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January 15, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-01-15

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Vol. LXXXVII, No. 86 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 15, 1977 Ten Cents

Six Pages

Y '
Collins denies guilt
John Norman Collins, convicted in 1970 of kill-
ing Eastern Michigan University freshwoman
Karen Sue Beineman, denied Thursday he was
guilty of the slaying-or the six similar "coed
murders" which proceeded it. The Ann Arbor
News reported in a copyrighted interview story
yesterday that Collins, now 28 and serving a life
sentence in Jackson prison, said he never knew
or saw Beineman and that he strongly resents be-
ing linked to the six brutal murders for which he
was never charged. Collins told The News Wash-
tenaw County Prosecutor William Delhey and his
assistant withheld exonerating evidence from the
courtroom and that police investigators threat-
ened to "ruin" defense witnesses who owned lo-
cal businesses. The prisoner, who did not testify
at his trial, also implied a key witness perjured
her testimony, and said his pending appeals for
a new trial have been endangered by a book
about the murders and a forthcoming movie.
Recombinant DNA
Following in the footsteps of the University's
decision here last May, the Wayne State Uni-
versity Board of Governors yesterday gave the
go-ahead for recombinant DNA research at its
school. The Wayne State Board accepted the re-
port of a special committee that proposed guide-
lines for the potentially dangerous experiments
including research safeguards dictated by the
National Institute of Health (NIH). recombinant
DNA research, in which genetic material of dif-
ferent organisms can be "combined" to create
altered forms of life, has been praised for its
possible application for medical and industrial
discoveries but strongly criticized as a possible
Frankenstein's monster. The NIH guidelines are
designed to prevent any laboratory creations from
getting loose in the environment, and similar to
the University's Board of , Regents, the Wayne
State Board has banned those experiments for
which NIH requires the highest degr- of physi-
cal and biological safety measures. The panel
also proposed research undergo periodic review
and approval by a Biohazards Committee.
Happenings ...
be advised the North Campus Recreation
Building is now open at 7:15 in the a.m. for swim-
ming and recreation . . . and there's a beginning-
level square dance in the Anderson room of the
Union from 8 to 11 p.m. No experience or part-
ner necessary, and it's free.
Free tuition
The Internal Revenue Service said yesterday
it is withdrawing a proposal that would have re-
quired college employes to pay taxes on free
tuition granted their dependents. In a notice pub-
lished in the Federal Register, the agency said
that hearings on the free tuition issue had point-
ed out several problems with taxing such bene-
fits and that IRS was yielding in favor of a con-
gressional study of the broader issue of scholar-
ships and fellowshins. Ononents of the nronosal,
which would have brouqht in an extra $10 million
annually in taxes, said it would have made it
harder for schools to attract professors and would
have forced them to pav instructors more to com-
pensate for the lost fringe benefits.
Kissinger to Georietown
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will become
a visiting professor of diplomacy at-Washington's
Georgetown University after he leaves office, ad-
ministration sources said yesterday. Kissinger's
term at the Jesuit school will begin March 1. !He
will also serve at Georgetown's Center for Stra-
tegic and International Studies, an academic think
tank specializing in foreign policy. The outgoing
secretdry's position at the school will last through
the slimmer. the sources said. They would give
no exact salarv figure. but it was understood Kis-
singer world be paid in the $15.000 range. Rather

than teaching ordinary classes, Kissinger will
lecture at various intervals on current issues in in-
ternational affairs. Kissinger's future has been the
sulhject of intense snecula'ion since President Ford
lost his bid for a new White House term. The
sources stressed tha+ Kissinger's academic post is
temporary and will allow him to write his memoirs,
act as a consultant to the Carter administration
and continue nezo'iations for a longer-term job.
The sources would not comment on these plans,
ht Kissinger has been talking extensively with
William Palev, head of CBS. about an executive
post with the television-radio network.
On the inside...
Start planning a week of movies, music and
events with our weekly Hannenings Calendar on
page 3 . The Editorial Page has a niece by
Steve Kursman, who believes New York's woes
are far from over . . and Snorts writer Errol
Shifman covers last night's hockey Faction against
Michigan Tech.

