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Latest Deadline in the State
Vol. LXXXVII. No. 149
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 7, 1977
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
k p
Happy counting
Well, all the votes are in and all they have to do
is figure out the winners in the Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) and University Housing Council
(UHC) elections. In the 29-candidate MSA race;
1,900 ballots were cast. In the UHC election, dor-
Mies cast 900 votes. MSA official Monte Fowler
called the turnout in this term's election'"low" as
compared to last term's. He added that out of the
3,000 ballots cast last fall, 500 were blanks. Happy
counting, folks.
RC pioneer dies
Burton Thuma, one of the creators of the Resi-
dential College (RC), and professor emeritus of
psychology here, died yesterday in St. Joseph
Mercy Hospital at the age of 74. Thuma retired in
1967 after a distinguished 39-year teaching and
research career. During his final three years at
Michigan, he devoted all his time to directing the
newly-emerging RC. The College was designed to
incorporate the features of both a large university
and a small liberal arts college. Thuma also serv-
ed as associate dean of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Ford-ian fear
Well, one might think that Jerry Ford's legion
of Secret Service men had really latched onto a
really cushy assignment when they came to Ann
Arbor this week, but don't let appearances fool
you. If an incident that happened Monday night,
the eve of Jerry's first day in town, is any indi-
cation, these guys are earning their keep. It all
started when two curious law students set up a
crow's nest in a room in the Law Quad directly
across from Robben Fleming's house, Ford's Ann
Arbor accommodations. Unfortunately for the two
observers, they forgot to turn off the lights in the
room as they peered across the street through
binoculars. An eagle-eyed Secret Service man
posted on Fleming's front steps, noticed -all the
fishy activity and passed the word. Moments later,
as the quaddies were calmly munching matzos,
they received a couple of heavy-set visitors who
politely asked what exactly was going on. Some-
body, thesSecret Service men remarked, was get-
ting a little nervous across the way. However, the
situation was quickly cleared up and the Secret
Service returned to their all-night vigil. All in a
day's work, huh guys?
Happenings ...
start off today with a reminder that the Center
for Afro-American and African Studies will be
holding its spring conference today through Sat-
urday, for information call 764-5513 . .. at noon,
there will be a multi-media photographic show at
the Pendleton Arts Information Center entitled
"Let Justice Flow Down Like the Waters" . .
Prof. Yassour from Haifa University will speak on
"Education in the Kibbutz" in Rm. 2302 of the
School of Education building . .. then, back at the
Pendleton Arts Center, English Prof. Bert Horn-
back will give a lecture at 4 on "Joyce and Ein-
stein" . . . if that doesn't strike your fancy, check
out Dr. James Sauer's talk on "The Geography
and Archeology of Jordan" at 4 in Rm. 3050, Frieze
Building . . . also at 4, Prof. Bruce Marsh will
discuss "Island-Arc Magmatism in Rm. 250, C. C.
Little Building . . . or go hear Prof. George Mosse
speak on "Judaism and Modernity: The Problem
of Emancipation" at 4 at Rackham Amphitheatre
then in the evening hours, the Trotter House
Speaker Series features Richard Garland speaking
on "The Black Advocate" from 7 to 9 in the Trot-
ter House Lounge, 1443 Washtenaw . . . at 7:30,
the Inter-Coperative Council will sponsor a pre-
sentation of the Affirmative Action Committee at
Stevens Co-op, 816 S. Forest... "Terror in Ar-
gentine Prisons" will be the topic of a discussion
with Gwen Lopez, an American woman recently
freed from prison in Buenos Aires, at the UGLI
Multi-nurpose Rm. at 7:30 . . . the Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship will meet at 7:30 in the
League . . N. finally, at 8. a drama written by
University Prof. Bert Hornback called "Yes to the
Universe'; will be presented in the Pendleton Arts
Ceter. Live it up.
Ot ti e inside...
Read about the sit-in of the handicapped at the
HEW office in the Daily Digest on Page 2 . .
Editorial Page features the first part of George
W. Cornell's five-part series on "Black Salvation"
... Mike Taylor writes about local musician Dick
Siegel on the Arts Page . . . and on Sports Page,
Scott Lewis offers his Delayed Reaction on major *
league baseball.
Ott the ()utsi(d(...
I s'rheori
Former President Gerald Ford
yesterday took advantage of a
lecture here to add his voice to
the growing din of disapproval
over the Carter administration's
handling of the latest round of
strategic arms negotiations.
Ford, speaking to an introduc-
tory political science class as
part of his five-day campus
teaching tour, criticized the cur-
rent administration as "too op-
timistic" in its approach to
Strategic Arms Limitation
Treaty (SALT) talks with the
"THERE WAS too much pub-
lic rhetoric before going to
Moscow .. . and too much pub-
lic rhetoric after the negotia-
_tions," the Michigan alumnus
told a mixed crowd of students
and press in Rackham Audi-
Arms'talks between Secretary
of State Cyrus Vance and Soviet
leader Leonid Brezhnev broke
down March 30 when the Rus-
sians flatly rejected key U.S.
proposals at a- meeting in Mos-
cow. Since the breakdown, spe-
culation has grown that failure
to reach an agreement was
caused, in part, by Carter's re-
cent blasts on countries violat-
ing human rights.
Ford yesterday remarked that
Carter may have made "soire
miscalculations" on how his new
human rights stand might affect
the SALT talks.
"EVEN THOUGH we strongly
disagree with (Russia's) politi-
cal system and philosophy, it is
in the best interests of both
See FORD, Page 3
m hff
pi fy,
dent Carter armed himself
yesterday with fresh powers
to reorganize t h e federal
bureacuracy. However, h i s
budget director cast doubt
on whether Carter can
carry out a campaign prom-
i'e to chop the number of
departments a n d agencies
to 200.
