Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Black Salvation -- Slavery Era Time of Collective 'Crucifixion' Thursday, April 7, 1977 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Don't let Rudolph Hess out Blacks ih a 1v e euid red hairshIraalt in i bc, iliniig in s 1 A merica a 1! e r T TE DAILY feels that Rudolf Hess should not be released from pri- son. We believe that the magnitude of the atrocities that Hess was in- strumental in designing and commit- ting, far outweigh any considerations of his being duly punished. The British government is renew- ing its efforts to gain Hess' release, in concurrence with the United States and France. In 1975, an effort to ob- tain his release failed when' the Soviet Union vetoed it. Great Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Un- ion jointly administer Spandau Mili- tary Prison in WestBerlin, where Hess is presently the only prisoner. Any decision to release Hess must be made by a unanimous vote of all four countries. The main argument for Hess' re- lease is that the man has paid his debt to society. He is 82 years old and has been in prison since 1942. The position is that at his advanced age he couldn't cause much harm. But Hess has not paid his dues. And his release would mean a great deal more than just allowing a harm- less old man freedom in his final years. Rudolf Hess was not an ordinary, rank and file Nazi. His affiliation with Adolf Hitler goes back to when he was personal secretary and body guard to the future Fuhrer in 1925. He became a member of Hitler's cab-{ inet in 1934, and in 1939 was appoint- ed 3rd Deputy Fuhrer - which made him third in command to Hitler and Goerring, and /second in line of suc- cession to Goerring. He was thusj one of the three most powerful men in a regime that perpetrated one of the worst genocides in human his- tory. And as such, he must bear re- sponsibility for Auschwitz, Dachau and Riga - the tools of over 10 million slaughters. A ND THAT IS WHY Rudolf Hess must remain incarcerated. He is a living symbol of the Holocaust. There are too many people alive who either were in concentration camps or had relatives in concentration camps to allow freedom to a man who wielded and abused the power of life and death. There are too many Nazi war criminals still at large in Germany, South America and this country who would gain a moral vic- tory if Hess was released. We see no harm in having Hess transferred to another prison, where he would have human contact and increased access to his family. But to allow him to go free - no, there are just too many people around who remember. /unes, 1)u teic/ce is that at fulleIr f u/nre is o /wnri g for the'm and throg i, for all people. 1f is a stor, sy mbolic of /he d/a/h an resurrec/ion of Jess, and it's /he sub- j e c f of this fli e - part "Bla k. Salwion," begi - iing today. If tras writ/en hy Asso- cAat/ed Press relgion ui-r/er Geore XV'. Cornell, alhor of e era books on rei- ;ionslla/0ic 's 145/d/# " ~e hold /he A fan" and' "The Unamd God". By GEORGE W CORNELL AP Religion Writer They've walked a special road, barefoot, half clad, mock-. ed, in chains. They've moved through a brutal terrain, enough to break body and spir- it. They've suffered, struggled, died. But black Americans have endured. They've tra- versed the night and see faint streaks of dawn. "A new world's a com'%" goes their old slave hymn of yearning. But the ordeal has been long, the burden heavy and the pain deep. For 246 years, from the time the first 20 black slaves were landed at the colony of Jamestown, Va., in 1619 until the end of the Civil War in 1865, they lived in bondage - owned, bartered, driven, worked as chattels. For another 100 years they were segregated, de- meaned, lynched, rejected and shut out. It has scarred the gener- ations, three and a half cen- turies of variously legalized and uncodified ostracism, both overt and camouflaged. Every day, everywhere across the na- tion, north and south, blacks and their children confronted handicaps and searing psy- chological wounds. Shunned, put down, denied. "Nobody knows the trouble I see," an old spiritual puts it. "Nobody knows but Jesus." They've not only known the outpouring force of his crucifi- xion, but in a graphic way, they've shared it. "Yes, some of us have died on that tree, too," says Thelma Barnes, ex- ecutive director of Black Meth- odists for Church Renewal. "We've been through the cruci- fixion." They've suffered vicar- iously on their cross for healing of a national affliction. Religion always has been a pervasive, distinctly intimate reality among blacks. They've experienced in their own lives the ancient Biblical paradigms of abusive oppression and sus- tenance through it. They've clung to the heralded divine promises of ultimate deliv- erance and equity. "Blessed are those who mourn," Jesus says in Matthew 5:4, "for they shall be comfort- ed." They've also found historical identity with the Israelites un- der the lash of Egyptian slave- ry and longed for their own lib- eration. They've heard concern for their own plight thundering through the Old Testament prophets in denunciation of vic- timizing the weak and the poor. ~ /" . ' ' --- r --- r .