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April 05, 1977 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1977-04-05

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See Editorial Page


it 3UU


See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI , No. 147

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 5, 1977

Ten Cents


Eight Pages

The search goes on
The University yesterday disclosed that thirty-five
applications and nominations for Vice President of
Academic Affairs have been received by the Uni-
versity and passed on to the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs (SACUA) for screen-
ing. SACUA Chairman Professor Brymer'Williams
drew up a summary fact sheet which listed the
candidates' relevant qualifications without reveal-
ing their names. "There is no way anyone will be
able to identify who they are from this list," Wil-
liams said. That may be true, but we're working on
it. The Michigan Student Assembly today revealed
the names of the two candidates they submitted:.
Engineering Professor Robert Weeks,'who is also a
member of SACUA, and Grace Ketchatoroff, pro-
fessor of education at the U-M Dearborn campus.
The deadline for filing applications is April 30. "We
haven't got an application from Jerry Ford, and
we may get one from Vice-President Rhodes yet,"
Williams quipped.
Rain check
Adherents of the Weather School of Politics,
which contends that rain discourages Democratic
voters and brings in Republican majorities, will be
interested in Ann Arbor's past council election day
meteorological history. In 1973, the weather was
lousy-cold and snowy-and the Republicans' swept
into office, led by Mayor James Stephenson. Chalk
up one for theory. But the next year the weather
was just as bad, and the Democrats gained a coun-
cil majority while the five dollar dope ordinance
won handily. In 1975 the weather was nondescript
-cool, but not rainy-and the council balance re-
mained the. same, with Democrat Albert Wheeler
squeaking to victory in the mayoral race. Finally,
last year's weather was sunny, but the Republi-
cans regained a majority on council when the
Democrats failed to turn out in large numbers.
That makes the score Theory 2, Opposition 2.
Well, this year it rained ...

Yours may have been the one:





In what will be remem-
bered as the closest and
most hotly-contested elec-
tion in Ann Arbor history,
incumbent Democrat Albert
Wheeler w a s unofficially
declared the winner of yes-
terday's mayoral race-by a
single vote.
The final tally last night
showed Wheeler victorious
over Republican Louis Bel-
cher, 10,660 to 10,659. Soci-
alist Human Rights Party
(SHRP) candidate Diana
Slaughter received 356
WHEELER'S main support
came from the traditional Dem-
ocratic bastions-the city's First
and Second Wards-but he also
picked up a major share of
Fourth Ward votes, even though
R e p ublican Council- member
Ronald Trowbridge narrowly de-
feated Democrat Robert Hemer-
yck there.
Belcher scored his heaviest
gains in the Third and Fifth
Wards, both of which are GOP
strongholds. The Fifth Ward is
This stork was written by
klike Nor/on, with reports from
Davi d Goodiman, Lani Jordan,
Jnlie R o v n e r and Elizabeth

Belcher's home area; its voters
have-elected him to two conse-
cutive terms as Council mem-
Belcher said he plans to de-
mand a recount as soon as pos-
"ONLY IN Ann Arbor could
this happen,' he said.
Heavy rains and low voter
turnouts-ordinarily a good sign
for Republicans - had boosted
spirits in the Belcher camp
early in the evening. Belcher
strategists were projecting a
77-vote lead over Wheeler, but
when the official tally came in
to GOP Headquarters at the

Haliday Inn West, Belcher cau-
tioned his supporters: "Before
we get too happy, lots of things
have to be verified."
One vote is as good as a
thousand," Wheeler crowed to a
crowd at the Ann Arbor Inn,
standing on a table and brand-
ishing a glass of champagne.
THE 61-YEAR-OLD Wheeler,
a University microbiologist; de-
feated Republican incumbent
James Stephenson in 1975 -
largely because of the contro-
versial preferential voting (PV)
system, which allowed second-
See IT'S, Page 2

Doily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Jubilant after his razor-thin victory, Mayor Albert Wheeler smiles triumphantly at Democratic
election-night headquarters at the Ann Arbor Inn.