Carter signed a new law
giving him broad authority
to undertake a reorganiza-
tion drive, which he termed
"the most consistent com-
mitment" he had made to
the voters during his 1976
Oval Office signing ceremony,
Carter said he intends to use his
reorganization powers "to make
government m o r e responsive,
efficient and open."
During t h e campaign, the
President often talked about re-
ducing 1,900 federal departments
and agencies to no more than
Following the signing, Director
Bert Lance of the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
told reporters: "I don't think
we ought to say . . . we are
going to cut them to 200."
LANCE, WHO will oversee a
four-year reorganization effort
for Carter, argued it was im-
portant to take a searching look
at the bureacuracy before set-
ting any definite goals for the
elimination of agencies.
"I _jst don't think we ought
to play the numbers game,"
said Lance.
Although Carter had said there
were 1,900 federal agencies of
one description or a n o t h e r,
Lance reported yesterday that
4 MB has now counted 2,018, and
indicated there could be even
more that have not yet been
SINCE THIS figure is higher
than the one Carter used during
See CARTER, Page 8
~U'officials iayo
deficient state funds,
University officials are disappointed with a state Senate sub-
committee's recommendation to the legislature which would allot
the University only $10.4 million in badly needed new funds-a
figure significantly lower than the original $20 million request
made by University President Robben Fleming.
"It is generally conceded that higher education in Michigan
as a whole is underfunded," said Fleming, who had hoped for a
greater recommendation from the Subcommittee on Higher Edu-
cation Appropriations, but admittedly was never optimistic to-
ward receiving the full $20 million.
HOWEVER, HE SAID reluctantly, "we're glad to have it (the
$10.4 million)."
Fleming expressed satisfaction that the subcommittee's recom-
mendation is slightly higher than Governor Milliken's $10.2 mil-
Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
Former President Gerald Ford gestures to several hundred Political Science 111 students and re-
porters yesterday during a lecture in which he decried the Carter administration's use of 'rhe-
toric' in strategic arms talks.
Beicher set
to petition for
vote recount
With the last two signatures certifying Mon-
day's razor thin mayoral election expected today,
attorneys for one-vote loser Louis Belcher are
standing by, ready to file their petitions for a
Democratic \ayor Albert Wheeler, making his
first bid for re-election, defeated Republican
Belcher 10 660 votes to 10 659. Socialist Human
Rights Party candidate Diana Slaughter garnered
356 votes.
YESTERDAY, the two Democratic members
of the Ann Arbor Board of Canvassers, Dr. Theo-
dore Beals and Carol Rees, signed the certifi-
cation papers which will finalize Monday's re-
sults. Rae Weaver and Donald Kenney, the
Board's Republican members, have indicated
that they, too, will sign the papers first thing
this morning.
"I have no qualms about signing it" Kenney
Only three of the four signatures are necessary
to make the results official, after which petitions
for a recount can be accepted by the County
Board of Canvassers.
"THE PETITIONS are prepared," Belcher said
last night. "I'm not sure yet which precincts we
will have recounted, but it will probably be most
of them."
Wheeler indicated that he Would wait to see
what the Republicans decide to do before for-
See BELCHER, Page 3
lion proposal. But, he added that
the $10.4 milion is gBared main-
ly toward the health sciences
(dental and medical schools, for
example). "It certainly helps
their problems, but it doesn't re-
solve oyerail problems like util-
ities," Fleming said.
Fleming-explained that he did
not expect to be granted his
original request of $20 million
because of Milliken's total $45
million recommendation for all
state schools.
mendation is expected to reach
the state Senate floor for debate
See TOP, Page 3
A legal
We pay clerks big bucks to
run Capitol printing concerns
WASHINGTON (A) - Two House clerks are
drawing salaries paid by the taxpayers while
running $1-million-a-year private printing busi-
nesses rent-free on the Capitol grounds.
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill said he would
look into the unusual arrangements after news
accounts of it appeared yesterday.
THE ARRANGEMENT apparently is legal, al-
though until now the public has been denied a
look at the books of the two subsidized busi-
nesses which print millions of newsletters, ques-
tionnaires, notices, political flyers and other ma-
terial at cut rates for members of Congress.
The General Accounting Office (GAO) released
audits of the two printing operations for the
first time Tuesday, showing that the clerks,
Thomas Lankford and David Ramage, each had
total sa'es exceeding $1 million last year.
As the Republican printing clerk, Lankford
draws a House salary of $14,920 and as such
provides free printing for the GOP House leader-
ship. He also was paid a $77 400 salary as presi-
dent of his one-man corporation, Thomas Lank-
ford. Inc., which does cut-rate printing for House
Republican members.
rage of the Rayburn House Office Building, along
with free janitorial services, local telephone serv-
ice, heat. light, air conditioning delivery service
and electricity.
RAMAGE AND Lankford own their own print-
ing equipment and pay their employes union
GAO the auditing arm of Congress, did not
estimate the value to the businesses of the rent-
free space and other public benefits. One com-
peting printing firm put it at about $46,000 a
year each.
The House leadership has allowed the two busi-
nesses to grow up over the years with little su-
pervision. Technically. Lankford works for Re-
publican Leader John Rhodes, but a spokesperson
for the Arizona congressman said that, in fact,
Lankford "runs an independent fiefdom."
LANKFORD HIMSELF said "there are no
reglations that I know of" in connection with
his use of the public facilities.
Ramage denied repeated requests for inter-
views Tuesday and yesterday.
Both businesses have grown rapid'y in the past
7.' - '