VA lawyers slam govt. misconduct

With Wire.Service Reports
Defense attorneys for the two nurses charged in the Ann
Arbor Veteran's Administrationk(VA) Hospital mass murder case
blasted federal prosecutors yesterday for what they termed im-
proprieties and "abuse" of the grand jury system.
The commehts came in the wake of U.S. District Court
Judge Philip Pratt's decision to suspend court proceedings be-
cause the prosecution violated an earlier court order.
ON DECEMBER 23, Pratt instructed government prosecu-
tors to turn over all FBI reports of interviews with possible
witnesses and other pertinent evidence to the defense.
The possibility of government misconduct surfaced Wednes-
day when defense lawyers discovered that they had not received
crucial information and that deletions had been made in the
documents received.
Pratt's action came on Thursday in response to a defense
motion calling for dismissal of the case on the grounds that
the prosecution had withheld evidence from the defense.
AT THAT TIME, PRATT SAID he found "merit" in the de-
fense motion but did no ascribe misconduct to the prosecutors. Nor

did he dismiss the charges facing accused nurses, Leonora Perez,
32, and Filipina Narciso, 30.
The two nurses stand accused of murdering five patients and
poisoning 10 others at the Ann Arbor Veteran's Administration
Hospital during the summer of 1975
"It appears to us that the government
(deleted some material that was favorable to
us . . . n one instance a piece of white paper
was pasted over a paragraph."
-Thomas O Brien, defense
attorney for Narciso
However, Thomas O'Brien, attorney for Narciso, said it is
"a dcfinite certainty" that the prosecution acted improperly.
ff Brien said dzfhnse attorneys had noticed apparent deletions
in transcri'pts of FBI interviews with potential witnesses.
"IT APPEARS THE GOVERNMENT deleted material that
was favorable to us," said O'Brien. "There were blank spots

in the middle of some pages, they re-composed paragraphs and
blacked out others. In one instance, a piece of white paper was
pasted over a paragraph."
O'Brien said their suspicions were confirmed when they sub-
poenaed originals of the FBI interview- ind compared them to
the documents they had received fri: e prosecution. In this
way, they discovered the complete omssion of some pieces of
evidence as well as the deletions in the material they had.
"If they-withheld that information intentionally," said O'Brien,
"This could be a very serious matter."
THE ANN ARBOR ATTORNEY also charged the prosecu-
tioa of abusing the grand jury system in frmuiating indictments
in the case. Noting that there wasn't any "screbning process"
in the grand jury procedure, O'Brien said the government had
presenited quiestionable evidence to the graid jry. Azcording to
O'Brien: "This case -- when it's over, will be a classic in the
abuse of the grand jury system."
O'Brien said the allegations of g-vernment misconduct un-
covered, so far could be "just the tip of the iceberg."
Edward Stein, attorney for Perez, concurred with O'Brien,
See GROUPS, Page 2

Senate committee

gives approval


Vance nomination

Without a dissenting word,
the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee gave its
approval for Cyrus Vance
to become secretary of state
when the Carter adminis-
tration assumes power next
The vote endorsing the 59-
year-old Wall Street lawyer and
foreign and military policy ad-
viser to Presidents Kennedy
and Johnson was unanimous.
FE' "rNATORS were pre-
sent ommittee Chairman
,Joh, inan (D-Ala.), turned
to Sen. Charles Percy (R-Il).
and asked if he cared to offer
a motion approving the Vance
aupointment. Percy said he'd be
happy to but was willing to de-
fer to one of the Democrats.
'Well, Why don't we all move,'
q"inped Sparkman,
Thus, Vance got off to an
amicable start with a commit-
tee that has often feuded bitter-
Iy with secretaries of state in
Democratic and Republican ad-
VANCE, LIKE the other Car-
ter nominees, still has to win
approval of the full Senate be-
fore taking office, but there is

expected to be no difficulty in
Carter cannot officially nom-
inate cabinet members until he
takes office on Thursday, but
these hearings and committee
actions pave the way for speedy
Senate action once the nomina-
tions become official.
Secretary of State Henry Kis-

singer, whom Vance will suc-
ceed, once enjoyed the enthu-
siastic support of the Foreign
Relations Committee. But in re-
cent times, committee members
have complained that Kissinger
failed to keep Congress inform-
ed and operated with excessive
See SENATE, Page 2