-- " ; f , t r 1 1 Declining voter turnout may spell democracy's demise' "Let justice roll down like the waters..." demands Amos 5:24. Applied to their own times, blacks have withstood the fiery furnace with Shadrack, Mesh- ack and Abednego, strode with Daniel in the lions' den and gleaned hope in their own dire circumstances from the mira- culous deliverances. They've lived the torments, drunk the bitter cups and rejoiced in the Biblical vision of a "new heav- en and a new earth." Like Jews in their Passover reen- actments, blacks tasted the drugs of thralldom and they sing: "Go down Moses. Tell old Pharaoh, 'Let my people go!' " Estimates are that 10 million Africans were shipped in irons to America in the nearly three centuries of slave traffic, al- though the average mortality totaled about 50 per cent from congestion, heartbreak and dis- ease: 12.5 per cent at sea, 4.5; per cent waiting in harbors and 33 per cent in "seasoning" to heavy labor. Both whites and black Afri- can chieftains took part in that ruthless commerce, often seiz- ing whole villages in raids and marching the captives in miles- long "coffles" to coastal ship- ping pens, shackled two-by-two, the right wrist and ankle of one to the left wrist and ankle of the other. Occasionally, on the cross- ings, slaves mnutinied but sel- dom had a chance. Some cap- tives hanged themselves or jumped overboard rather than submit, joining the dead tossed out from the packed holds, drawing a trail of sharks be- hind. In one five-year span, 1750 to 1755, the number of bod- ies dumped in New York har- bor alone totalled 2,000. "Father, forgive them," Jesus said on the cross, "for they know not what they do." The victims were of many tribes, variouslydark and light brown of skin. They were sold at auctions or in "scrambles" at which buyers agreed on a price per head in each category - men, women, girls, boys - and then scrambled among the lot to pick individuals of the type purchased. These forced immigrants, torn from their native land, of- ten divided from mates and children, dispersed among oth- er Africans of unfamiliar heri- tages in a way that gradually blotted out tribal cultures, were defined and handled as proper- ty, work stock. They bore the brunt of the physical toil in the raising of a nation. Under white "overseers" and their squads of black "driv- ers," the slaves cleared forests, turned the sod, planted fields, built roads, ground cane, opened mines. They hoisted rails, tugged. barges, toted the bales. Laboring in gangs, often under 'the harsh discipline of a' bullwhip, they powered much of the swelling production of mines, mills and plantations of tobacco, rice, cane and cotton that built the wealth of early America. But they themselves re- mained emptyhanded, consid- ered mere utilitarian creatures to use or misuse at the whim of masters. Floggedaraped, shot, they had no legal rights, no standing in court, as confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court as late as 1857 in the Dred Scott decision. They were totally sub- ject to owners - some kind, some cruel. "As you did it to one of the least of these my brethren," Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, "you did it to me." Slave families often were split, their children, sisters, brothers, wives, sold to trav- eling dealers. Some owners pro- hibited marriage among slaves, preferring to work them stead- ily until worn out. "It's cheaper to buy than breed," the saying went. "Did the Lord deliver Dan- iel?" went their bracing old. spiritual. "Then why not every mar.?" Particulars of African reli- gion soon faded into vague,frag- mentary remnants among American blacks,thrown into a strange environment,scattered, disoriented, their ties of lan- guage, tribe and custom bro- ken. However, in their travail, they eagerly grasped an al- ternative in Christianity, which they learned from roving white Baptist and Methodist evange- lists and from the humming "grapevine" that circulated in the slave quarters. To sustain their sense of per- sonal worth, dignity and faith in life itself, they found that re- source in the Biblical accounts of a God of love and justice, who cared for all his children, even downtrodden slaves, who hated evil and oppression and who in time would destroy them. "His eye is on the sparrow," goes the reassuring spiritual, so he's "watching over me." Evangelistic drives through the country, the "great awakenings" that both preceded and followed the Revolution, con verted thousands, both black and whites in mixed crowds. Although only a small propor- tion of slaves were directly touched in these public gather- ings, the others acquired smat- terings of it second-hand - from their fellow slaves. It was the "sustaining pow- er" and basis of the "spirit of endurance which the slaves de- veloped and which was sociolo- gically so remarkable," writes black historian Harry V. Rich- ardson, in his book, "Dark Sal- vation." It enabled them to "endure slavery without ever accepting it." Early white evangelists, Bap-, tists, Presbyterians and Meth- odists, directly attacked slave ry in the name of Biblical faith. But after 1800, with the slave population of a million buttress- ing the entire economy and with tensions over it