Sunny side up


If you think all engineering students do is build
bombs and draw pictures of drawbridges, think
again. They also play with eggs. This Friday, Pi
Tau Sigma, a national mechanical honor society,
will be sponsoring "The Great Egg Bust" at the
north end of the West Engineering Building. The
idea is for talented engineers to design devices
which will enable a raw egg to survive a four-story
drop to the pavement. "We usually do something
with eggs, but not always the same thing," said
Bob Lisiecki, an organizer of the event. "Three
years ago it was called 'The Great Egg Drop', but
it's the same thing."
Happenings ...
. . . begin with lunch today, as Dr. Ed Pierce,
defeated candidate for U.S. Senate, gives an analy-
sis of the Senate election for the Ecumenical Cam-
pus Center, 921 Church, at noon . . . the Pendleton
Arts Information Center in the Union hosts a noon
program of Dvorak and Stravinsky, Doug Walter
conducting. . William Travis of the California
CoastaltCommission will speak on "The Develop-
ment and Future of Coastal Zone Policy in Califor-
nia" at 3 in 1040 Dana . . . Judson Jerome of Wri-
ter's Digest will give a poetry reading at 4 p.m. in
the Pendleton Arts Center . .. come "Face to Face
with a Kibbutz Family" headed by Prof. Abraham
Yassour at 4:00 in Angell Hall, Auditorium 'C'
then it's back to the Pendleton Center again as
Bert Hornback speaks on "Joyce and Einstein as
Moral Philosophers" at 4:10 . . . WCBN (89.5 FM)
hosts a "Women's Hour" show on battered women
at 6:00 . . . if you're tired of the same old planet,
try the L-S Society's public meeting on solar power
satellites and space habitation, 7 in room 3207 of
the Union . . . if you get the feeling you're being
watched, drop in on the discussion of "How For-
eigners Look at Us", part of the International Cen-
ter's travel series, at 603 E. Madison, 7 . . . "Men
and Women of the Corporation" is the topic of a
7:15 speech by Rosabeth Moss Kanter, a Yale so-
ciologist. The place is Rackham's west conference
room . . . a film on South African apartheid, "Last
Grave at Dimbaza", will be shown at 7:30 at the
New Hope Baptist Church, 218 Chapin . . . Draper
Hill, erstwhile editorial cartoonist of the Detroit
News, will hold a question-and-answer session at
7:30 in 2040 LS&A . . . play games with the Games
Club as Game Overall Director (GOD) Armand
Lauffer oversees a 7:30 session of his creation
"Compacts" in room 2338 of the School of Educa-
tion . . . and if yeu haven't already spent the whole
day there, trudge back to the Pendleton Center at
8:00 for the play "Yes to the Universe." Yes, in-
On the inside...
Read about Egyptian president Sadat's visit to
the U.S. in the Daily Digest, Page 3 . . . Craig Leon
reviews Friday's Harry Chapin concert for Arts
Page . . . Editorial Page features an article by Dr.
Kenneth Dyer and Barry Toms on how women are
attaining parity with men in sports . . . and speak-
ing of parody in sports, Bill Neff reviews the Ann
Arbor Basketball classic for Sports Page.
On the outside..



continued party standoff

If Al Wheeler's one vote victory holds up under the inevitable
re-count, it appears likely that City Council will be plunged into
one, probably two more years of partisan deadlock.
With five seats up for election yesterday, the Republicans
managed to maintain their slim advantage in Council-six seats
to four for the Democrats. Thus, only if Wheeler can hang onto
the mayor's chair can the Democrats hope to exercise some
.muscle, by way of mayoral veto power.
BOTH PARTIES scored predictable wins yesterday in their
traditional strongholds, the Democrats maintaining their seats in.
the First and Second Wards while the Republicans held on to
positions in the Third and Fifth Wards.
Only the Fourth Ward race was close as incumbent Republi-
can Councilman Ron Trowbridge edged out Democratic chal-
lenger Bob Hemeryck by only 208 votes out of nearly 5,000 cast.
TFowbridge received 2,561 to Hemeryck's 2 353 votes.
Trowbridge's victory in a district that narrowly favored
Democrat Al Wheeler for mayor, can probably be attributed to his
better name identification-he has been on Council for two years
and ran for the Republican Congressional nomination last year.
"I'M NOT SURPRISED by the 200 vote difference," said
Trowbridge last night. "It's a Democratic ward." Both Trowbridge
This story was written by David Goodman and Jim Tobin,
with reports from Lani Jordan, Julie Rovner and Elizabeth Slowik.
See COUNCIL, Page 2

Republican mayoral candidate Lou Belcher and his two
daughters listen to the election returns last night at the Holi-
day Inn West. Belcher was defeated by incumbent Democrat
Albert Wheeler in the closest race in the city's history.
Jet cas "i
Ga. kills 5
NEW HOPE, Ga. -- A Southern Airways DC-9, groping
through bad weather with both engines out yesterday, slammed
into a country store, hurtled onto a gravel road and burst into
flames, killing at least 58 persons, the Paulding County Sheriff's
office said.
The two-engine jet, flight'242 carried 85 persons and was
bound for 4tlanta from Huntsville, Ala. There was no indication
on the number of injured, who were taken to area hospitals by
helicopter and ambulance.
THE PILOT reported an engine "flameout," a spokesman for
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said.
Don Foster, a licensed pilot and a passenger on board the
plane, said lightning and hail apparently knocked out the engines.
"The hail really got bad," said Foster. "When the nail was at
See WEATHER, Page 8

Daily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
Fourth Ward Repub'ican Ron Trowbridge celebrates his re-
election last night after defeating Democratic opponent Robert
Hemeryck by a 200 vote margin.

five-day ic
Amid driving rain and dense fog, 'Professor'
Gerald Ford arrived at his alma mater yester-
day for a five-day stint as guest lecturer in 10
political science classes.
The former president's arrival at Willow Run
Airport was delayed for 45 minutes by poor visi-
bility, less than a quarter mile at times. Airport
officials momentarily feared that Ford's flight
would have to be diverted to Detroit's Metropol-
itan Airport.
FORD was met by University president Robben
Fleming and a contingent of State Police and
Washtenaw County Sheriff Patrol' officers..
Upon leaving the plane, Ford was whisked
under a blue and gold 'Wolverine' umbrella and
into a waiting car. The eight-car motorcade sped

rd begins



Society luncheon.
Ford's visit is sponsored by the American En-
terprise Institute, (AEI), a non-profit education
and research group. Most of the visit is funded
by AEI, although a small portion of the cost
is being carried by the University.
As a Distinguished Fellow of the AEI, Ford
will lecture at a half dozen other universities
during the next year.
FLEMING said Ford has "indicated an inter-
est in coming one week each fall and winter
term" to lecture in various classes.
"He told me he can't play golf all day and
that's wvhy he's coming to the University," Flem-
ing added.
Fleming said although he did not know the
former president's itinerary, he was sure it

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