Carter reveals to
White House aides
By AP and Reuter
PLAINS, Ga. - President-elect Carter made known yesterday
the names of 13 top aides who will assist him in the White House.
Six are Georgians and only one did; not work in Carter's prehi-
dential campaign.
The names were announced by Carter Press Secretary Jody
Powell who said it is intended that all will have equal access to
Carter and that each will be expected to deal with his or her
own area of responsibility.
POWELL SAID also that Carter intends to keep his promise
to reduce substantially the total number of White House staff
members and that he will do that before Inauguration Day, Jan.
In general, the White House staff will be organized along the
"spokes of the wheel" concept which Carter used as governor of
See CARTER, Page 2

Daily Photos by ALAN BILINSKY
There's no business like snow business


swine shots urged

Cold, wet snow may have some redeeming qualities . . . if you're under five years old
is. This 'student' at the Madalon Pound House pre-school on Hill St. demonstrates -
can taste it, throw it or take a tumble in it with a friend.
Jdges deny atemp

d, that ATLANTA (A" - A federal advisory commit- D
- you tee recommended limited resumption of the cha
nationwide swine flu vaccination program after new
- receiving a report yesterday of two cases of me
possible transmission of swine flu among hu- Dr.
mans. he
The Center for Disease Control's (CDC) ad- I w
visory committee on immunization practices cep
said the moratorium on the swine flue vaccine S
should be lifted to allow inoculation of persons per
in high risk groups, such as the elderly and ceiv
the chronically ill. T
THE MORATORIUM was imposed last month flu
after reports of a possible connection between the
the swine flu vaccine and an outbreak of Guil- the
by at- lain-Barre syndrome -- a temporary paralysis ino
ath row which can be fatal but generally is not.
at their -

)r. David Sencer, director of the CDC and
airman of the advisory committee, told a
ws conference that he had read the recom-
ndations to the assistant secretary for health,
Theodore Cooper, in Washington. He said
would "hand deliver them to him tomorrow.
gould certainly recommend that they be ac-
encer said there are 35 million to 45 million
sons. in the high risk group who should re-
ve flu vaccinations this winter.
HERE ARE ONLY scattered reports of swine
now, he said, but "if we see an increase in
next few weeks, then we should seek out
adult population" by 1-esuming the general
culation program.
See NEW, Page 2


block execution

judges yesterday turned back
separate attempts to postpone
convicted killer Gary Gilmore's
execution; scheduled for sunrise
In decisions handed ' down
within minutes of each other in
courtrooms only a few blocks
apart, U.S. District Court Judge

Aldon Anderson and Utah Third
District Court Judge Dean Con-
der refused requests to delay
Gilmore's death by firing squad.
"I DO NOT look upon last-
hour filings as an aid" to the ju-
dicial process, Anderson said in
turning down the request for a
restraining order to delay the

The request was filed
torneys for two other de
inmates, who argued th

Longet guilty of-
'nelent omide
From Wire Service Rieports
ASPEN, Colo. - French-born singer Claudine Longet, ex-
wife of singer Andy Williams, was found guilty yesterday of
criminally negligent homicide in the shooting death of her lover,
pro skier Vladimir "Spider" Sabich,, in their resort chalet last

cases would be adversely affect-
ed by Gilmore's execution.
The matter is scheduled for
a hearing today before the 10th
U.S. Circuit Coirt of Appeals in
Denver according to state Atty.
Gen. Robert Hansen.
IN THE state court, attorney
.Judith Wolbac.h described capi-
tal punishment as "an unfortun-
a e return of barbarism to the
United States." She and attorney
Jinks Dabney, representing the
American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU), argued that using tax-
payers' money for executions
constitutes wrongful expenditure
of publc funds.
But Conder ruled such an ar-
g-ment premature until the con-
s itutionality of Utah's death
penalty is tested in the coutrs.
The attorneys also argued that


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