mounting, white churches lowered their voice of protest, the preachers sometimes citing isolated Bible texts to defend submission to mnasters. Initially, slaves were in- tegrated with whites in churches, north and south, but as 1800 approached, blacks were segregated to balconies and side benches, causing them to leave to form - their own churches. While some white masters en- couraged religion among their slaves, others permitted it only reluctantly and rigidly restrict- ed slave religious meetings, of- ten forbade them altogether or made sure a vigilant white was on hand to listen and watch against any hint of freedom, even in prayers. Such talk was subject to flogging. But the slave preachers be- came experts at innuendo. They invented terminology and sesquipedalian words, a kind of covert lingo that reached the black sorrows and aspirations and conveyed God's demand for justice without explicit ap- plications of it. Most slaves were deliberately deprived of education. Learning I to read and write was punish- able by whipping or imprison- ment. Some learned piecemeal anyhow, either from indulgent masters or roundabout means. "They learned to read the Bible without knowing the alphabet," a saying went. They rendered it "by heart," sometimes in flow- ery, garbled fashion but with vividness and fervor. "The Spirit of the Lord...has sent me to proclaim release to the captives.. .to set at liberty those who are oppressed," Jesus says in the good book, Luke 4:18. At the secret meetings of the "Invisible" church in the bayous, in the "brush arbor" gatherings, "praise cabins" and "bush" churches, the black preachers proclaimed God's summons to freedom, his wrath at slavery and intent to wipe it out. "Thus says the Lord: Exe- cute justice in the morning," proclaims Jeremiah 21:12, "and deliver from the hand of the op- pressor." Most slave preachers stopped short of exhorting insurrection, often projecting deliverance into a future life, but this was an interim strategy, and the implications also bore on ir? mediate circumstances. Indicating the inflammatory potentialities of the Biblical teachings, several , colonies passed laws forbidding inde- pendent religious gatherings of blacks under penalties of whip- ping and fines. Nevertheless, recurrent black uprisings came anyhow, usually led by black preachers. About 200 of them are recorded in the slavery pe- riod, small and large, always crushed, generally with mass hangings. "Joshua fit de battle of Je- richo and the walls came tumbling down," goes the old spiritual. Virginia's governor in 1831 at- tributed the revolts to con- spiratorial reading of the Bible and "black preachers" teach- ing that "God is no respecter of persons." Grand juries and newspapers of that-era also blamed ''incendiary preachers" and "religious rebels." There was a succession of black preacher-rebels, Denmark Vesey, Gabriel Prosser, Nat Turner and others who led slave uprisings. Before Turner was hanged, he was asked if he realized his mistake. He replied, "Was not Christ crucified?" The scattered revolts brought a wave of ney legislation for- bidding slaves to read, write, preach or attend religious meetings after nigntfall. Known black preachers were put under close surveillance. But the fires smouldered on. The "under- ground railroad" slipped runa- way slaves from hideout to hideout along tie back trails. And the old slave spiritual ech- oed through the swamps and groves: 4 "Oh freedom, oh freedom: Oh freedom, I love thee! And before I'll be a slave, I'll be buried in my grave, and go home to my lord and be free." TOMORROW: Time of Trauma. FOR YEARS, conscientious voters have attempted to guilt-trip less ambitious people into voting with the battle cry, "This is a democracy. Your vote does count. If you don't vote and the wrong candidate wins, then you'll be sorry." And the conscientious peo- ple trotted off to vote, while the apathetic ones smirked. Well, this time the roles are re- versed. A lot of people who didn't vote are kicking themselves, while the conscientious voters are saying, "I told you so!" Al Wheeler defeated his Republi- can opponent Lou Belcher by a sin- gle vote in Monday's city elections. But as interesting as that race was, the real story of election is the ap- palling 30 per cent voter turnout. If all the non-voters had gotten togeth- er they could have thrown the elec- tion to Donald Duck, if hey had want- ed to. Only 22,000 of the more than 75,000 registered Ann Arbor voters went to the polls, and the problem is only going to get worse. There seems to be nothing to halt the trend of deceased voter turnout - turnout has been declining- at a frightening rate both for local and national elections - and this is a problem that we allmust face. We must all recognize that this country isn't even run by a majori- ty anymore. With nearly half the persons not voting, a president could- n't possibly win even the tiniest ma- jority of public approval. In our city election, 50,000 persons didn't go to the polls, and Wheeler won by one vote. This was one of those rare oc- casions were every ballot made a dif- ference, yet only 30 per cent of the people voted. We all charge that gov- ernment is unresponsive to the peo- ple, but how can