULS Counselor positions; Graduate status for Graduate Student Teaching Assistant in Pilot Pro- gram and the Resident Directors position. However, qualified under- graduate applicants may be considered for the Resident Director positions. During the Johnson administra- tion, members of the Foreign Relations Committee, led by the then - chairman William Ful- bright, D-Ark., became disen- chanted with U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The conflict be- tween the committee and John- son and his top foreign and mili- tary policy advisers grew in- creasingly bitter. WHEN VANCE was asked this week about the war, he replied, "In the light of handsight, I be- lieve it was a mistake to have intervened in Vietnam." He said the United States had erred in- trying to prop up a re- gime that lacked popular sup- port. He said this nation also had suffered from a mistaken belief that it possessed unlim- ited military power. (Continued from Page 1) original charge. If convicted of reckless manslaughter, she could have been imprisoned for 10 years and fined $30,000. THE LESSER CHARGE is similar to onethat might be brought against a driver who, while driving negligently, kills someone with a car. Lohr, in instructing the jury, said negligent homicide was a 'gross deviation from- the standard of care a reasonable person would exert." He said reckless felony manslaughter was a "conscious disregard for considerable and substantial risk that will occur." Longet had claimed in testi- mony the .22-caliber German pistol Sabich's father carried home from World War II dis- charged accidentally while the two-time world professional ski champion was showing her how to use it March 21. LONGET TOLD'reporters aft- er she was convicted: "There is not " very much to say. I have too much respect for hu- man life to be guilty of this crime. I am not guilty of it." Her ex-husband, who sat a few Jeet away from her in theI front row of the spectators' benches, told reporters: "I am disappointed." During closing arguments, Longet, 35, and Williams, seat- ed in the audience, wept as defense attorney Charles Weed- man claimed 'ballistic experts proved the safety catch on the pistol did not work and that she should be acquitted. "YOU ARE ASKED to judge her. Mentally hold her hand," Weedman asked jurors in his summation. After the verdict he said he was disappointed but "glad it wasn't felony 'manslaughter." Weedman said Longet knew nothing of weapons and Sabich told her the gun was safe be- cause the safety was on. "THE SAFETY on this gun does not work," said Weedman, pointing to the weapon "You cannot forget it. You must not forget it. It is the one hard piece of evidence in this case." Chief Prosecutor Ashley An- derson told the jury Longet was recklessly pointing the gun at Sabich, 32, and pulled the trig- ger. He said that "when the bullets come out, you kill some- one." must do better." Brock began his career as a grass-roots volunteer in his na- tive Chattanooga and served two terms in the U.S. House before being elected to the Senate in' 1970, defeating veteran Demo- crat Albert Gore. Last fall, however, Brock lost' to Democrat James Sasser. a relative political novice - who was swent to victory in a presi- dential landslide by Jimmy Car-- ter in the state. FOLLOWING Brock's selec- tion the Ripon Society, repre- senting the liberal wing of the party, said it'is looking forward to working with him and said his first task is to broaden the party's appeal. Just before the nominations were made, Indiana chairman Torm Milligan, who had been viewed by many as a middle-; ground comoromise. withdrew. saving he ist didn't have the votes. Milligan released his vot- ers "to go where they wanted to go" but said he was voting for Richards because of "an1 outstanding record as a party technician." Smith. the Ford-nicked inm- hent chairman who announced her resignation shortly after the.j -presidential election, said ii her farewell speech that the party has to broaden. its appeal or face disaster. "SOMEWV RE between the sotnd nrincinles of this party ant the common, everv-dav "eers of neonle. there is apo- ten+mllv fatal gan " she s: rid. "'W- have bridaes to build." Smith said too many Amari- rcanseview the GnP ns an eltsv cmrntin alienated from the com- monn neonle. t i t ,rur rumfA n u.TL Vonuma LXXVTT, No. 86 saturday. January 15, 1977 Is pEiitPd and mainaged lbvstudents at theUitve"rsitv of Michigan. News nhcne 764-0562. Second class postage nald at Ann Ar1cr. Michigan 48109. Pubished d a i ly Tuesday through -9undsv mornine during the Univer- sity vear at 4?0 Msynard Street. Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: 812 Sent. thru April (2 semes- ters!; $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Sum mer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 In Ann Arbor: $7.50 by mat outside Ann Arbor. Daily Official Bulletin Saturday, January 15, 1977 DAY CALENDAR Inter-Cooperative Council - En. ergy Conservation: Planning for the Future,seminar for- 4cooperative housing. (register, 662-4414), 9 am. WUOM: Interview key Watergate figure. John Dean. by Barbara New- man of Nao anal Public Radio, 1 pm. Musical Society: Prague Chamber Orchestra, 111 And., 8:30 p.m. CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT 3200 SAB -764-7456 RECRUITING ON-CAMPUS Jan. 17 - U.S. Army Nurse Corps. and Curtin Matheson Science, Inc. Jan. 18 - U.S. Navy, Montgomery Ward & Co., University of Chicago Hospitals & Clinics, and Energy Research & Development Administration. Jan. 19 - Proctor & Gamble, and Ashland Oil Co. Jan. 20 - U.S. Air Force Nurses. Jan. 24 - University Hospitals of Cleveland. Jan. 25 - Chemical Abstract Services, Oak Ridge National Laboratories, and Action/Peace Corps/vista. Jan 26 - Bell Systems, Proctor & Gamble Distributing Co., Action/ Peace Corps/vista, and L,bby-Owens-Ford Co. Jan. 27 -- Rike's and Action/Peace Corps/Vista Jan. 28 - First Chicago Corporation and Leo Burnett U.S.A. Phone 764-7460 for information on the following: The Burke Marketing Research Fel- lowship will be awarded to one or two students who are deeply inter- ested in a career in marketing re- search. Applicants should have high levels. of academic achievement in the behavioral sciences, as well as marketing, quantitative analysis, or other business-related majors. Appli- r Groups form to aid V.A1. nurses I QUALIFICATIONS: (1 ) ust be a registered U. of M. student on the Ann Arbor Campus during-the period of employment. (2) Must have completed a minimum of 55 credit hours by the end of the 1977 Winter Term. (3) Preference will be given to applicants who have lived in residence halls at University level for at least one year. (4) Undergraduate applicants must have a 2.5 cumulative grade point overage and graduate applicants must be in good academic standing at the end of the 1976 Fall term. (5) Preference is given to applicants who do not intend to carry heavy academic schedules and who do not have rigorous outside commitments. (6) Applicants with children will not be considered. (7) Proof of these qualifications may be required. . (Continued from Page 1) saying it was "possible" thatj more improprieties on the part of federal prosecutors would be unearthed. BOTH LAWYERS said they would probably file for dismis- sal again sometime before the trial begins. Government prosecutors have remained tight-lipped in, regard to the allegations. U.S. Attorney Philip Van Damj s'id: "The only statement ITwill indicted in June 1976, organizingj fund-raising affairs to help the pair cover legal fees and set- ting up appearances around the Detroit area so that the wom- en could take their case to the public. One group, Feminists in Sup- port of Narciso and Perez (FSNP), has sponsored a num- ber of potluck dinners and bene- fits. Last night and this eve- ning, the Theatre Company of Ann, Arbor is aivi'vn benefit' slants here," said Ettinger. "They are a minority, they're not citizens, and they are wom- en. It's not a coincidence that it happened to them in the first place." The other support group, the Narciso/Perez Legal Defense Fund, has united with high Philippine government officials and wealthy Filipino private citizens in its effortshto raise money. A group in the Philip- pines headed by President Ferdi- 6?' Rter' . I i .