anyone holding of- fice know what the people want when so many of us don't care enough to tell them? It looks as if Wheeler's one vote margin is going to hold up, and he will lead us through the next two years confident that he has the man- date of the people - but he won't have. He will have one-seventh of the people who favor him, one-sev- enth (minus one) who oppose him, and five-sevenths who just don't give a damn, even though any one of their votes could have made the differ- ence. Remember that next time you can't decide whether its worth the bother to vote. Health Service Handbook 4 -f W R---- K -/ By SYLVIA HACKER and NANCY PALCHICK QUESTION: I would like to know'why the arbitration stamp appears on the inside front of student's records. I was told that disagreeing or not signing the arbitration contract would not alter the care offered at the Health Service. But, the first thing a doctor looks at when opening the record of a student is the arbitration stamp. I feel this stamp is an invasion of pri- vacy and should be removed from the students' records. How do you feel? ANSWER: As a State require- ment of our malpractice insur- ance program, Health Service must offer the arbitration option to each patient who seeks medi- cal treatment at our facility. We needed an efficient method of de- termining whether or not a pa- tient had been offered the arbi- tration agreement and so, since you need your medical record on each visit, it was decided to indicate your decision on the "face sheet" of your record. If the information were filed else- where, each secretary you en- countered would have to offer surance Commission. It is only natural that you think this is the first thing the physician looks at since the in- formation is recorded on the "face sheet" which is the first sheet in your record. However, the "face sheet" is used to re- cord certain medical informa- tion (diagnosis of various illnes- ses, allergic reactions to drugs, date of operation permissions, etc.) which the physician rou- tinely checks before treating you. The physicians we've talk- edt to say they don't even no- tice the decision that's indicated in the arbitration section. So, we understand and appre- ciate your concern but let us reassure you that your decision concerning the arbitration agreement in no way affects the medical care you receive. It is placed in your medical record to facilitate getting you through the clinics and it makes our record keeping process more ef- ficient. QUESTTON: If I am drinking alcohol, is there anything that I can do to prevent myself from getting drunk (for instance, eat- ing or coating my stomach be- fore drinking)? slow down tre effect of the al- cohol somewhat. Eating while drisking may al- so serve to slow down the rate at whicn people drink. It takes approximately one hour for the average drink (e.g. a 12-ounce bottle of beer, a four- to five- ounce glass of wine, and one- and-a-half ounces of whiskey or the average cocktail) to be metabolized once it is in your bloodstream. Thus anything that slows down your rate of drink- ing will decrease the probability that you will get drunk. Diluting alcohol with non-alcoholic mix- ers can also be helpful here (and alcohol diluted with non-carbon- nated mixers is absorbed less rapidly than alcohol diluted with carbonated mixers). The NIAAA notes that there are no "coatings" (such as milk, butter etc.) that can keep al- cohol from getting into your bloodstream. These products must be seen as any other food substance, and would therefore have similar effects. QUESTION: Is it normal to feel weak while dieting? ANSWER: We have referred your question to our resident ex- pert in nutrition, Ms. Irene Hieb- er. Her reply is as follows: The feeling of weakness is al- ways a sign of trouble. If it comes as a result of dieting then it is safe to assume that the diet being followed is unbalanced and the person is ill-advised to con- tinue on it. A diet must con- tribute to your health and in- crease your feelings of general well-being. Send all health related ques- tions to: HEALTH EDUCATORS UM Health Service Division of Office of Student Services 207 Fletcher Ann Arbor, MI 48109 i Letters. to The Daily Ford member Agnew, Butz, et al. The "Political Civil Liberties" To The Daily: title is the most ironic. Will .d a.. Ford speak of Civil Liberties in Your editorial page of April n Chile, Brazil, Thailand, Iran, turned my stomach. How can South Africa, Rhodesia, India, you be crass enough to print Argentina? I really doubt it. such stuff in a morning paper? Or perhaps he is demented The editorial entitled, "Welcome enough to speak out against Home, Jerry" was to be put these things now that he is no mildly, ironicly absurd. First, longer in a position to help right you noted that Ford would be lecturing on "Political Civil Lib- tesewrongs. ror made in Stephen Pickover's review of the "Music Man." Al- though I appreciate being called the director of such an excel- lent production, that honor was actually shared by Marcia Mil- grom and Anthony Dodge. I was the producer, an important but quite different function. I must admit that I am sur- prised that someone who feels competent enough to have his cri,;im nbiheh ; i ,c.-